"U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","Total","-1","6228" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","Total","-1","368" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","Total","-1","563" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","Total","-1","416" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","Total","-1","1449" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","Total","-1","10516" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","Total","-1","555" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","Total","-1","379" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","PORT ANGELES 101","101","85" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","PORT ANGELES 101","101","4" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","PORT ANGELES 101","101","6" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","PORT ANGELES 101","101","8" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","PORT ANGELES 101","101","19" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","PORT ANGELES 101","101","166" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","PORT ANGELES 101","101","11" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","PORT ANGELES 101","101","5" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","PORT ANGELES 102","102","111" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","PORT ANGELES 102","102","12" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","PORT ANGELES 102","102","16" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","PORT ANGELES 102","102","12" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","PORT ANGELES 102","102","21" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","PORT ANGELES 102","102","267" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","PORT ANGELES 102","102","8" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","PORT ANGELES 102","102","11" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","PORT ANGELES 103","103","148" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","PORT ANGELES 103","103","12" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","PORT ANGELES 103","103","11" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","PORT ANGELES 103","103","15" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","PORT ANGELES 103","103","23" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","PORT ANGELES 103","103","262" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","PORT ANGELES 103","103","16" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","PORT ANGELES 103","103","10" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","PORT ANGELES 104","104","79" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","PORT ANGELES 104","104","10" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","PORT ANGELES 104","104","11" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","PORT ANGELES 104","104","8" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","PORT ANGELES 104","104","20" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","PORT ANGELES 104","104","200" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","PORT ANGELES 104","104","14" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","PORT ANGELES 104","104","4" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","PORT ANGELES 105","105","117" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","PORT ANGELES 105","105","10" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","PORT ANGELES 105","105","10" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","PORT ANGELES 105","105","13" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","PORT ANGELES 105","105","20" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","PORT ANGELES 105","105","276" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","PORT ANGELES 105","105","12" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","PORT ANGELES 105","105","8" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","PORT ANGELES 106","106","110" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","PORT ANGELES 106","106","11" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","PORT ANGELES 106","106","7" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","PORT ANGELES 106","106","6" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","PORT ANGELES 106","106","26" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","PORT ANGELES 106","106","219" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","PORT ANGELES 106","106","3" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","PORT ANGELES 106","106","5" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","PORT ANGELES 107","107","107" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","PORT ANGELES 107","107","15" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","PORT ANGELES 107","107","8" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","PORT ANGELES 107","107","10" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","PORT ANGELES 107","107","36" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","PORT ANGELES 107","107","276" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","PORT ANGELES 107","107","7" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","PORT ANGELES 107","107","5" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","PORT ANGELES 108","108","44" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","PORT ANGELES 108","108","3" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","PORT ANGELES 108","108","2" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","PORT ANGELES 108","108","7" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","PORT ANGELES 108","108","10" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","PORT ANGELES 108","108","145" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","PORT ANGELES 108","108","6" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","PORT ANGELES 108","108","6" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","PORT ANGELES 109","109","107" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","PORT ANGELES 109","109","11" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","PORT ANGELES 109","109","11" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","PORT ANGELES 109","109","10" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","PORT ANGELES 109","109","12" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","PORT ANGELES 109","109","288" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","PORT ANGELES 109","109","18" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","PORT ANGELES 109","109","7" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","PORT ANGELES 110","110","35" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","PORT ANGELES 110","110","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","PORT ANGELES 110","110","2" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","PORT ANGELES 110","110","4" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","PORT ANGELES 110","110","6" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","PORT ANGELES 110","110","48" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","PORT ANGELES 110","110","4" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","PORT ANGELES 110","110","2" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","PORT ANGELES 111","111","120" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","PORT ANGELES 111","111","12" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","PORT ANGELES 111","111","16" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","PORT ANGELES 111","111","10" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","PORT ANGELES 111","111","30" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","PORT ANGELES 111","111","294" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","PORT ANGELES 111","111","9" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","PORT ANGELES 111","111","2" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","PORT ANGELES 112","112","84" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","PORT ANGELES 112","112","4" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","PORT ANGELES 112","112","8" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","PORT ANGELES 112","112","10" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","PORT ANGELES 112","112","11" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","PORT ANGELES 112","112","184" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","PORT ANGELES 112","112","7" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","PORT ANGELES 112","112","10" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","PORT ANGELES 113","113","112" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","PORT ANGELES 113","113","6" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","PORT ANGELES 113","113","4" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","PORT ANGELES 113","113","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","PORT ANGELES 113","113","19" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","PORT ANGELES 113","113","99" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","PORT ANGELES 113","113","7" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","PORT ANGELES 113","113","4" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","AGNEW 201","201","93" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","AGNEW 201","201","4" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","AGNEW 201","201","9" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","AGNEW 201","201","3" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","AGNEW 201","201","19" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","AGNEW 201","201","133" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","AGNEW 201","201","12" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","AGNEW 201","201","6" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","BEAVER 204","204","137" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","BEAVER 204","204","5" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","BEAVER 204","204","2" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","BEAVER 204","204","2" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","BEAVER 204","204","14" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","BEAVER 204","204","101" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","BEAVER 204","204","6" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","BEAVER 204","204","10" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","BELLEVIEW 205","205","88" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","BELLEVIEW 205","205","5" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","BELLEVIEW 205","205","11" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","BELLEVIEW 205","205","11" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","BELLEVIEW 205","205","30" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","BELLEVIEW 205","205","201" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","BELLEVIEW 205","205","9" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","BELLEVIEW 205","205","8" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","BELL HILL 207","207","185" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","BELL HILL 207","207","3" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","BELL HILL 207","207","11" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","BELL HILL 207","207","3" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","BELL HILL 207","207","35" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","BELL HILL 207","207","173" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","BELL HILL 207","207","6" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","BELL HILL 207","207","8" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","67" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","8" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","3" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","3" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","21" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","121" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","9" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","1" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","105" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","6" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","5" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","13" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","30" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","185" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","18" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","13" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","BLUFFS 210","210","64" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","BLUFFS 210","210","2" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","BLUFFS 210","210","6" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","BLUFFS 210","210","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","BLUFFS 210","210","16" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","BLUFFS 210","210","107" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","BLUFFS 210","210","7" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","BLUFFS 210","210","4" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","BLYN 211","211","109" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","BLYN 211","211","12" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","BLYN 211","211","8" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","BLYN 211","211","8" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","BLYN 211","211","22" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","BLYN 211","211","154" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","BLYN 211","211","10" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","BLYN 211","211","6" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","BOGACHIEL 212","212","49" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","BOGACHIEL 212","212","4" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","BOGACHIEL 212","212","3" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","BOGACHIEL 212","212","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","BOGACHIEL 212","212","3" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","BOGACHIEL 212","212","44" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","BOGACHIEL 212","212","4" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","BOGACHIEL 212","212","6" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","CARLSBORG 214","214","85" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","CARLSBORG 214","214","6" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","CARLSBORG 214","214","18" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","CARLSBORG 214","214","6" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","CARLSBORG 214","214","17" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","CARLSBORG 214","214","123" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","CARLSBORG 214","214","7" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","CARLSBORG 214","214","8" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","61" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","5" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","4" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","3" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","7" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","114" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","8" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","3" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","CLARK 216","216","37" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","CLARK 216","216","4" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","CLARK 216","216","3" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","CLARK 216","216","3" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","CLARK 216","216","14" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","CLARK 216","216","99" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","CLARK 216","216","8" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","CLARK 216","216","4" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","CLINE 217","217","100" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","CLINE 217","217","7" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","CLINE 217","217","10" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","CLINE 217","217","13" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","CLINE 217","217","39" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","CLINE 217","217","222" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","CLINE 217","217","15" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","CLINE 217","217","3" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","COYOTE 218","218","134" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","COYOTE 218","218","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","COYOTE 218","218","13" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","COYOTE 218","218","15" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","COYOTE 218","218","24" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","COYOTE 218","218","227" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","COYOTE 218","218","10" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","COYOTE 218","218","5" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","DEER PARK 220","220","124" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","DEER PARK 220","220","7" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","DEER PARK 220","220","10" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","DEER PARK 220","220","7" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","DEER PARK 220","220","23" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","DEER PARK 220","220","201" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","DEER PARK 220","220","7" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","DEER PARK 220","220","3" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","135" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","3" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","12" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","6" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","41" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","203" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","10" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","8" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","157" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","9" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","14" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","9" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","37" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","240" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","8" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","4" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","54" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","5" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","8" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","3" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","16" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","100" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","6" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","1" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","DRY CREEK 224","224","85" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","DRY CREEK 224","224","11" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","DRY CREEK 224","224","4" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","DRY CREEK 224","224","7" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","DRY CREEK 224","224","9" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","DRY CREEK 224","224","136" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","DRY CREEK 224","224","11" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","DRY CREEK 224","224","6" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","EAGLE 226","226","107" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","EAGLE 226","226","6" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","EAGLE 226","226","11" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","EAGLE 226","226","4" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","EAGLE 226","226","25" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","EAGLE 226","226","130" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","EAGLE 226","226","7" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","EAGLE 226","226","2" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","ELK 229","229","16" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","ELK 229","229","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","ELK 229","229","1" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","ELK 229","229","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","ELK 229","229","11" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","ELK 229","229","42" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","ELK 229","229","0" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","ELK 229","229","2" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","ELWHA 230","230","36" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","ELWHA 230","230","2" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","ELWHA 230","230","2" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","ELWHA 230","230","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","ELWHA 230","230","7" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","ELWHA 230","230","47" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","ELWHA 230","230","5" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","ELWHA 230","230","4" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","FAIRVIEW 232","232","135" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","FAIRVIEW 232","232","4" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","FAIRVIEW 232","232","8" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","FAIRVIEW 232","232","8" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","FAIRVIEW 232","232","20" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","FAIRVIEW 232","232","208" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","FAIRVIEW 232","232","11" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","FAIRVIEW 232","232","6" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","121" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","8" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","14" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","6" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","52" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","227" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","13" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","12" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","69" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","5" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","21" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","97" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","9" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","5" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","JAMESTOWN 240","240","58" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","JAMESTOWN 240","240","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","JAMESTOWN 240","240","8" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","JAMESTOWN 240","240","4" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","JAMESTOWN 240","240","18" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","JAMESTOWN 240","240","151" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","JAMESTOWN 240","240","3" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","JAMESTOWN 240","240","6" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","JOYCE 241","241","133" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","JOYCE 241","241","12" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","JOYCE 241","241","8" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","JOYCE 241","241","3" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","JOYCE 241","241","42" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","JOYCE 241","241","202" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","JOYCE 241","241","12" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","JOYCE 241","241","17" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","82" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","4" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","5" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","3" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","9" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","95" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","10" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","2" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","55" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","6" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","6" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","5" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","11" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","117" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","6" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","MACLEAY 247","247","126" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","MACLEAY 247","247","5" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","MACLEAY 