"U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","Total","-1","29" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","Total","-1","15" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","Total","-1","65" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","Total","-1","67" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","Total","-1","28" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","Total","-1","107" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Total","-1","4780" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","Total","-1","1197" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","Total","-1","6" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","Total","-1","39" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","Total","-1","17" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","Total","-1","18" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Total","-1","21" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","Total","-1","9" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","Total","-1","13" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","Total","-1","33" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","Total","-1","7" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","Total","-1","3" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","Total","-1","32" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","Total","-1","119" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","Total","-1","26" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","Total","-1","3" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","Total","-1","57" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","Total","-1","9" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","Total","-1","10" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","Total","-1","82" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","Total","-1","43" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","Total","-1","10" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","Total","-1","36" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","San Juan South East","11","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","San Juan South East","11","0" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","San Juan South East","11","0" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","San Juan South East","11","1" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","San Juan South East","11","0" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","San Juan South East","11","5" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","San Juan South East","11","192" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","San Juan South East","11","74" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","San Juan South East","11","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","San Juan South East","11","1" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","San Juan South East","11","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","San Juan South East","11","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","San Juan South East","11","0" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","San Juan South East","11","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","San Juan South East","11","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","San Juan South East","11","3" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","San Juan South East","11","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","San Juan South East","11","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","San Juan South East","11","0" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","San Juan South East","11","0" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","San Juan South East","11","0" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","San Juan South East","11","1" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","San Juan South East","11","0" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","San Juan South East","11","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","San Juan South East","11","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","San Juan South East","11","5" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","San Juan South East","11","1" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","San Juan South East","11","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","San Juan South East","11","4" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","San Juan South West","12","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","San Juan South West","12","1" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","San Juan South West","12","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","San Juan South West","12","3" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","San Juan South West","12","0" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","San Juan South West","12","6" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","San Juan South West","12","340" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","San Juan South West","12","75" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","San Juan South West","12","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","San Juan South West","12","2" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","San Juan South West","12","1" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","San Juan South West","12","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","San Juan South West","12","0" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","San Juan South West","12","1" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","San Juan South West","12","1" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","San Juan South West","12","1" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","San Juan South West","12","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","San Juan South West","12","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","San Juan South West","12","1" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","San Juan South West","12","2" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","San Juan South West","12","0" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","San Juan South West","12","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","San Juan South West","12","4" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","San Juan South West","12","1" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","San Juan South West","12","1" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","San Juan South West","12","8" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","San Juan South West","12","5" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","San Juan South West","12","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","San Juan South West","12","0" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","San Juan Central","13","1" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","San Juan Central","13","1" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","San Juan Central","13","5" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","San Juan Central","13","5" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","San Juan Central","13","4" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","San Juan Central","13","8" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","San Juan Central","13","302" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","San Juan Central","13","64" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","San Juan Central","13","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","San Juan Central","13","2" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","San Juan Central","13","2" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","San Juan Central","13","3" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","San Juan Central","13","3" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","San Juan Central","13","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","San Juan Central","13","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","San Juan Central","13","1" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","San Juan Central","13","2" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","San Juan Central","13","1" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","San Juan Central","13","1" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","San Juan Central","13","8" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","San Juan Central","13","3" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","San Juan Central","13","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","San Juan Central","13","5" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","San Juan Central","13","1" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","San Juan Central","13","1" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","San Juan Central","13","8" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","San Juan Central","13","4" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","San Juan Central","13","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","San Juan Central","13","0" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","San Juan West","14","4" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","San Juan West","14","1" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","San Juan West","14","5" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","San Juan West","14","4" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","San Juan West","14","2" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","San Juan West","14","3" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","San Juan West","14","322" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","San Juan West","14","81" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","San Juan West","14","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","San Juan West","14","4" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","San Juan West","14","1" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","San Juan West","14","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","San Juan West","14","2" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","San Juan