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Grant County Auditor | Elections | November 3, 2020 General Election

November 3, 2020 General Election

The "Estimated Ballots Left to Count" does not include ballots that may continue to be received in the mail with a postmark on or before Election Day or ballots with signature issues that must be corrected before they can be counted.

Last updated on 11/24/2020 11:35 AM

President/Vice President
PrecinctJoseph R. Biden / Kamala D. HarrisDonald J. Trump / Michael R. PenceJo Jorgensen / Jeremy "Spike" CohenHowie Hawkins / Angela WalkerGloria La Riva / Sunil FreemanAlyson Kennedy / Malcolm M. JarrettWRITE-IN
AIRPORT 1 001168369138401
Beverly 002173910000
Block 71 0032287721523010
Cascade Fairgrnd 00416922330013
Coulee City 0057625472001
Coulee Cty Rur W 006429710000
Electric City 00723132942010
Ephrata 5 008142285124311
Ephrata 2 009163369121105
Ephrata 3 010165252112002
Ephrata 4 011231456153007
Ephrata 7 01217337295105
Ephrata 9 013358670214015
EPHRATA RURAL W 01496302100001
George 015524120001
George Rural 016258624100004
Gloyd 01710338182011
Grand Coulee 01819223893013
Hartline 019258040000
Hartline Rural S 02072460000
Lakeview Park 021112395160003
Longview 022192580911011
Mae 02328611692052115
Marlin 02442411000
Marlin Rural 025105240000
Mattawa 0261794500231
Mattawa Rural 027378570122104
McConihe 1 0287824250000
Moses Lake 5 029184325132008
MOSES LAKE 3 030365654315207
Moses Lake 4 031300400213102
MOSES LAKE 6 032461645324023
Moses Lake 7 033416793292008
Moses Lake 8 0343747043240112
Moses Lake 11 035381778324014
Moses Lake 12 036224474211003
North Banks Lake 037539420002
O Sullivan Dam 1 03811858091002
Quincy 1 039460311167416
Quincy 4 04017513010112
Quincy 6 041424477124136
Quincy Rural N 0427320632001
Royal Camp 04320157791102
Royal City 04412111630102
Ruff 045136630000
Smyrna 1 0464314920000
Soap Lake 1 04712922640001
Soap Lake Rur E 0483710530000
Stratford 04994610001
Warden 050218216102332
Warden Rural 05111149782005
Soap Lake 2 05212620561004
Westslope 1 0534612420000
WHEELER 1 05484245100004
Wilson Creek 055348020000
Wilson Crk Rural 05655000000
Airport 2 05720425883211
Cascade Valley 058329853140405
Westslope 2 059369321000
Smyrna 2 06053400000
East Wahluke 0613411950000
Coulee Cty Rur E 06252400000
McConihe 2 0637229391110
Quincy Rural S 064293670165010
Greenfield 065326630000
Moses Lake 1 06616333081012
Moses Lake 2 067240309150103
Moses Lake 9 068244516161005
O Sullivan Dam 2 069328854224004
Wheeler 2 070235888173106
Soap Lake Rur W 07113741341104
Coulee Cty Rur N 0723312140101
Hartline Rural N 073164020000
Ephrata Rural E 0749335680103
COULEE DAM 0750000000

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