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Grant County Auditor | Elections | August 6, 2024 Primary

August 6, 2024 Primary

The "Estimated Ballots Left to Count" does not include ballots that may continue to be received in the mail with a postmark on or before Election Day or ballots with signature issues that must be corrected before they can be counted.

Last updated on 08/20/2024 12:22 PM

SUPREME COURT - Justice Position #02
PrecinctTodd A. BloomSal MungiaDavid R ShelveyDave LarsonWRITE-IN
AIRPORT 1 001343211780
Beverly 002(*)*****
BLOCK 71 00311140212122
Cascade Fairgrnd 004342512431
Coulee City 005321815700
COULEE CTY RUR W 00617104320
ELECTRIC CITY 007473671152
Ephrata 5 00841314770
Ephrata 2 0094745121220
EPHRATA 3 010373016561
Ephrata 4 0116337201101
Ephrata 7 012473312790
EPHRATA 9 01310473261803
Ephrata Rural W 0146131141090
George 0151010590
George Rural 01611350232112
Gloyd 0174522141082
Grand Coulee 018463713852
Hartline 019685150
Hartline Rural S 020(*)*****
Lakeview Park 0211031300
LONGVIEW 0227042131433
MAE 02312351271891
Marlin 024112100
Marlin Rural 025741200
Mattawa 026419290
MATTAWA RURAL 0279858151622
MCCONIHE 1 02800020
MOSES LAKE 5 029395211892
MOSES LAKE 3 0308980201544
MOSES LAKE 4 031655618866
MOSES LAKE 6 032423716922
MOSES LAKE 7 0337840141001
Moses Lake 8 03412171261981
Moses Lake 11 0358080201591
Moses Lake 12 0363626171232
NORTH BANKS LAKE 037191218341
O Sullivan Dam 1 03849118931
QUINCY 1 039356821941
Quincy 4 0409187403
QUINCY 6 0417360211604
QUINCY RURAL N 04226215582
ROYAL CAMP 0438645191863
Royal City 04419213200
RUFF 04526123661
SMYRNA 1 0462785241
Soap Lake 1 047312113671
SOAP LAKE RUR E 048442311943
STRATFORD 049774401
Warden 050343715641
WARDEN RURAL 05145158800
SOAP LAKE 2 052283212723
Westslope 1 05314112251
WHEELER 1 054743717932
Wilson Creek 0551364150
Airport 2 057252711580
Cascade Valley 0587636121254
WESTSLOPE 2 059952140
SMYRNA 2 06050150
EAST WAHLUKE 06120107450
Coulee Cty Rur E 06261080
McConihe 2 0638738151574
QUINCY RURAL S 0649650261925
Greenfield 065860200
Moses Lake 1 066463117872
Moses Lake 2 067323712654
Moses Lake 9 0688669222133
O SULLIVAN DAM 2 06915472282170
Wheeler 2 070913892082
SOAP LAKE RUR W 0714946151423
COULEE CTY RUR N 0722061330
EPHRATA RURAL E 074682411930
COULEE DAM 07500000
MOSES LAKE 13 076(*)*****
MOSES LAKE 14 077574811871
WESTSHORE 0786752211281
MOSES LAKE 15 079433315653
SHORECREST 0807227141020
SIELER 08138142602

* Precincts were consolidated to protect voter privacy.

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