West","14","2" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","San Juan West","14","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","San Juan West","14","1" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","San Juan West","14","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","San Juan West","14","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","San Juan West","14","3" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","San Juan West","14","2" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","San Juan West","14","1" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","San Juan West","14","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","San Juan West","14","6" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","San Juan West","14","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","San Juan West","14","2" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","San Juan West","14","6" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","San Juan West","14","6" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","San Juan West","14","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","San Juan West","14","2" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","San Juan North","15","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","San Juan North","15","1" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","San Juan North","15","10" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","San Juan North","15","7" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","San Juan North","15","3" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","San Juan North","15","9" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","San Juan North","15","222" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","San Juan North","15","89" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","San Juan North","15","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","San Juan North","15","3" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","San Juan North","15","1" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","San Juan North","15","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","San Juan North","15","0" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","San Juan North","15","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","San Juan North","15","3" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","San Juan North","15","4" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","San Juan North","15","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","San Juan North","15","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","San Juan North","15","2" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","San Juan North","15","3" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","San Juan North","15","0" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","San Juan North","15","1" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","San Juan North","15","1" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","San Juan North","15","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","San Juan North","15","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","San Juan North","15","5" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","San Juan North","15","1" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","San Juan North","15","2" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","San Juan North","15","0" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","San Juan East","16","1" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","San Juan East","16","1" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","San Juan East","16","0" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","San Juan East","16","5" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","San Juan East","16","1" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","San Juan East","16","5" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","San Juan East","16","244" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","San Juan East","16","68" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","San Juan East","16","1" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","San Juan East","16","0" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","San Juan East","16","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","San Juan East","16","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","San Juan East","16","2" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","San Juan East","16","1" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","San Juan East","16","1" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","San Juan East","16","0" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","San Juan East","16","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","San Juan East","16","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","San Juan East","16","2" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","San Juan East","16","3" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","San Juan East","16","2" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","San Juan East","16","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","San Juan East","16","4" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","San Juan East","16","1" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","San Juan East","16","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","San Juan East","16","0" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","San Juan East","16","0" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","San Juan East","16","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","San Juan East","16","3" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","Turn Point","17","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","Turn Point","17","0" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","Turn Point","17","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","Turn Point","17","0" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","Turn Point","17","1" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","Turn Point","17","0" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Turn Point","17","140" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","Turn Point","17","49" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","Turn Point","17","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","Turn Point","17","0" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","Turn Point","17","1" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","Turn Point","17","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Turn Point","17","0" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","Turn Point","17","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","Turn Point","17","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","Turn Point","17","1" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","Turn Point","17","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","Turn Point","17","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","Turn Point","17","0" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","Turn Point","17","0" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","Turn Point","17","0" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","Turn Point","17","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","Turn Point","17","1" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","Turn Point","17","2" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","Turn Point","17","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","Turn Point","17","1" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","Turn Point","17","0" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","Turn Point","17","2" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","Turn Point","17","2" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","Waldron & Outer Is","21","1" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","Waldron & Outer Is","21","0" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","Waldron & Outer Is","21","0" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","Waldron & Outer Is","21","3" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","Waldron & Outer Is","21","0" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","Waldron & Outer Is","21","0" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Waldron & Outer Is","21","41" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","Waldron & Outer Is","21","2" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","Waldron & Outer Is","21","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","Waldron & Outer Is","21","0" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","Waldron & Outer Is","21","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","Waldron & Outer Is","21","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Waldron & Outer Is","21","0" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","Waldron & Outer Is","21","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","Waldron & Outer Is","21","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","Waldron & Outer Is","21","0" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","Waldron & Outer Is","21","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","Waldron & Outer Is","21","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","Waldron & Outer Is","21","1" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","Waldron & Outer Is","21","0" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","Waldron & Outer Is","21","0" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","Waldron & Outer Is","21","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","Waldron & Outer Is","21","0" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","Waldron & Outer Is","21","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","Waldron & Outer Is","21","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","Waldron & Outer Is","21","0" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","Waldron & Outer Is","21","0" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","Waldron & Outer Is","21","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","Waldron & Outer Is","21","0" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","Orcas