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Grant County Auditor | Elections | November 3, 2020 General Election

November 3, 2020 General Election

The "Estimated Ballots Left to Count" does not include ballots that may continue to be received in the mail with a postmark on or before Election Day or ballots with signature issues that must be corrected before they can be counted.

Last updated on 11/24/2020 11:35 AM

STATEWIDE - Lt. Governor
PrecinctDenny HeckMarko LiiasWRITE-IN
AIRPORT 1 001188133167
Beverly 002152516
Block 71 003219167535
Cascade Fairgrnd 004157110100
Coulee City 0059841153
Coulee Cty Rur W 006502046
Electric City 007217110153
Ephrata 5 00816197123
Ephrata 2 00917299202
Ephrata 3 01016310595
Ephrata 4 011245129248
Ephrata 7 012172116199
Ephrata 9 013312241368
Ephrata Rural W 0149964188
George 015392718
George Rural 016245142397
Gloyd 01710780248
Grand Coulee 01818486111
Hartline 019291650
Hartline Rural S 0204624
Lakeview Park 021119103211
Longview 022220134314
Mae 023385220617
Marlin 02410411
Marlin Rural 02516435
Mattawa 026121879
Mattawa Rural 027355194256
McConihe 1 0288753145
Moses Lake 5 029167108192
Moses Lake 3 030333273307
Moses Lake 4 031244181204
MOSES LAKE 6 032399343254
Moses Lake 7 033345295379
Moses Lake 8 034356254379
Moses Lake 11 035354257432
Moses Lake 12 036233147217
North Banks Lake 037642045
O Sullivan Dam 1 03816494333
Quincy 1 039246289181
Quincy 4 0401079673
Quincy 6 041259252289
Quincy Rural N 0426549141
Royal Camp 043211152302
Royal City 044836871
Ruff 045181045
Smyrna 1 046463685
Soap Lake 1 0471387892
Soap Lake Rur E 048432456
Stratford 0497834
Warden 050175130100
Warden Rural 05114393309
Soap Lake 2 0521267991
Westslope 1 053362292
WHEELER 1 0549451151
Wilson Creek 055311945
Wilson Crk Rural 0568331
Airport 2 05719013896
Cascade Valley 058320242454
Westslope 2 059272461
Smyrna 2 0604420
East Wahluke 061303176
Coulee Cty Rur E 0626117
McConihe 2 0638951190
Quincy Rural S 064278150431
Greenfield 065212540
Moses Lake 1 066152127164
Moses Lake 2 067207165117
Moses Lake 9 068244145280
O Sullivan Dam 2 069315246443
Wheeler 2 070301173513
Soap Lake Rur W 07116581214
Coulee Cty Rur N 072482563
Hartline Rural N 07312921
Ephrata Rural E 07411564225

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