247","247","15" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","MACLEAY 247","247","6" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","MACLEAY 247","247","35" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","MACLEAY 247","247","162" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","MACLEAY 247","247","22" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","MACLEAY 247","247","4" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","MADISON CREEK 248","248","47" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","MADISON CREEK 248","248","3" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","MADISON CREEK 248","248","1" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","MADISON CREEK 248","248","1" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","MADISON CREEK 248","248","4" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","MADISON CREEK 248","248","64" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","MADISON CREEK 248","248","0" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","MADISON CREEK 248","248","3" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","MONTERRA 249","249","119" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","MONTERRA 249","249","2" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","MONTERRA 249","249","15" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","MONTERRA 249","249","6" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","MONTERRA 249","249","47" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","MONTERRA 249","249","198" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","MONTERRA 249","249","12" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","MONTERRA 249","249","6" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","79" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","2" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","9" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","3" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","4" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","124" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","4" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","5" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","108" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","3" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","9" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","3" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","15" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","169" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","13" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","8" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","NEAH BAY 252","252","9" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","NEAH BAY 252","252","0" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","NEAH BAY 252","252","0" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","NEAH BAY 252","252","8" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","NEAH BAY 252","252","2" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","NEAH BAY 252","252","96" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","NEAH BAY 252","252","0" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","NEAH BAY 252","252","1" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","OBRIEN 253","253","101" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","OBRIEN 253","253","6" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","OBRIEN 253","253","5" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","OBRIEN 253","253","8" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","OBRIEN 253","253","30" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","OBRIEN 253","253","114" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","OBRIEN 253","253","11" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","OBRIEN 253","253","8" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","OLYMPIC 254","254","96" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","OLYMPIC 254","254","9" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","OLYMPIC 254","254","6" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","OLYMPIC 254","254","4" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","OLYMPIC 254","254","21" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","OLYMPIC 254","254","143" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","OLYMPIC 254","254","8" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","OLYMPIC 254","254","3" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","62" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","6" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","7" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","4" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","24" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","105" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","1" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","4" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","95" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","4" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","10" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","8" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","48" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","160" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","6" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","9" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","114" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","13" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","10" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","9" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","29" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","163" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","11" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","9" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","QUILEUTE 262","262","42" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","QUILEUTE 262","262","5" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","QUILEUTE 262","262","5" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","QUILEUTE 262","262","4" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","QUILEUTE 262","262","3" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","QUILEUTE 262","262","66" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","QUILEUTE 262","262","8" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","QUILEUTE 262","262","1" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","RIVERSIDE 265","265","114" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","RIVERSIDE 265","265","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","RIVERSIDE 265","265","9" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","RIVERSIDE 265","265","5" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","RIVERSIDE 265","265","34" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","RIVERSIDE 265","265","218" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","RIVERSIDE 265","265","6" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","RIVERSIDE 265","265","6" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","ROBIN HILL 266","266","83" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","ROBIN HILL 266","266","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","ROBIN HILL 266","266","7" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","ROBIN HILL 266","266","6" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","ROBIN HILL 266","266","32" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","ROBIN HILL 266","266","149" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","ROBIN HILL 266","266","7" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","ROBIN HILL 266","266","3" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","SUN 269","269","45" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","SUN 269","269","1" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","SUN 269","269","9" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","SUN 269","269","0" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","SUN 269","269","4" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","SUN 269","269","51" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","SUN 269","269","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","SUN 269","269","4" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","170" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","6" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","20" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","7" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","37" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","223" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","5" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","3" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","96" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","8" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","13" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","6" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","15" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","110" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","5" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","6" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","FORKS 301","301","64" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","FORKS 301","301","5" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","FORKS 301","301","2" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","FORKS 301","301","7" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","FORKS 301","301","6" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","FORKS 301","301","104" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","FORKS 301","301","4" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","FORKS 301","301","4" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","FORKS 302","302","103" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","FORKS 302","302","3" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","FORKS 302","302","10" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","FORKS 302","302","7" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","FORKS 302","302","21" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","FORKS 302","302","116" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","FORKS 302","302","7" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","FORKS 302","302","7" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","SEQUIM 401","401","63" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","SEQUIM 401","401","3" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","SEQUIM 401","401","8" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","SEQUIM 401","401","5" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","SEQUIM 401","401","11" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","SEQUIM 401","401","104" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","SEQUIM 401","401","2" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","SEQUIM 401","401","3" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","SEQUIM 402","402","49" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","SEQUIM 402","402","3" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","SEQUIM 402","402","6" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","SEQUIM 402","402","4" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","SEQUIM 402","402","19" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","SEQUIM 402","402","115" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","SEQUIM 402","402","1" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","SEQUIM 402","402","6" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","SEQUIM 403","403","125" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","SEQUIM 403","403","7" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","SEQUIM 403","403","11" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","SEQUIM 403","403","10" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","SEQUIM 403","403","27" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","SEQUIM 403","403","219" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","SEQUIM 403","403","15" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","SEQUIM 403","403","7" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","SEQUIM 404","404","154" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","SEQUIM 404","404","4" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","SEQUIM 404","404","17" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","SEQUIM 404","404","14" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","SEQUIM 404","404","48" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","SEQUIM 404","404","274" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","SEQUIM 404","404","16" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","SEQUIM 404","404","11" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","SEQUIM 405","405","107" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","SEQUIM 405","405","5" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","SEQUIM 405","405","9" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","SEQUIM 405","405","5" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","SEQUIM 405","405","26" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","SEQUIM 405","405","163" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","SEQUIM 405","405","14" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","SEQUIM 405","405","8" "U.S. Senator","Michael Baumgartner","SEQUIM 406","406","117" "U.S. Senator","Will Baker","SEQUIM 406","406","2" "U.S. Senator","Chuck Jackson","SEQUIM 406","406","16" "U.S. Senator","Timmy (Doc) Wilson","SEQUIM 406","406","10" "U.S. Senator","Art Coday","SEQUIM 406","406","21" "U.S. Senator","Maria Cantwell","SEQUIM 406","406","182" "U.S. Senator","Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell","SEQUIM 406","406","10" "U.S. Senator","Mike the Mover","SEQUIM 406","406","2" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","Total","-1","2796" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","Total","-1","458" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","Total","-1","9736" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","Total","-1","3684" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","Total","-1","701" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","Total","-1","236" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","Total","-1","3079" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","PORT ANGELES 101","101","23" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","PORT ANGELES 101","101","6" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","PORT ANGELES 101","101","159" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","PORT ANGELES 101","101","59" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","PORT ANGELES 101","101","6" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","PORT ANGELES 101","101","3" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","PORT ANGELES 101","101","50" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","PORT ANGELES 102","102","42" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","PORT ANGELES 102","102","8" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","PORT ANGELES 102","102","263" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","PORT ANGELES 102","102","83" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","PORT ANGELES 102","102","11" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","PORT ANGELES 102","102","3" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","PORT ANGELES 102","102","56" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","PORT ANGELES 103","103","53" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","PORT ANGELES 103","103","11" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","PORT ANGELES 103","103","273" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","PORT ANGELES 103","103","108" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","PORT ANGELES 103","103","8" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","PORT ANGELES 103","103","6" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","PORT ANGELES 103","103","56" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","PORT ANGELES 104","104","39" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","PORT ANGELES 104","104","10" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","PORT ANGELES 104","104","194" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","PORT ANGELES 104","104","54" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","PORT ANGELES 104","104","9" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","PORT ANGELES 104","104","8" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","PORT ANGELES 104","104","37" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","PORT ANGELES 105","105","32" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","PORT ANGELES 105","105","12" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","PORT ANGELES 105","105","287" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","PORT ANGELES 105","105","65" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","PORT ANGELES 105","105","6" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","PORT ANGELES 105","105","2" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","PORT ANGELES 105","105","78" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","PORT ANGELES 106","106","42" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","PORT ANGELES 106","106","4" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","PORT ANGELES 106","106","216" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","PORT ANGELES 106","106","63" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","PORT ANGELES 106","106","6" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","PORT ANGELES 106","106","6" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","PORT ANGELES 106","106","48" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","PORT ANGELES 107","107","52" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","PORT ANGELES 107","107","15" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","PORT ANGELES 107","107","268" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","PORT ANGELES 107","107","71" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","PORT ANGELES 107","107","4" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","PORT ANGELES 107","107","6" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","PORT ANGELES 107","107","60" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","PORT ANGELES 108","108","11" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","PORT ANGELES 108","108","5" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","PORT ANGELES 108","108","144" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","PORT ANGELES 108","108","32" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","PORT ANGELES 108","108","5" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","PORT ANGELES 108","108","4" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","PORT ANGELES 108","108","26" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","PORT ANGELES 109","109","41" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","PORT ANGELES 109","109","10" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","PORT ANGELES 109","109","258" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","PORT ANGELES 109","109","74" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","PORT ANGELES 109","109","14" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","PORT ANGELES 109","109","5" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","PORT ANGELES 109","109","63" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","PORT ANGELES 110","110","16" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","PORT ANGELES 110","110","2" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","PORT ANGELES 110","110","47" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","PORT ANGELES 110","110","19" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","PORT ANGELES 110","110","1" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","PORT ANGELES 110","110","1" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","PORT ANGELES 110","110","16" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","PORT ANGELES 111","111","42" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","PORT ANGELES 111","111","7" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","PORT ANGELES 111","111","280" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","PORT ANGELES 111","111","88" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","PORT ANGELES 111","111","13" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","PORT ANGELES 111","111","8" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","PORT ANGELES 111","111","66" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","PORT ANGELES 112","112","29" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","PORT ANGELES 112","112","9" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","PORT ANGELES 112","112","164" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","PORT ANGELES 112","112","75" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","PORT ANGELES 112","112","8" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","PORT ANGELES 112","112","2" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","PORT ANGELES 112","112","33" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","PORT ANGELES 113","113","34" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","PORT ANGELES 113","113","7" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","PORT ANGELES 113","113","100" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","PORT ANGELES 113","113","58" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","PORT ANGELES 113","113","8" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","PORT ANGELES 113","113","6" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","PORT ANGELES 113","113","49" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","AGNEW 201","201","38" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","AGNEW 201","201","3" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","AGNEW 201","201","121" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","AGNEW 201","201","48" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","AGNEW 201","201","12" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","AGNEW 201","201","8" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","AGNEW 201","201","45" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","BEAVER 204","204","77" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","BEAVER 204","204","12" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","BEAVER 204","204","80" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","BEAVER 204","204","69" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","BEAVER 204","204","7" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","BEAVER 204","204","2" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","BEAVER 204","204","31" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","BELLEVIEW 205","205","37" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","BELLEVIEW 205","205","8" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","BELLEVIEW 205","205","187" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","BELLEVIEW 205","205","71" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","BELLEVIEW 205","205","16" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","BELLEVIEW 205","205","3" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","BELLEVIEW 205","205","52" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","BELL HILL 207","207","86" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","BELL HILL 207","207","5" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","BELL HILL 207","207","164" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","BELL HILL 207","207","83" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","BELL HILL 207","207","22" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","BELL HILL 207","207","6" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","BELL HILL 207","207","59" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","37" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","7" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","117" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","38" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","4" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","0" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","37" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","55" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","9" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","178" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","58" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","23" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","4" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","54" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","BLUFFS 210","210","23" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","BLUFFS 210","210","6" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","BLUFFS 210","210","96" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","BLUFFS 210","210","37" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","BLUFFS 210","210","5" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","BLUFFS 