West","22","2" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","Orcas West","22","2" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","Orcas West","22","7" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","Orcas West","22","4" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","Orcas West","22","2" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","Orcas West","22","8" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Orcas West","22","377" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","Orcas West","22","99" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","Orcas West","22","1" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","Orcas West","22","6" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","Orcas West","22","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","Orcas West","22","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Orcas West","22","3" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","Orcas West","22","1" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","Orcas West","22","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","Orcas West","22","2" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","Orcas West","22","2" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","Orcas West","22","1" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","Orcas West","22","4" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","Orcas West","22","18" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","Orcas West","22","3" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","Orcas West","22","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","Orcas West","22","8" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","Orcas West","22","1" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","Orcas West","22","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","Orcas West","22","5" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","Orcas West","22","2" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","Orcas West","22","1" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","Orcas West","22","3" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","Orcas Central","23","4" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","Orcas Central","23","0" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","Orcas Central","23","1" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","Orcas Central","23","0" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","Orcas Central","23","0" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","Orcas Central","23","3" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Orcas Central","23","442" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","Orcas Central","23","94" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","Orcas Central","23","2" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","Orcas Central","23","5" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","Orcas Central","23","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","Orcas Central","23","3" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Orcas Central","23","2" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","Orcas Central","23","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","Orcas Central","23","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","Orcas Central","23","0" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","Orcas Central","23","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","Orcas Central","23","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","Orcas Central","23","3" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","Orcas Central","23","19" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","Orcas Central","23","3" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","Orcas Central","23","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","Orcas Central","23","3" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","Orcas Central","23","1" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","Orcas Central","23","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","Orcas Central","23","4" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","Orcas Central","23","3" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","Orcas Central","23","3" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","Orcas Central","23","4" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","Eastsound","24","4" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","Eastsound","24","2" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","Eastsound","24","7" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","Eastsound","24","7" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","Eastsound","24","3" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","Eastsound","24","11" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Eastsound","24","401" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","Eastsound","24","85" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","Eastsound","24","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","Eastsound","24","3" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","Eastsound","24","2" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","Eastsound","24","2" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Eastsound","24","2" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","Eastsound","24","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","Eastsound","24","2" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","Eastsound","24","5" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","Eastsound","24","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","Eastsound","24","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","Eastsound","24","6" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","Eastsound","24","19" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","Eastsound","24","2" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","Eastsound","24","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","Eastsound","24","4" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","Eastsound","24","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","Eastsound","24","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","Eastsound","24","12" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","Eastsound","24","5" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","Eastsound","24","1" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","Eastsound","24","2" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","Orcas East","25","4" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","Orcas East","25","0" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","Orcas East","25","1" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","Orcas East","25","4" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","Orcas East","25","3" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","Orcas East","25","10" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Orcas East","25","352" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","Orcas East","25","84" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","Orcas East","25","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","Orcas East","25","1" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","Orcas East","25","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","Orcas East","25","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Orcas East","25","0" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","Orcas East","25","1" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","Orcas East","25","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","Orcas East","25","1" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","Orcas East","25","2" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","Orcas East","25","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","Orcas East","25","0" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","Orcas East","25","11" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","Orcas East","25","3" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","Orcas East","25","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","Orcas East","25","5" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","Orcas East","25","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","Orcas East","25","1" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","Orcas East","25","6" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","Orcas East","25","3" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","Orcas East","25","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","Orcas East","25","2" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Blakely & Outer Is","26","9" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","Blakely & Outer Is","26","7" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","Blakely & Outer Is","26","2" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","Lopez North","31","2" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","Lopez North","31","1" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","Lopez North","31","4" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","Lopez North","31","6" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","Lopez North","31","1" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","Lopez North","31","6" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Lopez North","31","506" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","Lopez North","31","120" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","Lopez North","31","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","Lopez North","31","2" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","Lopez North","31","3" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","Lopez North","31","3" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Lopez North","31","2" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","Lopez North","31","1" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","Lopez North","31","4" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","Lopez North","31","5" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","Lopez North","31","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","Lopez North","31","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","Lopez