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Grant County Auditor | Elections | November 3, 2020 General Election

November 3, 2020 General Election

The "Estimated Ballots Left to Count" does not include ballots that may continue to be received in the mail with a postmark on or before Election Day or ballots with signature issues that must be corrected before they can be counted.

Last updated on 11/24/2020 11:35 AM

Advisory Vote No. 34
Airport 1 001407126
Beverly 0024016
Block 71 003866125
Cascade Fairgrnd 004284107
Coulee City 00528432
Coulee Cty Rur W 00611220
Electric City 00744294
Ephrata 5 00833682
Ephrata 2 00942097
Ephrata 3 010304103
Ephrata 4 011542133
Ephrata 7 012423100
Ephrata 9 013788216
Ephrata Rural W 01433059
George 0156628
George Rural 016735133
Gloyd 01742050
Grand Coulee 018315104
Hartline 0199312
Hartline Rural S 020342
Lakeview Park 02144266
Longview 022636122
Mae 0231273166
Marlin 024197
Marlin Rural 025583
Mattawa 02695117
Mattawa Rural 027732191
McConihe 1 02825448
Moses Lake 5 029388112
MOSES LAKE 3 030767216
Moses Lake 4 031524157
Moses Lake 6 032807280
Moses Lake 7 033889265
Moses Lake 8 034844200
Moses Lake 11 035897236
Moses Lake 12 036553127
North Banks Lake 03711128
O Sullivan Dam 1 03862161
Quincy 1 039492258
Quincy 4 04021077
Quincy 6 041651199
Quincy Rural N 04223842
Royal Camp 043645118
Royal City 04416065
Ruff 045724
Smyrna 1 04614833
Soap Lake 1 04725376
Soap Lake Rur E 04811522
Stratford 049477
Warden 050322112
Warden Rural 05153661
Soap Lake 2 05224076
Westslope 1 05314027
WHEELER 1 05426555
Wilson Creek 0559417
Wilson Crk Rural 056483
Airport 2 057331113
Cascade Valley 058953202
Westslope 2 05910220
Smyrna 2 060342
East Wahluke 06112722
Coulee Cty Rur E 062261
McConihe 2 06330747
Quincy Rural S 064774152
Greenfield 0658013
Moses Lake 1 066359113
Moses Lake 2 067397131
Moses Lake 9 068583155
O Sullivan Dam 2 069942197
Wheeler 2 070963124
Soap Lake Rur W 07145275
Coulee Cty Rur N 07212523
Hartline Rural N 073505
Ephrata Rural E 07438860

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