210","210","2" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","BLUFFS 210","210","42" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","BLYN 211","211","51" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","BLYN 211","211","11" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","BLYN 211","211","150" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","BLYN 211","211","46" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","BLYN 211","211","21" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","BLYN 211","211","4" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","BLYN 211","211","45" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","BOGACHIEL 212","212","36" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","BOGACHIEL 212","212","4" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","BOGACHIEL 212","212","32" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","BOGACHIEL 212","212","29" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","BOGACHIEL 212","212","0" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","BOGACHIEL 212","212","0" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","BOGACHIEL 212","212","12" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","CARLSBORG 214","214","31" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","CARLSBORG 214","214","7" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","CARLSBORG 214","214","117" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","CARLSBORG 214","214","50" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","CARLSBORG 214","214","13" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","CARLSBORG 214","214","2" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","CARLSBORG 214","214","45" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","26" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","8" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","98" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","32" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","6" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","0" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","27" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","CLARK 216","216","15" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","CLARK 216","216","7" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","CLARK 216","216","77" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","CLARK 216","216","39" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","CLARK 216","216","2" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","CLARK 216","216","1" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","CLARK 216","216","30" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","CLINE 217","217","54" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","CLINE 217","217","6" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","CLINE 217","217","212" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","CLINE 217","217","73" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","CLINE 217","217","14" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","CLINE 217","217","2" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","CLINE 217","217","49" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","COYOTE 218","218","46" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","COYOTE 218","218","3" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","COYOTE 218","218","227" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","COYOTE 218","218","65" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","COYOTE 218","218","11" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","COYOTE 218","218","4" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","COYOTE 218","218","75" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","DEER PARK 220","220","50" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","DEER PARK 220","220","10" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","DEER PARK 220","220","182" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","DEER PARK 220","220","66" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","DEER PARK 220","220","11" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","DEER PARK 220","220","10" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","DEER PARK 220","220","61" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","85" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","10" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","180" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","59" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","24" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","3" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","62" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","53" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","5" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","224" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","95" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","24" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","8" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","69" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","25" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","10" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","87" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","39" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","9" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","0" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","27" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","DRY CREEK 224","224","24" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","DRY CREEK 224","224","10" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","DRY CREEK 224","224","131" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","DRY CREEK 224","224","49" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","DRY CREEK 224","224","6" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","DRY CREEK 224","224","3" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","DRY CREEK 224","224","47" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","EAGLE 226","226","43" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","EAGLE 226","226","8" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","EAGLE 226","226","103" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","EAGLE 226","226","56" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","EAGLE 226","226","20" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","EAGLE 226","226","6" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","EAGLE 226","226","49" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","ELK 229","229","14" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","ELK 229","229","0" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","ELK 229","229","41" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","ELK 229","229","7" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","ELK 229","229","6" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","ELK 229","229","0" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","ELK 229","229","6" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","ELWHA 230","230","20" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","ELWHA 230","230","1" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","ELWHA 230","230","40" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","ELWHA 230","230","24" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","ELWHA 230","230","2" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","ELWHA 230","230","0" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","ELWHA 230","230","24" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","FAIRVIEW 232","232","43" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","FAIRVIEW 232","232","8" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","FAIRVIEW 232","232","191" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","FAIRVIEW 232","232","94" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","FAIRVIEW 232","232","14" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","FAIRVIEW 232","232","5" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","FAIRVIEW 232","232","53" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","79" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","8" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","213" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","55" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","9" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","6" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","92" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","55" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","0" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","82" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","28" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","9" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","3" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","29" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","JAMESTOWN 240","240","38" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","JAMESTOWN 240","240","6" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","JAMESTOWN 240","240","131" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","JAMESTOWN 240","240","35" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","JAMESTOWN 240","240","9" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","JAMESTOWN 240","240","3" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","JAMESTOWN 240","240","23" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","JOYCE 241","241","68" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","JOYCE 241","241","10" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","JOYCE 241","241","190" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","JOYCE 241","241","64" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","JOYCE 241","241","13" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","JOYCE 241","241","3" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","JOYCE 241","241","87" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","24" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","1" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","94" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","34" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","12" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","1" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","49" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","19" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","9" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","121" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","28" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","7" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","2" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","22" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","MACLEAY 247","247","65" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","MACLEAY 247","247","5" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","MACLEAY 247","247","146" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","MACLEAY 247","247","75" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","MACLEAY 247","247","19" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","MACLEAY 247","247","4" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","MACLEAY 247","247","74" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","MADISON CREEK 248","248","22" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","MADISON CREEK 248","248","1" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","MADISON CREEK 248","248","58" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","MADISON CREEK 248","248","17" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","MADISON CREEK 248","248","2" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","MADISON CREEK 248","248","0" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","MADISON CREEK 248","248","25" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","MONTERRA 249","249","72" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","MONTERRA 249","249","1" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","MONTERRA 249","249","176" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","MONTERRA 249","249","65" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","MONTERRA 249","249","14" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","MONTERRA 249","249","8" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","MONTERRA 249","249","75" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","15" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","4" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","121" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","43" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","3" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","1" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","48" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","33" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","7" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","157" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","78" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","14" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","1" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","46" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","NEAH BAY 252","252","3" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","NEAH BAY 252","252","1" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","NEAH BAY 252","252","96" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","NEAH BAY 252","252","5" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","NEAH BAY 252","252","1" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","NEAH BAY 252","252","0" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","NEAH BAY 252","252","6" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","OBRIEN 253","253","54" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","OBRIEN 253","253","7" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","OBRIEN 253","253","102" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","OBRIEN 253","253","62" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","OBRIEN 253","253","8" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","OBRIEN 253","253","2" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","OBRIEN 253","253","59" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","OLYMPIC 254","254","33" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","OLYMPIC 254","254","5" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","OLYMPIC 254","254","132" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","OLYMPIC 254","254","56" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","OLYMPIC 254","254","9" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","OLYMPIC 254","254","5" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","OLYMPIC 254","254","53" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","28" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","4" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","99" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","32" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","18" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","4" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","27" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","67" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","7" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","147" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","59" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","13" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","6" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","47" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","48" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","15" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","151" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","59" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","14" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","10" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","57" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","QUILEUTE 262","262","32" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","QUILEUTE 262","262","9" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","QUILEUTE 262","262","54" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","QUILEUTE 262","262","21" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","QUILEUTE 262","262","4" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","QUILEUTE 262","262","0" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","QUILEUTE 262","262","16" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","RIVERSIDE 265","265","54" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","RIVERSIDE 265","265","1" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","RIVERSIDE 265","265","203" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","RIVERSIDE 265","265","67" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","RIVERSIDE 265","265","12" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","RIVERSIDE 265","265","1" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","RIVERSIDE 265","265","54" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","ROBIN HILL 266","266","46" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","ROBIN HILL 266","266","4" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","ROBIN HILL 266","266","132" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","ROBIN HILL 266","266","37" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","ROBIN HILL 266","266","12" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","ROBIN HILL 266","266","4" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","ROBIN HILL 266","266","55" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","SUN 269","269","35" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","SUN 269","269","0" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","SUN 269","269","27" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","SUN 269","269","28" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","SUN 269","269","2" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","SUN 269","269","0" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","SUN 269","269","24" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","62" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","12" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","190" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","122" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","20" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","1" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","69" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","29" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","12" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","99" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","69" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","12" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","6" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","35" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","FORKS 301","301","43" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","FORKS 301","301","7" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","FORKS 301","301","84" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","FORKS 301","301","29" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","FORKS 301","301","6" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","FORKS 301","301","3" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","FORKS 301","301","25" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","FORKS 302","302","79" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","FORKS 302","302","7" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","FORKS 302","302","90" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","FORKS 302","302","47" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","FORKS 302","302","12" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","FORKS 302","302","2" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","FORKS 302","302","40" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","SEQUIM 401","401","22" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","SEQUIM 401","401","6" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","SEQUIM 401","401","98" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","SEQUIM 401","401","34" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","SEQUIM 401","401","4" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","SEQUIM 401","401","5" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","SEQUIM 401","401","29" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","SEQUIM 402","402","28" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","SEQUIM 402","402","6" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","SEQUIM 402","402","95" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","SEQUIM 402","402","47" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","SEQUIM 402","402","5" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","SEQUIM 402","402","1" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","SEQUIM 402","402","26" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","SEQUIM 403","403","51" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","SEQUIM 403","403","10" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","SEQUIM 403","403","200" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","SEQUIM 403","403","64" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","SEQUIM 403","403","18" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","SEQUIM 403","403","10" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","SEQUIM 403","403","67" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","SEQUIM 404","404","84" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","SEQUIM 404","404","16" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","SEQUIM 404","404","244" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","SEQUIM 404","404","105" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","SEQUIM 404","404","27" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","SEQUIM 404","404","6" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","SEQUIM 404","404","54" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","SEQUIM 405","405","37" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","SEQUIM 405","405","11" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","SEQUIM 405","405","143" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","SEQUIM 405","405","81" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","SEQUIM 405","405","6" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","SEQUIM 405","405","3" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","SEQUIM 405","405","63" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Jesse Young","SEQUIM 406","406","46" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Eric G. Arentz Jr.","SEQUIM 406","406","2" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Derek Kilmer","SEQUIM 406","406","173" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Bill Driscoll","SEQUIM 406","406","62" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","David (Ike) Eichner","SEQUIM 406","406","16" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Stephan Andrew Brodhead","SEQUIM 406","406","2" "Congressional District 6 - U.S. Representative","Doug Cloud","SEQUIM 406","406","64" "Governor","Rob Hill","Total","-1","724" "Governor","Rob McKenna","Total","-1","9618" "Governor","Jay Inslee","Total","-1","8875" "Governor","James White","Total","-1","256" "Governor","Christian Joubert","Total","-1","164" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","Total","-1","1000" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","Total","-1","124" "Governor","Max Sampson","Total","-1","164" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","Total","-1","85" "Governor","Rob Hill","PORT ANGELES 101","101","10" "Governor","Rob McKenna","PORT ANGELES 101","101","138" "Governor","Jay Inslee","PORT ANGELES 101","101","138" "Governor","James White","PORT ANGELES 101","101","7" "Governor","Christian Joubert","PORT ANGELES 101","101","2" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","PORT ANGELES 101","101","9" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","PORT ANGELES 101","101","0" "Governor","Max Sampson","PORT ANGELES 101","101","1" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","PORT ANGELES 101","101","0" "Governor","Rob Hill","PORT ANGELES 102","102","20" "Governor","Rob McKenna","PORT ANGELES 102","102","190" "Governor","Jay Inslee","PORT ANGELES 102","102","222" "Governor","James White","PORT ANGELES 102","102","5" "Governor","Christian Joubert","PORT ANGELES 102","102","8" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","PORT ANGELES 102","102","16" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","PORT ANGELES 102","102","3" "Governor","Max Sampson","PORT ANGELES 102","102","4" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","PORT ANGELES 102","102","2" "Governor","Rob Hill","PORT ANGELES 103","103","8" "Governor","Rob McKenna","PORT ANGELES 103","103","241" "Governor","Jay Inslee","PORT ANGELES 103","103","233" "Governor","James White","PORT ANGELES 103","103","9" "Governor","Christian Joubert","PORT ANGELES 103","103","1" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","PORT