"U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Total","-1","3964" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Total","-1","126" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Total","-1","268" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Total","-1","243" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Total","-1","598" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Total","-1","3344" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Total","-1","394" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Total","-1","232" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 001","1","32" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 001","1","3" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 001","1","7" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 001","1","14" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 001","1","4" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 001","1","75" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 001","1","8" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 001","1","7" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 002","2","18" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 002","2","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 002","2","2" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 002","2","6" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 002","2","2" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 002","2","34" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 002","2","3" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 002","2","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 003","3","9" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 003","3","2" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 003","3","3" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 003","3","2" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 003","3","2" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 003","3","25" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 003","3","3" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 003","3","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 004","4","12" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 004","4","2" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 004","4","3" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 004","4","7" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 004","4","1" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 004","4","29" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 004","4","4" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 004","4","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 005","5","9" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 005","5","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 005","5","0" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 005","5","2" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 005","5","1" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 005","5","32" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 005","5","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 005","5","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 006","6","28" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 006","6","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 006","6","3" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 006","6","2" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 006","6","4" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 006","6","50" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 006","6","0" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 006","6","1" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 007","7","19" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 007","7","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 007","7","3" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 007","7","2" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 007","7","4" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 007","7","40" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 007","7","1" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 007","7","3" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 008","8","75" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 008","8","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 008","8","10" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 008","8","7" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 008","8","10" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 008","8","71" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 008","8","5" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 008","8","5" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 009","9","19" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 009","9","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 009","9","5" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 009","9","5" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 009","9","1" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 009","9","32" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 009","9","3" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 009","9","2" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 010","10","25" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 010","10","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 010","10","7" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 010","10","3" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 010","10","0" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 010","10","42" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 010","10","4" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 010","10","3" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 011","11","29" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 011","11","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 011","11","0" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 011","11","5" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 011","11","0" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 011","11","48" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 011","11","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 011","11","6" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 012","12","17" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 012","12","2" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 012","12","1" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 012","12","2" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 012","12","1" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 012","12","33" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 012","12","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 012","12","1" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 013","13","14" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 013","13","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 013","13","2" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 013","13","3" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 013","13","2" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 013","13","41" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 013","13","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 013","13","5" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 014","14","19" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 014","14","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 014","14","1" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 014","14","3" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 014","14","6" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 014","14","32" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 014","14","0" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 014","14","4" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 015","15","21" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 015","15","2" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 015","15","1" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 015","15","4" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 015","15","3" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 015","15","30" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 015","15","0" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 015","15","2" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 016(*)","16","0" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 016(*)","16","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 016(*)","16","0" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 016(*)","16","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 016(*)","16","0" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 016(*)","16","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 016(*)","16","0" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 016(*)","16","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 017","17","35" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 017","17","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 017","17","1" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 017","17","7" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 017","17","3" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 017","17","53" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 017","17","6" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 017","17","3" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 018","18","17" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 018","18","3" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 018","18","1" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 018","18","3" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 018","18","5" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 018","18","25" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 018","18","1" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 018","18","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 019","19","55" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 019","19","3" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 019","19","7" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 019","19","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 019","19","12" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 019","19","60" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 019","19","3" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 019","19","3" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 020","20","23" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 020","20","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 020","20","2" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 020","20","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 020","20","4" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 020","20","36" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 020","20","1" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 020","20","1" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 021","21","9" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 021","21","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 021","21","0" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 021","21","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 021","21","4" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 021","21","18" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 021","21","1" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 021","21","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 022","22","49" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 022","22","2" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 022","22","5" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 022","22","5" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 022","22","10" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 022","22","37" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 022","22","3" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 022","22","1" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 023","23","91" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 023","23","5" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 023","23","4" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 023","23","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 023","23","13" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 023","23","96" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 023","23","9" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 023","23","2" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 024","24","51" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 024","24","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 024","24","1" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 024","24","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 024","24","13" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 024","24","29" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 024","24","7" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 024","24","2" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 025","25","15" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 025","25","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 025","25","1" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 025","25","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 025","25","5" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 025","25","16" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 025","25","1" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 025","25","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 026","26","33" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 026","26","2" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 026","26","3" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 026","26","2" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 026","26","4" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 026","26","38" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 026","26","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 026","26","1" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 027","27","12" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 027","27","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 027","27","1" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 027","27","2" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 027","27","4" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 027","27","22" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 027","27","0" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 027","27","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 028","28","24" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 028","28","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 028","28","1" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 028","28","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 028","28","1" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 028","28","35" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 028","28","5" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 028","28","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 029","29","34" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 029","29","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 029","29","1" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 029","29","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 029","29","4" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 029","29","36" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 029","29","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 029","29","4" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 030","30","22" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 030","30","2" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 030","30","1" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 030","30","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 030","30","2" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 030","30","24" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 030","30","1" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 030","30","1" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 031","31","31" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 031","31","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 031","31","1" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 031","31","2" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 031","31","1" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 031","31","18" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 031","31","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 031","31","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 032","32","83" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 032","32","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 032","32","8" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 032","32","4" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 032","32","10" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 032","32","62" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 032","32","12" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 032","32","2" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 033","33","36" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 033","33","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 033","33","5" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 033","33","4" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 033","33","9" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 033","33","43" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 033","33","3" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 033","33","1" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 034","34","85" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 034","34","2" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 034","34","3" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 034","34","5" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 034","34","14" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 034","34","73" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 034","34","9" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 034","34","2" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 035","35","17" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 035","35","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 035","35","2" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 035","35","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 035","35","4" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 035","35","13" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 035","35","3" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 035","35","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 036","36","85" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 036","36","5" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 036","36","5" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 036","36","6" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 036","36","16" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 036","36","88" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 036","36","12" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 036","36","7" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 037","37","37" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 037","37","3" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 037","37","4" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 037","37","6" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 037","37","8" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 037","37","34" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 037","37","6" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 037","37","3" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 038","38","32" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 038","38","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 038","38","7" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 038","38","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 038","38","9" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 038","38","25" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 038","38","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 038","38","3" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 039","39","51" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 039","39","2" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 039","39","1" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 039","39","4" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 039","39","10" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 039","39","42" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 039","39","6" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 039","39","1" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 040","40","41" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 040","40","2" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 040","40","1" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 040","40","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 040","40","9" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 040","40","58" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 040","40","5" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 040","40","4" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 041","41","33" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 041","41","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 041","41","2" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 041","41","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 041","41","11" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 041","41","47" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 041","41","1" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 041","41","1" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 042","42","27" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 042","42","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 042","42","5" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 042","42","3" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 042","42","6" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 042","42","36" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 042","42","3" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 042","42","5" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 043","43","39" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 043","43","2" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 043","43","4" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 043","43","3" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 043","43","7" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 043","43","38" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 043","43","3" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 043","43","1" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 044","44","51" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 044","44","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 044","44","1" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 044","44","7" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 044","44","12" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 044","44","44" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 044","44","6" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 044","44","2" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 045","45","74" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 045","45","4" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 045","45","3" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 045","45","4" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 045","45","14" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 045","45","49" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 045","45","9" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 045","45","4" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 046","46","92" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 046","46","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 046","46","10" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 046","46","5" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 046","46","15" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 046","46","68" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 046","46","0" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 046","46","12" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 047","47","4" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 047","47","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 047","47","0" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 047","47","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 047","47","3" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 047","47","10" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 047","47","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 047","47","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 048","48","72" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 048","48","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 048","48","3" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 048","48","2" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 048","48","8" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 048","48","66" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 048","48","9" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 048","48","1" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 049","49","79" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 049","49","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 049","49","3" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 049","49","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 049","49","7" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 049","49","66" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 049","49","4" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 049","49","5" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 050","50","53" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 050","50","3" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 050","50","4" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 050","50","7" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 050","50","10" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 050","50","39" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 050","50","4" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 050","50","8" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 051","51","75" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 051","51","2" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 051","51","4" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 051","51","5" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 051","51","8" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 051","51","42" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 051","51","6" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 051","51","6" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 052","52","18" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 052","52","3" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 052","52","4" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 052","52","4" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 052","52","4" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 052","52","10" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 052","52","3" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 052","52","1" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 053","53","50" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 053","53","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 053","53","2" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 053","53","5" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 053","53","4" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 053","53","45" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 053","53","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 053","53","5" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 054","54","35" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 054","54","4" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 054","54","1" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 054","54","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 054","54","0" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 054","54","19" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 054","54","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 054","54","3" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 055","55","92" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 055","55","6" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 055","55","8" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 055","55","3" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 055","55","27" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 055","55","91" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 055","55","8" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 055","55","6" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 056","56","35" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 056","56","2" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 056","56","5" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 056","56","7" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 056","56","9" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 056","56","30" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 056","56","5" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 056","56","3" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 057","57","50" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 057","57","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 057","57","1" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 