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Grant County Auditor | Elections | November 3, 2020 General Election

November 3, 2020 General Election

The "Estimated Ballots Left to Count" does not include ballots that may continue to be received in the mail with a postmark on or before Election Day or ballots with signature issues that must be corrected before they can be counted.

Last updated on 11/24/2020 11:35 AM

STATEWIDE - Governor
PrecinctJay InsleeLoren CulpWRITE-IN
Airport 1 0011494051
Beverly 00218400
Block 71 0031928305
Cascade Fairgrnd 0041602401
Coulee City 005652710
Coulee Cty Rur W 006351060
Electric City 0072103582
Ephrata 5 0081403080
Ephrata 2 0091384090
Ephrata 3 0101622731
Ephrata 4 0112065101
Ephrata 7 0121703901
Ephrata 9 0133187341
Ephrata Rural W 014873230
George 01552450
George Rural 0162216723
Gloyd 017844100
Grand Coulee 0181842564
Hartline 01919890
Hartline Rural S 0206310
Lakeview Park 0211044171
Longview 0221846022
Mae 02326012267
Marlin 0247230
Marlin Rural 0259570
Mattawa 026179441
Mattawa Rural 0273556070
McConihe 1 028712522
Moses Lake 5 0291793521
Moses Lake 3 0303387162
Moses Lake 4 0312784422
MOSES LAKE 6 0324207119
Moses Lake 7 0333878534
Moses Lake 8 0343447722
Moses Lake 11 0353548344
Moses Lake 12 0361995161
North Banks Lake 03751980
O Sullivan Dam 1 0381016121
Quincy 1 0394293684
Quincy 4 0401671450
Quincy 6 0413665454
Quincy Rural N 042732131
Royal Camp 0431736194
Royal City 0441101311
Ruff 04513700
Smyrna 1 046421511
Soap Lake 1 0471182371
Soap Lake Rur E 048331110
Stratford 0496502
Warden 0501862611
Warden Rural 051965230
Soap Lake 2 0521162200
Westslope 1 053411292
Wheeler 1 054822620
Wilson Creek 05536791
Wilson Crk Rural 0564510
AIRPORT 2 0571932801
Cascade Valley 0582959034
Westslope 2 05934980
Smyrna 2 0601380
East Wahluke 061341250
Coulee Cty Rur E 0625240
McConihe 2 063653081
Quincy Rural S 0642447303
Greenfield 06525721
Moses Lake 1 0661503445
Moses Lake 2 0672203421
Moses Lake 9 0682135612
O Sullivan Dam 2 0693158945
Wheeler 2 0702049442
Soap Lake Rur W 0711284261
Coulee Cty Rur N 072261351
Hartline Rural N 0739480
Ephrata Rural E 074843741

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