"U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","Total","-1","107" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","Total","-1","42" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","Total","-1","220" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","Total","-1","90" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","Total","-1","64" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","Total","-1","236" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Total","-1","9394" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","Total","-1","2803" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","Total","-1","20" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","Total","-1","194" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","Total","-1","30" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","Total","-1","32" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Total","-1","86" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","Total","-1","27" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","Total","-1","14" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","Total","-1","104" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","Total","-1","9" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","Total","-1","19" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","Total","-1","61" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","Total","-1","263" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","Total","-1","73" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","Total","-1","19" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","Total","-1","100" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","Total","-1","28" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","Total","-1","15" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","Total","-1","153" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","Total","-1","92" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","Total","-1","49" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","Total","-1","114" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","101 Gardiner","101","1" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","101 Gardiner","101","0" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","101 Gardiner","101","6" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","101 Gardiner","101","1" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","101 Gardiner","101","0" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","101 Gardiner","101","2" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","101 Gardiner","101","130" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","101 Gardiner","101","40" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","101 Gardiner","101","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","101 Gardiner","101","2" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","101 Gardiner","101","1" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","101 Gardiner","101","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","101 Gardiner","101","3" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","101 Gardiner","101","3" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","101 Gardiner","101","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","101 Gardiner","101","1" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","101 Gardiner","101","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","101 Gardiner","101","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","101 Gardiner","101","0" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","101 Gardiner","101","2" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","101 Gardiner","101","0" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","101 Gardiner","101","1" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","101 Gardiner","101","0" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","101 Gardiner","101","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","101 Gardiner","101","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","101 Gardiner","101","5" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","101 Gardiner","101","1" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","101 Gardiner","101","1" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","101 Gardiner","101","0" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","102 Port Discovery","102","2" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","102 Port Discovery","102","0" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","102 Port Discovery","102","3" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","102 Port Discovery","102","1" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","102 Port Discovery","102","1" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","102 Port Discovery","102","12" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","102 Port Discovery","102","117" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","102 Port Discovery","102","42" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","102 Port Discovery","102","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","102 Port Discovery","102","1" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","102 Port Discovery","102","1" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","102 Port Discovery","102","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","102 Port Discovery","102","1" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","102 Port Discovery","102","1" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","102 Port Discovery","102","1" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","102 Port Discovery","102","1" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","102 Port Discovery","102","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","102 Port Discovery","102","1" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","102 Port Discovery","102","1" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","102 Port Discovery","102","6" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","102 Port Discovery","102","2" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","102 Port Discovery","102","1" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","102 Port Discovery","102","0" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","102 Port Discovery","102","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","102 Port Discovery","102","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","102 Port Discovery","102","0" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","102 Port Discovery","102","3" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","102 Port Discovery","102","1" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","102 Port Discovery","102","0" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","103 Crocker","103","1" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","103 Crocker","103","1" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","103 Crocker","103","3" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","103 Crocker","103","0" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","103 Crocker","103","1" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","103 Crocker","103","2" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","103 Crocker","103","67" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","103 Crocker","103","43" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","103 Crocker","103","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","103 Crocker","103","3" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","103 Crocker","103","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","103 Crocker","103","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","103 Crocker","103","0" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","103 Crocker","103","2" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","103 Crocker","103","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","103 Crocker","103","2" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","103 Crocker","103","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","103 Crocker","103","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","103 Crocker","103","0" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","103 Crocker","103","6" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","103 Crocker","103","2" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","103 Crocker","103","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","103 Crocker","103","1" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","103 Crocker","103","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","103 Crocker","103","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","103 Crocker","103","2" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","103 Crocker","103","0" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","103 Crocker","103","1" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","103 Crocker","103","0" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","104 Cape George","104","4" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","104 Cape George","104","0" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","104 Cape George","104","8" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","104 Cape George","104","5" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","104 Cape George","104","2" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","104 Cape George","104","6" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","104 Cape George","104","347" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","104 Cape George","104","80" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","104 Cape George","104","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","104 Cape George","104","0" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","104 Cape George","104","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","104 Cape George","104","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","104 Cape George","104","1" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","104 Cape George","104","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","104 Cape George","104","1" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","104 Cape George","104","4" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","104 Cape George","104","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","104 Cape George","104","2" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","104 Cape George","104","0" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","104 Cape George","104","14" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","104 Cape George","104","3" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","104 Cape George","104","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","104 Cape George","104","5" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","104 Cape George","104","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","104 Cape George","104","1" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","104 Cape George","104","2" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","104 Cape George","104","2" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","104 Cape George","104","1" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","104 Cape George","104","1" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","105 Discovery Bay","105","1" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","105 Discovery Bay","105","1" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","105 Discovery Bay","105","4" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","105 Discovery Bay","105","3" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","105 Discovery Bay","105","4" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","105 Discovery Bay","105","6" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","105 Discovery Bay","105","357" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","105 Discovery Bay","105","66" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","105 Discovery Bay","105","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","105 Discovery Bay","105","5" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","105 Discovery Bay","105","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","105 Discovery Bay","105","2" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","105 Discovery Bay","105","3" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","105 Discovery Bay","105","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","105 Discovery Bay","105","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","105 Discovery Bay","105","0" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","105 Discovery Bay","105","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","105 Discovery Bay","105","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","105 Discovery Bay","105","2" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","105 Discovery Bay","105","7" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","105 Discovery Bay","105","0" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","105 Discovery Bay","105","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","105 Discovery Bay","105","4" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","105 Discovery Bay","105","1" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","105 Discovery Bay","105","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","105 Discovery Bay","105","5" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","105 Discovery Bay","105","1" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","105 Discovery Bay","105","1" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","105 Discovery Bay","105","3" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","106 North Jacob","106","4" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","106 North Jacob","106","2" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","106 North Jacob","106","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","106 North Jacob","106","7" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","106 North Jacob","106","1" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","106 North Jacob","106","4" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","106 North Jacob","106","232" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","106 North Jacob","106","63" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","106 North Jacob","106","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","106 North Jacob","106","2" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","106 North Jacob","106","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","106 North Jacob","106","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","106 North Jacob","106","3" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","106 North Jacob","106","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","106 North Jacob","106","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","106 North Jacob","106","0" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","106 North Jacob","106","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","106 North Jacob","106","1" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","106 North Jacob","106","1" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","106 North Jacob","106","9" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","106 North Jacob","106","1" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","106 North Jacob","106","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","106 North Jacob","106","5" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","106 North Jacob","106","2" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","106 North Jacob","106","1" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","106 North Jacob","106","0" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","106 North Jacob","106","4" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","106 North Jacob","106","1" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","106 North Jacob","106","3" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","107 South Jacob","107","8" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","107 South Jacob","107","0" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","107 South Jacob","107","10" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","107 South Jacob","107","10" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","107 South Jacob","107","3" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","107 South Jacob","107","8" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","107 South Jacob","107","285" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","107 South Jacob","107","95" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","107 South Jacob","107","1" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","107 South Jacob","107","6" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","107 South Jacob","107","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","107 South Jacob","107","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","107 South Jacob","107","0" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","107 South Jacob","107","1" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","107 South Jacob","107","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","107 South Jacob","107","3" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","107 South Jacob","107","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","107 South Jacob","107","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","107 South Jacob","107","3" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","107 South Jacob","107","6" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","107 South Jacob","107","5" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","107 South Jacob","107","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","107 South Jacob","107","3" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","107 South Jacob","107","1" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","107 South Jacob","107","1" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","107 South Jacob","107","6" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","107 South Jacob","107","2" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","107 South Jacob","107","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","107 South Jacob","107","1" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","200 Coyle","200","2" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","200 Coyle","200","0" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","200 Coyle","200","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","200 Coyle","200","3" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","200 Coyle","200","0" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","200 Coyle","200","4" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","200 Coyle","200","123" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","200 Coyle","200","65" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","200 Coyle","200","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","200 Coyle","200","7" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","200 Coyle","200","1" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","200 Coyle","200","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","200 Coyle","200","4" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","200 Coyle","200","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","200 Coyle","200","1" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","200 Coyle","200","1" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","200 Coyle","200","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","200 