057","57","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 057","57","7" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 057","57","42" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 057","57","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 057","57","1" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 058","58","13" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 058","58","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 058","58","2" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 058","58","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 058","58","0" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 058","58","4" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 058","58","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 058","58","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 059","59","77" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 059","59","2" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 059","59","6" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 059","59","3" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 059","59","12" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 059","59","86" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 059","59","5" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 059","59","5" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 060","60","47" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 060","60","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 060","60","0" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 060","60","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 060","60","8" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 060","60","18" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 060","60","4" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 060","60","2" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 061","61","67" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 061","61","4" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 061","61","4" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 061","61","2" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 061","61","9" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 061","61","57" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 061","61","12" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 061","61","2" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 062","62","108" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 062","62","2" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 062","62","12" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 062","62","4" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 062","62","14" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 062","62","105" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 062","62","8" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 062","62","12" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 063","63","88" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 063","63","2" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 063","63","6" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 063","63","5" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 063","63","15" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 063","63","46" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 063","63","6" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 063","63","7" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 064","64","33" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 064","64","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 064","64","0" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 064","64","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 064","64","5" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 064","64","23" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 064","64","5" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 064","64","2" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 065","65","41" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 065","65","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 065","65","0" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 065","65","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 065","65","0" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 065","65","30" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 065","65","0" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 065","65","1" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 066","66","77" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 066","66","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 066","66","2" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 066","66","7" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 066","66","9" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 066","66","60" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 066","66","13" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 066","66","9" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 067","67","81" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 067","67","3" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 067","67","2" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 067","67","5" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 067","67","4" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 067","67","79" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 067","67","1" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 067","67","3" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 069","69","8" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 069","69","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 069","69","0" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 069","69","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 069","69","0" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 069","69","9" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 069","69","1" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 069","69","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 070","70","16" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 070","70","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 070","70","0" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 070","70","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 070","70","14" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 070","70","16" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 070","70","4" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 070","70","1" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 071","71","46" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 071","71","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 071","71","1" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 071","71","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 071","71","4" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 071","71","22" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 071","71","6" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 071","71","2" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 072","72","40" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 072","72","2" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 072","72","3" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 072","72","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 072","72","2" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 072","72","24" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 072","72","5" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 072","72","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 073","73","103" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 073","73","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 073","73","2" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 073","73","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 073","73","9" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 073","73","45" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 073","73","4" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 073","73","2" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 074","74","82" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 074","74","2" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 074","74","4" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 074","74","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 074","74","12" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 074","74","29" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 074","74","5" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 074","74","5" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 075","75","23" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 075","75","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 075","75","2" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 075","75","2" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 075","75","3" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 075","75","4" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 075","75","0" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 075","75","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 076","76","40" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 076","76","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 076","76","3" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 076","76","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 076","76","8" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 076","76","11" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 076","76","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 076","76","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 077","77","23" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 077","77","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 077","77","2" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 077","77","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 077","77","5" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 077","77","6" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 077","77","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 077","77","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 078","78","29" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 078","78","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 078","78","2" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 078","78","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 078","78","7" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 078","78","6" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 078","78","7" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 078","78","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 079","79","50" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 079","79","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 079","79","1" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 079","79","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 079","79","7" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 079","79","7" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 079","79","3" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 079","79","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 080","80","90" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 080","80","2" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 080","80","6" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 080","80","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 080","80","23" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 080","80","24" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 080","80","5" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 080","80","4" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 081","81","31" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 081","81","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 081","81","2" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 081","81","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 081","81","2" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 081","81","6" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 081","81","0" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 081","81","1" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 082","82","57" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 082","82","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 082","82","0" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 082","82","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 082","82","5" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 082","82","11" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 082","82","12" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 082","82","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 083","83","35" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 083","83","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 083","83","1" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 083","83","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 083","83","4" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 083","83","8" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 083","83","1" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 083","83","3" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 084","84","11" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 084","84","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 084","84","1" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 084","84","3" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 084","84","0" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 084","84","14" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 084","84","1" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 084","84","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 085","85","20" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 085","85","2" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 085","85","2" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 085","85","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 085","85","0" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 085","85","8" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 085","85","1" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 085","85","1" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 086","86","26" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 086","86","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 086","86","4" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 086","86","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 086","86","1" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 086","86","5" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 086","86","6" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 086","86","2" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 087","87","27" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 087","87","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 087","87","1" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 087","87","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 087","87","2" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 087","87","7" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 087","87","5" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 087","87","3" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 088","88","17" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 088","88","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 088","88","1" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 088","88","2" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 088","88","1" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 088","88","19" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 088","88","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 088","88","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 089","89","47" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 089","89","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 089","89","0" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 089","89","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 089","89","7" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 089","89","20" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 089","89","3" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 089","89","4" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 090","90","37" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 090","90","4" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 090","90","1" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 090","90","4" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 090","90","5" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 090","90","44" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 090","90","5" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 090","90","1" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 091","91","0" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 091","91","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 091","91","0" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 091","91","2" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 091","91","0" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 091","91","7" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 091","91","0" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 091","91","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 092","92","39" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 092","92","2" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 092","92","4" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 092","92","3" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 092","92","7" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 092","92","29" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 092","92","5" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 092","92","2" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 093","93","47" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 093","93","4" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 093","93","4" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 093","93","4" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 093","93","4" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 093","93","46" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 093","93","10" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 093","93","5" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 094","94","0" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 094","94","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 094","94","0" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 094","94","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 094","94","0" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 094","94","0" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 094","94","0" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 094","94","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 095","95","36" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 095","95","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 095","95","1" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 095","95","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 095","95","5" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 095","95","11" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 095","95","3" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 095","95","2" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 096","96","34" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 096","96","2" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 096","96","4" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 096","96","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 096","96","3" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 096","96","12" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 096","96","7" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 096","96","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 097","97","19" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 097","97","2" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 097","97","2" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 097","97","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 097","97","2" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 097","97","14" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 097","97","4" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 097","97","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 098","98","7" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 098","98","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 098","98","0" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 098","98","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 098","98","0" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 098","98","6" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 098","98","0" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 098","98","0" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 099","99","13" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 099","99","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 099","99","0" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 099","99","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 099","99","2" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 099","99","5" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 099","99","0" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 099","99","1" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 100","100","38" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 100","100","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 100","100","0" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 100","100","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 100","100","7" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 100","100","8" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 100","100","5" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 100","100","3" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Pct 101","101","46" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Pct 101","101","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Pct 101","101","5" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Pct 101","101","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Pct 101","101","4" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Pct 101","101","8" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Pct 101","101","8" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Pct 101","101","3" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Total","-1","2159" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Total","-1","5751" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Total","-1","269" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Total","-1","1127" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 001","1","59" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 001","1","62" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 001","1","17" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 001","1","13" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 002","2","34" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 002","2","17" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 002","2","5" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 002","2","12" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 003","3","19" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 003","3","21" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 003","3","5" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 003","3","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 004","4","22" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 004","4","27" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 004","4","5" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 004","4","4" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 005","5","20" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 005","5","16" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 005","5","2" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 005","5","6" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 006","6","36" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 006","6","36" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 006","6","10" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 006","6","7" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 007","7","25" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 007","7","36" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 007","7","4" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 007","7","7" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 008","8","43" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 008","8","110" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 008","8","2" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 008","8","29" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 009","9","22" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 009","9","34" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 009","9","4" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 009","9","9" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 010","10","26" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 010","10","44" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 010","10","6" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 010","10","10" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 011","11","31" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 011","11","51" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 011","11","4" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 011","11","5" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 012","12","25" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 012","12","25" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 012","12","3" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 012","12","5" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 013","13","30" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 013","13","22" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 013","13","8" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 013","13","11" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 014","14","23" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 014","14","33" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 014","14","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 014","14","7" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 015","15","17" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 015","15","36" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 015","15","4" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 015","15","5" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 016","16","7" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 016","16","3" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 016","16","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 016","16","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 017","17","41" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 017","17","48" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 017","17","3" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 017","17","16" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 018","18","23" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 018","18","28" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 018","18","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 018","18","4" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 019","19","38" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 019","19","90" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 019","19","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 019","19","17" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 020","20","28" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 020","20","34" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 020","20","3" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 020","20","5" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 021","21","13" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 021","21","21" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 021","21","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 021","21","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 022","22","26" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 022","22","70" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 022","22","3" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 022","22","13" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 023","23","69" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 023","23","123" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 023","23","4" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 023","23","29" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 024","24","16" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 024","24","55" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 024","24","2" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 024","24","30" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 025","25","8" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 025","25","32" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 025","25","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 025","25","3" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 026","26","21" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 026","26","54" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 026","26","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 026","26","9" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 027","27","16" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 027","27","21" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 027","27","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 