North","31","0" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","Lopez North","31","10" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","Lopez North","31","4" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","Lopez North","31","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","Lopez North","31","4" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","Lopez North","31","1" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","Lopez North","31","2" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","Lopez North","31","5" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","Lopez North","31","3" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","Lopez North","31","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","Lopez North","31","3" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","Lopez South","32","2" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","Lopez South","32","0" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","Lopez South","32","11" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","Lopez South","32","10" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","Lopez South","32","4" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","Lopez South","32","11" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Lopez South","32","376" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","Lopez South","32","77" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","Lopez South","32","1" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","Lopez South","32","4" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","Lopez South","32","3" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","Lopez South","32","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Lopez South","32","2" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","Lopez South","32","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","Lopez South","32","2" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","Lopez South","32","2" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","Lopez South","32","1" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","Lopez South","32","1" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","Lopez South","32","2" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","Lopez South","32","12" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","Lopez South","32","0" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","Lopez South","32","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","Lopez South","32","10" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","Lopez South","32","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","Lopez South","32","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","Lopez South","32","1" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","Lopez South","32","5" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","Lopez South","32","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","Lopez South","32","1" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","Decatur and Outer Is","33","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","Decatur and Outer Is","33","0" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","Decatur and Outer Is","33","0" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","Decatur and Outer Is","33","0" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","Decatur and Outer Is","33","0" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","Decatur and Outer Is","33","0" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Decatur and Outer Is","33","24" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","Decatur and Outer Is","33","10" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","Decatur and Outer Is","33","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","Decatur and Outer Is","33","0" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","Decatur and Outer Is","33","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","Decatur and Outer Is","33","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Decatur and Outer Is","33","2" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","Decatur and Outer Is","33","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","Decatur and Outer Is","33","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","Decatur and Outer Is","33","0" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","Decatur and Outer Is","33","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","Decatur and Outer Is","33","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","Decatur and Outer Is","33","0" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","Decatur and Outer Is","33","0" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","Decatur and Outer Is","33","0" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","Decatur and Outer Is","33","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","Decatur and Outer Is","33","0" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","Decatur and Outer Is","33","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","Decatur and Outer Is","33","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","Decatur and Outer Is","33","2" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","Decatur and Outer Is","33","0" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","Decatur and Outer Is","33","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","Decatur and Outer Is","33","0" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","Shaw","41","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","Shaw","41","1" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","Shaw","41","0" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","Shaw","41","0" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","Shaw","41","0" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","Shaw","41","1" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Shaw","41","74" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","Shaw","41","26" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","Shaw","41","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","Shaw","41","1" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","Shaw","41","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","Shaw","41","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Shaw","41","0" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","Shaw","41","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","Shaw","41","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","Shaw","41","0" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","Shaw","41","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","Shaw","41","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","Shaw","41","0" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","Shaw","41","0" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","Shaw","41","0" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","Shaw","41","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","Shaw","41","0" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","Shaw","41","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","Shaw","41","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","Shaw","41","1" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","Shaw","41","0" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","Shaw","41","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","Shaw","41","0" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","Friday Harbor NW","101","2" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","Friday Harbor NW","101","4" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","Friday Harbor NW","101","4" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","Friday Harbor NW","101","4" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","Friday Harbor NW","101","3" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","Friday Harbor NW","101","9" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Friday Harbor NW","101","240" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","Friday Harbor NW","101","47" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","Friday Harbor NW","101","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","Friday Harbor NW","101","4" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","Friday Harbor NW","101","1" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","Friday Harbor NW","101","4" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Friday Harbor NW","101","1" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","Friday Harbor NW","101","2" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","Friday Harbor NW","101","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","Friday Harbor NW","101","1" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","Friday Harbor NW","101","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","Friday Harbor NW","101","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","Friday Harbor NW","101","6" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","Friday Harbor NW","101","8" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","Friday Harbor NW","101","4" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","Friday Harbor NW","101","1" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","Friday Harbor NW","101","2" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","Friday Harbor NW","101","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","Friday Harbor NW","101","1" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","Friday Harbor NW","101","4" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","Friday Harbor NW","101","2" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","Friday Harbor NW","101","1" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","Friday Harbor NW","101","6" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","Friday Harbor SE","102","2" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","Friday Harbor SE","102","0" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","Friday Harbor SE","102","6" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","Friday Harbor SE","102","4" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","Friday Harbor SE","102","1" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","Friday Harbor SE","102","12" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Friday Harbor