ANGELES 103","103","18" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","PORT ANGELES 103","103","1" "Governor","Max Sampson","PORT ANGELES 103","103","5" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","PORT ANGELES 103","103","1" "Governor","Rob Hill","PORT ANGELES 104","104","18" "Governor","Rob McKenna","PORT ANGELES 104","104","126" "Governor","Jay Inslee","PORT ANGELES 104","104","168" "Governor","James White","PORT ANGELES 104","104","7" "Governor","Christian Joubert","PORT ANGELES 104","104","6" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","PORT ANGELES 104","104","19" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","PORT ANGELES 104","104","2" "Governor","Max Sampson","PORT ANGELES 104","104","6" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","PORT ANGELES 104","104","1" "Governor","Rob Hill","PORT ANGELES 105","105","24" "Governor","Rob McKenna","PORT ANGELES 105","105","181" "Governor","Jay Inslee","PORT ANGELES 105","105","235" "Governor","James White","PORT ANGELES 105","105","4" "Governor","Christian Joubert","PORT ANGELES 105","105","1" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","PORT ANGELES 105","105","19" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","PORT ANGELES 105","105","7" "Governor","Max Sampson","PORT ANGELES 105","105","3" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","PORT ANGELES 105","105","2" "Governor","Rob Hill","PORT ANGELES 106","106","6" "Governor","Rob McKenna","PORT ANGELES 106","106","150" "Governor","Jay Inslee","PORT ANGELES 106","106","197" "Governor","James White","PORT ANGELES 106","106","5" "Governor","Christian Joubert","PORT ANGELES 106","106","4" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","PORT ANGELES 106","106","21" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","PORT ANGELES 106","106","2" "Governor","Max Sampson","PORT ANGELES 106","106","3" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","PORT ANGELES 106","106","3" "Governor","Rob Hill","PORT ANGELES 107","107","16" "Governor","Rob McKenna","PORT ANGELES 107","107","188" "Governor","Jay Inslee","PORT ANGELES 107","107","232" "Governor","James White","PORT ANGELES 107","107","3" "Governor","Christian Joubert","PORT ANGELES 107","107","9" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","PORT ANGELES 107","107","23" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","PORT ANGELES 107","107","5" "Governor","Max Sampson","PORT ANGELES 107","107","3" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","PORT ANGELES 107","107","3" "Governor","Rob Hill","PORT ANGELES 108","108","16" "Governor","Rob McKenna","PORT ANGELES 108","108","83" "Governor","Jay Inslee","PORT ANGELES 108","108","117" "Governor","James White","PORT ANGELES 108","108","2" "Governor","Christian Joubert","PORT ANGELES 108","108","2" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","PORT ANGELES 108","108","6" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","PORT ANGELES 108","108","0" "Governor","Max Sampson","PORT ANGELES 108","108","1" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","PORT ANGELES 108","108","1" "Governor","Rob Hill","PORT ANGELES 109","109","24" "Governor","Rob McKenna","PORT ANGELES 109","109","188" "Governor","Jay Inslee","PORT ANGELES 109","109","239" "Governor","James White","PORT ANGELES 109","109","7" "Governor","Christian Joubert","PORT ANGELES 109","109","3" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","PORT ANGELES 109","109","11" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","PORT ANGELES 109","109","3" "Governor","Max Sampson","PORT ANGELES 109","109","5" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","PORT ANGELES 109","109","2" "Governor","Rob Hill","PORT ANGELES 110","110","8" "Governor","Rob McKenna","PORT ANGELES 110","110","50" "Governor","Jay Inslee","PORT ANGELES 110","110","37" "Governor","James White","PORT ANGELES 110","110","2" "Governor","Christian Joubert","PORT ANGELES 110","110","2" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","PORT ANGELES 110","110","2" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","PORT ANGELES 110","110","0" "Governor","Max Sampson","PORT ANGELES 110","110","1" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","PORT ANGELES 110","110","1" "Governor","Rob Hill","PORT ANGELES 111","111","19" "Governor","Rob McKenna","PORT ANGELES 111","111","200" "Governor","Jay Inslee","PORT ANGELES 111","111","262" "Governor","James White","PORT ANGELES 111","111","3" "Governor","Christian Joubert","PORT ANGELES 111","111","3" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","PORT ANGELES 111","111","17" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","PORT ANGELES 111","111","8" "Governor","Max Sampson","PORT ANGELES 111","111","6" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","PORT ANGELES 111","111","1" "Governor","Rob Hill","PORT ANGELES 112","112","18" "Governor","Rob McKenna","PORT ANGELES 112","112","159" "Governor","Jay Inslee","PORT ANGELES 112","112","137" "Governor","James White","PORT ANGELES 112","112","5" "Governor","Christian Joubert","PORT ANGELES 112","112","2" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","PORT ANGELES 112","112","4" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","PORT ANGELES 112","112","1" "Governor","Max Sampson","PORT ANGELES 112","112","1" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","PORT ANGELES 112","112","1" "Governor","Rob Hill","PORT ANGELES 113","113","6" "Governor","Rob McKenna","PORT ANGELES 113","113","142" "Governor","Jay Inslee","PORT ANGELES 113","113","87" "Governor","James White","PORT ANGELES 113","113","7" "Governor","Christian Joubert","PORT ANGELES 113","113","4" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","PORT ANGELES 113","113","14" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","PORT ANGELES 113","113","3" "Governor","Max Sampson","PORT ANGELES 113","113","2" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","PORT ANGELES 113","113","0" "Governor","Rob Hill","AGNEW 201","201","3" "Governor","Rob McKenna","AGNEW 201","201","134" "Governor","Jay Inslee","AGNEW 201","201","114" "Governor","James White","AGNEW 201","201","4" "Governor","Christian Joubert","AGNEW 201","201","3" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","AGNEW 201","201","17" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","AGNEW 201","201","0" "Governor","Max Sampson","AGNEW 201","201","4" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","AGNEW 201","201","2" "Governor","Rob Hill","BEAVER 204","204","10" "Governor","Rob McKenna","BEAVER 204","204","176" "Governor","Jay Inslee","BEAVER 204","204","77" "Governor","James White","BEAVER 204","204","5" "Governor","Christian Joubert","BEAVER 204","204","4" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","BEAVER 204","204","8" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","BEAVER 204","204","0" "Governor","Max Sampson","BEAVER 204","204","4" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","BEAVER 204","204","1" "Governor","Rob Hill","BELLEVIEW 205","205","15" "Governor","Rob McKenna","BELLEVIEW 205","205","176" "Governor","Jay Inslee","BELLEVIEW 205","205","162" "Governor","James White","BELLEVIEW 205","205","6" "Governor","Christian Joubert","BELLEVIEW 205","205","2" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","BELLEVIEW 205","205","11" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","BELLEVIEW 205","205","2" "Governor","Max Sampson","BELLEVIEW 205","205","5" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","BELLEVIEW 205","205","0" "Governor","Rob Hill","BELL HILL 207","207","8" "Governor","Rob McKenna","BELL HILL 207","207","239" "Governor","Jay Inslee","BELL HILL 207","207","153" "Governor","James White","BELL HILL 207","207","1" "Governor","Christian Joubert","BELL HILL 207","207","0" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","BELL HILL 207","207","27" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","BELL HILL 207","207","0" "Governor","Max Sampson","BELL HILL 207","207","2" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","BELL HILL 207","207","1" "Governor","Rob Hill","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","8" "Governor","Rob McKenna","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","118" "Governor","Jay Inslee","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","101" "Governor","James White","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","3" "Governor","Christian Joubert","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","3" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","10" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","2" "Governor","Max Sampson","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","0" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","0" "Governor","Rob Hill","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","12" "Governor","Rob McKenna","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","179" "Governor","Jay Inslee","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","166" "Governor","James White","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","6" "Governor","Christian Joubert","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","0" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","19" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","4" "Governor","Max Sampson","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","1" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","3" "Governor","Rob Hill","BLUFFS 210","210","5" "Governor","Rob McKenna","BLUFFS 210","210","109" "Governor","Jay Inslee","BLUFFS 210","210","85" "Governor","James White","BLUFFS 210","210","0" "Governor","Christian Joubert","BLUFFS 210","210","1" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","BLUFFS 210","210","6" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","BLUFFS 210","210","0" "Governor","Max Sampson","BLUFFS 210","210","6" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","BLUFFS 210","210","1" "Governor","Rob Hill","BLYN 211","211","12" "Governor","Rob McKenna","BLYN 211","211","163" "Governor","Jay Inslee","BLYN 211","211","132" "Governor","James White","BLYN 211","211","9" "Governor","Christian Joubert","BLYN 211","211","0" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","BLYN 211","211","10" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","BLYN 211","211","1" "Governor","Max Sampson","BLYN 211","211","3" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","BLYN 211","211","1" "Governor","Rob Hill","BOGACHIEL 212","212","2" "Governor","Rob McKenna","BOGACHIEL 212","212","68" "Governor","Jay Inslee","BOGACHIEL 212","212","37" "Governor","James White","BOGACHIEL 212","212","2" "Governor","Christian Joubert","BOGACHIEL 212","212","0" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","BOGACHIEL 212","212","5" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","BOGACHIEL 212","212","2" "Governor","Max Sampson","BOGACHIEL 212","212","2" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","BOGACHIEL 212","212","2" "Governor","Rob Hill","CARLSBORG 214","214","13" "Governor","Rob McKenna","CARLSBORG 214","214","139" "Governor","Jay Inslee","CARLSBORG 214","214","101" "Governor","James White","CARLSBORG 214","214","6" "Governor","Christian Joubert","CARLSBORG 214","214","2" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","CARLSBORG 214","214","11" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","CARLSBORG 214","214","0" "Governor","Max Sampson","CARLSBORG 214","214","0" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","CARLSBORG 214","214","0" "Governor","Rob Hill","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","11" "Governor","Rob McKenna","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","87" "Governor","Jay Inslee","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","91" "Governor","James White","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","1" "Governor","Christian Joubert","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","4" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","6" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","2" "Governor","Max Sampson","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","2" "Governor","Javier O. 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Lopez","CLINE 217","217","1" "Governor","Rob Hill","COYOTE 218","218","15" "Governor","Rob McKenna","COYOTE 218","218","187" "Governor","Jay Inslee","COYOTE 218","218","209" "Governor","James White","COYOTE 218","218","1" "Governor","Christian Joubert","COYOTE 218","218","1" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","COYOTE 218","218","19" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","COYOTE 218","218","0" "Governor","Max Sampson","COYOTE 218","218","0" "Governor","Javier O. Lopez","COYOTE 218","218","0" "Governor","Rob Hill","DEER PARK 220","220","15" "Governor","Rob McKenna","DEER PARK 220","220","184" "Governor","Jay Inslee","DEER PARK 220","220","160" "Governor","James White","DEER PARK 220","220","8" "Governor","Christian Joubert","DEER PARK 220","220","3" "Governor","Shahram Hadian","DEER PARK 220","220","17" "Governor","L. Dale Sorgen","DEER PARK 220","220","2" "Governor","Max Sampson","DEER PARK 220","220","4" "Governor","Javier O. 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Governor","Mark Greene","PORT ANGELES 106","106","15" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","PORT ANGELES 107","107","78" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","PORT ANGELES 107","107","256" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","PORT ANGELES 107","107","24" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","PORT ANGELES 107","107","84" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","PORT ANGELES 107","107","1" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","PORT ANGELES 107","107","18" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","PORT ANGELES 108","108","37" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","PORT ANGELES 108","108","122" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","PORT ANGELES 108","108","5" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","PORT ANGELES 108","108","34" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","PORT ANGELES 108","108","1" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","PORT ANGELES 108","108","15" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","PORT ANGELES 109","109","69" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","PORT ANGELES 109","109","270" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","PORT ANGELES 109","109","12" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","PORT ANGELES 109","109","87" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","PORT ANGELES 109","109","1" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","PORT ANGELES 109","109","16" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","PORT ANGELES 110","110","14" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","PORT ANGELES 110","110","37" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","PORT ANGELES 110","110","4" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","PORT ANGELES 110","110","31" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","PORT ANGELES 110","110","2" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","PORT ANGELES 110","110","6" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","PORT ANGELES 111","111","75" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","PORT ANGELES 111","111","278" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","PORT ANGELES 111","111","16" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","PORT ANGELES 111","111","100" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","PORT ANGELES 111","111","5" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","PORT ANGELES 111","111","11" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","PORT ANGELES 112","112","65" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","PORT ANGELES 112","112","169" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","PORT ANGELES 112","112","9" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","PORT ANGELES 112","112","50" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","PORT ANGELES 112","112","2" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","PORT ANGELES 112","112","4" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","PORT ANGELES 113","113","60" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","PORT ANGELES 113","113","98" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","PORT ANGELES 113","113","12" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","PORT ANGELES 113","113","72" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","PORT ANGELES 113","113","1" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","PORT ANGELES 113","113","2" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","AGNEW 201","201","69" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","AGNEW 201","201","113" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","AGNEW 201","201","3" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","AGNEW 201","201","78" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","AGNEW 201","201","1" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","AGNEW 201","201","2" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","BEAVER 204","204","73" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","BEAVER 204","204","102" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","BEAVER 204","204","10" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","BEAVER 204","204","77" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","BEAVER 204","204","2" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","BEAVER 204","204","3" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","BELLEVIEW 205","205","76" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","BELLEVIEW 205","205","181" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","BELLEVIEW 205","205","14" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","BELLEVIEW 205","205","79" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","BELLEVIEW 205","205","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","BELLEVIEW 205","205","9" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","BELL HILL 207","207","87" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","BELL HILL 207","207","168" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","BELL HILL 207","207","3" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","BELL HILL 207","207","148" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","BELL HILL 207","207","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","BELL HILL 207","207","11" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","44" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","107" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","7" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","57" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","9" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","59" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","159" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","6" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","125" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","3" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","15" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","BLUFFS 210","210","56" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","BLUFFS 210","210","91" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","BLUFFS 210","210","2" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","BLUFFS 210","210","52" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","BLUFFS 210","210","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","BLUFFS 210","210","6" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","BLYN 211","211","72" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","BLYN 211","211","137" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","BLYN 211","211","3" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","BLYN 211","211","89" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","BLYN 211","211","6" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","BLYN 211","211","13" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","BOGACHIEL 212","212","32" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","BOGACHIEL 212","212","49" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","BOGACHIEL 212","212","1" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","BOGACHIEL 212","212","27" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","BOGACHIEL 212","212","1" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","BOGACHIEL 212","212","0" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","CARLSBORG 214","214","60" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","CARLSBORG 214","214","111" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","CARLSBORG 214","214","9" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","CARLSBORG 214","214","78" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","CARLSBORG 214","214","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","CARLSBORG 214","214","10" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","44" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","106" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","4" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","35" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","1" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","10" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","CLARK 216","216","34" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","CLARK 216","216","88" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","CLARK 216","216","2" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","CLARK 216","216","34" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","CLARK 216","216","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","CLARK 216","216","4" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","CLINE 217","217","80" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","CLINE 217","217","189" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","CLINE 217","217","10" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","CLINE 217","217","95" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","CLINE 217","217","1" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","CLINE 217","217","12" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","COYOTE 218","218","75" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","COYOTE 218","218","216" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","COYOTE 218","218","9" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","COYOTE 218","218","104" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","COYOTE 218","218","1" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","COYOTE 218","218","8" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","DEER PARK 220","220","69" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","DEER PARK 220","220","172" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","DEER PARK 220","220","9" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","DEER PARK 220","220","99" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","DEER PARK 220","220","2" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","DEER PARK 220","220","13" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","98" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","174" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","8" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","118" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","1" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","8" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","92" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","177" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","23" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","160" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","1" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","8" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","33" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","83" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","4" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","54" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","1" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","5" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","DRY CREEK 224","224","59" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","DRY CREEK 224","224","138" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","DRY CREEK 224","224","14" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","DRY CREEK 224","224","41" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","DRY CREEK 224","224","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","DRY CREEK 224","224","11" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","EAGLE 226","226","66" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","EAGLE 226","226","100" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","EAGLE 226","226","9" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","EAGLE 226","226","89" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","EAGLE 226","226","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","EAGLE 226","226","12" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","ELK 229","229","10" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","ELK 229","229","39" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","ELK 