November 8, 2016 General Election
The "Estimated Ballots Left to Count" does not include ballots that may continue to be received in the mail with a postmark on or before Election Day or ballots with signature issues that must be corrected before they can be counted.
Last updated on 11/29/2016 10:33 AM
Grant County PUD All Commissioner Distict A |
Precinct | Tom Flint |
Total | 20684 |
Airport 1 001 | 308 |
Beverly 002 | 33 |
Block 71 003 | 610 |
Cascade Fairgrnd 004 | 260 |
Coulee City 005 | 180 |
Coulee Cty Rur W 006 | 69 |
Electric City 007 | 301 |
Ephrata 5 008 | 294 |
Ephrata 2 009 | 323 |
Ephrata 3 010 | 245 |
Ephrata 4 011 | 447 |
Ephrata 7 012 | 324 |
Ephrata 9 013 | 603 |
Ephrata Rural | 207 |
George 015 | 48 |
George Rural 016 | 488 |
Gloyd 017 | 304 |
Grand Coulee 018 | 259 |
Hartline 019 | 72 |
Hartline Rural S 020 | 28 |
Lakeview Park 021 | 268 |
Longview 022 | 409 |
Mae 023 | 868 |
Marlin 024 | 20 |
Marlin Rural 025 | 38 |
Mattawa 026 | 129 |
Mattawa Rural 027 | 450 |
McConihe 1 028 | 185 |
Moses Lake 5 029 | 280 |
Moses Lake 3 030 | 557 |
Moses Lake 4 031 | 356 |
Moses Lake 6 032 | 632 |
Moses Lake 7 033 | 527 |
Moses Lake 8 034 | 635 |
Moses Lake 11 035 | 669 |
Moses Lake 12 036 | 391 |
North Banks Lake 037 | 80 |
O Sullivan Dam 1 038 | 484 |
Quincy 1 039 | 393 |
Quincy 4 040 | 182 |
Quincy 6 041 | 474 |
Quincy Rural N 042 | 192 |
Royal Camp 043 | 456 |
Royal City 044 | 145 |
Ruff 045 | 47 |
Smyrna 1 046 | 125 |
Soap Lake 1 047 | 217 |
Soap Lake Rur E | 79 |
Stratford 049 | 37 |
Warden 050 | 266 |
Warden Rural 051 | 393 |
Soap Lake 2 052 | 170 |
Westslope 1 053 | 108 |
Wheeler 1 054 | 224 |
Wilson Creek 055 | 63 |
Wilson Crk Rural 056 | 30 |
Airport 2 057 | 254 |
Cascade Valley 058 | 627 |
Westslope 2 059 | 89 |
Smyrna 2 060 | 25 |
East Wahluke 061 | 93 |
Coulee Cty Rur E 062 | 15 |
McConihe 2 063 | 147 |
Quincy Rural S 064 | 489 |
Greenfield 065 | 59 |
Moses Lake 1 066 | 294 |
Moses Lake 2 067 | 305 |
Moses Lake 9 068 | 356 |
O Sullivan Dam 2 069 | 596 |
Wheeler 2 070 | 600 |
Soap Lake Rur W | 318 |
Coulee Cty Rur N 072 | 69 |
Hartline Rural N 073 | 30 |
Ephrata Rural E | 336 |
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