SE","102","176" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","Friday Harbor SE","102","46" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","Friday Harbor SE","102","1" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","Friday Harbor SE","102","1" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","Friday Harbor SE","102","2" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","Friday Harbor SE","102","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Friday Harbor SE","102","0" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","Friday Harbor SE","102","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","Friday Harbor SE","102","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","Friday Harbor SE","102","6" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","Friday Harbor SE","102","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","Friday Harbor SE","102","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","Friday Harbor SE","102","1" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","Friday Harbor SE","102","4" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","Friday Harbor SE","102","1" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","Friday Harbor SE","102","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","Friday Harbor SE","102","0" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","Friday Harbor SE","102","1" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","Friday Harbor SE","102","2" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","Friday Harbor SE","102","7" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","Friday Harbor SE","102","3" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","Friday Harbor SE","102","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","Friday Harbor SE","102","4" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Collin Richard Carlson","Total","-1","510" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Uncle Mover","Total","-1","263" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Brian Luke","Total","-1","331" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Stonewall Jackson Bird (Stoney)","Total","-1","406" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Rick Larsen","Total","-1","4416" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Gary Franco","Total","-1","562" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Collin Richard Carlson","San Juan South East","11","17" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Uncle Mover","San Juan South East","11","16" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Brian Luke","San Juan South East","11","14" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Stonewall Jackson Bird (Stoney)","San Juan South East","11","8" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Rick Larsen","San Juan South East","11","179" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Gary Franco","San Juan South East","11","29" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Collin Richard Carlson","San Juan South West","12","36" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Uncle Mover","San Juan South West","12","11" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Brian Luke","San Juan South West","12","16" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Stonewall Jackson Bird (Stoney)","San Juan South West","12","21" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Rick Larsen","San Juan South West","12","310" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Gary Franco","San Juan South West","12","33" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Collin Richard Carlson","San Juan Central","13","45" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Uncle Mover","San Juan Central","13","18" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Brian Luke","San Juan Central","13","23" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Stonewall Jackson Bird (Stoney)","San Juan Central","13","26" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Rick Larsen","San Juan Central","13","267" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Gary Franco","San Juan Central","13","33" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Collin Richard Carlson","San Juan West","14","37" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Uncle Mover","San Juan West","14","8" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Brian Luke","San Juan West","14","27" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Stonewall Jackson Bird (Stoney)","San Juan West","14","20" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Rick Larsen","San Juan West","14","290" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Gary Franco","San Juan West","14","53" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Collin Richard Carlson","San Juan North","15","31" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Uncle Mover","San Juan North","15","38" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Brian Luke","San Juan North","15","17" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Stonewall Jackson Bird (Stoney)","San Juan North","15","4" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Rick Larsen","San Juan North","15","217" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Gary Franco","San Juan North","15","23" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Collin Richard Carlson","San Juan East","16","24" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Uncle Mover","San Juan East","16","13" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Brian Luke","San Juan East","16","20" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Stonewall Jackson Bird (Stoney)","San Juan East","16","16" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Rick Larsen","San Juan East","16","228" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Gary Franco","San Juan East","16","29" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Collin Richard Carlson","Turn Point","17","13" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Uncle Mover","Turn Point","17","5" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Brian Luke","Turn Point","17","9" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Stonewall Jackson Bird (Stoney)","Turn Point","17","7" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Rick Larsen","Turn Point","17","136" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Gary Franco","Turn Point","17","15" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Collin Richard Carlson","Waldron & Outer Is","21","5" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Uncle Mover","Waldron & Outer Is","21","0" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Brian Luke","Waldron & Outer Is","21","3" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Stonewall Jackson Bird (Stoney)","Waldron & Outer Is","21","3" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Rick Larsen","Waldron & Outer Is","21","31" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Gary Franco","Waldron & Outer Is","21","3" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Collin Richard Carlson","Orcas West","22","39" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Uncle Mover","Orcas West","22","18" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Brian Luke","Orcas West","22","27" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Stonewall Jackson Bird (Stoney)","Orcas West","22","37" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Rick Larsen","Orcas West","22","373" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Gary Franco","Orcas West","22","34" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Collin Richard Carlson","Orcas Central","23","34" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Uncle Mover","Orcas Central","23","30" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Brian Luke","Orcas Central","23","17" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Stonewall Jackson Bird (Stoney)","Orcas Central","23","37" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Rick Larsen","Orcas Central","23","417" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Gary Franco","Orcas Central","23","35" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Collin Richard Carlson","Eastsound","24","36" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Uncle Mover","Eastsound","24","21" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Brian Luke","Eastsound","24","31" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Stonewall Jackson Bird (Stoney)","Eastsound","24","55" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Rick Larsen","Eastsound","24","385" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Gary Franco","Eastsound","24","38" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Collin Richard Carlson","Orcas East","25","37" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Uncle Mover","Orcas East","25","13" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Brian Luke","Orcas East","25","25" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Stonewall Jackson Bird (Stoney)","Orcas East","25","38" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Rick Larsen","Orcas East","25","316" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Gary Franco","Orcas East","25","45" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Collin Richard Carlson","Blakely & Outer Is","26","1" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Uncle Mover","Blakely & Outer Is","26","3" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Brian Luke","Blakely & Outer Is","26","1" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Stonewall Jackson Bird (Stoney)","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Rick Larsen","Blakely & Outer Is","26","9" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Gary Franco","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Collin Richard Carlson","Lopez North","31","55" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Uncle Mover","Lopez North","31","18" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Brian Luke","Lopez North","31","31" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Stonewall Jackson Bird (Stoney)","Lopez North","31","51" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Rick Larsen","Lopez North","31","433" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Gary Franco","Lopez North","31","65" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Collin