Coyle","200","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","200 Coyle","200","0" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","200 Coyle","200","4" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","200 Coyle","200","1" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","200 Coyle","200","2" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","200 Coyle","200","0" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","200 Coyle","200","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","200 Coyle","200","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","200 Coyle","200","7" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","200 Coyle","200","1" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","200 Coyle","200","2" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","200 Coyle","200","0" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","201 Quilcene","201","4" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","201 Quilcene","201","2" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","201 Quilcene","201","12" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","201 Quilcene","201","1" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","201 Quilcene","201","7" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","201 Quilcene","201","3" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","201 Quilcene","201","234" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","201 Quilcene","201","131" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","201 Quilcene","201","3" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","201 Quilcene","201","10" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","201 Quilcene","201","1" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","201 Quilcene","201","2" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","201 Quilcene","201","2" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","201 Quilcene","201","4" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","201 Quilcene","201","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","201 Quilcene","201","9" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","201 Quilcene","201","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","201 Quilcene","201","3" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","201 Quilcene","201","0" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","201 Quilcene","201","8" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","201 Quilcene","201","0" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","201 Quilcene","201","1" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","201 Quilcene","201","3" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","201 Quilcene","201","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","201 Quilcene","201","1" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","201 Quilcene","201","10" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","201 Quilcene","201","2" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","201 Quilcene","201","5" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","201 Quilcene","201","7" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","204 Brinnon","204","6" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","204 Brinnon","204","2" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","204 Brinnon","204","19" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","204 Brinnon","204","0" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","204 Brinnon","204","3" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","204 Brinnon","204","10" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","204 Brinnon","204","239" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","204 Brinnon","204","168" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","204 Brinnon","204","2" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","204 Brinnon","204","14" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","204 Brinnon","204","4" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","204 Brinnon","204","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","204 Brinnon","204","13" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","204 Brinnon","204","3" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","204 Brinnon","204","1" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","204 Brinnon","204","19" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","204 Brinnon","204","1" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","204 Brinnon","204","1" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","204 Brinnon","204","4" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","204 Brinnon","204","8" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","204 Brinnon","204","1" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","204 Brinnon","204","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","204 Brinnon","204","2" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","204 Brinnon","204","1" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","204 Brinnon","204","1" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","204 Brinnon","204","10" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","204 Brinnon","204","1" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","204 Brinnon","204","2" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","204 Brinnon","204","8" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","300 Chimacum I","300","3" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","300 Chimacum I","300","0" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","300 Chimacum I","300","8" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","300 Chimacum I","300","5" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","300 Chimacum I","300","4" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","300 Chimacum I","300","6" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","300 Chimacum I","300","182" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","300 Chimacum I","300","89" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","300 Chimacum I","300","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","300 Chimacum I","300","11" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","300 Chimacum I","300","2" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","300 Chimacum I","300","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","300 Chimacum I","300","5" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","300 Chimacum I","300","2" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","300 Chimacum I","300","2" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","300 Chimacum I","300","6" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","300 Chimacum I","300","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","300 Chimacum I","300","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","300 Chimacum I","300","2" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","300 Chimacum I","300","9" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","300 Chimacum I","300","3" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","300 Chimacum I","300","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","300 Chimacum I","300","1" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","300 Chimacum I","300","1" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","300 Chimacum I","300","2" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","300 Chimacum I","300","4" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","300 Chimacum I","300","2" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","300 Chimacum I","300","1" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","300 Chimacum I","300","13" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","301 Chimacum II","301","4" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","301 Chimacum II","301","0" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","301 Chimacum II","301","5" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","301 Chimacum II","301","2" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","301 Chimacum II","301","0" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","301 Chimacum II","301","2" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","301 Chimacum II","301","90" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","301 Chimacum II","301","56" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","301 Chimacum II","301","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","301 Chimacum II","301","4" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","301 Chimacum II","301","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","301 Chimacum II","301","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","301 Chimacum II","301","4" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","301 Chimacum II","301","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","301 Chimacum II","301","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","301 Chimacum II","301","1" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","301 Chimacum II","301","1" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","301 Chimacum II","301","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","301 Chimacum II","301","0" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","301 Chimacum II","301","6" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","301 Chimacum II","301","3" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","301 Chimacum II","301","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","301 Chimacum II","301","0" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","301 Chimacum II","301","1" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","301 Chimacum II","301","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","301 Chimacum II","301","3" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","301 Chimacum II","301","4" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","301 Chimacum II","301","1" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","301 Chimacum II","301","1" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","302 Center I","302","2" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","302 Center I","302","2" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","302 Center I","302","7" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","302 Center I","302","4" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","302 Center I","302","1" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","302 Center I","302","5" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","302 Center I","302","157" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","302 Center I","302","66" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","302 Center I","302","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","302 Center I","302","9" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","302 Center I","302","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","302 Center I","302","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","302 Center I","302","2" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","302 Center I","302","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","302 Center I","302","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","302 Center I","302","4" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","302 Center I","302","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","302 Center I","302","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","302 Center I","302","1" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","302 Center I","302","8" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","302 Center I","302","3" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","302 Center I","302","2" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","302 Center I","302","2" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","302 Center I","302","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","302 Center I","302","1" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","302 Center I","302","4" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","302 Center I","302","0" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","302 Center I","302","2" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","302 Center I","302","0" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","303 Hadlock","303","5" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","303 Hadlock","303","1" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","303 Hadlock","303","4" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","303 Hadlock","303","4" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","303 Hadlock","303","2" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","303 Hadlock","303","2" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","303 Hadlock","303","272" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","303 Hadlock","303","117" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","303 Hadlock","303","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","303 Hadlock","303","14" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","303 Hadlock","303","3" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","303 Hadlock","303","3" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","303 Hadlock","303","0" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","303 Hadlock","303","2" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","303 Hadlock","303","1" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","303 Hadlock","303","2" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","303 Hadlock","303","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","303 Hadlock","303","2" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","303 Hadlock","303","4" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","303 Hadlock","303","7" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","303 Hadlock","303","2" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","303 Hadlock","303","2" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","303 Hadlock","303","5" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","303 Hadlock","303","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","303 Hadlock","303","2" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","303 Hadlock","303","3" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","303 Hadlock","303","2" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","303 Hadlock","303","5" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","303 Hadlock","303","6" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","304 Kala Point","304","2" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","304 Kala Point","304","2" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","304 Kala Point","304","10" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","304 Kala Point","304","4" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","304 Kala Point","304","1" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","304 Kala Point","304","5" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","304 Kala Point","304","372" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","304 Kala Point","304","128" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","304 Kala Point","304","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","304 Kala Point","304","3" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","304 Kala Point","304","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","304 Kala Point","304","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","304 Kala Point","304","1" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","304 Kala Point","304","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","304 Kala Point","304","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","304 Kala Point","304","0" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","304 Kala Point","304","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","304 Kala Point","304","1" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","304 Kala Point","304","2" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","304 Kala Point","304","4" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","304 Kala Point","304","0" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","304 Kala Point","304","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","304 Kala Point","304","1" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","304 Kala Point","304","1" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","304 Kala Point","304","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","304 Kala Point","304","7" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","304 Kala Point","304","5" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","304 Kala Point","304","1" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","304 Kala Point","304","5" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","305 Irondale I","305","4" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","305 Irondale I","305","2" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","305 Irondale I","305","8" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","305 Irondale I","305","1" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","305 Irondale I","305","0" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","305 Irondale I","305","9" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","305 Irondale I","305","206" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","305 Irondale I","305","76" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","305 Irondale I","305","1" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","305 Irondale I","305","8" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","305 Irondale I","305","1" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","305 Irondale I","305","3" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","305 Irondale I","305","2" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","305 Irondale I","305","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","305 Irondale I","305","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","305 Irondale I","305","3" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","305 Irondale I","305","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","305 Irondale I","305","3" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","305 Irondale I","305","3" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","305 Irondale I","305","10" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","305 Irondale I","305","2" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","305 Irondale I","305","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","305 Irondale I","305","4" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","305 Irondale I","305","1" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","305 Irondale I","305","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","305 Irondale I","305","8" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","305 Irondale I","305","7" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","305 Irondale I","305","1" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","305 Irondale I","305","1" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","306 Irondale II","306","3" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","306 Irondale II","306","1" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","306 Irondale II","306","3" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","306 Irondale II","306","5" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","306 Irondale II","306","4" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","306 Irondale II","306","12" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","306 Irondale II","306","222" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","306 Irondale