229","229","4" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","ELK 229","229","17" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","ELK 229","229","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","ELK 229","229","2" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","ELWHA 230","230","25" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","ELWHA 230","230","47" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","ELWHA 230","230","1" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","ELWHA 230","230","32" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","ELWHA 230","230","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","ELWHA 230","230","1" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","FAIRVIEW 232","232","57" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","FAIRVIEW 232","232","186" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","FAIRVIEW 232","232","9" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","FAIRVIEW 232","232","105" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","FAIRVIEW 232","232","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","FAIRVIEW 232","232","17" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","85" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","207" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","13" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","114" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","1" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","13" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","54" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","80" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","3" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","66" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","3" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","JAMESTOWN 240","240","50" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","JAMESTOWN 240","240","116" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","JAMESTOWN 240","240","3" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","JAMESTOWN 240","240","66" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","JAMESTOWN 240","240","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","JAMESTOWN 240","240","9" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","JOYCE 241","241","93" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","JOYCE 241","241","183" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","JOYCE 241","241","12" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","JOYCE 241","241","121" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","JOYCE 241","241","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","JOYCE 241","241","6" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","42" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","80" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","5" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","73" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","4" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","23" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","90" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","11" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","66" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","1" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","10" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","MACLEAY 247","247","92" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","MACLEAY 247","247","140" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","MACLEAY 247","247","6" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","MACLEAY 247","247","124" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","MACLEAY 247","247","1" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","MACLEAY 247","247","5" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","MADISON CREEK 248","248","18" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","MADISON CREEK 248","248","67" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","MADISON CREEK 248","248","5" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","MADISON CREEK 248","248","25" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","MADISON CREEK 248","248","1" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","MADISON CREEK 248","248","1" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","MONTERRA 249","249","82" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","MONTERRA 249","249","177" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","MONTERRA 249","249","9" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","MONTERRA 249","249","110" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","MONTERRA 249","249","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","MONTERRA 249","249","12" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","42" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","110" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","8" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","60" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","2" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","74" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","161" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","4" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","71" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","7" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","NEAH BAY 252","252","4" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","NEAH BAY 252","252","95" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","NEAH BAY 252","252","0" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","NEAH BAY 252","252","6" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","NEAH BAY 252","252","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","NEAH BAY 252","252","9" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","OBRIEN 253","253","78" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","OBRIEN 253","253","113" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","OBRIEN 253","253","3" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","OBRIEN 253","253","72" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","OBRIEN 253","253","1" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","OBRIEN 253","253","8" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","OLYMPIC 254","254","60" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","OLYMPIC 254","254","121" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","OLYMPIC 254","254","10" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","OLYMPIC 254","254","79" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","OLYMPIC 254","254","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","OLYMPIC 254","254","9" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","35" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","88" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","6" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","64" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","1" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","4" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","67" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","155" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","8" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","97" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","3" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","10" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","81" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","141" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","15" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","103" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","2" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","6" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","QUILEUTE 262","262","27" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","QUILEUTE 262","262","68" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","QUILEUTE 262","262","5" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","QUILEUTE 262","262","28" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","QUILEUTE 262","262","2" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","QUILEUTE 262","262","1" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","RIVERSIDE 265","265","78" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","RIVERSIDE 265","265","200" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","RIVERSIDE 265","265","8" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","RIVERSIDE 265","265","83" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","RIVERSIDE 265","265","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","RIVERSIDE 265","265","7" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","ROBIN HILL 266","266","66" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","ROBIN HILL 266","266","113" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","ROBIN HILL 266","266","6" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","ROBIN HILL 266","266","74" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","ROBIN HILL 266","266","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","ROBIN HILL 266","266","11" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","SUN 269","269","42" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","SUN 269","269","45" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","SUN 269","269","4" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","SUN 269","269","24" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","SUN 269","269","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","SUN 269","269","0" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","98" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","183" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","10" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","156" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","2" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","3" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","70" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","91" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","9" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","77" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","1" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","6" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","FORKS 301","301","45" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","FORKS 301","301","104" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","FORKS 301","301","7" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","FORKS 301","301","27" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","FORKS 301","301","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","FORKS 301","301","11" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","FORKS 302","302","73" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","FORKS 302","302","115" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","FORKS 302","302","8" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","FORKS 302","302","68" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","FORKS 302","302","1" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","FORKS 302","302","4" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","SEQUIM 401","401","27" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","SEQUIM 401","401","89" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","SEQUIM 401","401","8" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","SEQUIM 401","401","53" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","SEQUIM 401","401","0" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","SEQUIM 401","401","7" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","SEQUIM 402","402","43" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","SEQUIM 402","402","103" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","SEQUIM 402","402","7" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","SEQUIM 402","402","42" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. Sumner IV","SEQUIM 402","402","1" "Lt. Governor","Mark Greene","SEQUIM 402","402","5" "Lt. Governor","Glenn Anderson","SEQUIM 403","403","96" "Lt. Governor","Brad Owen","SEQUIM 403","403","192" "Lt. Governor","James Robert Deal","SEQUIM 403","403","17" "Lt. Governor","Bill Finkbeiner","SEQUIM 403","403","81" "Lt. Governor","Dave T. 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Anderson","PORT ANGELES 109","109","21" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","PORT ANGELES 109","109","12" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","PORT ANGELES 109","109","21" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","PORT ANGELES 109","109","88" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","PORT ANGELES 109","109","145" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","PORT ANGELES 109","109","89" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","PORT ANGELES 110","110","5" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","PORT ANGELES 110","110","4" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","PORT ANGELES 110","110","1" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","PORT ANGELES 110","110","4" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","PORT ANGELES 110","110","23" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","PORT ANGELES 110","110","42" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","PORT ANGELES 110","110","19" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","PORT ANGELES 111","111","61" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","PORT ANGELES 111","111","23" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","PORT ANGELES 111","111","5" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","PORT ANGELES 111","111","8" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","PORT ANGELES 111","111","106" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","PORT ANGELES 111","111","171" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","PORT ANGELES 111","111","81" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","PORT ANGELES 112","112","30" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","PORT ANGELES 112","112","20" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","PORT ANGELES 112","112","11" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","PORT ANGELES 112","112","12" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","PORT ANGELES 112","112","49" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","PORT ANGELES 112","112","114" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","PORT ANGELES 112","112","49" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","PORT ANGELES 113","113","24" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","PORT ANGELES 113","113","17" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","PORT ANGELES 113","113","5" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","PORT ANGELES 113","113","17" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","PORT ANGELES 113","113","27" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","PORT ANGELES 113","113","112" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","PORT ANGELES 113","113","29" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","AGNEW 201","201","28" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","AGNEW 201","201","15" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","AGNEW 201","201","2" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","AGNEW 201","201","20" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","AGNEW 201","201","49" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","AGNEW 201","201","114" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","AGNEW 201","201","37" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","BEAVER 204","204","16" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","BEAVER 204","204","21" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","BEAVER 204","204","7" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","BEAVER 204","204","17" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","BEAVER 204","204","23" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","BEAVER 204","204","131" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","BEAVER 204","204","38" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","BELLEVIEW 205","205","33" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","BELLEVIEW 205","205","22" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","BELLEVIEW 205","205","10" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","BELLEVIEW 205","205","22" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","BELLEVIEW 205","205","64" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","BELLEVIEW 205","205","140" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","BELLEVIEW 205","205","56" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","BELL HILL 207","207","51" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","BELL HILL 207","207","10" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","BELL HILL 207","207","1" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","BELL HILL 207","207","18" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","BELL HILL 207","207","67" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","BELL HILL 207","207","224" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","BELL HILL 207","207","41" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","17" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","8" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","3" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","14" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","43" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","92" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","40" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","23" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","6" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","7" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","23" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","77" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","166" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","58" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","BLUFFS 210","210","20" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","BLUFFS 210","210","12" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","BLUFFS 210","210","2" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","BLUFFS 210","210","12" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","BLUFFS 210","210","38" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","BLUFFS 210","210","94" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","BLUFFS 210","210","22" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","BLYN 211","211","35" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","BLYN 211","211","14" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","BLYN 211","211","3" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","BLYN 211","211","22" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","BLYN 211","211","71" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","BLYN 211","211","137" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","BLYN 211","211","36" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","BOGACHIEL 212","212","3" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","BOGACHIEL 212","212","10" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","BOGACHIEL 212","212","3" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","BOGACHIEL 212","212","10" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","BOGACHIEL 212","212","9" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","BOGACHIEL 212","212","50" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","BOGACHIEL 212","212","19" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","CARLSBORG 214","214","19" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","CARLSBORG 214","214","23" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","CARLSBORG 214","214","8" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","CARLSBORG 214","214","18" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","CARLSBORG 214","214","49" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","CARLSBORG 214","214","104" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","CARLSBORG 214","214","39" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","15" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","10" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","9" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","8" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","39" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","74" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","38" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","CLARK 216","216","25" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","CLARK 216","216","7" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","CLARK 216","216","4" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","CLARK 216","216","11" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","CLARK 216","216","28" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","CLARK 216","216","65" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","CLARK 216","216","15" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","CLINE 217","217","47" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","CLINE 217","217","17" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","CLINE 217","217","5" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","CLINE 217","217","18" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","CLINE 217","217","96" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","CLINE 217","217","141" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","CLINE 217","217","60" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","COYOTE 218","218","37" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","COYOTE 218","218","13" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","COYOTE 218","218","8" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","COYOTE 218","218","9" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","COYOTE 218","218","92" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","COYOTE 218","218","176" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","COYOTE 218","218","73" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","DEER PARK 220","220","40" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","DEER PARK 220","220","22" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","DEER PARK 220","220","4" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","DEER PARK 220","220","15" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","DEER PARK 220","220","72" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","DEER PARK 220","220","140" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","DEER PARK 220","220","53" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","50" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","22" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","11" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","11" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","88" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","181" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","43" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","36" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","26" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","4" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","18" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","115" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","201" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","55" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","25" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","9" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","0" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","9" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","43" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","79" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","23" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","DRY CREEK 224","224","27" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","DRY CREEK 224","224","20" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","DRY CREEK 224","224","10" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","DRY CREEK 224","224","26" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","DRY CREEK 224","224","42" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","DRY CREEK 224","224","93" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","DRY CREEK 224","224","38" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","EAGLE 226","226","13" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","EAGLE 226","226","11" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","EAGLE 226","226","3" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","EAGLE 226","226","5" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","EAGLE 226","226","49" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","EAGLE 226","226","152" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","EAGLE 226","226","38" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","ELK 229","229","8" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","ELK 229","229","0" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","ELK 229","229","1" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","ELK 