Richard Carlson","Lopez South","32","40" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Uncle Mover","Lopez South","32","18" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Brian Luke","Lopez South","32","34" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Stonewall Jackson Bird (Stoney)","Lopez South","32","52" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Rick Larsen","Lopez South","32","315" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Gary Franco","Lopez South","32","61" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Collin Richard Carlson","Decatur and Outer Is","33","1" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Uncle Mover","Decatur and Outer Is","33","3" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Brian Luke","Decatur and Outer Is","33","1" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Stonewall Jackson Bird (Stoney)","Decatur and Outer Is","33","0" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Rick Larsen","Decatur and Outer Is","33","22" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Gary Franco","Decatur and Outer Is","33","1" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Collin Richard Carlson","Shaw","41","4" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Uncle Mover","Shaw","41","3" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Brian Luke","Shaw","41","5" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Stonewall Jackson Bird (Stoney)","Shaw","41","2" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Rick Larsen","Shaw","41","73" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Gary Franco","Shaw","41","8" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Collin Richard Carlson","Friday Harbor NW","101","32" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Uncle Mover","Friday Harbor NW","101","11" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Brian Luke","Friday Harbor NW","101","19" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Stonewall Jackson Bird (Stoney)","Friday Harbor NW","101","18" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Rick Larsen","Friday Harbor NW","101","242" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Gary Franco","Friday Harbor NW","101","29" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Collin Richard Carlson","Friday Harbor SE","102","23" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Uncle Mover","Friday Harbor SE","102","16" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Brian Luke","Friday Harbor SE","102","11" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Stonewall Jackson Bird (Stoney)","Friday Harbor SE","102","11" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Rick Larsen","Friday Harbor SE","102","173" "Congressional District 2 - U.S. Representative","Gary Franco","Friday Harbor SE","102","28" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Tom SeGuine","Total","-1","786" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Lisa Keeler","Total","-1","878" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Cecily Hazelrigg-Hernandez","Total","-1","958" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Roger Leishman","Total","-1","284" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rita Latsinova","Total","-1","2385" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Tom SeGuine","San Juan South East","11","41" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Lisa Keeler","San Juan South East","11","33" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Cecily Hazelrigg-Hernandez","San Juan South East","11","26" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Roger Leishman","San Juan South East","11","13" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rita Latsinova","San Juan South East","11","109" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Tom SeGuine","San Juan South West","12","42" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Lisa Keeler","San Juan South West","12","44" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Cecily Hazelrigg-Hernandez","San Juan South West","12","65" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Roger Leishman","San Juan South West","12","14" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rita Latsinova","San Juan South West","12","190" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Tom SeGuine","San Juan Central","13","42" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Lisa Keeler","San Juan Central","13","40" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Cecily Hazelrigg-Hernandez","San Juan Central","13","56" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Roger Leishman","San Juan Central","13","17" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rita Latsinova","San Juan Central","13","186" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Tom SeGuine","San Juan West","14","45" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Lisa Keeler","San Juan West","14","49" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Cecily Hazelrigg-Hernandez","San Juan West","14","46" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Roger Leishman","San Juan West","14","16" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rita Latsinova","San Juan West","14","215" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Tom SeGuine","San Juan North","15","56" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Lisa Keeler","San Juan North","15","51" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Cecily Hazelrigg-Hernandez","San Juan North","15","36" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Roger Leishman","San Juan North","15","22" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rita Latsinova","San Juan North","15","122" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Tom SeGuine","San Juan East","16","28" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Lisa Keeler","San Juan East","16","55" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Cecily Hazelrigg-Hernandez","San Juan East","16","33" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Roger Leishman","San Juan East","16","11" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rita Latsinova","San Juan East","16","127" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Tom SeGuine","Turn Point","17","17" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Lisa Keeler","Turn Point","17","25" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Cecily Hazelrigg-Hernandez","Turn Point","17","16" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Roger Leishman","Turn Point","17","8" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rita Latsinova","Turn Point","17","94" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Tom SeGuine","Waldron & Outer Is","21","0" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Lisa Keeler","Waldron & Outer Is","21","1" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Cecily Hazelrigg-Hernandez","Waldron & Outer Is","21","9" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Roger Leishman","Waldron & Outer Is","21","1" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rita Latsinova","Waldron & Outer Is","21","28" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Tom SeGuine","Orcas West","22","59" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Lisa Keeler","Orcas West","22","91" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Cecily Hazelrigg-Hernandez","Orcas West","22","112" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Roger Leishman","Orcas West","22","24" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rita Latsinova","Orcas West","22","140" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Tom SeGuine","Orcas Central","23","74" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Lisa Keeler","Orcas Central","23","76" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Cecily Hazelrigg-Hernandez","Orcas Central","23","85" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Roger Leishman","Orcas Central","23","18" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rita Latsinova","Orcas Central","23","178" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Tom SeGuine","Eastsound","24","69" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Lisa Keeler","Eastsound","24","85" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Cecily Hazelrigg-Hernandez","Eastsound","24","123" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Roger Leishman","Eastsound","24","29" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rita Latsinova","Eastsound","24","167" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Tom SeGuine","Orcas East","25","56" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Lisa Keeler","Orcas East","25","81" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Cecily Hazelrigg-Hernandez","Orcas East","25","88" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Roger Leishman","Orcas East","25","23" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rita Latsinova","Orcas East","25","118" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Tom SeGuine","Blakely & Outer Is","26","1" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Lisa Keeler","Blakely & Outer Is","26","1" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Cecily Hazelrigg-Hernandez","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Roger Leishman","Blakely & Outer Is","26","3" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rita Latsinova","Blakely & Outer Is","26","2" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Tom SeGuine","Lopez North","31","100" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Lisa Keeler","Lopez North","31","83" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Cecily Hazelrigg-Hernandez","Lopez North","31","87" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Roger Leishman","Lopez North","31","22" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rita Latsinova","Lopez North","31","264" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Tom SeGuine","Lopez South","32","67" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Lisa Keeler","Lopez South","32","49" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Cecily Hazelrigg-Hernandez","Lopez South","32","67" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Roger Leishman","Lopez South","32","24" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rita Latsinova","Lopez