II","306","121" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","306 Irondale II","306","2" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","306 Irondale II","306","12" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","306 Irondale II","306","4" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","306 Irondale II","306","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","306 Irondale II","306","4" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","306 Irondale II","306","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","306 Irondale II","306","1" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","306 Irondale II","306","3" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","306 Irondale II","306","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","306 Irondale II","306","1" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","306 Irondale II","306","2" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","306 Irondale II","306","9" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","306 Irondale II","306","2" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","306 Irondale II","306","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","306 Irondale II","306","1" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","306 Irondale II","306","3" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","306 Irondale II","306","2" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","306 Irondale II","306","6" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","306 Irondale II","306","6" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","306 Irondale II","306","4" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","306 Irondale II","306","2" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","307 Four Corners","307","1" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","307 Four Corners","307","2" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","307 Four Corners","307","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","307 Four Corners","307","3" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","307 Four Corners","307","5" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","307 Four Corners","307","5" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","307 Four Corners","307","161" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","307 Four Corners","307","73" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","307 Four Corners","307","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","307 Four Corners","307","3" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","307 Four Corners","307","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","307 Four Corners","307","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","307 Four Corners","307","0" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","307 Four Corners","307","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","307 Four Corners","307","1" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","307 Four Corners","307","4" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","307 Four Corners","307","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","307 Four Corners","307","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","307 Four Corners","307","2" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","307 Four Corners","307","3" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","307 Four Corners","307","5" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","307 Four Corners","307","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","307 Four Corners","307","3" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","307 Four Corners","307","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","307 Four Corners","307","1" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","307 Four Corners","307","3" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","307 Four Corners","307","2" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","307 Four Corners","307","2" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","307 Four Corners","307","5" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","308 Center II","308","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","308 Center II","308","0" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","308 Center II","308","4" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","308 Center II","308","1" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","308 Center II","308","6" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","308 Center II","308","1" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","308 Center II","308","92" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","308 Center II","308","30" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","308 Center II","308","2" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","308 Center II","308","2" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","308 Center II","308","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","308 Center II","308","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","308 Center II","308","0" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","308 Center II","308","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","308 Center II","308","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","308 Center II","308","0" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","308 Center II","308","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","308 Center II","308","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","308 Center II","308","0" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","308 Center II","308","2" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","308 Center II","308","0" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","308 Center II","308","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","308 Center II","308","3" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","308 Center II","308","1" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","308 Center II","308","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","308 Center II","308","0" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","308 Center II","308","1" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","308 Center II","308","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","308 Center II","308","5" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","401 Nordland","401","3" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","401 Nordland","401","3" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","401 Nordland","401","8" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","401 Nordland","401","2" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","401 Nordland","401","0" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","401 Nordland","401","6" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","401 Nordland","401","332" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","401 Nordland","401","104" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","401 Nordland","401","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","401 Nordland","401","7" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","401 Nordland","401","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","401 Nordland","401","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","401 Nordland","401","6" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","401 Nordland","401","2" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","401 Nordland","401","1" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","401 Nordland","401","0" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","401 Nordland","401","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","401 Nordland","401","1" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","401 Nordland","401","2" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","401 Nordland","401","12" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","401 Nordland","401","1" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","401 Nordland","401","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","401 Nordland","401","4" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","401 Nordland","401","2" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","401 Nordland","401","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","401 Nordland","401","5" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","401 Nordland","401","1" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","401 Nordland","401","2" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","401 Nordland","401","7" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","500 Port Ludlow","500","4" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","500 Port Ludlow","500","0" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","500 Port Ludlow","500","13" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","500 Port Ludlow","500","3" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","500 Port Ludlow","500","2" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","500 Port Ludlow","500","8" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","500 Port Ludlow","500","369" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","500 Port Ludlow","500","206" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","500 Port Ludlow","500","1" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","500 Port Ludlow","500","8" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","500 Port Ludlow","500","1" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","500 Port Ludlow","500","2" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","500 Port Ludlow","500","9" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","500 Port Ludlow","500","1" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","500 Port Ludlow","500","1" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","500 Port Ludlow","500","10" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","500 Port Ludlow","500","1" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","500 Port Ludlow","500","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","500 Port Ludlow","500","3" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","500 Port Ludlow","500","1" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","500 Port Ludlow","500","0" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","500 Port Ludlow","500","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","500 Port Ludlow","500","2" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","500 Port Ludlow","500","3" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","500 Port Ludlow","500","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","500 Port Ludlow","500","7" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","500 Port Ludlow","500","3" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","500 Port Ludlow","500","2" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","500 Port Ludlow","500","8" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","501 Port Ludlow I","501","3" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","501 Port Ludlow I","501","2" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","501 Port Ludlow I","501","11" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","501 Port Ludlow I","501","0" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","501 Port Ludlow I","501","0" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","501 Port Ludlow I","501","3" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","501 Port Ludlow I","501","309" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","501 Port Ludlow I","501","152" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","501 Port Ludlow I","501","4" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","501 Port Ludlow I","501","7" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","501 Port Ludlow I","501","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","501 Port Ludlow I","501","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","501 Port Ludlow I","501","9" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","501 Port Ludlow I","501","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","501 Port Ludlow I","501","2" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","501 Port Ludlow I","501","4" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","501 Port Ludlow I","501","1" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","501 Port Ludlow I","501","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","501 Port Ludlow I","501","2" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","501 Port Ludlow I","501","4" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","501 Port Ludlow I","501","1" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","501 Port Ludlow I","501","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","501 Port Ludlow I","501","5" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","501 Port Ludlow I","501","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","501 Port Ludlow I","501","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","501 Port Ludlow I","501","11" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","501 Port Ludlow I","501","4" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","501 Port Ludlow I","501","7" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","501 Port Ludlow I","501","6" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","502 Port Ludlow II","502","8" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","502 Port Ludlow II","502","2" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","502 Port Ludlow II","502","6" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","502 Port Ludlow II","502","1" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","502 Port Ludlow II","502","2" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","502 Port Ludlow II","502","2" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","502 Port Ludlow II","502","211" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","502 Port Ludlow II","502","103" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","502 Port Ludlow II","502","1" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","502 Port Ludlow II","502","5" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","502 Port Ludlow II","502","1" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","502 Port Ludlow II","502","2" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","502 Port Ludlow II","502","0" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","502 Port Ludlow II","502","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","502 Port Ludlow II","502","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","502 Port Ludlow II","502","2" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","502 Port Ludlow II","502","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","502 Port Ludlow II","502","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","502 Port Ludlow II","502","1" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","502 Port Ludlow II","502","3" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","502 Port Ludlow II","502","1" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","502 Port Ludlow II","502","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","502 Port Ludlow II","502","1" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","502 Port Ludlow II","502","1" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","502 Port Ludlow II","502","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","502 Port Ludlow II","502","6" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","502 Port Ludlow II","502","2" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","502 Port Ludlow II","502","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","502 Port Ludlow II","502","1" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","503 Port Ludlow III","503","1" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","503 Port Ludlow III","503","4" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","503 Port Ludlow III","503","10" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","503 Port Ludlow III","503","1" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","503 Port Ludlow III","503","0" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","503 Port Ludlow III","503","4" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","503 Port Ludlow III","503","221" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","503 Port Ludlow III","503","123" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","503 Port Ludlow III","503","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","503 Port Ludlow III","503","7" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","503 Port Ludlow III","503","2" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","503 Port Ludlow III","503","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","503 Port Ludlow III","503","2" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","503 Port Ludlow III","503","2" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","503 Port Ludlow III","503","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","503 Port Ludlow III","503","11" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","503 Port Ludlow III","503","1" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","503 Port Ludlow III","503","1" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","503 Port Ludlow III","503","1" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","503 Port Ludlow III","503","0" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","503 Port Ludlow III","503","1" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","503 Port Ludlow III","503","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","503 Port Ludlow III","503","0" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","503 Port Ludlow III","503","4" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","503 Port Ludlow III","503","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","503 Port Ludlow III","503","6" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","503 Port Ludlow III","503","2" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","503 Port Ludlow III","503","2" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","503 Port Ludlow III","503","5" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","1" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","1" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","0" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","2" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","1" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","143" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","69" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","7" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","1" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","1" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","1" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","0" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","2" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","2" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","0" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","2" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","1" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","2" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","1" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","1" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","2" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","505 Port Ludlow V","505","2" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","505 Port Ludlow V","505","0" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","505 Port Ludlow V","505","13" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","505 Port Ludlow