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Grant County Auditor | Elections | November 3, 2020 General Election

November 3, 2020 General Election

The "Estimated Ballots Left to Count" does not include ballots that may continue to be received in the mail with a postmark on or before Election Day or ballots with signature issues that must be corrected before they can be counted.

Last updated on 11/24/2020 11:35 AM

Referendum Measure No. 90
AIRPORT 1 001195334
Beverly 0022234
Block 71 003218781
Cascade Fairgrnd 004164222
Coulee City 00581236
Coulee Cty Rur W 0065380
Electric City 007208331
Ephrata 5 008165266
Ephrata 2 009183353
Ephrata 3 010181232
Ephrata 4 011213463
Ephrata 7 012176349
Ephrata 9 013344679
Ephrata Rural W 01491303
George 0154745
George Rural 016243604
Gloyd 017124357
Grand Coulee 018189229
Hartline 0192580
Hartline Rural S 0201025
Lakeview Park 021128378
Longview 022200553
Mae 0233651061
Marlin 024820
Marlin Rural 025656
Mattawa 02613382
Mattawa Rural 027342575
McConihe 1 02881222
Moses Lake 5 029175342
Moses Lake 3 030343672
Moses Lake 4 031317369
Moses Lake 6 032477609
Moses Lake 7 033405775
Moses Lake 8 034373695
Moses Lake 11 035394759
Moses Lake 12 036245430
North Banks Lake 0375392
O Sullivan Dam 1 038121561
Quincy 1 039385379
Quincy 4 040144145
Quincy 6 041301561
Quincy Rural N 04273203
Royal Camp 043250505
Royal City 044105125
Ruff 0451764
Smyrna 1 04647140
Soap Lake 1 047144190
Soap Lake Rur E 04841101
Stratford 0491145
Warden 050181256
Warden Rural 051122471
Soap Lake 2 052124199
Westslope 1 05343125
Wheeler 1 05485245
Wilson Creek 0553775
Wilson Crk Rural 056546
Airport 2 057192259
Cascade Valley 058370783
Westslope 2 0593297
Smyrna 2 060531
East Wahluke 06138115
Coulee Cty Rur E 062622
McConihe 2 06381280
Quincy Rural S 064279661
Greenfield 0652964
Moses Lake 1 066166306
Moses Lake 2 067207331
Moses Lake 9 068239510
O Sullivan Dam 2 069344832
Wheeler 2 070272823
Soap Lake Rur W 071151390
Coulee Cty Rur N 07240110
Hartline Rural N 073947
Ephrata Rural E 07495355

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