South","32","192" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Tom SeGuine","Decatur and Outer Is","33","2" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Lisa Keeler","Decatur and Outer Is","33","5" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Cecily Hazelrigg-Hernandez","Decatur and Outer Is","33","3" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Roger Leishman","Decatur and Outer Is","33","4" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rita Latsinova","Decatur and Outer Is","33","8" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Tom SeGuine","Shaw","41","16" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Lisa Keeler","Shaw","41","7" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Cecily Hazelrigg-Hernandez","Shaw","41","21" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Roger Leishman","Shaw","41","5" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rita Latsinova","Shaw","41","26" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Tom SeGuine","Friday Harbor NW","101","38" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Lisa Keeler","Friday Harbor NW","101","62" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Cecily Hazelrigg-Hernandez","Friday Harbor NW","101","50" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Roger Leishman","Friday Harbor NW","101","13" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rita Latsinova","Friday Harbor NW","101","132" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Tom SeGuine","Friday Harbor SE","102","33" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Lisa Keeler","Friday Harbor SE","102","40" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Cecily Hazelrigg-Hernandez","Friday Harbor SE","102","35" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Roger Leishman","Friday Harbor SE","102","17" "Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rita Latsinova","Friday Harbor SE","102","87" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Alex Ramel","Total","-1","1294" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Debra Lekanoff","Total","-1","2640" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Petrish","Total","-1","954" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Daniel Miller","Total","-1","515" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Rud Browne","Total","-1","716" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Tom Pasma","Total","-1","291" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Alex Ramel","San Juan South East","11","45" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Debra Lekanoff","San Juan South East","11","72" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Petrish","San Juan South East","11","52" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Daniel Miller","San Juan South East","11","34" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Rud Browne","San Juan South East","11","56" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Tom Pasma","San Juan South East","11","16" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Alex Ramel","San Juan South West","12","104" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Debra Lekanoff","San Juan South West","12","139" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Petrish","San Juan South West","12","53" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Daniel Miller","San Juan South West","12","30" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Rud Browne","San Juan South West","12","62" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Tom Pasma","San Juan South West","12","28" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Alex Ramel","San Juan Central","13","107" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Debra Lekanoff","San Juan Central","13","132" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Petrish","San Juan Central","13","60" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Daniel Miller","San Juan Central","13","22" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Rud Browne","San Juan Central","13","48" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Tom Pasma","San Juan Central","13","45" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Alex Ramel","San Juan West","14","141" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Debra Lekanoff","San Juan West","14","113" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Petrish","San Juan West","14","53" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Daniel Miller","San Juan West","14","52" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Rud Browne","San Juan West","14","58" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Tom Pasma","San Juan West","14","25" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Alex Ramel","San Juan North","15","67" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Debra Lekanoff","San Juan North","15","88" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Petrish","San Juan North","15","73" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Daniel Miller","San Juan North","15","43" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Rud Browne","San Juan North","15","52" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Tom Pasma","San Juan North","15","11" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Alex Ramel","San Juan East","16","66" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Debra Lekanoff","San Juan East","16","118" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Petrish","San Juan East","16","47" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Daniel Miller","San Juan East","16","32" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Rud Browne","San Juan East","16","42" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Tom Pasma","San Juan East","16","18" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Alex Ramel","Turn Point","17","39" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Debra Lekanoff","Turn Point","17","41" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Petrish","Turn Point","17","42" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Daniel Miller","Turn Point","17","17" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Rud Browne","Turn Point","17","42" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Tom Pasma","Turn Point","17","10" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Alex Ramel","Waldron & Outer Is","21","8" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Debra Lekanoff","Waldron & Outer Is","21","26" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Petrish","Waldron & Outer Is","21","2" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Daniel Miller","Waldron & Outer Is","21","1" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Rud Browne","Waldron & Outer Is","21","7" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Tom Pasma","Waldron & Outer Is","21","3" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Alex Ramel","Orcas West","22","104" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Debra Lekanoff","Orcas West","22","235" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Petrish","Orcas West","22","85" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Daniel Miller","Orcas West","22","31" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Rud Browne","Orcas West","22","47" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Tom Pasma","Orcas West","22","15" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Alex Ramel","Orcas Central","23","92" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Debra Lekanoff","Orcas Central","23","297" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Petrish","Orcas Central","23","71" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Daniel Miller","Orcas Central","23","38" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Rud Browne","Orcas Central","23","43" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Tom Pasma","Orcas Central","23","12" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Alex Ramel","Eastsound","24","94" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Debra Lekanoff","Eastsound","24","284" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Petrish","Eastsound","24","70" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Daniel Miller","Eastsound","24","38" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Rud Browne","Eastsound","24","38" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Tom Pasma","Eastsound","24","24" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Alex Ramel","Orcas East","25","86" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Debra Lekanoff","Orcas East","25","237" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Petrish","Orcas East","25","61" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Daniel Miller","Orcas East","25","34" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Rud Browne","Orcas East","25","27" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Tom Pasma","Orcas East","25","12" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Alex Ramel","Blakely & Outer Is","26","2" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Debra Lekanoff","Blakely & Outer Is","26","3" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Petrish","Blakely & Outer Is","26","1" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Daniel Miller","Blakely & Outer Is","26","6" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Rud Browne","Blakely & Outer Is","26","3" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Tom Pasma","Blakely & Outer Is","26","0" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Alex Ramel","Lopez North","31","94" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Debra Lekanoff","Lopez North","31","342" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Petrish","Lopez North","31","103" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Daniel Miller","Lopez North","31","36" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Rud Browne","Lopez North","31","53" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Tom Pasma","Lopez North","31","17" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Alex Ramel","Lopez South","32","75" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Debra Lekanoff","Lopez South","32","292" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Petrish","Lopez South","32","67" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Daniel