027","27","5" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 028","28","22" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 028","28","40" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 028","28","2" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 028","28","7" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 029","29","22" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 029","29","45" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 029","29","6" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 029","29","10" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 030","30","11" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 030","30","40" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 030","30","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 030","30","3" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 031","31","10" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 031","31","45" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 031","31","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 031","31","2" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 032","32","43" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 032","32","105" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 032","32","11" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 032","32","21" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 033","33","29" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 033","33","62" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 033","33","2" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 033","33","7" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 034","34","57" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 034","34","107" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 034","34","2" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 034","34","29" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 035","35","8" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 035","35","26" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 035","35","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 035","35","6" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 036","36","60" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 036","36","139" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 036","36","5" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 036","36","24" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 037","37","18" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 037","37","63" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 037","37","3" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 037","37","14" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 038","38","14" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 038","38","56" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 038","38","2" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 038","38","8" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 039","39","30" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 039","39","73" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 039","39","4" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 039","39","12" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 040","40","39" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 040","40","68" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 040","40","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 040","40","14" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 041","41","30" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 041","41","59" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 041","41","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 041","41","6" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 042","42","27" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 042","42","50" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 042","42","2" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 042","42","13" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 043","43","24" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 043","43","54" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 043","43","6" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 043","43","15" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 044","44","34" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 044","44","75" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 044","44","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 044","44","18" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 045","45","36" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 045","45","111" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 045","45","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 045","45","16" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 046","46","42" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 046","46","126" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 046","46","10" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 046","46","25" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 047","47","6" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 047","47","12" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 047","47","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 047","47","2" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 048","48","39" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 048","48","96" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 048","48","7" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 048","48","23" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 049","49","43" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 049","49","108" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 049","49","8" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 049","49","10" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 050","50","31" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 050","50","64" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 050","50","2" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 050","50","24" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 051","51","27" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 051","51","83" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 051","51","3" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 051","51","38" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 052","52","12" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 052","52","26" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 052","52","3" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 052","52","7" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 053","53","26" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 053","53","72" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 053","53","6" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 053","53","8" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 054","54","13" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 054","54","42" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 054","54","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 054","54","8" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 055","55","50" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 055","55","157" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 055","55","8" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 055","55","32" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 056","56","24" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 056","56","53" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 056","56","4" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 056","56","17" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 057","57","29" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 057","57","70" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 057","57","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 057","57","12" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 058","58","4" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 058","58","20" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 058","58","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 058","58","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 059","59","50" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 059","59","110" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 059","59","7" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 059","59","34" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 060","60","6" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 060","60","72" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 060","60","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 060","60","5" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 061","61","34" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 061","61","105" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 061","61","2" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 061","61","27" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 062","62","62" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 062","62","167" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 062","62","7" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 062","62","30" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 063","63","25" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 063","63","134" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 063","63","4" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 063","63","14" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 064","64","13" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 064","64","53" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 064","64","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 064","64","5" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 065","65","17" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 065","65","49" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 065","65","6" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 065","65","5" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 066","66","37" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 066","66","125" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 066","66","5" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 066","66","16" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 067(*)","67","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 067(*)","67","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 067(*)","67","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 067(*)","67","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 069","69","8" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 069","69","13" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 069","69","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 069","69","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 070","70","8" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 070","70","41" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 070","70","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 070","70","3" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 071","71","14" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 071","71","58" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 071","71","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 071","71","15" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 072","72","20" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 072","72","44" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 072","72","3" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 072","72","11" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 073","73","19" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 073","73","115" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 073","73","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 073","73","30" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 074","74","20" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 074","74","98" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 074","74","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 074","74","28" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 075","75","6" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 075","75","20" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 075","75","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 075","75","8" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 076","76","7" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 076","76","42" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 076","76","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 076","76","16" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 077","77","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 077","77","30" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 077","77","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 077","77","5" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 078","78","3" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 078","78","47" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 078","78","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 078","78","5" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 079","79","5" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 079","79","52" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 079","79","2" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 079","79","10" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 080","80","20" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 080","80","124" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 080","80","3" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 080","80","8" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 081","81","3" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 081","81","39" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 081","81","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 081","81","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 082","82","7" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 082","82","67" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 082","82","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 082","82","13" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 083","83","2" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 083","83","52" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 083","83","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 083","83","4" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 084","84","9" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 084","84","14" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 084","84","5" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 084","84","3" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 085","85","4" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 085","85","29" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 085","85","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 085","85","2" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 086","86","2" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 086","86","35" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 086","86","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 086","86","7" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 087","87","5" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 087","87","35" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 087","87","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 087","87","6" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 088","88","10" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 088","88","32" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 088","88","3" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 088","88","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 089","89","8" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 089","89","61" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 089","89","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 089","89","14" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 090","90","17" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 090","90","64" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 090","90","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 090","90","17" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 091","91","2" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 091","91","4" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 091","91","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 091","91","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 092","92","12" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 092","92","64" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 092","92","2" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 092","92","14" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 093","93","24" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 093","93","87" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 093","93","2" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 093","93","11" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 094","94","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 094","94","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 094","94","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 094","94","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 095","95","5" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 095","95","48" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 095","95","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 095","95","4" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 096","96","3" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 096","96","56" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 096","96","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 096","96","4" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 097","97","8" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 097","97","25" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 097","97","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 097","97","9" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 098","98","5" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 098","98","5" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 098","98","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 098","98","3" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 099","99","4" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 099","99","17" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 099","99","0" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 099","99","2" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 100","100","4" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 100","100","55" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 100","100","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 100","100","4" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mary Baechler","Pct 101","101","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Doc Hastings","Pct 101","101","50" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Mohammad H. Said","Pct 101","101","1" "Congressional District 4 - U.S. Representative","Jamie Wheeler","Pct 101","101","22" "Governor","Rob Hill","Total","-1","352" "Governor","Rob McKenna","Total","-1","5329" "Governor","Jay Inslee","Total","-1","2623" "Governor","James White","Total","-1","131" "Governor","Christian Joubert","Total","-1","64" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","Total","-1","597" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","Total","-1","37" "Governor","Max Sampson","Total","-1","139" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","Total","-1","109" "Governor","Rob Hill","Pct 001","1","19" "Governor","Rob McKenna","Pct 001","1","49" "Governor","Jay Inslee","Pct 001","1","59" "Governor","James White","Pct 001","1","2" "Governor","Christian Joubert","Pct 001","1","3" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","Pct 001","1","13" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","Pct 001","1","0" "Governor","Max Sampson","Pct 001","1","1" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","Pct 001","1","6" "Governor","Rob Hill","Pct 002","2","6" "Governor","Rob McKenna","Pct 002","2","22" "Governor","Jay Inslee","Pct 002","2","31" "Governor","James White","Pct 002","2","2" "Governor","Christian Joubert","Pct 002","2","0" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","Pct 002","2","0" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","Pct 002","2","0" "Governor","Max Sampson","Pct 002","2","1" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","Pct 002","2","5" "Governor","Rob Hill","Pct 003","3","7" "Governor","Rob McKenna","Pct 003","3","16" "Governor","Jay Inslee","Pct 003","3","18" "Governor","James White","Pct 003","3","1" "Governor","Christian Joubert","Pct 003","3","1" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","Pct 003","3","2" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","Pct 003","3","0" "Governor","Max Sampson","Pct 003","3","0" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","Pct 003","3","1" "Governor","Rob Hill","Pct 004","4","11" "Governor","Rob McKenna","Pct 004","4","15" "Governor","Jay Inslee","Pct 004","4","20" "Governor","James White","Pct 004","4","2" "Governor","Christian Joubert","Pct 004","4","2" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","Pct 004","4","4" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","Pct 004","4","0" "Governor","Max Sampson","Pct 004","4","0" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","Pct 004","4","2" "Governor","Rob Hill","Pct 005","5","2" "Governor","Rob McKenna","Pct 005","5","14" "Governor","Jay Inslee","Pct 005","5","26" "Governor","James White","Pct 005","5","3" "Governor","Christian Joubert","Pct 005","5","0" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","Pct 005","5","0" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","Pct 005","5","0" "Governor","Max Sampson","Pct 005","5","0" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","Pct 005","5","1" "Governor","Rob Hill","Pct 006","6","14" "Governor","Rob McKenna","Pct 006","6","27" "Governor","Jay Inslee","Pct 006","6","33" "Governor","James White","Pct 006","6","3" "Governor","Christian Joubert","Pct 006","6","0" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","Pct 006","6","7" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","Pct 006","6","0" "Governor","Max Sampson","Pct 006","6","0" "Governor","Javier O. 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Lopez","Pct 008","8","0" "Governor","Rob Hill","Pct 009","9","8" "Governor","Rob McKenna","Pct 009","9","25" "Governor","Jay Inslee","Pct 009","9","28" "Governor","James White","Pct 009","9","1" "Governor","Christian Joubert","Pct 009","9","0" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","Pct 009","9","2" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","Pct 009","9","0" "Governor","Max Sampson","Pct 009","9","0" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","Pct 009","9","3" "Governor","Rob Hill","Pct 010","10","4" "Governor","Rob McKenna","Pct 010","10","34" "Governor","Jay Inslee","Pct 010","10","37" "Governor","James White","Pct 010","10","3" "Governor","Christian Joubert","Pct 010","10","0" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","Pct 010","10","6" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","Pct 010","10","0" "Governor","Max Sampson","Pct 010","10","3" "Governor","Javier O. 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Lopez","Pct 100","100","3" "Governor","Rob Hill","Pct 101","101","0" "Governor","Rob McKenna","Pct 101","101","56" "Governor","Jay Inslee","Pct 101","101","6" "Governor","James White","Pct 101","101","1" "Governor","Christian Joubert","Pct 101","101","1" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","Pct 101","101","5" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","Pct 101","101","0" "Governor","Max Sampson","Pct 101","101","3" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","Pct 101","101","2" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Total","-1","2356" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Total","-1","2988" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Total","-1","279" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Total","-1","3007" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Total","-1","38" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Total","-1","284" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 001","1","31" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 001","1","82" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 001","1","7" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 001","1","21" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 001","1","1" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 001","1","7" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 002","2","7" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 002","2","35" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 002","2","2" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 002","2","10" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 002","2","1" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 002","2","8" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 003","3","5" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 003","3","24" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 003","3","3" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 003","3","9" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 003","3","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 003","3","4" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 004","4","11" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 004","4","33" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 004","4","3" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 004","4","5" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 004","4","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 004","4","4" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 005","5","9" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 005","5","23" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 005","5","5" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 005","5","4" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 005","5","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 005","5","4" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 006","6","10" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 006","6","45" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 006","6","0" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 006","6","21" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 006","6","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 006","6","6" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 007","7","15" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 007","7","30" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 007","7","9" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 007","7","16" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 007","7","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 007","7","2" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 008","8","40" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 008","8","65" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 008","8","7" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 008","8","60" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 008","8","1" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 008","8","5" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 009","9","14" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 009","9","33" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 009","9","4" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 009","9","11" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 009","9","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 009","9","4" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 010","10","17" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 010","10","32" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 010","10","4" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 010","10","25" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 010","10","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 010","10","4" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 011","11","16" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 011","11","44" "Lt. 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Sumner IV","Pct 017","17","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 017","17","6" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 018","18","13" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 018","18","24" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 018","18","1" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 018","18","13" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 018","18","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 018","18","4" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 019","19","33" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 019","19","53" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 019","19","5" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 019","19","44" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 019","19","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 019","19","2" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 020","20","12" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 020","20","28" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 020","20","5" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 020","20","17" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 020","20","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 020","20","7" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 021","21","5" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 021","21","15" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 021","21","0" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 021","21","12" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 021","21","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 021","21","0" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 022","22","32" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 022","22","42" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 022","22","3" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 022","22","30" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 022","22","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 022","22","2" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 023","23","58" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 023","23","87" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 023","23","8" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 023","23","59" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 023","23","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 023","23","6" "Lt. 