V","505","2" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","505 Port Ludlow V","505","1" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","505 Port Ludlow V","505","7" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","505 Port Ludlow V","505","211" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","505 Port Ludlow V","505","108" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","505 Port Ludlow V","505","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","505 Port Ludlow V","505","1" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","505 Port Ludlow V","505","1" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","505 Port Ludlow V","505","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","505 Port Ludlow V","505","3" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","505 Port Ludlow V","505","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","505 Port Ludlow V","505","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","505 Port Ludlow V","505","3" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","505 Port Ludlow V","505","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","505 Port Ludlow V","505","1" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","505 Port Ludlow V","505","3" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","505 Port Ludlow V","505","5" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","505 Port Ludlow V","505","0" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","505 Port Ludlow V","505","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","505 Port Ludlow V","505","1" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","505 Port Ludlow V","505","3" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","505 Port Ludlow V","505","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","505 Port Ludlow V","505","3" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","505 Port Ludlow V","505","1" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","505 Port Ludlow V","505","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","505 Port Ludlow V","505","0" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","600 Hoh","600","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","600 Hoh","600","0" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","600 Hoh","600","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","600 Hoh","600","0" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","600 Hoh","600","1" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","600 Hoh","600","1" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","600 Hoh","600","22" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","600 Hoh","600","10" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","600 Hoh","600","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","600 Hoh","600","4" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","600 Hoh","600","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","600 Hoh","600","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","600 Hoh","600","0" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","600 Hoh","600","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","600 Hoh","600","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","600 Hoh","600","0" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","600 Hoh","600","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","600 Hoh","600","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","600 Hoh","600","0" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","600 Hoh","600","0" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","600 Hoh","600","0" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","600 Hoh","600","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","600 Hoh","600","0" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","600 Hoh","600","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","600 Hoh","600","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","600 Hoh","600","1" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","600 Hoh","600","2" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","600 Hoh","600","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","600 Hoh","600","1" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","601 Queets","601","2" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","601 Queets","601","0" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","601 Queets","601","0" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","601 Queets","601","0" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","601 Queets","601","0" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","601 Queets","601","0" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","601 Queets","601","6" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","601 Queets","601","2" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","601 Queets","601","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","601 Queets","601","1" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","601 Queets","601","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","601 Queets","601","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","601 Queets","601","3" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","601 Queets","601","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","601 Queets","601","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","601 Queets","601","2" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","601 Queets","601","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","601 Queets","601","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","601 Queets","601","1" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","601 Queets","601","0" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","601 Queets","601","0" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","601 Queets","601","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","601 Queets","601","0" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","601 Queets","601","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","601 Queets","601","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","601 Queets","601","0" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","601 Queets","601","0" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","601 Queets","601","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","601 Queets","601","0" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","700 Port Townsend","700","3" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","700 Port Townsend","700","0" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","700 Port Townsend","700","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","700 Port Townsend","700","1" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","700 Port Townsend","700","1" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","700 Port Townsend","700","7" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","700 Port Townsend","700","358" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","700 Port Townsend","700","37" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","700 Port Townsend","700","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","700 Port Townsend","700","2" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","700 Port Townsend","700","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","700 Port Townsend","700","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","700 Port Townsend","700","0" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","700 Port Townsend","700","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","700 Port Townsend","700","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","700 Port Townsend","700","3" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","700 Port Townsend","700","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","700 Port Townsend","700","1" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","700 Port Townsend","700","5" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","700 Port Townsend","700","4" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","700 Port Townsend","700","3" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","700 Port Townsend","700","2" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","700 Port Townsend","700","4" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","700 Port Townsend","700","1" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","700 Port Townsend","700","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","700 Port Townsend","700","3" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","700 Port Townsend","700","3" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","700 Port Townsend","700","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","700 Port Townsend","700","2" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","701 Port Townsend","701","2" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","701 Port Townsend","701","0" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","701 Port Townsend","701","1" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","701 Port Townsend","701","0" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","701 Port Townsend","701","0" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","701 Port Townsend","701","5" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","701 Port Townsend","701","143" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","701 Port Townsend","701","12" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","701 Port Townsend","701","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","701 Port Townsend","701","2" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","701 Port Townsend","701","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","701 Port Townsend","701","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","701 Port Townsend","701","0" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","701 Port Townsend","701","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","701 Port Townsend","701","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","701 Port Townsend","701","0" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","701 Port Townsend","701","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","701 Port Townsend","701","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","701 Port Townsend","701","2" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","701 Port Townsend","701","9" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","701 Port Townsend","701","2" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","701 Port Townsend","701","1" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","701 Port Townsend","701","1" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","701 Port Townsend","701","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","701 Port Townsend","701","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","701 Port Townsend","701","1" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","701 Port Townsend","701","1" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","701 Port Townsend","701","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","701 Port Townsend","701","0" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","702 Port Townsend","702","1" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","702 Port Townsend","702","0" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","702 Port Townsend","702","1" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","702 Port Townsend","702","4" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","702 Port Townsend","702","3" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","702 Port Townsend","702","6" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","702 Port Townsend","702","239" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","702 Port Townsend","702","11" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","702 Port Townsend","702","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","702 Port Townsend","702","0" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","702 Port Townsend","702","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","702 Port Townsend","702","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","702 Port Townsend","702","0" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","702 Port Townsend","702","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","702 Port Townsend","702","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","702 Port Townsend","702","0" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","702 Port Townsend","702","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","702 Port Townsend","702","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","702 Port Townsend","702","0" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","702 Port Townsend","702","5" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","702 Port Townsend","702","0" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","702 Port Townsend","702","3" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","702 Port Townsend","702","1" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","702 Port Townsend","702","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","702 Port Townsend","702","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","702 Port Townsend","702","1" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","702 Port Townsend","702","0" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","702 Port Townsend","702","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","702 Port Townsend","702","1" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","703 Port Townsend","703","1" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","703 Port Townsend","703","0" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","703 Port Townsend","703","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","703 Port Townsend","703","0" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","703 Port Townsend","703","0" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","703 Port Townsend","703","1" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","703 Port Townsend","703","259" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","703 Port Townsend","703","26" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","703 Port Townsend","703","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","703 Port Townsend","703","3" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","703 Port Townsend","703","1" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","703 Port Townsend","703","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","703 Port Townsend","703","2" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","703 Port Townsend","703","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","703 Port Townsend","703","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","703 Port Townsend","703","0" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","703 Port Townsend","703","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","703 Port Townsend","703","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","703 Port Townsend","703","0" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","703 Port Townsend","703","3" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","703 Port Townsend","703","0" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","703 Port Townsend","703","2" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","703 Port Townsend","703","2" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","703 Port Townsend","703","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","703 Port Townsend","703","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","703 Port Townsend","703","2" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","703 Port Townsend","703","4" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","703 Port Townsend","703","1" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","703 Port Townsend","703","0" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","704 Port Townsend","704","2" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","704 Port Townsend","704","1" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","704 Port Townsend","704","3" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","704 Port Townsend","704","1" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","704 Port Townsend","704","0" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","704 Port Townsend","704","10" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","704 Port Townsend","704","181" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","704 Port Townsend","704","15" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","704 Port Townsend","704","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","704 Port Townsend","704","1" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","704 Port Townsend","704","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","704 Port Townsend","704","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","704 Port Townsend","704","0" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","704 Port Townsend","704","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","704 Port Townsend","704","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","704 Port Townsend","704","0" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","704 Port Townsend","704","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","704 Port Townsend","704","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","704 Port Townsend","704","1" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","704 Port Townsend","704","4" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","704 Port Townsend","704","2" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","704 Port Townsend","704","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","704 Port Townsend","704","3" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","704 Port Townsend","704","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","704 Port Townsend","704","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","704 Port Townsend","704","0" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","704 Port Townsend","704","2" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","704 Port Townsend","704","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","704 Port Townsend","704","2" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","705 Port Townsend","705","2" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","705 Port Townsend","705","2" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","705 Port Townsend","705","9" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","705 Port Townsend","705","1" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","705 Port Townsend","705","0" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","705 Port Townsend","705","9" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","705 Port Townsend","705","187" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","705 Port Townsend","705","32" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","705 Port Townsend","705","1" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","705 Port Townsend","705","6" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","705 Port Townsend","705","1" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","705 Port Townsend","705","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","705 Port Townsend","705","0" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","705 Port Townsend","705","2" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","705 Port Townsend","705","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","705 Port Townsend","705","0" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","705 Port Townsend","705","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","705 