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Grant County Auditor | Elections | November 5, 2019 General Election

November 5, 2019 General Election

The "Estimated Ballots Left to Count" does not include ballots that may continue to be received in the mail with a postmark on or before Election Day or ballots with signature issues that must be corrected before they can be counted.

Last updated on 11/26/2019 2:10 PM

Advisory Vote No. 27
Airport 1 00116326
Beverly 002195
Block 71 00344935
Cascade Fairgrnd 00412718
Coulee City 00515618
Coulee Cty Rur W 006688
Electric City 00731457
Ephrata 5 00816521
Ephrata 2 00924345
Ephrata 3 01010337
Ephrata 4 01130341
Ephrata 7 01221934
Ephrata 9 01340979
Ephrata Rural W 01419727
George 0153915
George Rural 01640840
Gloyd 01722721
Grand Coulee 01818344
Hartline 019722
Hartline Rural S 020(*)**
Lakeview Park 02121825
Longview 02231435
Mae 02363745
Marlin 024(*)**
Marlin Rural 025422
Mattawa 0266127
Mattawa Rural 02745878
McConihe 1 02813525
Moses Lake 5 02918741
Moses Lake 3 03032368
Moses Lake 4 03122748
Moses Lake 6 03229662
Moses Lake 7 03332368
Moses Lake 8 03439678
Moses Lake 11 03541077
Moses Lake 12 03625131
North Banks Lake 0376518
O Sullivan Dam 1 03832931
Quincy 1 03917259
Quincy 4 0409418
Quincy 6 04133354
Quincy Rural N 04216816
Royal Camp 04336327
Royal City 0447314
Ruff 045(*)**
Smyrna 1 046919
Soap Lake 1 04718231
Soap Lake Rur E 048614
Stratford 049(*)**
Warden 05013419
Warden Rural 05129629
Soap Lake 2 05214541
Westslope 1 0536414
Wheeler 1 05416222
Wilson Creek 0555711
Wilson Crk Rural 056(*)**
Airport 2 05710128
Cascade Valley 05844482
Westslope 2 059593
Smyrna 2 060(*)**
East Wahluke 0617416
Coulee Cty Rur E 062162
McConihe 2 06313718
Quincy Rural S 06436957
Greenfield 065415
Moses Lake 1 06614120
Moses Lake 2 06716037
Moses Lake 9 06829670
O Sullivan Dam 2 06946681
Wheeler 2 07044555
Soap Lake Rur W 07126941
Coulee Cty Rur N 072674
Hartline Rural N 073313
Ephrata Rural E 074(*)**
COULEE DAM 075(*)**

* Precincts were consolidated to protect voter privacy.

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