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Sumner IV","Pct 036","36","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 036","36","8" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 037","37","29" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 037","37","20" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 037","37","2" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 037","37","39" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 037","37","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 037","37","4" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 038","38","9" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 038","38","20" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 038","38","6" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 038","38","38" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 038","38","1" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 038","38","2" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 039","39","25" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 039","39","39" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 039","39","0" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 039","39","45" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 039","39","0" "Lt. 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Sumner IV","Pct 055","55","1" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 055","55","6" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 056","56","26" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 056","56","32" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 056","56","8" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 056","56","27" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 056","56","1" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 056","56","3" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 057","57","27" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 057","57","36" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 057","57","4" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 057","57","35" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 057","57","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 057","57","3" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 058","58","8" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 058","58","5" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 058","58","0" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 058","58","7" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 058","58","0" "Lt. 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Sumner IV","Pct 074","74","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 074","74","3" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 075","75","9" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 075","75","4" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 075","75","2" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 075","75","17" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 075","75","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 075","75","0" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 076","76","25" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 076","76","19" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 076","76","1" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 076","76","17" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 076","76","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 076","76","0" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 077","77","10" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 077","77","6" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 077","77","5" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 077","77","15" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 077","77","1" "Lt. 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Sumner IV","Pct 093","93","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 093","93","4" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 094","94","0" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 094","94","0" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 094","94","0" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 094","94","0" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 094","94","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 094","94","0" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 095","95","8" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 095","95","10" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 095","95","0" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 095","95","36" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 095","95","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 095","95","3" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 096","96","18" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 096","96","13" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 096","96","3" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 096","96","25" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 096","96","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 096","96","1" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 097","97","5" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 097","97","16" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 097","97","4" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 097","97","17" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 097","97","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 097","97","1" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 098","98","4" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 098","98","5" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 098","98","0" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 098","98","2" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 098","98","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 098","98","2" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","Pct 099","99","2" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","Pct 099","99","8" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","Pct 099","99","0" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","Pct 099","99","14" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","Pct 099","99","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","Pct 099","99","0" "Lt. 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Anderson","Total","-1","429" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","Total","-1","226" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","Total","-1","802" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","Total","-1","1124" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","Total","-1","4856" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","Total","-1","692" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","Pct 001","1","18" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","Pct 001","1","7" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","Pct 001","1","4" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","Pct 001","1","18" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","Pct 001","1","27" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","Pct 001","1","50" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","Pct 001","1","26" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","Pct 002","2","7" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","Pct 002","2","3" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","Pct 002","2","4" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","Pct 002","2","6" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","Pct 002","2","18" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","Pct 002","2","19" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","Pct 002","2","9" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","Pct 003","3","4" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","Pct 003","3","3" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","Pct 003","3","5" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","Pct 003","3","2" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","Pct 003","3","13" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","Pct 003","3","15" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","Pct 003","3","4" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","Pct 004","4","9" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","Pct 004","4","6" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","Pct 004","4","3" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","Pct 004","4","3" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","Pct 004","4","14" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","Pct 004","4","15" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","Pct 004","4","6" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","Pct 005","5","10" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","Pct 005","5","7" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","Pct 005","5","2" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","Pct 005","5","6" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","Pct 005","5","6" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","Pct 005","5","9" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","Pct 005","5","4" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","Pct 006","6","10" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","Pct 006","6","2" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","Pct 006","6","4" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","Pct 006","6","9" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","Pct 006","6","21" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","Pct 006","6","26" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","Pct 006","6","13" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","Pct 007","7","9" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","Pct 007","7","1" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","Pct 007","7","6" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","Pct 007","7","11" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","Pct 007","7","19" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","Pct 007","7","22" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","Pct 007","7","4" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","Pct 008","8","16" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","Pct 008","8","7" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","Pct 008","8","2" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","Pct 008","8","8" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","Pct 008","8","26" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","Pct 008","8","106" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","Pct 008","8","8" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","Pct 009","9","5" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","Pct 009","9","5" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","Pct 009","9","4" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","Pct 009","9","11" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","Pct 009","9","16" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","Pct 009","9","22" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","Pct 009","9","5" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","Pct 010","10","7" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","Pct 010","10","2" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","Pct 010","10","3" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","Pct 010","10","13" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","Pct 010","10","7" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","Pct 010","10","34" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","Pct 010","10","16" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","Pct 011","11","5" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","Pct 011","11","6" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","Pct 011","11","3" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","Pct 011","11","5" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","Pct 011","11","18" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","Pct 011","11","40" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","Pct 011","11","10" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","Pct 012","12","6" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","Pct 012","12","7" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","Pct 012","12","4" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","Pct 012","12","3" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","Pct 012","12","13" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","Pct 012","12","17" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","Pct 012","12","9" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","Pct 013","13","8" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","Pct 013","13","5" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","Pct 013","13","1" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","Pct 013","13","9" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","Pct 013","13","12" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","Pct 013","13","21" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","Pct 013","13","15" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","Pct 014","14","7" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","Pct 014","14","5" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","Pct 014","14","0" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","Pct 014","14","10" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","Pct 014","14","8" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","Pct 014","14","20" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","Pct 014","14","11" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","Pct 015","15","10" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","Pct 015","15","1" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","Pct 015","15","1" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","Pct 015","15","7" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","Pct 015","15","11" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","Pct 015","15","27" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","Pct 015","15","6" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","Pct 016","16","3" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","Pct 016","16","0" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","Pct 016","16","1" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","Pct 016","16","3" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","Pct 016","16","1" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","Pct 016","16","2" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","Pct 016","16","2" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","Pct 017","17","7" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","Pct 017","17","8" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","Pct 017","17","2" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","Pct 017","17","10" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","Pct 017","17","15" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","Pct 017","17","43" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","Pct 017","17","15" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","Pct 018","18","4" "Secretary of State","David J. 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"State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 012","12","46" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 013","13","55" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 014","14","45" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 015","15","50" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 016","16","12" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 017","17","78" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 018","18","46" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 019","19","81" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 020","20","43" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 021","21","22" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 022","22","68" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 023","23","130" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 024","24","52" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 025","25","22" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 026","26","56" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 027","27","32" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 028","28","54" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 029","29","54" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 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"State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 087","87","17" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 088","88","24" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 089","89","62" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 090","90","72" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 091","91","7" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 092","92","49" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 093","93","86" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 094","94","0" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 095","95","28" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 096","96","30" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 097","97","28" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 098","98","10" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 099","99","10" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 100","100","19" "State Treasurer","Jim McIntire","Pct 101","101","38" "State Auditor","Troy Kelley","Total","-1","1411" "State Auditor","James Watkins","Total","-1","5988" "State Auditor","Mark Miloscia","Total","-1","433" "State Auditor","Craig Pridemore","Total","-1","891" "State Auditor","Troy Kelley","Pct 001","1","33" "State Auditor","James Watkins","Pct 001","1","66" "State Auditor","Mark Miloscia","Pct 001","1","21" "State Auditor","Craig Pridemore","Pct 001","1","27" "State Auditor","Troy Kelley","Pct 002","2","25" "State Auditor","James Watkins","Pct 002","2","22" "State Auditor","Mark Miloscia","Pct 002","2","5" "State Auditor","Craig Pridemore","Pct 002","2","9" "State Auditor","Troy Kelley","Pct 003","3","13" "State Auditor","James Watkins","Pct 003","3","20" "State Auditor","Mark Miloscia","Pct 003","3","6" "State Auditor","Craig Pridemore","Pct 003","3","7" "State Auditor","Troy Kelley","Pct 004","4","21" "State Auditor","James Watkins","Pct 004","4","21" "State Auditor","Mark Miloscia","Pct 004","4","6" "State Auditor","Craig Pridemore","Pct 004","4","6" "State Auditor","Troy Kelley","Pct 005","5","13" "State Auditor","James Watkins","Pct 005","5","19" "State Auditor","Mark Miloscia","Pct 005","5","4" "State Auditor","Craig Pridemore","Pct 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"State Auditor","James Watkins","Pct 025","25","27" "State Auditor","Mark Miloscia","Pct 025","25","6" "State Auditor","Craig Pridemore","Pct 025","25","1" "State Auditor","Troy Kelley","Pct 026","26","15" "State Auditor","James Watkins","Pct 026","26","52" "State Auditor","Mark Miloscia","Pct 026","26","2" "State Auditor","Craig Pridemore","Pct 026","26","11" "State Auditor","Troy Kelley","Pct 027","27","9" "State Auditor","James Watkins","Pct 027","27","22" "State Auditor","Mark Miloscia","Pct 027","27","5" "State Auditor","Craig Pridemore","Pct 027","27","2" "State Auditor","Troy Kelley","Pct 028","28","17" "State Auditor","James Watkins","Pct 028","28","34" "State Auditor","Mark Miloscia","Pct 028","28","0" "State Auditor","Craig Pridemore","Pct 028","28","14" "State Auditor","Troy Kelley","Pct 029","29","11" "State Auditor","James Watkins","Pct 029","29","44" "State Auditor","Mark Miloscia","Pct 029","29","7" "State Auditor","Craig Pridemore","Pct 029","29","13" "State 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Sharon","Pct 018","18","5" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 018","18","19" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 018","18","30" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 019","19","10" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 019","19","43" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 019","19","91" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 020","20","6" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 020","20","27" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 020","20","34" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 021","21","0" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 021","21","14" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 021","21","21" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 022","22","8" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 022","22","25" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 022","22","81" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 023","23","14" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 023","23","73" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 023","23","134" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 024","24","2" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 024","24","21" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 024","24","81" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 025","25","3" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 025","25","5" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 025","25","31" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 026","26","6" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 026","26","19" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 026","26","61" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 027","27","2" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 027","27","15" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 027","27","25" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 028","28","8" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 028","28","23" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 028","28","37" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 029","29","4" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 029","29","29" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 029","29","51" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 030","30","1" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 030","30","13" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 030","30","40" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 031","31","2" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. 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Goldmark","Pct 040","40","42" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 040","40","67" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 041","41","8" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 041","41","28" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 041","41","56" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 042","42","2" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 042","42","25" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 042","42","57" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 043","43","5" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 043","43","29" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 043","43","66" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 044","44","8" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 044","44","34" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 044","44","87" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 045","45","10" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 045","45","36" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 045","45","117" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 046","46","15" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 046","46","47" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 046","46","138" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 047","47","0" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 047","47","8" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 047","47","12" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 048","48","12" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 048","48","48" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 048","48","101" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 049","49","11" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 049","49","48" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 049","49","105" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 050","50","7" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 050","50","33" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 050","50","85" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 051","51","14" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 051","51","26" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 051","51","107" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 052","52","1" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 052","52","12" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 052","52","35" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 053","53","8" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 053","53","39" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 053","53","65" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 054","54","7" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 054","54","18" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 054","54","42" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 055","55","13" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 055","55","55" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 055","55","166" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 056","56","7" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 056","56","23" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 056","56","67" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 057","57","6" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 057","57","32" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 057","57","70" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 058","58","0" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 058","58","3" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 058","58","20" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 059","59","9" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 059","59","65" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 059","59","120" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 060","60","2" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 060","60","10" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 060","60","71" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 061","61","8" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 061","61","38" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 061","61","118" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 062","62","10" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 062","62","72" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 062","62","176" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 063","63","7" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 063","63","30" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 063","63","137" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 064","64","3" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 064","64","12" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 064","64","57" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 065","65","1" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 065","65","20" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 065","65","53" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 066","66","11" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 066","66","43" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 066","66","128" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 067(*)","67","0" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 067(*)","67","0" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 067(*)","67","0" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 069","69","0" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 069","69","7" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 069","69","13" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 070","70","1" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 070","70","7" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 070","70","43" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 071","71","4" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 071","71","6" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 071","71","75" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 072","72","6" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 072","72","23" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 072","72","47" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 073","73","4" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 073","73","25" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 073","73","135" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 074","74","9" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 