Port Townsend","705","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","705 Port Townsend","705","3" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","705 Port Townsend","705","8" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","705 Port Townsend","705","2" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","705 Port Townsend","705","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","705 Port Townsend","705","4" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","705 Port Townsend","705","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","705 Port Townsend","705","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","705 Port Townsend","705","3" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","705 Port Townsend","705","2" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","705 Port Townsend","705","1" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","705 Port Townsend","705","3" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","706 Port Townsend","706","6" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","706 Port Townsend","706","2" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","706 Port Townsend","706","4" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","706 Port Townsend","706","3" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","706 Port Townsend","706","4" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","706 Port Townsend","706","16" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","706 Port Townsend","706","572" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","706 Port Townsend","706","65" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","706 Port Townsend","706","2" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","706 Port Townsend","706","4" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","706 Port Townsend","706","2" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","706 Port Townsend","706","2" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","706 Port Townsend","706","0" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","706 Port Townsend","706","1" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","706 Port Townsend","706","1" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","706 Port Townsend","706","4" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","706 Port Townsend","706","2" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","706 Port Townsend","706","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","706 Port Townsend","706","3" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","706 Port Townsend","706","22" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","706 Port Townsend","706","7" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","706 Port Townsend","706","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","706 Port Townsend","706","8" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","706 Port Townsend","706","1" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","706 Port Townsend","706","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","706 Port Townsend","706","4" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","706 Port Townsend","706","2" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","706 Port Townsend","706","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","706 Port Townsend","706","4" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","707 Port Townsend","707","1" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","707 Port Townsend","707","2" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","707 Port Townsend","707","5" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","707 Port Townsend","707","4" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","707 Port Townsend","707","1" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","707 Port Townsend","707","12" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","707 Port Townsend","707","485" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","707 Port Townsend","707","55" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","707 Port Townsend","707","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","707 Port Townsend","707","5" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","707 Port Townsend","707","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","707 Port Townsend","707","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","707 Port Townsend","707","3" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","707 Port Townsend","707","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","707 Port Townsend","707","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","707 Port Townsend","707","0" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","707 Port Townsend","707","2" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","707 Port Townsend","707","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","707 Port Townsend","707","2" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","707 Port Townsend","707","10" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","707 Port Townsend","707","1" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","707 Port Townsend","707","1" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","707 Port Townsend","707","4" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","707 Port Townsend","707","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","707 Port Townsend","707","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","707 Port Townsend","707","3" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","707 Port Townsend","707","5" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","707 Port Townsend","707","1" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","707 Port Townsend","707","4" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","708 Port Townsend","708","3" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","708 Port Townsend","708","1" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","708 Port Townsend","708","6" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","708 Port Townsend","708","3" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","708 Port Townsend","708","0" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","708 Port Townsend","708","14" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","708 Port Townsend","708","506" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","708 Port Townsend","708","46" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","708 Port Townsend","708","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","708 Port Townsend","708","2" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","708 Port Townsend","708","1" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","708 Port Townsend","708","3" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","708 Port Townsend","708","0" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","708 Port Townsend","708","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","708 Port Townsend","708","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","708 Port Townsend","708","2" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","708 Port Townsend","708","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","708 Port Townsend","708","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","708 Port Townsend","708","2" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","708 Port Townsend","708","17" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","708 Port Townsend","708","8" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","708 Port Townsend","708","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","708 Port Townsend","708","9" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","708 Port Townsend","708","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","708 Port Townsend","708","1" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","708 Port Townsend","708","9" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","708 Port Townsend","708","4" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","708 Port Townsend","708","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","708 Port Townsend","708","6" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","709 Port Townsend","709","3" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","709 Port Townsend","709","1" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","709 Port Townsend","709","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","709 Port Townsend","709","2" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","709 Port Townsend","709","1" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","709 Port Townsend","709","13" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","709 Port Townsend","709","462" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","709 Port Townsend","709","35" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","709 Port Townsend","709","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","709 Port Townsend","709","4" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","709 Port Townsend","709","1" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","709 Port Townsend","709","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","709 Port Townsend","709","0" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","709 Port Townsend","709","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","709 Port Townsend","709","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","709 Port Townsend","709","0" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","709 Port Townsend","709","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","709 Port Townsend","709","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","709 Port Townsend","709","1" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","709 Port Townsend","709","16" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","709 Port Townsend","709","8" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","709 Port Townsend","709","0" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","709 Port Townsend","709","1" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","709 Port Townsend","709","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","709 Port Townsend","709","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","709 Port Townsend","709","1" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","709 Port Townsend","709","6" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","709 Port Townsend","709","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","709 Port Townsend","709","1" "U.S. Senator","Thor Amundson","710 Port Townsend","710","2" "U.S. Senator","Dave Strider","710 Port Townsend","710","3" "U.S. Senator","Joey Gibson","710 Port Townsend","710","0" "U.S. Senator","Mike Luke","710 Port Townsend","710","2" "U.S. Senator","GoodSpaceGuy","710 Port Townsend","710","1" "U.S. Senator","Clint R. Tannehill","710 Port Townsend","710","7" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","710 Port Townsend","710","293" "U.S. Senator","Susan Hutchison","710 Port Townsend","710","43" "U.S. Senator","Brad Chase","710 Port Townsend","710","0" "U.S. Senator","Tim Owen","710 Port Townsend","710","2" "U.S. Senator","Matthew D. Heines","710 Port Townsend","710","0" "U.S. Senator","Sam Wright","710 Port Townsend","710","2" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","710 Port Townsend","710","0" "U.S. Senator","John Orlinski","710 Port Townsend","710","0" "U.S. Senator","Charlie R Jackson","710 Port Townsend","710","0" "U.S. Senator","Keith Swank","710 Port Townsend","710","0" "U.S. Senator","Alex Tsimerman","710 Port Townsend","710","0" "U.S. Senator","RC Smith","710 Port Townsend","710","0" "U.S. Senator","Don L. Rivers","710 Port Townsend","710","0" "U.S. Senator","Jennifer Gigi Ferguson","710 Port Townsend","710","10" "U.S. Senator","Steve Hoffman","710 Port Townsend","710","1" "U.S. Senator","George H. Kalberer","710 Port Townsend","710","1" "U.S. Senator","James Robert "Jimmie" Deal","710 Port Townsend","710","5" "U.S. Senator","Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente","710 Port Townsend","710","0" "U.S. Senator","Jon Butler","710 Port Townsend","710","0" "U.S. Senator","Dave Bryant","710 Port Townsend","710","0" "U.S. Senator","Mohammad Said","710 Port Townsend","710","1" "U.S. Senator","Matt Hawkins","710 Port Townsend","710","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen R Stockwell","710 Port Townsend","710","0" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","Total","-1","939" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","Total","-1","3710" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","Total","-1","9989" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","101 Gardiner","101","6" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","101 Gardiner","101","58" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","101 Gardiner","101","140" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","102 Port Discovery","102","18" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","102 Port Discovery","102","51" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","102 Port Discovery","102","126" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","103 Crocker","103","10" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","103 Crocker","103","55" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","103 Crocker","103","73" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","104 Cape George","104","44" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","104 Cape George","104","107" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","104 Cape George","104","347" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","105 Discovery Bay","105","33" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","105 Discovery Bay","105","78" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","105 Discovery Bay","105","368" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","106 North Jacob","106","37" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","106 North Jacob","106","74" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","106 North Jacob","106","250" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","107 South Jacob","107","43" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","107 South Jacob","107","116" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","107 South Jacob","107","300" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","200 Coyle","200","7" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","200 Coyle","200","86" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","200 Coyle","200","142" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","201 Quilcene","201","31" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","201 Quilcene","201","177" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","201 Quilcene","201","254" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","204 Brinnon","204","25" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","204 Brinnon","204","268" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","204 Brinnon","204","264" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","300 Chimacum I","300","19" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","300 Chimacum I","300","146" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","300 Chimacum I","300","211" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","301 Chimacum II","301","11" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","301 Chimacum II","301","68" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","301 Chimacum II","301","107" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","302 Center I","302","16" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","302 Center I","302","97" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","302 Center I","302","174" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","303 Hadlock","303","29" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","303 Hadlock","303","143" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","303 Hadlock","303","307" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","304 Kala Point","304","17" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","304 Kala Point","304","159" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","304 Kala Point","304","394" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","305 Irondale I","305","33" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","305 Irondale I","305","102" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","305 Irondale I","305","238" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","306 Irondale II","306","26" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","306 Irondale II","306","149" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","306 Irondale II","306","273" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","307 Four Corners","307","20" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","307 Four Corners","307","86" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","307 Four Corners","307","180" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","308 Center II","308","17" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","308 Center II","308","48" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","308 Center II","308","99" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","401 Nordland","401","33" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","401 Nordland","401","130" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","401 Nordland","401","346" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","500 Port Ludlow","500","13" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","500 Port Ludlow","500","257" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","500 Port Ludlow","500","406" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","501 Port Ludlow I","501","12" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","501 Port Ludlow I","501","199" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","501 Port Ludlow I","501","343" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","502 Port Ludlow II","502","12" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","502 Port Ludlow II","502","126" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","502 Port Ludlow II","502","232" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","503 Port Ludlow III","503","6" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","503 Port Ludlow III","503","181" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","503 Port Ludlow III","503","235" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","9" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","86" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","150" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","505 Port Ludlow V","505","7" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","505 Port Ludlow V","505","136" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","505 Port Ludlow V","505","236" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","600 Hoh","600","1" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","600 Hoh","600","16" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","600 Hoh","600","27" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","601 Queets","601","3" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","601 Queets","601","10" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","601 Queets","601","4" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","700 Port Townsend","700","42" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","700 Port Townsend","700","50" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","700 Port Townsend","700","351" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","701 Port