229","229","3" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","ELK 229","229","11" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","ELK 229","229","29" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","ELK 229","229","18" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","ELWHA 230","230","4" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","ELWHA 230","230","6" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","ELWHA 230","230","0" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","ELWHA 230","230","4" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","ELWHA 230","230","17" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","ELWHA 230","230","59" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","ELWHA 230","230","14" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","FAIRVIEW 232","232","26" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","FAIRVIEW 232","232","8" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","FAIRVIEW 232","232","6" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","FAIRVIEW 232","232","20" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","FAIRVIEW 232","232","66" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","FAIRVIEW 232","232","173" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","FAIRVIEW 232","232","70" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","36" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","26" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","13" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","16" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","75" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","203" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","69" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","20" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","8" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","3" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","11" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","37" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","103" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","20" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","JAMESTOWN 240","240","28" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","JAMESTOWN 240","240","5" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","JAMESTOWN 240","240","1" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","JAMESTOWN 240","240","11" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","JAMESTOWN 240","240","55" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","JAMESTOWN 240","240","94" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","JAMESTOWN 240","240","46" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","JOYCE 241","241","27" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","JOYCE 241","241","24" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","JOYCE 241","241","7" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","JOYCE 241","241","39" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","JOYCE 241","241","70" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","JOYCE 241","241","166" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","JOYCE 241","241","59" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","12" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","7" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","5" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","5" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","45" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","100" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","31" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","15" "Secretary of State","David J. Anderson","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","7" "Secretary of State","Sam Wright","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","5" "Secretary of State","Karen Murray","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","10" "Secretary of State","Kathleen Drew","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","52" "Secretary of State","Kim Wyman","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","65" "Secretary of State","Greg Nickels","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","49" "Secretary of State","Jim Kastama","MACLEAY 247","247","24" "Secretary of State","David J. 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"State Auditor","Craig Pridemore","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","94" "State Auditor","Troy Kelley","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","42" "State Auditor","James Watkins","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","88" "State Auditor","Mark Miloscia","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","12" "State Auditor","Craig Pridemore","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","30" "State Auditor","Troy Kelley","DRY CREEK 224","224","54" "State Auditor","James Watkins","DRY CREEK 224","224","129" "State Auditor","Mark Miloscia","DRY CREEK 224","224","25" "State Auditor","Craig Pridemore","DRY CREEK 224","224","34" "State Auditor","Troy Kelley","EAGLE 226","226","43" "State Auditor","James Watkins","EAGLE 226","226","171" "State Auditor","Mark Miloscia","EAGLE 226","226","13" "State Auditor","Craig Pridemore","EAGLE 226","226","40" "State Auditor","Troy Kelley","ELK 229","229","20" "State Auditor","James Watkins","ELK 229","229","33" "State Auditor","Mark Miloscia","ELK 229","229","7" "State Auditor","Craig Pridemore","ELK 229","229","10" "State 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Sharon","PORT ANGELES 108","108","19" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","PORT ANGELES 108","108","124" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","PORT ANGELES 108","108","66" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","PORT ANGELES 109","109","35" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","PORT ANGELES 109","109","213" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","PORT ANGELES 109","109","169" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","PORT ANGELES 110","110","8" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","PORT ANGELES 110","110","45" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","PORT ANGELES 110","110","41" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","PORT ANGELES 111","111","46" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","PORT ANGELES 111","111","231" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","PORT ANGELES 111","111","172" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","PORT ANGELES 112","112","28" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","PORT ANGELES 112","112","122" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","PORT ANGELES 112","112","130" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","PORT ANGELES 113","113","15" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","PORT ANGELES 113","113","79" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","PORT ANGELES 113","113","127" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","AGNEW 201","201","13" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","AGNEW 201","201","105" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","AGNEW 201","201","137" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","BEAVER 204","204","32" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","BEAVER 204","204","57" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","BEAVER 204","204","165" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","BELLEVIEW 205","205","36" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","BELLEVIEW 205","205","168" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","BELLEVIEW 205","205","147" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","BELL HILL 207","207","13" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","BELL HILL 207","207","154" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","BELL HILL 207","207","234" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","12" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","98" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","109" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","32" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","156" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","175" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","BLUFFS 210","210","10" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","BLUFFS 210","210","85" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","BLUFFS 210","210","102" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","BLYN 211","211","22" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","BLYN 211","211","146" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","BLYN 211","211","153" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","BOGACHIEL 212","212","11" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","BOGACHIEL 212","212","26" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","BOGACHIEL 212","212","67" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","CARLSBORG 214","214","27" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","CARLSBORG 214","214","103" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","CARLSBORG 214","214","127" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","13" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","92" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","82" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","CLARK 216","216","17" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","CLARK 216","216","68" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","CLARK 216","216","72" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","CLINE 217","217","32" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","CLINE 217","217","179" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","CLINE 217","217","170" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","COYOTE 218","218","26" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","COYOTE 218","218","199" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","COYOTE 218","218","177" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","DEER PARK 220","220","31" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","DEER PARK 220","220","170" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","DEER PARK 220","220","150" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","24" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","178" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","197" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","35" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","201" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","202" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","9" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","86" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","95" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","DRY CREEK 224","224","28" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","DRY CREEK 224","224","102" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","DRY CREEK 224","224","119" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","EAGLE 226","226","21" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","EAGLE 226","226","93" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","EAGLE 226","226","155" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","ELK 229","229","7" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","ELK 229","229","35" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","ELK 229","229","29" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","ELWHA 230","230","12" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","ELWHA 230","230","33" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","ELWHA 230","230","59" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","FAIRVIEW 232","232","33" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","FAIRVIEW 232","232","156" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","FAIRVIEW 232","232","175" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","38" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","179" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","209" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","10" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","77" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","107" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","JAMESTOWN 240","240","18" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","JAMESTOWN 240","240","129" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","JAMESTOWN 240","240","90" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","JOYCE 241","241","36" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","JOYCE 241","241","156" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","JOYCE 241","241","205" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","9" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","88" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","111" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","17" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","110" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","71" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","MACLEAY 247","247","21" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","MACLEAY 247","247","127" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","MACLEAY 247","247","208" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","MADISON CREEK 248","248","10" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","MADISON CREEK 248","248","51" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","MADISON CREEK 248","248","50" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","MONTERRA 249","249","21" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","MONTERRA 249","249","157" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","MONTERRA 249","249","199" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","20" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","87" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","110" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","21" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","139" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","139" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","NEAH BAY 252","252","9" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","NEAH BAY 252","252","86" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","NEAH BAY 252","252","14" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","OBRIEN 253","253","15" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","OBRIEN 253","253","93" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","OBRIEN 253","253","170" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","OLYMPIC 254","254","23" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","OLYMPIC 254","254","115" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","OLYMPIC 254","254","134" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","11" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","92" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","95" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","26" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","134" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","170" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","36" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","123" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","175" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","QUILEUTE 262","262","12" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","QUILEUTE 262","262","55" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","QUILEUTE 262","262","60" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","RIVERSIDE 265","265","26" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","RIVERSIDE 265","265","178" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","RIVERSIDE 265","265","162" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","ROBIN HILL 266","266","21" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","ROBIN HILL 266","266","108" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","ROBIN HILL 266","266","127" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","SUN 269","269","16" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","SUN 269","269","26" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","SUN 269","269","69" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","20" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","168" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","242" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","19" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","93" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","138" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","FORKS 301","301","20" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","FORKS 301","301","70" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","FORKS 301","301","90" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","FORKS 302","302","20" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","FORKS 302","302","82" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","FORKS 302","302","154" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","SEQUIM 401","401","14" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","SEQUIM 401","401","87" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","SEQUIM 401","401","79" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","SEQUIM 402","402","21" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","SEQUIM 402","402","87" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","SEQUIM 402","402","85" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","SEQUIM 403","403","37" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","SEQUIM 403","403","176" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","SEQUIM 403","403","176" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","SEQUIM 404","404","43" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","SEQUIM 404","404","215" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","SEQUIM 404","404","229" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","SEQUIM 405","405","22" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","SEQUIM 405","405","138" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","SEQUIM 405","405","150" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Stephen A. Sharon","SEQUIM 406","406","26" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Peter J. Goldmark","SEQUIM 406","406","146" "Commissioner of Public Lands","Clint Didier","SEQUIM 406","406","159" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","Total","-1","2409" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","Total","-1","6447" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","Total","-1","1689" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","Total","-1","1052" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","Total","-1","3046" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","PORT ANGELES 101","101","37" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","PORT ANGELES 101","101","95" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","PORT ANGELES 101","101","29" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","PORT ANGELES 101","101","17" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","PORT ANGELES 101","101","40" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","PORT ANGELES 102","102","46" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","PORT ANGELES 102","102","141" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","PORT ANGELES 102","102","44" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","PORT ANGELES 102","102","20" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","PORT ANGELES 102","102","70" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","PORT ANGELES 103","103","66" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","PORT ANGELES 103","103","164" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","PORT ANGELES 103","103","27" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","PORT ANGELES 103","103","28" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","PORT ANGELES 103","103","56" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","PORT ANGELES 104","104","64" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","PORT ANGELES 104","104","99" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","PORT ANGELES 104","104","28" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","PORT ANGELES 104","104","22" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","PORT ANGELES 104","104","46" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","PORT ANGELES 105","105","44" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","PORT ANGELES 105","105","167" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","PORT ANGELES 105","105","36" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","PORT ANGELES 105","105","23" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","PORT ANGELES 105","105","52" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","PORT ANGELES 106","106","33" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","PORT ANGELES 106","106","133" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","PORT ANGELES 106","106","32" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","PORT ANGELES 106","106","18" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","PORT ANGELES 106","106","44" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","PORT ANGELES 107","107","61" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","PORT ANGELES 107","107","164" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","PORT ANGELES 107","107","40" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","PORT ANGELES 107","107","19" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","PORT ANGELES 107","107","73" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","PORT ANGELES 108","108","35" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","PORT ANGELES 108","108","74" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","PORT ANGELES 108","108","18" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","PORT ANGELES 108","108","13" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","PORT ANGELES 108","108","21" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","PORT ANGELES 109","109","70" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","PORT ANGELES 109","109","172" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","PORT ANGELES 109","109","35" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","PORT ANGELES 109","109","22" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","PORT ANGELES 109","109","56" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","PORT ANGELES 110","110","11" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","PORT ANGELES 110","110","21" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","PORT ANGELES 110","110","16" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","PORT ANGELES 110","110","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","PORT ANGELES 110","110","16" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","PORT ANGELES 111","111","64" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","PORT ANGELES 111","111","169" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","PORT ANGELES 111","111","31" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","PORT ANGELES 111","111","30" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","PORT ANGELES 111","111","63" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","PORT ANGELES 112","112","38" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","PORT ANGELES 112","112","104" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","PORT ANGELES 112","112","20" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","PORT ANGELES 112","112","16" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","PORT ANGELES 112","112","43" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","PORT ANGELES 113","113","28" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","PORT ANGELES 113","113","67" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","PORT ANGELES 113","113","20" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","PORT ANGELES 113","113","15" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","PORT ANGELES 113","113","38" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","AGNEW 201","201","23" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","AGNEW 201","201","106" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","AGNEW 201","201","19" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","AGNEW 201","201","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","AGNEW 201","201","46" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","BEAVER 204","204","31" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","BEAVER 204","204","101" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","BEAVER 204","204","18" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","BEAVER 204","204","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","BEAVER 204","204","37" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","BELLEVIEW 205","205","43" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","BELLEVIEW 205","205","139" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","BELLEVIEW 205","205","30" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","BELLEVIEW 