074","74","20" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 074","74","112" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 075","75","0" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 075","75","8" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 075","75","26" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 076","76","4" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 076","76","6" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 076","76","55" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 077","77","4" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 077","77","0" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 077","77","33" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 078","78","1" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 078","78","4" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 078","78","50" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 079","79","0" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 079","79","6" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 079","79","63" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 080","80","6" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 080","80","18" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 080","80","130" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 081","81","0" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 081","81","2" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 081","81","44" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 082","82","3" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 082","82","7" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 082","82","78" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 083","83","1" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 083","83","4" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 083","83","55" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 084","84","2" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 084","84","9" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 084","84","20" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 085","85","5" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 085","85","3" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 085","85","30" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 086","86","4" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 086","86","3" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 086","86","38" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 087","87","0" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 087","87","2" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 087","87","44" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 088","88","4" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 088","88","14" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 088","88","26" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 089","89","6" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 089","89","16" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 089","89","60" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 090","90","9" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 090","90","16" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 090","90","72" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 091","91","0" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 091","91","5" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 091","91","4" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 092","92","4" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 092","92","15" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 092","92","76" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 093","93","12" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 093","93","25" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 093","93","85" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 094","94","0" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 094","94","0" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 094","94","0" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 095","95","2" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 095","95","10" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 095","95","47" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 096","96","3" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 096","96","6" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 096","96","55" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 097","97","3" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 097","97","10" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 097","97","30" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 098","98","0" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 098","98","5" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 098","98","7" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 099","99","0" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 099","99","4" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 099","99","22" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 100","100","1" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 100","100","4" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 100","100","58" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","Pct 101","101","4" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","Pct 101","101","1" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","Pct 101","101","69" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Total","-1","984" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Total","-1","3313" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Total","-1","708" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Total","-1","654" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Total","-1","1806" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 001","1","31" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 001","1","46" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 001","1","11" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 001","1","17" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 001","1","34" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 002","2","14" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 002","2","20" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 002","2","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 002","2","5" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 002","2","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 003","3","7" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 003","3","15" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 003","3","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 003","3","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 003","3","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 004","4","11" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 004","4","15" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 004","4","5" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 004","4","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 004","4","11" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 005","5","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 005","5","16" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 005","5","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 005","5","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 005","5","14" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 006","6","15" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 006","6","29" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 006","6","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 006","6","7" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 006","6","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 007","7","11" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 007","7","30" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 007","7","13" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 007","7","7" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 007","7","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 008","8","14" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 008","8","75" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 008","8","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 008","8","7" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 008","8","27" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 009","9","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 009","9","13" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 009","9","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 009","9","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 009","9","16" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 010","10","16" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 010","10","22" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 010","10","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 010","10","11" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 010","10","13" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 011","11","15" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 011","11","33" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 011","11","11" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 011","11","6" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 011","11","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 012","12","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 012","12","19" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 012","12","7" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 012","12","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 012","12","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 013","13","6" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 013","13","21" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 013","13","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 013","13","6" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 013","13","21" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 014","14","12" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 014","14","18" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 014","14","11" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 014","14","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 014","14","7" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 015","15","13" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 015","15","22" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 015","15","6" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 015","15","4" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 015","15","12" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 016","16","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 016","16","1" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 016","16","4" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 016","16","0" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 016","16","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 017","17","16" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 017","17","25" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 017","17","15" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 017","17","14" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 017","17","19" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 018","18","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 018","18","19" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 018","18","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 018","18","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 018","18","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 019","19","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 019","19","60" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 019","19","7" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 019","19","11" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 019","19","29" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 020","20","7" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 020","20","22" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 020","20","7" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 020","20","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 020","20","19" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 021","21","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 021","21","19" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 021","21","1" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 021","21","0" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 021","21","7" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 022","22","5" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 022","22","39" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 022","22","6" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 022","22","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 022","22","31" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 023","23","25" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 023","23","84" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 023","23","18" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 023","23","19" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 023","23","32" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 024","24","17" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 024","24","27" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 024","24","4" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 024","24","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 024","24","28" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 025","25","1" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 025","25","20" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 025","25","1" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 025","25","1" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 025","25","7" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 026","26","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 026","26","26" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 026","26","6" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 026","26","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 026","26","16" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 027","27","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 027","27","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 027","27","4" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 027","27","0" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 027","27","11" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 028","28","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 028","28","33" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 028","28","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 028","28","5" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 028","28","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 029","29","7" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 029","29","40" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 029","29","1" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 029","29","4" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 029","29","13" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 030","30","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 030","30","25" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 030","30","1" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 030","30","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 030","30","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 031","31","4" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 031","31","19" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 031","31","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 031","31","1" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 031","31","12" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 032","32","22" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 032","32","60" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 032","32","18" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 032","32","14" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 032","32","31" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 033","33","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 033","33","49" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 033","33","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 033","33","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 033","33","17" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 034","34","14" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 034","34","74" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 034","34","15" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 034","34","14" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 034","34","31" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 035","35","5" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 035","35","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 035","35","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 035","35","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 035","35","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 036","36","18" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 036","36","92" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 036","36","14" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 036","36","23" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 036","36","46" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 037","37","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 037","37","36" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 037","37","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 037","37","5" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 037","37","23" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 038","38","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 038","38","21" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 038","38","5" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 038","38","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 038","38","19" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 039","39","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 039","39","47" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 039","39","12" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 039","39","7" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 039","39","23" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 040","40","20" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 040","40","41" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 040","40","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 040","40","7" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 040","40","20" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 041","41","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 041","41","44" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 041","41","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 041","41","6" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 041","41","19" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 042","42","7" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 042","42","29" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 042","42","4" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 042","42","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 042","42","20" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 043","43","12" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 043","43","37" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 043","43","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 043","43","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 043","43","20" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 044","44","16" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 044","44","33" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 044","44","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 044","44","13" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 044","44","27" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 045","45","21" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 045","45","73" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 045","45","12" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 045","45","6" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 045","45","23" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 046","46","22" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 046","46","69" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 046","46","20" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 046","46","16" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 046","46","51" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 047","47","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 047","47","7" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 047","47","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 047","47","5" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 047","47","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 048","48","16" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 048","48","78" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 048","48","12" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 048","48","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 048","48","17" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 049","49","15" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 049","49","74" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 049","49","12" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 049","49","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 049","49","17" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 050","50","15" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 050","50","43" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 050","50","7" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 050","50","13" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 050","50","23" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 051","51","17" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 051","51","39" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 051","51","18" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 051","51","11" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 051","51","27" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 052","52","5" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 052","52","17" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 052","52","7" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 052","52","1" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 052","52","12" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 053","53","16" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 053","53","44" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 053","53","11" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 053","53","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 053","53","12" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 054","54","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 054","54","25" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 054","54","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 054","54","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 054","54","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 055","55","24" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 055","55","75" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 055","55","18" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 055","55","16" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 055","55","51" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 056","56","5" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 056","56","34" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 056","56","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 056","56","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 056","56","29" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 057","57","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 057","57","38" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 057","57","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 057","57","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 057","57","31" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 058","58","5" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 058","58","11" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 058","58","1" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 058","58","0" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 058","58","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 059","59","14" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 059","59","81" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 059","59","15" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 059","59","13" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 059","59","32" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 060","60","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 060","60","25" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 060","60","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 060","60","1" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 060","60","25" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 061","61","22" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 061","61","58" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 061","61","11" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 061","61","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 061","61","36" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 062","62","28" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 062","62","94" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 062","62","12" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 062","62","16" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 062","62","43" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 063","63","20" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 063","63","59" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 063","63","15" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 063","63","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 063","63","32" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 064","64","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 064","64","18" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 064","64","7" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 064","64","1" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 064","64","16" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 065","65","7" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 065","65","36" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 065","65","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 065","65","4" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 065","65","17" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 066","66","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 066","66","59" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 066","66","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 066","66","14" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 066","66","43" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 067","67","12" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 067","67","61" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 067","67","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 067","67","18" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 067","67","31" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 069","69","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 069","69","6" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 069","69","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 069","69","1" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 069","69","4" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 070","70","5" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 070","70","22" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 070","70","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 070","70","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 070","70","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 071","71","5" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 071","71","34" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 071","71","6" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 071","71","6" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 071","71","20" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 072","72","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 072","72","27" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 072","72","6" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 072","72","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 072","72","23" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 073","73","15" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 073","73","52" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 073","73","16" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 073","73","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 073","73","33" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 074","74","12" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 074","74","50" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 074","74","12" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 074","74","7" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 074","74","34" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 075","75","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 075","75","15" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 075","75","0" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 075","75","1" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 075","75","11" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 076","76","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 