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Grant County Auditor | Elections | August 6, 2019 Primary

August 6, 2019 Primary

The "Estimated Ballots Left to Count" does not include ballots that may continue to be received in the mail with a postmark on or before Election Day or ballots with signature issues that must be corrected before they can be counted.

Last updated on 08/20/2019 2:55 PM

Legislative District 13 - State Representative Position 2
Airport 1 00195312
Beverly 002970
Block 71 003246482
Cascade Fairgrnd 00475362
Coulee Cty Rur W 00628160
Ephrata 5 008110411
Ephrata 2 009170360
Ephrata 3 01085531
Ephrata 4 011163641
Ephrata 7 012123441
Ephrata 9 013253930
George 0152250
George Rural 016318490
Gloyd 017118240
Hartline Rural S 0201710
Lakeview Park 021124331
Longview 022189550
Mae 023382942
Marlin 024720
Marlin Rural 0251980
Mattawa 02613280
Mattawa Rural 0272161142
McConihe 1 02887341
Moses Lake 5 029125570
Moses Lake 3 030203850
Moses Lake 4 031124761
Moses Lake 6 032170840
Moses Lake 7 033169930
Moses Lake 8 0342251140
Moses Lake 11 035256841
Moses Lake 12 036160614
O Sullivan Dam 1 038198374
Quincy 1 039148471
Quincy 4 04072260
Quincy 6 041315411
Royal Camp 043231632
Royal City 04438180
Ruff 0451740
Smyrna 1 04660130
Soap Lake Rur E 0484590
Stratford 0492420
Warden 05065310
Warden Rural 051186360
Westslope 1 05350150
Wheeler 1 054120200
Wilson Creek 05519200
Wilson Crk Rural 0561500
Airport 2 05749340
Cascade Valley 058244991
Westslope 2 0593090
Smyrna 2 0601710
East Wahluke 0613290
Coulee Cty Rur E 0621300
McConihe 2 06390260
Quincy Rural S 064283423
Greenfield 0652080
Moses Lake 1 06688330
Moses Lake 2 067108661
Moses Lake 9 068212550
O Sullivan Dam 2 069306720
Wheeler 2 070255560
Ephrata Rural E 074126320

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