Miller","Lopez South","32","39" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Rud Browne","Lopez South","32","21" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Tom Pasma","Lopez South","32","17" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Alex Ramel","Decatur and Outer Is","33","3" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Debra Lekanoff","Decatur and Outer Is","33","7" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Petrish","Decatur and Outer Is","33","6" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Daniel Miller","Decatur and Outer Is","33","3" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Rud Browne","Decatur and Outer Is","33","7" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Tom Pasma","Decatur and Outer Is","33","4" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Alex Ramel","Shaw","41","18" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Debra Lekanoff","Shaw","41","34" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Petrish","Shaw","41","15" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Daniel Miller","Shaw","41","5" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Rud Browne","Shaw","41","12" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Tom Pasma","Shaw","41","7" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Alex Ramel","Friday Harbor NW","101","90" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Debra Lekanoff","Friday Harbor NW","101","102" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Petrish","Friday Harbor NW","101","50" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Daniel Miller","Friday Harbor NW","101","27" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Rud Browne","Friday Harbor NW","101","58" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Tom Pasma","Friday Harbor NW","101","15" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Alex Ramel","Friday Harbor SE","102","59" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Debra Lekanoff","Friday Harbor SE","102","78" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Petrish","Friday Harbor SE","102","43" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Daniel Miller","Friday Harbor SE","102","27" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Rud Browne","Friday Harbor SE","102","40" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 1","Tom Pasma","Friday Harbor SE","102","12" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jeff Morris","Total","-1","4610" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jeff Morris","San Juan South East","11","185" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jeff Morris","San Juan South West","12","301" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jeff Morris","San Juan Central","13","280" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jeff Morris","San Juan West","14","294" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jeff Morris","San Juan North","15","226" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jeff Morris","San Juan East","16","222" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jeff Morris","Turn Point","17","123" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jeff Morris","Waldron & Outer Is","21","32" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jeff Morris","Orcas West","22","399" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jeff Morris","Orcas Central","23","427" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jeff Morris","Eastsound","24","420" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jeff Morris","Orcas East","25","347" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jeff Morris","Blakely & Outer Is","26","9" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jeff Morris","Lopez North","31","479" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jeff Morris","Lopez South","32","354" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jeff Morris","Decatur and Outer Is","33","21" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jeff Morris","Shaw","41","64" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jeff Morris","Friday Harbor NW","101","256" "Legislative District 40 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jeff Morris","Friday Harbor SE","102","171" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Nicholas (Nick) Power","Total","-1","2805" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Randall K. Gaylord","Total","-1","3612" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Nicholas (Nick) Power","San Juan South East","11","116" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Randall K. Gaylord","San Juan South East","11","149" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Nicholas (Nick) Power","San Juan South West","12","197" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Randall K. Gaylord","San Juan South West","12","230" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Nicholas (Nick) Power","San Juan Central","13","176" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Randall K. Gaylord","San Juan Central","13","236" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Nicholas (Nick) Power","San Juan West","14","197" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Randall K. Gaylord","San Juan West","14","230" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Nicholas (Nick) Power","San Juan North","15","159" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Randall K. Gaylord","San Juan North","15","169" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Nicholas (Nick) Power","San Juan East","16","139" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Randall K. Gaylord","San Juan East","16","187" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Nicholas (Nick) Power","Turn Point","17","95" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Randall K. Gaylord","Turn Point","17","98" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Nicholas (Nick) Power","Waldron & Outer Is","21","14" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Randall K. Gaylord","Waldron & Outer Is","21","29" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Nicholas (Nick) Power","Orcas West","22","203" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Randall K. Gaylord","Orcas West","22","338" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Nicholas (Nick) Power","Orcas Central","23","184" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Randall K. Gaylord","Orcas Central","23","368" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Nicholas (Nick) Power","Eastsound","24","214" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Randall K. Gaylord","Eastsound","24","348" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Nicholas (Nick) Power","Orcas East","25","162" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Randall K. Gaylord","Orcas East","25","295" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Nicholas (Nick) Power","Blakely & Outer Is","26","6" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Randall K. Gaylord","Blakely & Outer Is","26","5" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Nicholas (Nick) Power","Lopez North","31","320" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Randall K. Gaylord","Lopez North","31","319" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Nicholas (Nick) Power","Lopez South","32","248" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Randall K. Gaylord","Lopez South","32","257" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Nicholas (Nick) Power","Decatur and Outer Is","33","18" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Randall K. Gaylord","Decatur and Outer Is","33","8" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Nicholas (Nick) Power","Shaw","41","49" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Randall K. Gaylord","Shaw","41","43" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Nicholas (Nick) Power","Friday Harbor NW","101","182" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Randall K. Gaylord","Friday Harbor NW","101","174" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Nicholas (Nick) Power","Friday Harbor SE","102","126" "San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney","Randall K. Gaylord","Friday Harbor SE","102","129" "PCO Orcas East Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Brian (Schmitty) Schmitz","Total","-1","59" "PCO Orcas East Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Sharon Abreu","Total","-1","257" "PCO Orcas East Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Brian (Schmitty) Schmitz","Orcas East","25","59" "PCO Orcas East Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Sharon Abreu","Orcas East","25","257" "PCO Friday Harbor North Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","Kelley J. Unger","Total","-1","25" "PCO Friday Harbor North Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","Heather Christensen","Total","-1","60" "PCO Friday Harbor North Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","Kelley J. Unger","Friday Harbor NW","101","25" "PCO Friday Harbor North Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","Heather Christensen","Friday Harbor NW","101","60" "Lopez Island School District #144 Proposition No. 1 Replacement of Expiring Educational Programs and Operations Levy","Yes","Total","-1","968" "Lopez Island School District #144 Proposition No. 1 Replacement of Expiring Educational Programs and Operations Levy","No","Total","-1","327" "Lopez Island School District #144 Proposition No. 1 Replacement of Expiring Educational Programs and Operations Levy","Yes","Lopez North","31","521" "Lopez Island School District #144 Proposition No. 1 Replacement of Expiring Educational Programs and Operations Levy","No","Lopez North","31","177" "Lopez Island School District #144 Proposition No. 1 Replacement of Expiring Educational Programs and Operations Levy","Yes","Lopez South","32","421" "Lopez Island School District #144 Proposition No. 1 Replacement of Expiring Educational Programs and Operations Levy","No","Lopez South","32","141" "Lopez Island School District #144 Proposition No. 1 Replacement of Expiring Educational Programs and Operations Levy","Yes","Decatur and Outer Is","33","26" "Lopez Island School District #144 Proposition No. 1 Replacement of Expiring Educational Programs and Operations Levy","No","Decatur and Outer Is","33","9"