076","76","23" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 076","76","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 076","76","4" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 076","76","12" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 077","77","6" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 077","77","4" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 077","77","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 077","77","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 077","77","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 078","78","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 078","78","15" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 078","78","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 078","78","1" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 078","78","20" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 079","79","1" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 079","79","27" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 079","79","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 079","79","5" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 079","79","18" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 080","80","20" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 080","80","55" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 080","80","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 080","80","6" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 080","80","44" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 081","81","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 081","81","17" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 081","81","4" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 081","81","5" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 081","81","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 082","82","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 082","82","38" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 082","82","5" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 082","82","6" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 082","82","23" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 083","83","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 083","83","21" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 083","83","6" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 083","83","5" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 083","83","7" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 084","84","11" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 084","84","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 084","84","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 084","84","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 084","84","1" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 085","85","1" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 085","85","11" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 085","85","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 085","85","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 085","85","6" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 086","86","4" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 086","86","14" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 086","86","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 086","86","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 086","86","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 087","87","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 087","87","12" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 087","87","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 087","87","0" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 087","87","12" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 088","88","7" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 088","88","15" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 088","88","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 088","88","1" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 088","88","5" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 089","89","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 089","89","36" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 089","89","5" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 089","89","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 089","89","18" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 090","90","13" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 090","90","31" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 090","90","19" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 090","90","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 090","90","13" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 091","91","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 091","91","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 091","91","1" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 091","91","0" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 091","91","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 092","92","6" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 092","92","38" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 092","92","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 092","92","4" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 092","92","25" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 093","93","14" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 093","93","63" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 093","93","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 093","93","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 093","93","17" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 094","94","0" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 094","94","0" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 094","94","0" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 094","94","0" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 094","94","0" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 095","95","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 095","95","23" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 095","95","7" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 095","95","5" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 095","95","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 096","96","4" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 096","96","31" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 096","96","4" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 096","96","4" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 096","96","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 097","97","5" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 097","97","18" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 097","97","4" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 097","97","7" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 097","97","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 098(*)","98","0" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 098(*)","98","0" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 098(*)","98","0" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 098(*)","98","0" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 098(*)","98","0" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 099","99","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 099","99","12" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 099","99","0" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 099","99","4" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 099","99","0" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 100","100","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 100","100","12" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 100","100","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 100","100","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 100","100","19" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Pct 101","101","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Pct 101","101","17" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Pct 101","101","3" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Pct 101","101","5" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Pct 101","101","26" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Total","-1","2730" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Total","-1","2771" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Total","-1","2525" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Total","-1","531" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 001","1","38" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 001","1","83" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 001","1","16" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 001","1","9" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 002","2","13" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 002","2","41" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 002","2","9" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 002","2","3" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 003","3","10" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 003","3","22" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 003","3","10" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 003","3","4" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 004","4","10" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 004","4","38" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 004","4","6" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 004","4","8" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 005","5","10" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 005","5","23" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 005","5","5" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 005","5","5" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 006","6","16" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 006","6","51" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 006","6","9" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 006","6","2" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 007","7","20" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 007","7","34" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 007","7","15" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 007","7","3" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 008","8","53" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 008","8","57" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 008","8","44" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 008","8","12" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 009","9","17" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 009","9","37" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 009","9","6" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 009","9","8" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 010","10","20" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 010","10","35" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 010","10","21" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 010","10","3" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 011","11","25" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 011","11","38" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 011","11","18" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 011","11","7" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 012","12","15" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 012","12","29" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 012","12","5" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 012","12","8" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 013","13","12" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 013","13","38" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 013","13","15" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 013","13","5" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 014","14","16" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 014","14","28" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 014","14","16" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 014","14","3" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 015","15","21" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 015","15","29" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 015","15","11" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 015","15","2" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 016","16","4" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 016","16","7" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 016","16","1" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 016","16","1" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 017","17","31" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 017","17","42" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 017","17","26" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 017","17","6" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 018","18","13" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 018","18","22" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 018","18","12" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 018","18","5" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 019","19","33" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 019","19","46" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 019","19","38" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 019","19","9" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 020","20","12" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 020","20","33" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 020","20","12" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 020","20","6" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 021","21","8" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 021","21","14" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 021","21","7" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 021","21","0" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 022","22","25" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 022","22","36" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 022","22","35" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 022","22","5" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 023","23","51" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 023","23","73" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 023","23","71" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 023","23","14" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 024","24","26" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 024","24","24" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 024","24","39" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 024","24","4" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 025","25","9" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 025","25","8" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 025","25","15" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 025","25","2" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 026","26","21" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 026","26","28" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 026","26","26" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 026","26","3" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 027","27","12" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 027","27","18" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 027","27","8" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 027","27","3" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 028","28","21" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 028","28","31" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 028","28","10" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 028","28","4" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 029","29","26" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 029","29","31" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 029","29","19" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 029","29","2" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 030","30","19" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 030","30","15" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 030","30","15" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 030","30","0" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 031","31","22" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 031","31","13" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 031","31","12" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 031","31","1" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 032","32","55" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 032","32","51" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 032","32","48" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 032","32","10" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 033","33","26" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 033","33","43" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 033","33","21" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 033","33","5" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 034","34","70" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 034","34","64" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 034","34","33" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 034","34","11" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 035","35","8" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 035","35","11" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 035","35","18" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 035","35","1" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 036","36","59" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 036","36","73" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 036","36","66" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 036","36","17" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 037","37","39" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 037","37","24" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 037","37","26" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 037","37","2" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 038","38","27" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 038","38","20" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 038","38","25" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 038","38","4" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 039","39","38" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 039","39","38" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 039","39","33" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 039","39","5" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 040","40","39" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 040","40","47" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 040","40","19" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 040","40","11" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 041","41","26" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 041","41","36" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 041","41","19" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 041","41","5" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 042","42","25" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 042","42","31" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 042","42","22" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 042","42","3" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 043","43","30" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 043","43","36" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 043","43","25" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 043","43","4" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 044","44","43" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 044","44","39" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 044","44","26" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 044","44","9" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 045","45","51" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 045","45","46" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 045","45","50" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 045","45","10" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 046","46","69" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 046","46","52" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 046","46","63" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 046","46","14" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 047","47","9" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 047","47","6" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 047","47","3" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 047","47","2" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 048","48","42" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 048","48","60" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 048","48","41" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 048","48","9" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 049","49","48" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 049","49","52" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 049","49","42" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 049","49","8" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 050","50","38" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 050","50","40" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 050","50","32" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 050","50","8" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 051","51","53" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 051","51","39" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 051","51","38" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 051","51","9" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 052","52","16" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 052","52","16" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 052","52","14" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 052","52","2" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 053","53","23" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 053","53","37" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 053","53","34" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 053","53","10" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 054","54","23" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 054","54","13" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 054","54","15" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 054","54","9" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 055","55","92" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 055","55","60" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 055","55","57" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 055","55","11" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 056","56","20" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 056","56","30" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 056","56","36" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 056","56","7" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 057","57","30" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 057","57","31" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 057","57","36" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 057","57","7" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 058","58","13" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 058","58","3" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 058","58","2" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 058","58","2" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 059","59","53" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 059","59","71" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 059","59","55" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 059","59","8" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 060","60","27" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 060","60","13" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 060","60","28" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 060","60","8" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 061","61","44" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 061","61","48" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 061","61","49" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 061","61","9" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 062","62","76" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 062","62","83" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 062","62","60" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 062","62","14" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 063","63","56" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 063","63","34" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 063","63","60" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 063","63","14" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 064","64","21" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 064","64","16" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 064","64","22" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 064","64","3" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 065","65","17" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 065","65","22" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 065","65","29" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 065","65","4" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 066","66","50" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 066","66","51" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 066","66","59" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 066","66","10" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 067(*)","67","0" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 067(*)","67","0" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 067(*)","67","0" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 067(*)","67","0" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 069","69","5" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 069","69","9" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 069","69","5" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 069","69","1" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 070","70","21" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 070","70","5" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 070","70","18" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 070","70","3" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 071","71","28" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 071","71","14" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 071","71","31" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 071","71","5" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 072","72","26" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 072","72","25" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 072","72","20" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 072","72","4" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 073","73","50" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 073","73","29" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 073","73","69" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 073","73","4" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 074","74","52" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 074","74","18" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 074","74","47" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 074","74","5" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 075","75","14" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 075","75","4" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 075","75","12" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 075","75","1" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 076","76","24" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 076","76","12" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 076","76","20" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 076","76","1" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 077","77","15" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 077","77","1" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 077","77","14" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 077","77","4" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 078","78","17" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 078","78","2" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 078","78","20" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 078","78","2" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 079","79","20" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 079","79","11" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 079","79","26" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 079","79","5" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 080","80","52" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 080","80","22" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 080","80","59" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 080","80","6" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 081","81","14" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 081","81","2" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 081","81","18" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 081","81","1" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 082","82","22" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 082","82","11" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 082","82","38" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 