Lewis County Auditor | Elections | November 3, 2015 General Election

The "Estimated Ballots Left to Count" does not include ballots postmarked on or before Election Day that may continue to arrive through the mail or ballots with signature issues that must be corrected before they can be counted.

A write-in candidate might not appear in election results if the total number of write-in votes is too small to affect the outcome of the election. (RCW 29A.60.021)

November 3, 2015 General Election

Last updated on 11/24/2015 10:22 AM

Centralia City Coun Pos 2 At-Large
PrecinctLee CoumbsVickie Jackson
Centralia #15746
Centralia #2159131
Centralia #35239
Centralia #47959
Centralia #56733
Centralia #612284
Centralia #76140
Centralia #86769
Centralia #915889
Centralia #106237
Centralia #11164111
Centralia #12173195
Centralia #13220121

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