Townsend","701","27" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","701 Port Townsend","701","16" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","701 Port Townsend","701","140" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","702 Port Townsend","702","18" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","702 Port Townsend","702","17" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","702 Port Townsend","702","239" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","703 Port Townsend","703","19" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","703 Port Townsend","703","34" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","703 Port Townsend","703","257" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","704 Port Townsend","704","22" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","704 Port Townsend","704","17" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","704 Port Townsend","704","192" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","705 Port Townsend","705","22" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","705 Port Townsend","705","51" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","705 Port Townsend","705","214" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","706 Port Townsend","706","66" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","706 Port Townsend","706","89" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","706 Port Townsend","706","582" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","707 Port Townsend","707","41" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","707 Port Townsend","707","72" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","707 Port Townsend","707","498" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","708 Port Townsend","708","67" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","708 Port Townsend","708","61" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","708 Port Townsend","708","523" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","709 Port Townsend","709","52" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","709 Port Townsend","709","44" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","709 Port Townsend","709","467" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Tyler Myles Vega","710 Port Townsend","710","25" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Douglas Dightman","710 Port Townsend","710","50" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","710 Port Townsend","710","300" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","Total","-1","4360" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","Total","-1","10217" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","101 Gardiner","101","63" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","101 Gardiner","101","142" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","102 Port Discovery","102","59" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","102 Port Discovery","102","134" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","103 Crocker","103","62" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","103 Crocker","103","78" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","104 Cape George","104","114" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","104 Cape George","104","377" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","105 Discovery Bay","105","107" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","105 Discovery Bay","105","375" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","106 North Jacob","106","95" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","106 North Jacob","106","265" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","107 South Jacob","107","143" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","107 South Jacob","107","312" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","200 Coyle","200","100" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","200 Coyle","200","134" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","201 Quilcene","201","217" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","201 Quilcene","201","257" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","204 Brinnon","204","290" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","204 Brinnon","204","262" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","300 Chimacum I","300","166" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","300 Chimacum I","300","207" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","301 Chimacum II","301","85" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","301 Chimacum II","301","104" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","302 Center I","302","113" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","302 Center I","302","171" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","303 Hadlock","303","178" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","303 Hadlock","303","303" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","304 Kala Point","304","182" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","304 Kala Point","304","385" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","305 Irondale I","305","125" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","305 Irondale I","305","245" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","306 Irondale II","306","188" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","306 Irondale II","306","256" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","307 Four Corners","307","104" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","307 Four Corners","307","178" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","308 Center II","308","59" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","308 Center II","308","105" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","401 Nordland","401","146" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","401 Nordland","401","364" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","500 Port Ludlow","500","285" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","500 Port Ludlow","500","382" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","501 Port Ludlow I","501","236" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","501 Port Ludlow I","501","316" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","502 Port Ludlow II","502","136" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","502 Port Ludlow II","502","225" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","503 Port Ludlow III","503","193" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","503 Port Ludlow III","503","224" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","94" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","152" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","505 Port Ludlow V","505","148" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","505 Port Ludlow V","505","222" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","600 Hoh","600","19" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","600 Hoh","600","26" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","601 Queets","601","10" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","601 Queets","601","6" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","700 Port Townsend","700","70" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","700 Port Townsend","700","377" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","701 Port Townsend","701","23" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","701 Port Townsend","701","162" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","702 Port Townsend","702","26" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","702 Port Townsend","702","247" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","703 Port Townsend","703","41" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","703 Port Townsend","703","260" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","704 Port Townsend","704","23" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","704 Port Townsend","704","205" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","705 Port Townsend","705","66" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","705 Port Townsend","705","217" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","706 Port Townsend","706","107" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","706 Port Townsend","706","630" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","707 Port Townsend","707","92" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","707 Port Townsend","707","520" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","708 Port Townsend","708","76" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","708 Port Townsend","708","576" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","709 Port Townsend","709","63" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","709 Port Townsend","709","496" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Jodi Wilke","710 Port Townsend","710","56" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Chapman","710 Port Townsend","710","320" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","Total","-1","4249" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","Total","-1","10014" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","101 Gardiner","101","65" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","101 Gardiner","101","139" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","102 Port Discovery","102","59" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","102 Port Discovery","102","130" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","103 Crocker","103","60" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","103 Crocker","103","73" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","104 Cape George","104","113" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","104 Cape George","104","370" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","105 Discovery Bay","105","99" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","105 Discovery Bay","105","373" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","106 North Jacob","106","85" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","106 North Jacob","106","258" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","107 South Jacob","107","129" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","107 South Jacob","107","310" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","200 Coyle","200","95" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","200 Coyle","200","131" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","201 Quilcene","201","216" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","201 Quilcene","201","241" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","204 Brinnon","204","286" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","204 Brinnon","204","251" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","300 Chimacum I","300","166" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","300 Chimacum I","300","198" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","301 Chimacum II","301","82" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","301 Chimacum II","301","102" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","302 Center I","302","109" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","302 Center I","302","169" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","303 Hadlock","303","178" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","303 Hadlock","303","286" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","304 Kala Point","304","179" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","304 Kala Point","304","381" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","305 Irondale I","305","123" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","305 Irondale I","305","231" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","306 Irondale II","306","180" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","306 Irondale II","306","256" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","307 Four Corners","307","99" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","307 Four Corners","307","179" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","308 Center II","308","51" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","308 Center II","308","111" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","401 Nordland","401","151" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","401 Nordland","401","349" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","500 Port Ludlow","500","282" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","500 Port Ludlow","500","378" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","501 Port Ludlow I","501","231" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","501 Port Ludlow I","501","311" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","502 Port Ludlow II","502","136" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","502 Port Ludlow II","502","216" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","503 Port Ludlow III","503","188" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","503 Port Ludlow III","503","222" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","90" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","154" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","505 Port Ludlow V","505","155" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","505 Port Ludlow V","505","213" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","600 Hoh","600","20" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","600 Hoh","600","24" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","601 Queets","601","10" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","601 Queets","601","6" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","700 Port Townsend","700","70" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","700 Port Townsend","700","371" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","701 Port Townsend","701","22" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","701 Port Townsend","701","161" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","702 Port Townsend","702","21" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","702 Port Townsend","702","247" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","703 Port Townsend","703","40" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","703 Port Townsend","703","261" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","704 Port Townsend","704","26" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","704 Port Townsend","704","201" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","705 Port Townsend","705","70" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","705 Port Townsend","705","211" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","706 Port Townsend","706","99" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","706 Port Townsend","706","617" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","707 Port Townsend","707","82" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","707 Port Townsend","707","521" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","708 Port Townsend","708","75" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","708 Port Townsend","708","551" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","709 Port Townsend","709","50" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","709 Port Townsend","709","496" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim McEntire","710 Port Townsend","710","57" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","710 Port Townsend","710","315" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","Total","-1","10491" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","101 Gardiner","101","144" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","102 Port Discovery","102","128" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","103 Crocker","103","92" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","104 Cape George","104","376" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","105 Discovery Bay","105","364" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","106 North Jacob","106","248" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","107 South Jacob","107","333" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","200 Coyle","200","160" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","201 Quilcene","201","281" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","204 Brinnon","204","343" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","300 Chimacum I","300","257" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","301 Chimacum II","301","115" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","302 Center I","302","196" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","303 Hadlock","303","338" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","304 Kala Point","304","404" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","305 Irondale I","305","253" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","306 Irondale II","306","313" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","307 Four Corners","307","219" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","308 Center II","308","114" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","401 Nordland","401","354" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","500 Port Ludlow","500","432" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","501 Port Ludlow I","501","391" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","502 Port Ludlow II","502","240" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","503 Port Ludlow III","503","268" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","165" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","505 Port Ludlow V","505","256" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","600 Hoh","600","30" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","601 Queets","601","8" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","700 Port Townsend","700","350" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","701 Port Townsend","701","147" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","702 Port Townsend","702","227" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","703 Port Townsend","703","246" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","704 Port Townsend","704","181" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","705 Port Townsend","705","214" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","706 Port Townsend","706","591" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","707 Port Townsend","707","470" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","708 Port Townsend","708","508" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","709 Port Townsend","709","458" "County of Jefferson Assessor","Jeff Chapman","710 Port Townsend","710","277" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","Total","-1","10558" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","101 Gardiner","101","142" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","102 Port Discovery","102","133" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","103 Crocker","103","93" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","104 Cape George","104","380" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","105 Discovery Bay","105","363" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","106 North Jacob","106","253" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","107 South Jacob","107","330" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","200 Coyle","200","155" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","201 Quilcene","201","285" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","204 