082","82","7" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 083","83","20" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 083","83","3" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 083","83","25" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 083","83","1" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 084","84","12" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 084","84","14" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 084","84","5" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 084","84","0" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 085","85","7" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 085","85","7" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 085","85","14" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 085","85","3" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 086","86","26" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 086","86","2" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 086","86","10" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 086","86","3" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 087","87","8" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 087","87","8" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 087","87","24" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 087","87","4" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 088","88","9" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 088","88","16" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 088","88","9" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 088","88","0" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 089","89","32" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 089","89","12" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 089","89","25" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 089","89","3" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 090","90","31" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 090","90","27" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 090","90","28" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 090","90","9" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 091","91","3" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 091","91","5" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 091","91","1" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 091","91","0" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 092","92","29" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 092","92","18" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 092","92","36" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 092","92","4" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 093","93","39" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 093","93","30" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 093","93","37" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 093","93","10" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 094","94","0" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 094","94","0" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 094","94","0" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 094","94","0" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 095","95","27" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 095","95","7" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 095","95","15" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 095","95","2" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 096","96","20" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 096","96","5" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 096","96","24" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 096","96","5" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 097","97","15" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 097","97","12" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 097","97","11" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 097","97","3" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 098","98","4" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 098","98","5" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 098","98","2" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 098","98","2" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 099","99","10" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 099","99","6" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 099","99","3" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 099","99","0" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 100","100","22" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 100","100","4" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 100","100","21" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 100","100","1" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Pct 101","101","29" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Pct 101","101","5" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Pct 101","101","29" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Pct 101","101","7" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Total","-1","2409" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Total","-1","4176" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Total","-1","1066" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 001","1","25" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 001","1","101" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 001","1","13" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 002","2","11" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 002","2","44" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 002","2","3" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 003","3","12" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 003","3","31" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 003","3","3" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 004","4","12" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 004","4","37" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 004","4","6" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 005","5","12" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 005","5","25" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 005","5","2" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 006","6","17" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 006","6","54" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 006","6","5" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 007","7","16" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 007","7","46" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 007","7","7" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 008","8","39" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 008","8","100" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 008","8","17" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 009","9","25" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 009","9","28" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 009","9","4" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 010","10","20" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 010","10","45" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 010","10","13" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 011","11","20" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 011","11","47" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 011","11","9" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 012","12","20" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 012","12","32" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 012","12","2" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 013","13","18" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 013","13","44" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 013","13","4" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 014","14","17" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 014","14","38" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 014","14","4" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 015","15","24" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 015","15","29" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 015","15","2" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 016","16","5" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 016","16","6" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 016","16","0" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 017","17","18" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 017","17","63" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 017","17","13" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 018","18","13" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 018","18","30" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 018","18","7" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 019","19","31" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 019","19","68" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 019","19","22" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 020","20","17" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 020","20","29" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 020","20","11" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 021","21","5" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 021","21","23" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 021","21","2" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 022","22","34" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 022","22","44" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 022","22","15" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 023","23","55" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 023","23","108" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 023","23","18" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 024","24","37" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 024","24","33" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 024","24","22" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 025","25","10" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 025","25","17" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 025","25","4" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 026","26","23" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 026","26","39" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 026","26","5" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 027","27","12" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 027","27","20" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 027","27","1" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 028","28","17" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 028","28","30" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 028","28","8" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 029","29","23" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 029","29","39" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 029","29","6" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 030","30","12" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 030","30","25" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 030","30","9" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 031","31","8" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 031","31","19" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 031","31","14" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 032","32","50" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 032","32","65" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 032","32","34" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 033","33","32" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 033","33","45" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 033","33","14" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 034","34","44" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 034","34","85" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 034","34","24" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 035","35","13" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 035","35","16" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 035","35","3" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 036","36","62" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 036","36","113" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 036","36","20" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 037","37","23" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 037","37","45" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 037","37","10" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 038","38","22" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 038","38","30" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 038","38","12" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 039","39","39" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 039","39","49" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 039","39","9" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 040","40","33" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 040","40","66" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 040","40","10" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 041","41","18" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 041","41","40" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 041","41","13" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 042","42","17" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 042","42","46" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 042","42","9" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 043","43","23" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 043","43","43" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 043","43","16" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 044","44","26" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 044","44","58" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 044","44","15" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 045","45","51" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 045","45","70" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 045","45","23" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 046","46","59" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 046","46","82" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 046","46","33" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 047","47","8" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 047","47","8" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 047","47","4" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 048","48","34" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 048","48","91" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 048","48","8" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 049","49","37" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 049","49","81" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 049","49","21" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 050","50","34" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 050","50","49" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 050","50","28" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 051","51","45" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 051","51","59" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 051","51","12" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 052","52","19" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 052","52","14" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 052","52","5" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 053","53","36" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 053","53","56" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 053","53","9" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 054","54","26" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 054","54","26" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 054","54","3" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. 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McQuaid","Pct 059","59","54" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 059","59","98" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 059","59","12" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 060","60","17" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 060","60","32" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 060","60","20" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 061","61","47" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 061","61","72" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 061","61","21" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 062","62","65" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 062","62","99" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 062","62","35" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 063","63","49" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 063","63","83" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 063","63","16" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 064","64","20" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 064","64","24" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 064","64","12" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 065","65","23" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 065","65","38" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 065","65","2" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 066","66","48" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 066","66","75" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 066","66","22" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 067","67","46" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 067","67","67" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 067","67","18" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 069","69","4" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 069","69","12" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 069","69","1" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 070","70","16" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 070","70","22" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 070","70","8" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. 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McQuaid","Pct 075","75","9" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 075","75","10" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 075","75","7" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 076","76","19" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 076","76","28" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 076","76","6" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 077","77","15" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 077","77","7" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 077","77","4" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Pct 078","78","14" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Pct 078","78","20" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Pct 078","78","6" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. 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Ladenburg","Pct 042","42","4" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 043","43","8" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 043","43","26" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 043","43","34" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 043","43","12" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 044","44","17" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 044","44","32" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 044","44","39" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 044","44","15" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 045","45","23" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 045","45","42" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 045","45","69" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 045","45","13" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 046","46","37" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 046","46","50" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 046","46","68" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 046","46","19" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 047","47","1" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 047","47","8" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 047","47","8" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 047","47","3" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 048","48","29" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 048","48","41" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 048","48","51" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 048","48","17" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 049","49","20" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 049","49","31" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 049","49","70" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 049","49","18" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 050","50","17" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 050","50","33" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 050","50","46" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 050","50","15" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 051","51","18" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 051","51","38" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 051","51","45" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 051","51","18" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 052","52","10" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 052","52","7" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 052","52","19" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 052","52","2" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 053","53","22" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 053","53","26" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 053","53","46" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 053","53","4" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 054","54","16" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 054","54","12" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 054","54","25" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 054","54","2" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 055","55","45" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 055","55","65" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 055","55","67" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 055","55","12" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 056","56","16" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 056","56","23" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 056","56","39" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 056","56","11" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 057","57","28" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 057","57","23" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 057","57","35" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 057","57","4" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 058","58","9" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 058","58","2" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 058","58","4" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 058","58","0" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 059","59","44" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 059","59","43" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 059","59","65" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 059","59","11" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 060","60","15" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 060","60","8" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 060","60","41" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 060","60","1" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 061","61","22" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 061","61","39" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 061","61","69" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 061","61","9" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 062","62","27" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 062","62","52" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 062","62","97" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 062","62","24" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 063","63","19" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 063","63","48" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 063","63","72" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 063","63","11" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 064","64","11" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 064","64","9" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 064","64","30" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 064","64","7" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 065","65","13" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 065","65","12" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 065","65","35" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 065","65","3" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 066","66","31" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 066","66","36" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 066","66","65" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 066","66","9" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 067(*)","67","0" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 067(*)","67","0" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 067(*)","67","0" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 067(*)","67","0" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 068(*)","68","0" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 069","69","1" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 069","69","3" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 069","69","11" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 069","69","2" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 070","70","6" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 070","70","9" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 070","70","27" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 070","70","2" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 071","71","9" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 071","71","18" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 071","71","37" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 071","71","9" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 072","72","9" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 072","72","23" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 072","72","35" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 072","72","5" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 073","73","26" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 073","73","33" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 073","73","56" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 073","73","18" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 074","74","10" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 074","74","29" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 074","74","64" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 074","74","11" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 075","75","2" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 075","75","4" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 075","75","17" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 075","75","2" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 076","76","8" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 076","76","9" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 076","76","32" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 076","76","5" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 077","77","4" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 077","77","7" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 077","77","17" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 077","77","1" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 078","78","0" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 078","78","10" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 078","78","28" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 078","78","3" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 079","79","6" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 079","79","8" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 079","79","41" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 079","79","0" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 080","80","20" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 080","80","49" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 080","80","62" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 080","80","2" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 081","81","2" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 081","81","2" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 081","81","26" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 081","81","1" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 082","82","8" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 082","82","12" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 082","82","50" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 082","82","5" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 083","83","5" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 083","83","8" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 083","83","28" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 083","83","4" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 084","84","5" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 084","84","11" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 084","84","7" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 