205","205","22" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","BELLEVIEW 205","205","59" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","BELL HILL 207","207","31" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","BELL HILL 207","207","131" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","BELL HILL 207","207","33" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","BELL HILL 207","207","34" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","BELL HILL 207","207","59" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","21" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","101" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","19" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","26" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","29" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","122" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","24" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","17" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","63" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","BLUFFS 210","210","30" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","BLUFFS 210","210","59" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","BLUFFS 210","210","20" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","BLUFFS 210","210","13" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","BLUFFS 210","210","29" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","BLYN 211","211","39" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","BLYN 211","211","87" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","BLYN 211","211","30" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","BLYN 211","211","15" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","BLYN 211","211","62" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","BOGACHIEL 212","212","5" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","BOGACHIEL 212","212","31" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","BOGACHIEL 212","212","14" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","BOGACHIEL 212","212","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","BOGACHIEL 212","212","16" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","CARLSBORG 214","214","42" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","CARLSBORG 214","214","78" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","CARLSBORG 214","214","25" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","CARLSBORG 214","214","17" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","CARLSBORG 214","214","46" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","28" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","62" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","24" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","5" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","37" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","CLARK 216","216","27" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","CLARK 216","216","48" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","CLARK 216","216","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","CLARK 216","216","14" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","CLARK 216","216","34" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","CLINE 217","217","53" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","CLINE 217","217","136" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","CLINE 217","217","22" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","CLINE 217","217","25" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","CLINE 217","217","65" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","COYOTE 218","218","60" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","COYOTE 218","218","135" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","COYOTE 218","218","32" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","COYOTE 218","218","24" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","COYOTE 218","218","50" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","DEER PARK 220","220","29" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","DEER PARK 220","220","136" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","DEER PARK 220","220","29" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","DEER PARK 220","220","24" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","DEER PARK 220","220","63" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","57" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","119" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","43" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","24" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","58" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","28" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","174" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","48" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","22" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","62" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","29" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","65" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","6" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","28" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","DRY CREEK 224","224","38" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","DRY CREEK 224","224","83" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","DRY CREEK 224","224","20" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","DRY CREEK 224","224","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","DRY CREEK 224","224","46" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","EAGLE 226","226","35" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","EAGLE 226","226","87" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","EAGLE 226","226","23" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","EAGLE 226","226","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","EAGLE 226","226","57" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","ELK 229","229","7" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","ELK 229","229","31" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","ELK 229","229","4" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","ELK 229","229","2" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","ELK 229","229","16" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","ELWHA 230","230","14" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","ELWHA 230","230","37" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","ELWHA 230","230","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","ELWHA 230","230","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","ELWHA 230","230","4" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","FAIRVIEW 232","232","40" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","FAIRVIEW 232","232","126" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","FAIRVIEW 232","232","26" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","FAIRVIEW 232","232","17" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","FAIRVIEW 232","232","50" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","46" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","164" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","28" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","21" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","68" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","34" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","54" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","19" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","42" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","JAMESTOWN 240","240","34" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","JAMESTOWN 240","240","89" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","JAMESTOWN 240","240","22" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","JAMESTOWN 240","240","11" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","JAMESTOWN 240","240","31" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","JOYCE 241","241","43" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","JOYCE 241","241","128" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","JOYCE 241","241","28" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","JOYCE 241","241","21" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","JOYCE 241","241","68" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","18" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","66" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","20" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","16" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","38" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","19" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","70" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","21" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","27" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","MACLEAY 247","247","38" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","MACLEAY 247","247","90" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","MACLEAY 247","247","32" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","MACLEAY 247","247","23" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","MACLEAY 247","247","71" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","MADISON CREEK 248","248","14" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","MADISON CREEK 248","248","36" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","MADISON CREEK 248","248","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","MADISON CREEK 248","248","4" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","MADISON CREEK 248","248","17" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","MONTERRA 249","249","51" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","MONTERRA 249","249","98" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","MONTERRA 249","249","41" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","MONTERRA 249","249","23" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","MONTERRA 249","249","63" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","29" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","76" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","24" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","7" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","29" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","39" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","114" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","26" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","18" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","40" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","NEAH BAY 252","252","20" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","NEAH BAY 252","252","39" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","NEAH BAY 252","252","17" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","NEAH BAY 252","252","12" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","NEAH BAY 252","252","13" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","OBRIEN 253","253","23" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","OBRIEN 253","253","89" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","OBRIEN 253","253","23" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","OBRIEN 253","253","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","OBRIEN 253","253","65" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","OLYMPIC 254","254","33" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","OLYMPIC 254","254","82" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","OLYMPIC 254","254","31" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","OLYMPIC 254","254","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","OLYMPIC 254","254","48" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","23" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","62" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","12" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","11" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","37" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","41" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","83" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","30" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","13" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","73" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","46" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","94" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","33" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","26" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","67" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","QUILEUTE 262","262","19" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","QUILEUTE 262","262","54" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","QUILEUTE 262","262","6" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","QUILEUTE 262","262","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","QUILEUTE 262","262","20" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","RIVERSIDE 265","265","50" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","RIVERSIDE 265","265","114" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","RIVERSIDE 265","265","31" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","RIVERSIDE 265","265","17" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","RIVERSIDE 265","265","69" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","ROBIN HILL 266","266","44" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","ROBIN HILL 266","266","69" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","ROBIN HILL 266","266","19" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","ROBIN HILL 266","266","17" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","ROBIN HILL 266","266","47" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","SUN 269","269","19" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","SUN 269","269","23" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","SUN 269","269","13" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","SUN 269","269","11" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","SUN 269","269","17" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","42" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","159" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","38" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","20" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","46" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","29" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","77" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","29" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","39" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","FORKS 301","301","33" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","FORKS 301","301","59" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","FORKS 301","301","15" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","FORKS 301","301","17" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","FORKS 301","301","23" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","FORKS 302","302","33" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","FORKS 302","302","88" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","FORKS 302","302","30" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","FORKS 302","302","10" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","FORKS 302","302","46" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","SEQUIM 401","401","32" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","SEQUIM 401","401","59" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","SEQUIM 401","401","20" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","SEQUIM 401","401","8" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","SEQUIM 401","401","25" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","SEQUIM 402","402","23" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","SEQUIM 402","402","60" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","SEQUIM 402","402","23" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","SEQUIM 402","402","9" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","SEQUIM 402","402","39" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","SEQUIM 403","403","66" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","SEQUIM 403","403","114" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","SEQUIM 403","403","47" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","SEQUIM 403","403","18" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","SEQUIM 403","403","59" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","SEQUIM 404","404","58" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","SEQUIM 404","404","155" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","SEQUIM 404","404","47" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","SEQUIM 404","404","27" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","SEQUIM 404","404","93" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","SEQUIM 405","405","37" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","SEQUIM 405","405","98" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","SEQUIM 405","405","26" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","SEQUIM 405","405","18" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","SEQUIM 405","405","50" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","James Bauckman","SEQUIM 406","406","37" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Randy I. Dorn","SEQUIM 406","406","120" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Don Hansler","SEQUIM 406","406","25" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","John Patterson Blair","SEQUIM 406","406","20" "Superintendent of Public Instruction","Ronald L. (Ron) Higgins","SEQUIM 406","406","45" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","Total","-1","4377" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","Total","-1","9357" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","Total","-1","3951" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","Total","-1","1191" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","PORT ANGELES 101","101","43" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","PORT ANGELES 101","101","166" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","PORT ANGELES 101","101","55" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","PORT ANGELES 101","101","17" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","PORT ANGELES 102","102","81" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","PORT ANGELES 102","102","233" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","PORT ANGELES 102","102","68" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","PORT ANGELES 102","102","36" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","PORT ANGELES 103","103","85" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","PORT ANGELES 103","103","251" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","PORT ANGELES 103","103","96" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","PORT ANGELES 103","103","25" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","PORT ANGELES 104","104","73" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","PORT ANGELES 104","104","175" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","PORT ANGELES 104","104","46" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","PORT ANGELES 104","104","32" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","PORT ANGELES 105","105","75" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","PORT ANGELES 105","105","248" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","PORT ANGELES 105","105","70" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","PORT ANGELES 105","105","35" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","PORT ANGELES 106","106","62" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","PORT ANGELES 106","106","187" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","PORT ANGELES 106","106","56" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","PORT ANGELES 106","106","21" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","PORT ANGELES 107","107","88" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","PORT ANGELES 107","107","246" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","PORT ANGELES 107","107","81" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","PORT ANGELES 107","107","26" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","PORT ANGELES 108","108","40" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","PORT ANGELES 108","108","133" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","PORT ANGELES 108","108","25" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","PORT ANGELES 108","108","13" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","PORT ANGELES 109","109","85" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","PORT ANGELES 109","109","253" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","PORT ANGELES 109","109","71" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","PORT ANGELES 109","109","21" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","PORT ANGELES 110","110","18" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","PORT ANGELES 110","110","46" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","PORT ANGELES 110","110","23" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","PORT ANGELES 110","110","6" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","PORT ANGELES 111","111","82" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","PORT ANGELES 111","111","263" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","PORT ANGELES 111","111","76" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","PORT ANGELES 111","111","28" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","PORT ANGELES 112","112","67" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","PORT ANGELES 112","112","153" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","PORT ANGELES 112","112","49" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","PORT ANGELES 112","112","17" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","PORT ANGELES 113","113","64" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","PORT ANGELES 113","113","85" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","PORT ANGELES 113","113","49" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","PORT ANGELES 113","113","22" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","AGNEW 201","201","62" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","AGNEW 201","201","115" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","AGNEW 201","201","56" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","AGNEW 201","201","19" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","BEAVER 204","204","77" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","BEAVER 204","204","88" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","BEAVER 204","204","61" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","BEAVER 204","204","26" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","BELLEVIEW 205","205","77" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","BELLEVIEW 205","205","187" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","BELLEVIEW 205","205","62" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","BELLEVIEW 205","205","20" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","BELL HILL 207","207","95" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","BELL HILL 207","207","164" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","BELL HILL 207","207","127" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","BELL HILL 207","207","14" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","49" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","101" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","48" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","15" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","77" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","159" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","76" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","23" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","BLUFFS 210","210","49" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","BLUFFS 210","210","92" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","BLUFFS 210","210","41" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","BLUFFS 210","210","11" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","BLYN 211","211","75" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","BLYN 211","211","143" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","BLYN 211","211","68" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","BLYN 211","211","21" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","BOGACHIEL 212","212","26" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","BOGACHIEL 212","212","40" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","BOGACHIEL 212","212","28" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","BOGACHIEL 212","212","5" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","CARLSBORG 214","214","71" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","CARLSBORG 214","214","114" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","CARLSBORG 214","214","52" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","CARLSBORG 