Brinnon","204","345" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","300 Chimacum I","300","261" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","301 Chimacum II","301","118" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","302 Center I","302","195" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","303 Hadlock","303","352" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","304 Kala Point","304","405" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","305 Irondale I","305","258" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","306 Irondale II","306","315" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","307 Four Corners","307","218" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","308 Center II","308","115" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","401 Nordland","401","348" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","500 Port Ludlow","500","427" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","501 Port Ludlow I","501","395" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","502 Port Ludlow II","502","241" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","503 Port Ludlow III","503","262" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","167" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","505 Port Ludlow V","505","262" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","600 Hoh","600","29" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","601 Queets","601","10" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","700 Port Townsend","700","355" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","701 Port Townsend","701","150" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","702 Port Townsend","702","230" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","703 Port Townsend","703","246" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","704 Port Townsend","704","185" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","705 Port Townsend","705","216" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","706 Port Townsend","706","598" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","707 Port Townsend","707","484" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","708 Port Townsend","708","502" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","709 Port Townsend","709","461" "County of Jefferson Auditor","Rose Ann Carroll","710 Port Townsend","710","274" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","Total","-1","10586" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","101 Gardiner","101","142" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","102 Port Discovery","102","133" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","103 Crocker","103","92" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","104 Cape George","104","379" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","105 Discovery Bay","105","365" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","106 North Jacob","106","259" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","107 South Jacob","107","324" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","200 Coyle","200","162" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","201 Quilcene","201","286" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","204 Brinnon","204","346" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","300 Chimacum I","300","259" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","301 Chimacum II","301","114" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","302 Center I","302","196" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","303 Hadlock","303","345" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","304 Kala Point","304","410" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","305 Irondale I","305","252" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","306 Irondale II","306","312" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","307 Four Corners","307","221" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","308 Center II","308","114" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","401 Nordland","401","344" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","500 Port Ludlow","500","431" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","501 Port Ludlow I","501","386" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","502 Port Ludlow II","502","241" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","503 Port Ludlow III","503","269" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","164" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","505 Port Ludlow V","505","254" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","600 Hoh","600","30" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","601 Queets","601","8" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","700 Port Townsend","700","359" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","701 Port Townsend","701","154" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","702 Port Townsend","702","234" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","703 Port Townsend","703","253" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","704 Port Townsend","704","186" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","705 Port Townsend","705","219" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","706 Port Townsend","706","601" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","707 Port Townsend","707","486" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","708 Port Townsend","708","504" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","709 Port Townsend","709","468" "County of Jefferson Clerk","Ruth Gordon","710 Port Townsend","710","284" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Greg Brotherton","Total","-1","1628" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Craig Durgan","Total","-1","423" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Jon Cooke","Total","-1","1716" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Ryan McAllister","Total","-1","886" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Greg Brotherton","101 Gardiner","101","86" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Craig Durgan","101 Gardiner","101","19" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Jon Cooke","101 Gardiner","101","54" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Ryan McAllister","101 Gardiner","101","29" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Greg Brotherton","102 Port Discovery","102","94" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Craig Durgan","102 Port Discovery","102","16" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Jon Cooke","102 Port Discovery","102","53" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Ryan McAllister","102 Port Discovery","102","25" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Greg Brotherton","103 Crocker","103","65" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Craig Durgan","103 Crocker","103","10" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Jon Cooke","103 Crocker","103","53" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Ryan McAllister","103 Crocker","103","15" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Greg Brotherton","200 Coyle","200","67" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Craig Durgan","200 Coyle","200","13" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Jon Cooke","200 Coyle","200","98" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Ryan McAllister","200 Coyle","200","44" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Greg Brotherton","201 Quilcene","201","203" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Craig Durgan","201 Quilcene","201","24" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Jon Cooke","201 Quilcene","201","187" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Ryan McAllister","201 Quilcene","201","73" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Greg Brotherton","204 Brinnon","204","122" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Craig Durgan","204 Brinnon","204","32" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Jon Cooke","204 Brinnon","204","224" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Ryan McAllister","204 Brinnon","204","178" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Greg Brotherton","302 Center I","302","93" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Craig Durgan","302 Center I","302","21" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Jon Cooke","302 Center I","302","103" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Ryan McAllister","302 Center I","302","66" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Greg Brotherton","500 Port Ludlow","500","205" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Craig Durgan","500 Port Ludlow","500","65" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Jon Cooke","500 Port Ludlow","500","243" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Ryan McAllister","500 Port Ludlow","500","117" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Greg Brotherton","501 Port Ludlow I","501","190" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Craig Durgan","501 Port Ludlow I","501","64" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Jon Cooke","501 Port Ludlow I","501","189" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Ryan McAllister","501 Port Ludlow I","501","96" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Greg Brotherton","502 Port Ludlow II","502","110" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Craig Durgan","502 Port Ludlow II","502","56" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Jon Cooke","502 Port Ludlow II","502","127" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Ryan McAllister","502 Port Ludlow II","502","63" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Greg Brotherton","503 Port Ludlow III","503","141" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Craig Durgan","503 Port Ludlow III","503","51" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Jon Cooke","503 Port Ludlow III","503","166" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Ryan McAllister","503 Port Ludlow III","503","51" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Greg Brotherton","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","75" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Craig Durgan","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","19" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Jon Cooke","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","77" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Ryan McAllister","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","64" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Greg Brotherton","505 Port Ludlow V","505","163" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Craig Durgan","505 Port Ludlow V","505","21" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Jon Cooke","505 Port Ludlow V","505","117" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Ryan McAllister","505 Port Ludlow V","505","61" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Greg Brotherton","600 Hoh","600","9" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Craig Durgan","600 Hoh","600","9" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Jon Cooke","600 Hoh","600","17" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Ryan McAllister","600 Hoh","600","4" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Greg Brotherton","601 Queets","601","5" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Craig Durgan","601 Queets","601","3" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Jon Cooke","601 Queets","601","8" "County Commissioner District 3 Commissioner, District 3","Ryan McAllister","601 Queets","601","0" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","Total","-1","6533" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","Total","-1","5417" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","101 Gardiner","101","65" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","101 Gardiner","101","63" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","102 Port Discovery","102","75" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","102 Port Discovery","102","77" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","103 Crocker","103","46" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","103 Crocker","103","57" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","104 Cape George","104","214" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","104 Cape George","104","211" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","105 Discovery Bay","105","193" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","105 Discovery Bay","105","219" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","106 North Jacob","106","157" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","106 North Jacob","106","145" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","107 South Jacob","107","230" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","107 South Jacob","107","158" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","200 Coyle","200","88" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","200 Coyle","200","71" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","201 Quilcene","201","228" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","201 Quilcene","201","147" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","204 Brinnon","204","191" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","204 Brinnon","204","190" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","300 Chimacum I","300","176" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","300 Chimacum I","300","120" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","301 Chimacum II","301","93" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","301 Chimacum II","301","62" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","302 Center I","302","107" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","302 Center I","302","121" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","303 Hadlock","303","235" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","303 Hadlock","303","165" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","304 Kala Point","304","269" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","304 Kala Point","304","184" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","305 Irondale I","305","144" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","305 Irondale I","305","164" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","306 Irondale II","306","204" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","306 Irondale II","306","157" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","307 Four Corners","307","139" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","307 Four Corners","307","96" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","308 Center II","308","74" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","308 Center II","308","59" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","401 Nordland","401","213" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","401 Nordland","401","173" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","500 Port Ludlow","500","256" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","500 Port Ludlow","500","204" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","501 Port Ludlow I","501","256" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","501 Port Ludlow I","501","191" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","502 Port Ludlow II","502","150" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","502 Port Ludlow II","502","130" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","503 Port Ludlow III","503","162" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","503 Port Ludlow III","503","127" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","83" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","92" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","505 Port Ludlow V","505","161" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","505 Port Ludlow V","505","119" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","600 Hoh","600","13" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","600 Hoh","600","17" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","601 Queets","601","5" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","601 Queets","601","5" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","700 Port Townsend","700","230" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","700 Port Townsend","700","165" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","701 Port Townsend","701","97" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","701 Port Townsend","701","72" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","702 Port Townsend","702","161" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","702 Port Townsend","702","92" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","703 Port Townsend","703","166" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","703 Port Townsend","703","116" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","704 Port Townsend","704","129" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","704 Port Townsend","704","76" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","705 Port Townsend","705","117" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","705 Port Townsend","705","136" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","706 Port Townsend","706","364" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","706 Port Townsend","706","299" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","707 Port Townsend","707","299" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","707 Port Townsend","707","251" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","708 Port Townsend","708","288" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","708 Port Townsend","708","295" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","709 Port Townsend","709","273" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","709 Port Townsend","709","242" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","James M. Kennedy","710 Port Townsend","710","182" "County of Jefferson Prosecutor and Coroner","Michael Haas","710 Port Townsend","710","149" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","Total","-1","8837" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","Total","-1","5306" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","101 Gardiner","101","115" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","101 Gardiner","101","64" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","102 Port Discovery","102","114" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","102 Port Discovery","102","72" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","103 Crocker","103","71" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","103 Crocker","103","58" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","104 Cape George","104","263" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","104 Cape George","104","221" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","105 Discovery Bay","105","266" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","105 Discovery Bay","105","206" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","106 North Jacob","106","234" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","106 North Jacob","106","122" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","107 South Jacob","107","287" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","107 South Jacob","107","160" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","200 Coyle","200","108" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","200 Coyle","200","111" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","201 