084","84","2" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 085","85","3" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 085","85","3" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 085","85","15" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 085","85","1" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 086","86","3" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 086","86","7" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 086","86","18" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 086","86","6" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 087","87","5" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 087","87","8" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 087","87","20" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 087","87","3" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 088","88","4" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 088","88","18" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 088","88","7" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 088","88","4" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 089","89","9" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 089","89","21" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 089","89","41" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 089","89","3" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 090","90","13" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 090","90","29" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 090","90","39" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 090","90","9" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 091","91","2" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 091","91","6" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 091","91","1" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 091","91","0" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 092","92","8" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 092","92","26" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 092","92","36" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 092","92","8" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 093","93","21" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 093","93","26" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 093","93","35" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 093","93","19" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 094","94","0" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 094","94","0" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 094","94","0" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 094","94","0" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 095","95","4" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 095","95","16" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 095","95","21" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 095","95","6" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 096","96","9" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 096","96","7" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 096","96","25" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 096","96","6" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 097","97","8" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 097","97","14" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 097","97","16" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 097","97","3" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 098","98","2" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 098","98","4" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 098","98","5" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 098","98","0" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 099","99","2" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 099","99","5" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 099","99","15" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 099","99","0" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 100","100","8" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 100","100","14" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 100","100","25" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 100","100","3" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","Pct 101","101","13" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","Pct 101","101","17" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","Pct 101","101","27" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","Pct 101","101","9" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Total","-1","5011" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 022","22","91" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 023","23","149" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 032","32","124" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 033","33","82" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 034","34","132" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 035","35","28" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 037","37","75" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 038","38","49" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 039","39","86" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 040","40","82" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 041","41","59" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 042","42","62" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 043","43","74" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 044","44","86" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 045","45","120" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 046","46","150" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 047","47","19" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 048","48","116" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 049","49","118" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 050","50","92" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 051","51","108" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 052","52","36" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 053","53","87" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 054","54","53" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 055","55","166" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 056","56","69" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 057","57","74" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 058","58","14" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 059","59","136" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 060","60","66" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 062","62","176" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 063","63","138" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 064","64","52" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 065","65","55" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 066","66","133" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 067","67","121" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 068","68","2" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 069","69","15" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 070","70","42" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 071","71","74" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 072","72","56" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 073","73","122" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 074","74","114" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 075","75","32" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 076","76","56" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 077","77","32" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 078","78","45" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 079","79","60" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 080","80","132" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 081","81","42" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 082","82","76" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 083","83","50" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 084","84","21" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 085","85","26" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 086","86","36" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 087","87","40" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 088","88","30" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 089","89","80" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 090","90","90" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 091","91","7" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 092","92","78" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 093","93","104" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 094","94","0" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 095","95","51" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 096","96","58" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 097","97","33" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 098","98","7" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 099","99","19" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 100","100","42" "Legislative District 9 - State Senator","Mark G. Schoesler","Pct 101","101","61" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Total","-1","5140" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 022","22","95" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 023","23","158" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 032","32","132" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 033","33","82" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 034","34","132" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 035","35","29" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 037","37","80" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 038","38","55" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 039","39","87" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 040","40","83" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 041","41","62" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 042","42","61" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 043","43","78" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 044","44","89" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 045","45","130" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 046","46","152" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 047","47","17" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 048","48","112" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 049","49","119" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 050","50","97" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 051","51","114" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 052","52","40" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 053","53","90" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 054","54","55" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 055","55","178" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 056","56","73" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 057","57","76" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 058","58","15" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 059","59","144" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 060","60","69" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 062","62","184" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 063","63","141" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 064","64","53" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 065","65","56" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 066","66","140" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 067","67","126" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 068","68","6" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 069","69","15" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 070","70","47" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 071","71","74" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 072","72","56" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 073","73","125" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 074","74","109" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 075","75","31" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 076","76","56" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 077","77","32" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 078","78","45" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 079","79","61" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 080","80","129" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 081","81","43" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 082","82","75" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 083","83","49" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 084","84","20" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 085","85","26" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 086","86","39" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 087","87","39" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 088","88","29" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 089","89","79" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 090","90","90" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 091","91","7" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 092","92","81" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 093","93","105" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 094","94","0" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 095","95","45" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 096","96","51" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 097","97","35" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 098","98","8" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 099","99","20" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 100","100","47" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 1","Susan Fagan","Pct 101","101","62" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Total","-1","5123" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 022","22","91" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 023","23","155" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 032","32","133" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 033","33","81" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 034","34","132" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 035","35","30" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 037","37","80" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 038","38","54" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 039","39","88" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 040","40","84" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 041","41","60" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 042","42","59" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 043","43","77" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 044","44","90" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 045","45","132" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 046","46","151" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 047","47","18" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 048","48","111" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 049","49","119" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 050","50","95" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 051","51","114" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 052","52","40" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 053","53","85" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 054","54","54" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 055","55","177" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 056","56","74" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 057","57","75" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 058","58","15" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 059","59","142" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 060","60","69" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 062","62","180" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 063","63","142" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 064","64","53" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 065","65","56" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 066","66","140" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 067","67","121" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 068","68","6" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 069","69","13" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 070","70","46" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 071","71","73" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 072","72","57" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 073","73","126" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 074","74","108" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 075","75","31" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 076","76","57" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 077","77","31" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 078","78","45" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 079","79","60" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 080","80","135" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 081","81","42" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 082","82","76" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 083","83","51" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 084","84","22" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 085","85","28" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 086","86","39" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 087","87","41" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 088","88","27" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 089","89","80" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 090","90","89" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 091","91","6" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 092","92","78" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 093","93","102" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 094","94","0" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 095","95","48" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 096","96","55" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 097","97","33" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 098","98","9" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 099","99","20" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 100","100","49" "Legislative District 9 - State Representative Pos. 2","Joe Schmick","Pct 101","101","63" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Total","-1","954" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Total","-1","1575" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 001","1","78" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 001","1","71" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 002","2","42" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 002","2","23" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 003","3","27" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 003","3","21" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 004","4","34" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 004","4","26" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 005","5","22" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 005","5","23" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 006","6","44" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 006","6","41" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 007","7","32" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 007","7","41" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 008","8","50" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 008","8","133" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 009","9","31" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 009","9","37" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 010","10","33" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 010","10","50" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 011","11","37" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 011","11","54" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 012","12","30" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 012","12","27" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 013","13","36" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 013","13","35" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 014","14","26" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 014","14","39" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 015","15","32" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 015","15","32" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 016","16","8" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 016","16","5" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 017","17","42" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 017","17","63" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 018","18","18" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 018","18","36" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 019","19","43" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 019","19","98" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 020","20","31" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 020","20","36" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 021","21","13" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 021","21","22" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 024","24","18" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 024","24","83" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 025","25","8" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 025","25","31" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 026","26","20" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 026","26","67" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 027","27","20" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 027","27","21" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 028","28","23" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 028","28","45" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 029","29","26" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 029","29","55" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 030","30","12" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 030","30","41" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 031","31","13" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 031","31","43" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 036","36","63" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 036","36","157" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Scott Nettles","Pct 061","61","42" "Legislative District 16 - State Senator","Mike Hewitt","Pct 061","61","119" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Total","-1","1480" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Total","-1","778" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 001","1","77" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 001","1","54" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 002","2","36" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 002","2","22" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 003","3","21" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 003","3","19" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 004","4","26" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 004","4","17" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 005","5","24" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 005","5","18" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 006","6","41" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 006","6","23" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 007","7","41" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 007","7","29" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 008","8","133" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 008","8","38" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 009","9","43" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 009","9","19" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 010","10","57" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 010","10","14" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 011","11","70" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 011","11","11" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 012","12","36" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 012","12","15" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 013","13","35" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 013","13","29" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 014","14","35" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 014","14","27" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 015","15","37" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 015","15","24" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 016","16","6" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 016","16","4" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 017","17","61" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 017","17","29" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 018","18","27" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 018","18","22" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 019","19","68" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 019","19","54" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 020","20","42" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 020","20","20" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 021","21","21" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 021","21","11" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 024","24","52" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 024","24","47" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 025","25","28" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 025","25","7" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 026","26","59" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 026","26","24" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 027","27","22" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 027","27","10" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 028","28","50" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 028","28","14" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 029","29","43" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 029","29","24" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 030","30","30" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 030","30","18" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 031","31","33" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 031","31","16" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 036","36","129" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 036","36","69" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Maureen Walsh","Pct 061","61","97" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mary Ruth Edwards","Pct 061","61","50" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Total","-1","1992" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 001","1","112" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 002","2","51" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 003","3","35" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 004","4","39" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 005","5","40" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 006","6","63" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 007","7","60" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 008","8","144" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 009","9","58" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 010","10","63" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 011","11","70" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 012","12","43" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 013","13","50" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 014","14","58" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 015","15","54" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 016","16","9" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 017","17","82" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 018","18","47" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 019","19","108" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 020","20","56" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 021","21","23" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 024","24","84" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 025","25","33" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 026","26","70" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 027","27","33" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 028","28","57" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 029","29","65" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 030","30","43" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 031","31","43" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. Nealey","Pct 036","36","173" "Legislative District 16 - State Representative Pos. 2","Terry R. 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Barnett","Pct 101","101","11" "County Commission District 2 Commissioner #2","Lee Barrow","Pct 101","101","17" "074 Precinct Committeeman Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","Blair Eyre","Total","-1","43" "074 Precinct Committeeman Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","Colin Hastings","Total","-1","59" "074 Precinct Committeeman Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","Blair Eyre","Pct 074","74","43" "074 Precinct Committeeman Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","Colin Hastings","Pct 074","74","59"