The "Estimated Ballots Left to Count" does not include ballots postmarked on or before Election Day that may continue to arrive through the mail or ballots with signature issues that must be corrected before they can be counted.

A write-in candidate might not appear in election results if the total number of write-in votes is too small to affect the outcome of the election. (RCW 29A.60.021)

This page shows Island County results only. Some contests may include other counties or the state as a whole. For additional information on those contests, click on the Multi-county Results link below.

November 5, 2019 General Election

Last updated on 11/26/2019 11:10 AM

Advisory Vote No. 27
C WHIDBEY 0130494
C WHIDBEY 02501262
C WHIDBEY 03401294
C WHIDBEY 04485243
C WHIDBEY 05447308
S WHIDBEY 01407400
S WHIDBEY 02398357
S WHIDBEY 03446410
S WHIDBEY 04326401
S WHIDBEY 05353449
S WHIDBEY 06426370
S WHIDBEY 07363394
S WHIDBEY 08287428
S WHIDBEY 09465332
S WHIDBEY 10377376
OAK HARBOR 01420147
OAK HARBOR 02295103
OAK HARBOR 03382155
OAK HARBOR 04379139
OAK HARBOR 05388113
OAK HARBOR 06329116
OAK HARBOR 07380169
OAK HARBOR 08340110
N WHIDBEY 0624887
N WHIDBEY 07325102
N WHIDBEY 08309125
N WHIDBEY 09262106
N WHIDBEY 109323
N WHIDBEY 116613
CAMANO 01353160
CAMANO 02526153
CAMANO 03527182
CAMANO 04601241
CAMANO 05537151
CAMANO 06533217
CAMANO 07462180
CAMANO 08318108
CAMANO 09464179
CAMANO 10340159
CAMANO 11457172
N WHIDBEY 01514144
N WHIDBEY 02453148
N WHIDBEY 0334787
N WHIDBEY 04524150
N WHIDBEY 0526482

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