Quilcene","201","306" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","201 Quilcene","201","152" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","204 Brinnon","204","288" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","204 Brinnon","204","213" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","300 Chimacum I","300","241" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","300 Chimacum I","300","121" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","301 Chimacum II","301","116" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","301 Chimacum II","301","77" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","302 Center I","302","183" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","302 Center I","302","98" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","303 Hadlock","303","325" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","303 Hadlock","303","147" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","304 Kala Point","304","286" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","304 Kala Point","304","274" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","305 Irondale I","305","203" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","305 Irondale I","305","167" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","306 Irondale II","306","325" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","306 Irondale II","306","120" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","307 Four Corners","307","183" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","307 Four Corners","307","101" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","308 Center II","308","113" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","308 Center II","308","47" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","401 Nordland","401","281" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","401 Nordland","401","210" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","500 Port Ludlow","500","358" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","500 Port Ludlow","500","281" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","501 Port Ludlow I","501","310" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","501 Port Ludlow I","501","230" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","502 Port Ludlow II","502","225" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","502 Port Ludlow II","502","142" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","503 Port Ludlow III","503","178" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","503 Port Ludlow III","503","218" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","112" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","109" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","505 Port Ludlow V","505","198" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","505 Port Ludlow V","505","160" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","600 Hoh","600","17" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","600 Hoh","600","21" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","601 Queets","601","9" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","601 Queets","601","4" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","700 Port Townsend","700","306" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","700 Port Townsend","700","127" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","701 Port Townsend","701","119" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","701 Port Townsend","701","64" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","702 Port Townsend","702","181" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","702 Port Townsend","702","87" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","703 Port Townsend","703","194" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","703 Port Townsend","703","101" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","704 Port Townsend","704","151" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","704 Port Townsend","704","74" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","705 Port Townsend","705","197" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","705 Port Townsend","705","90" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","706 Port Townsend","706","509" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","706 Port Townsend","706","197" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","707 Port Townsend","707","431" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","707 Port Townsend","707","169" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","708 Port Townsend","708","434" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","708 Port Townsend","708","190" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","709 Port Townsend","709","390" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","709 Port Townsend","709","147" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","Joe Nole","710 Port Townsend","710","210" "County of Jefferson Sheriff","David Stanko","710 Port Townsend","710","154" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","Total","-1","10310" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","101 Gardiner","101","133" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","102 Port Discovery","102","127" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","103 Crocker","103","92" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","104 Cape George","104","366" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","105 Discovery Bay","105","365" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","106 North Jacob","106","247" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","107 South Jacob","107","316" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","200 Coyle","200","154" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","201 Quilcene","201","293" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","204 Brinnon","204","340" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","300 Chimacum I","300","254" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","301 Chimacum II","301","112" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","302 Center I","302","186" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","303 Hadlock","303","341" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","304 Kala Point","304","395" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","305 Irondale I","305","253" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","306 Irondale II","306","314" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","307 Four Corners","307","213" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","308 Center II","308","112" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","401 Nordland","401","341" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","500 Port Ludlow","500","415" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","501 Port Ludlow I","501","375" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","502 Port Ludlow II","502","229" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","503 Port Ludlow III","503","257" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","157" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","505 Port Ludlow V","505","246" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","600 Hoh","600","31" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","601 Queets","601","10" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","700 Port Townsend","700","350" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","701 Port Townsend","701","147" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","702 Port Townsend","702","226" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","703 Port Townsend","703","238" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","704 Port Townsend","704","180" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","705 Port Townsend","705","217" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","706 Port Townsend","706","592" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","707 Port Townsend","707","477" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","708 Port Townsend","708","482" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","709 Port Townsend","709","448" "County of Jefferson Treasurer","Stacie Prada","710 Port Townsend","710","279" "101 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Franklin J.C. Wallbrown","Total","-1","10" "101 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Ann Waldron","Total","-1","112" "101 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Franklin J.C. Wallbrown","101 Gardiner","101","10" "101 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Ann Waldron","101 Gardiner","101","112" "102 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Ben Rutherford","Total","-1","53" "102 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Ray Hunter","Total","-1","37" "102 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Ben Rutherford","102 Port Discovery","102","53" "102 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Ray Hunter","102 Port Discovery","102","37" "103 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Thomas Meyer","Total","-1","34" "103 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Chelsea Pronovost","Total","-1","42" "103 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Thomas Meyer","103 Crocker","103","34" "103 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Chelsea Pronovost","103 Crocker","103","42" "104 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Linda Sutton","Total","-1","193" "104 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Marty Gilmore","Total","-1","179" "104 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Linda Sutton","104 Cape George","104","193" "104 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Marty Gilmore","104 Cape George","104","179" "201 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Patricia Jones","Total","-1","161" "201 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Clayton White","Total","-1","64" "201 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Patricia Jones","201 Quilcene","201","161" "201 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Clayton White","201 Quilcene","201","64" "204 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Beth Stroh-Stern","Total","-1","129" "204 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Jolene A Elkins","Total","-1","96" "204 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Beth Stroh-Stern","204 Brinnon","204","129" "204 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Jolene A Elkins","204 Brinnon","204","96" "301 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","John W. Hamilton","Total","-1","33" "301 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Gail Lucas","Total","-1","50" "301 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","John W. Hamilton","301 Chimacum II","301","33" "301 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Gail Lucas","301 Chimacum II","301","50" "302 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Jean Ball","Total","-1","103" "302 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Maj-Britt Peacock","Total","-1","58" "302 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Jean Ball","302 Center I","302","103" "302 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Maj-Britt Peacock","302 Center I","302","58" "304 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Alise Moss Vetica","Total","-1","200" "304 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Linda J Brewster","Total","-1","203" "304 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Alise Moss Vetica","304 Kala Point","304","200" "304 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Linda J Brewster","304 Kala Point","304","203" "502 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Gerald Lasser","Total","-1","100" "502 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","John Pizzo","Total","-1","80" "502 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Gerald Lasser","502 Port Ludlow II","502","100" "502 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","John Pizzo","502 Port Ludlow II","502","80" "702 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Gary Engbrecht","Total","-1","119" "702 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Rick Dennison","Total","-1","81" "702 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Gary Engbrecht","702 Port Townsend","702","119" "702 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Rick Dennison","702 Port Townsend","702","81" "703 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Jackie Aase","Total","-1","92" "703 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Gary B. Larson","Total","-1","141" "703 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Jackie Aase","703 Port Townsend","703","92" "703 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Gary B. Larson","703 Port Townsend","703","141" "704 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Carol Gallup","Total","-1","74" "704 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Jonathan S Bakin","Total","-1","98" "704 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Carol Gallup","704 Port Townsend","704","74" "704 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Jonathan S Bakin","704 Port Townsend","704","98" "500 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Amber Rose","Total","-1","187" "500 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Linda Karp","Total","-1","252" "500 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Amber Rose","500 Port Ludlow","500","187" "500 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Linda Karp","500 Port Ludlow","500","252" "708 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Charlotte Wells","Total","-1","172" "708 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Elizabeth (Libby) Urner Wennstrom","Total","-1","234" "708 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Charlotte Wells","708 Port Townsend","708","172" "708 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Elizabeth (Libby) Urner Wennstrom","708 Port Townsend","708","234" "700 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Cynthia Koan","Total","-1","150" "700 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Tobi McEnerney","Total","-1","146" "700 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Cynthia Koan","700 Port Townsend","700","150" "700 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Tobi McEnerney","700 Port Townsend","700","146" "706 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Patricia Walat","Total","-1","221" "706 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Bruce Cowan","Total","-1","341" "706 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Patricia Walat","706 Port Townsend","706","221" "706 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Bruce Cowan","706 Port Townsend","706","341" "709 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","John Austin","Total","-1","309" "709 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Nate Malmgren","Total","-1","112" "709 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","John Austin","709 Port Townsend","709","309" "709 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Nate Malmgren","709 Port Townsend","709","112" "505 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Juliet Parfrey","Total","-1","87" "505 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","John Fabian","Total","-1","155" "505 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Juliet Parfrey","505 Port Ludlow V","505","87" "505 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","John Fabian","505 Port Ludlow V","505","155" "306 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Jeff Graham","Total","-1","53" "306 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Nancy Lee Mann","Total","-1","86" "306 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Bethel Prescott","Total","-1","104" "306 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Jeff Graham","306 Irondale II","306","53" "306 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Nancy Lee Mann","306 Irondale II","306","86" "306 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Bethel Prescott","306 Irondale II","306","104" "707 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Bernie Donanberg","Total","-1","133" "707 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","John N. Collins","Total","-1","296" "707 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","Bernie Donanberg","707 Port Townsend","707","133" "707 Precinct Committee Officer - Democratic","John N. Collins","707 Port Townsend","707","296" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","YES","Total","-1","3233" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","NO","Total","-1","2278" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","YES","200 Coyle","200","7" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","NO","200 Coyle","200","6" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","YES","300 Chimacum I","300","232" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","NO","300 Chimacum I","300","139" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","YES","301 Chimacum II","301","117" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","NO","301 Chimacum II","301","80" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","YES","302 Center I","302","182" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","NO","302 Center I","302","110" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","YES","303 Hadlock","303","279" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","NO","303 Hadlock","303","212" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","YES","305 Irondale I","305","210" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","NO","305 Irondale I","305","161" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","YES","306 Irondale II","306","274" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","NO","306 Irondale II","306","174" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","YES","307 Four Corners","307","41" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","NO","307 Four Corners","307","27" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","YES","308 Center II","308","110" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","NO","308 Center II","308","52" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","YES","401 Nordland","401","325" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","NO","401 Nordland","401","183" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","YES","500 Port Ludlow","500","382" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","NO","500 Port Ludlow","500","273" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","YES","501 Port Ludlow I","501","326" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","NO","501 Port Ludlow I","501","231" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","YES","502 Port Ludlow II","502","192" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","NO","502 Port Ludlow II","502","175" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","YES","503 Port Ludlow III","503","233" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","NO","503 Port Ludlow III","503","179" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","YES","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","120" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","NO","504 Port Ludlow IV","504","110" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","YES","505 Port Ludlow V","505","203" "Chimacum School District No. 49 Proposition No. 1 Capital Improvements, Including Facilities, Technology and Safety","NO","505 Port Ludlow V","505","166"