214","214","19" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","38" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","103" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","32" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","16" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","CLARK 216","216","39" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","CLARK 216","216","71" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","CLARK 216","216","36" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","CLARK 216","216","10" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","CLINE 217","217","77" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","CLINE 217","217","219" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","CLINE 217","217","78" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","CLINE 217","217","17" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","COYOTE 218","218","86" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","COYOTE 218","218","203" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","COYOTE 218","218","79" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","COYOTE 218","218","20" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","DEER PARK 220","220","73" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","DEER PARK 220","220","184" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","DEER PARK 220","220","71" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","DEER PARK 220","220","24" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","97" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","193" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","83" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","20" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","100" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","212" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","98" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","29" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","45" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","91" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","36" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","12" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","DRY CREEK 224","224","63" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","DRY CREEK 224","224","127" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","DRY CREEK 224","224","43" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","DRY CREEK 224","224","20" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","EAGLE 226","226","78" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","EAGLE 226","226","108" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","EAGLE 226","226","64" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","EAGLE 226","226","17" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","ELK 229","229","14" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","ELK 229","229","39" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","ELK 229","229","9" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","ELK 229","229","6" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","ELWHA 230","230","36" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","ELWHA 230","230","37" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","ELWHA 230","230","21" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","ELWHA 230","230","4" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","FAIRVIEW 232","232","82" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","FAIRVIEW 232","232","171" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","FAIRVIEW 232","232","75" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","FAIRVIEW 232","232","24" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","93" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","203" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","90" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","29" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","62" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","90" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","42" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","6" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","JAMESTOWN 240","240","47" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","JAMESTOWN 240","240","136" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","JAMESTOWN 240","240","42" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","JAMESTOWN 240","240","13" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","JOYCE 241","241","102" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","JOYCE 241","241","169" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","JOYCE 241","241","80" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","JOYCE 241","241","37" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","52" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","91" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","46" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","12" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","26" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","114" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","40" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","12" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","MACLEAY 247","247","97" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","MACLEAY 247","247","128" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","MACLEAY 247","247","102" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","MACLEAY 247","247","19" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","MADISON CREEK 248","248","32" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","MADISON CREEK 248","248","54" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","MADISON CREEK 248","248","18" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","MADISON CREEK 248","248","6" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","MONTERRA 249","249","100" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","MONTERRA 249","249","175" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","MONTERRA 249","249","83" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","MONTERRA 249","249","19" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","43" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","104" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","45" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","13" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. Adams","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","69" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","148" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","58" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","23" "Insurance Commissioner","John R. 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Adams","SEQUIM 406","406","74" "Insurance Commissioner","Mike Kreidler","SEQUIM 406","406","165" "Insurance Commissioner","Scott Reilly","SEQUIM 406","406","78" "Insurance Commissioner","Brian C. Berend","SEQUIM 406","406","6" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","Total","-1","3920" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","Total","-1","11055" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","Total","-1","1513" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","PORT ANGELES 101","101","59" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","PORT ANGELES 101","101","179" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","PORT ANGELES 101","101","20" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","PORT ANGELES 102","102","75" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","PORT ANGELES 102","102","270" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","PORT ANGELES 102","102","22" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","PORT ANGELES 103","103","88" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","PORT ANGELES 103","103","280" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","PORT ANGELES 103","103","36" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","PORT ANGELES 104","104","55" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","PORT ANGELES 104","104","200" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","PORT ANGELES 104","104","32" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. 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McQuaid","PORT ANGELES 108","108","38" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","PORT ANGELES 108","108","138" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","PORT ANGELES 108","108","21" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","PORT ANGELES 109","109","77" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","PORT ANGELES 109","109","301" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","PORT ANGELES 109","109","27" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","PORT ANGELES 110","110","17" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","PORT ANGELES 110","110","55" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","PORT ANGELES 110","110","13" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","PORT ANGELES 111","111","78" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","PORT ANGELES 111","111","300" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","PORT ANGELES 111","111","25" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","PORT ANGELES 112","112","46" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","PORT ANGELES 112","112","205" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","PORT ANGELES 112","112","13" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","PORT ANGELES 113","113","53" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","PORT ANGELES 113","113","118" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","PORT ANGELES 113","113","29" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","AGNEW 201","201","54" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","AGNEW 201","201","123" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","AGNEW 201","201","31" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","BEAVER 204","204","69" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","BEAVER 204","204","178" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","BEAVER 204","204","10" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","BELLEVIEW 205","205","73" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","BELLEVIEW 205","205","213" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","BELLEVIEW 205","205","26" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","BELL HILL 207","207","96" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","BELL HILL 207","207","201" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","BELL HILL 207","207","28" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","40" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","132" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","24" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","67" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","181" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","29" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","BLUFFS 210","210","33" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","BLUFFS 210","210","110" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","BLUFFS 210","210","18" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","BLYN 211","211","68" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","BLYN 211","211","165" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","BLYN 211","211","25" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","BOGACHIEL 212","212","26" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","BOGACHIEL 212","212","70" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","BOGACHIEL 212","212","8" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","CARLSBORG 214","214","58" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","CARLSBORG 214","214","141" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","CARLSBORG 214","214","26" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","47" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","132" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","9" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","CLARK 216","216","24" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","CLARK 216","216","95" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","CLARK 216","216","20" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","CLINE 217","217","63" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","CLINE 217","217","233" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","CLINE 217","217","30" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","COYOTE 218","218","74" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","COYOTE 218","218","224" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","COYOTE 218","218","31" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","DEER PARK 220","220","86" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","DEER PARK 220","220","192" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","DEER PARK 220","220","28" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","101" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","177" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","45" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","80" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","254" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","26" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","37" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","107" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","8" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","DRY CREEK 224","224","50" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","DRY CREEK 224","224","149" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","DRY CREEK 224","224","21" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","EAGLE 226","226","70" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","EAGLE 226","226","145" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","EAGLE 226","226","16" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","ELK 229","229","15" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","ELK 229","229","34" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","ELK 229","229","11" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. 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McQuaid","JAMESTOWN 240","240","45" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","JAMESTOWN 240","240","140" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","JAMESTOWN 240","240","16" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","JOYCE 241","241","93" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","JOYCE 241","241","211" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","JOYCE 241","241","37" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","41" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","120" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","12" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","37" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","116" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","15" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","MACLEAY 247","247","80" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","MACLEAY 247","247","152" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","MACLEAY 247","247","38" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","MADISON CREEK 248","248","21" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","MADISON CREEK 248","248","76" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","MADISON CREEK 248","248","10" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","MONTERRA 249","249","74" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","MONTERRA 249","249","198" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","MONTERRA 249","249","33" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. McQuaid","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","52" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Susan Owens","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","130" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Scott Stafne","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","16" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 2","Douglas W. 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Danielson","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","74" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 8","Steve Gonzalez","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","90" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 8","Bruce O. Danielson","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","128" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 8","Steve Gonzalez","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","114" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 8","Bruce O. Danielson","BLUFFS 210","210","81" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 8","Steve Gonzalez","BLUFFS 210","210","84" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 8","Bruce O. Danielson","BLYN 211","211","110" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 8","Steve Gonzalez","BLYN 211","211","128" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 8","Bruce O. Danielson","BOGACHIEL 212","212","47" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 8","Steve Gonzalez","BOGACHIEL 212","212","30" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 8","Bruce O. 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Danielson","ELK 229","229","28" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 8","Steve Gonzalez","ELK 229","229","27" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 8","Bruce O. Danielson","ELWHA 230","230","30" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 8","Steve Gonzalez","ELWHA 230","230","45" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 8","Bruce O. Danielson","FAIRVIEW 232","232","119" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 8","Steve Gonzalez","FAIRVIEW 232","232","133" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 8","Bruce O. Danielson","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","154" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 8","Steve Gonzalez","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","165" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 8","Bruce O. Danielson","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","74" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 8","Steve Gonzalez","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","87" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 8","Bruce O. Danielson","JAMESTOWN 240","240","82" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 8","Steve Gonzalez","JAMESTOWN 240","240","107" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 8","Bruce O. 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Ladenburg","PORT ANGELES 109","109","39" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","PORT ANGELES 110","110","18" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","PORT ANGELES 110","110","28" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","PORT ANGELES 110","110","31" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","PORT ANGELES 110","110","11" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","PORT ANGELES 111","111","79" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","PORT ANGELES 111","111","136" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","PORT ANGELES 111","111","106" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","PORT ANGELES 111","111","48" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","PORT ANGELES 112","112","31" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","PORT ANGELES 112","112","100" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","PORT ANGELES 112","112","75" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","PORT ANGELES 112","112","29" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","PORT ANGELES 113","113","42" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","PORT ANGELES 113","113","55" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","PORT ANGELES 113","113","59" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","PORT ANGELES 113","113","23" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","AGNEW 201","201","42" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","AGNEW 201","201","69" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","AGNEW 201","201","72" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","AGNEW 201","201","25" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","BEAVER 204","204","35" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","BEAVER 204","204","74" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","BEAVER 204","204","67" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","BEAVER 204","204","27" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","BELLEVIEW 205","205","52" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","BELLEVIEW 205","205","105" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","BELLEVIEW 205","205","88" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","BELLEVIEW 205","205","30" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","BELL HILL 207","207","69" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","BELL HILL 207","207","95" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","BELL HILL 207","207","126" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","BELL HILL 207","207","32" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","34" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","66" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","72" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","10" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","45" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","98" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","100" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","21" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","BLUFFS 210","210","28" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","BLUFFS 210","210","54" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. 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Ladenburg","DEER PARK 220","220","27" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","73" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","105" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","107" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","36" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","102" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","128" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","77" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","32" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","29" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","61" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. 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Sanders","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","48" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","10" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","MACLEAY 247","247","54" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","MACLEAY 247","247","82" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","MACLEAY 247","247","100" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","MACLEAY 247","247","35" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","MADISON CREEK 248","248","20" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","MADISON CREEK 248","248","25" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","MADISON CREEK 248","248","32" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","MADISON CREEK 248","248","7" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","MONTERRA 249","249","67" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","MONTERRA 249","249","98" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","MONTERRA 249","249","94" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","MONTERRA 249","249","33" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","38" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","57" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","64" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","18" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","38" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","91" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","93" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","22" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","NEAH BAY 252","252","11" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","NEAH BAY 252","252","69" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","NEAH BAY 252","252","17" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","NEAH BAY 252","252","2" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","OBRIEN 253","253","32" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","OBRIEN 253","253","73" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","OBRIEN 253","253","97" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","OBRIEN 253","253","25" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","OLYMPIC 254","254","50" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","OLYMPIC 254","254","91" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","OLYMPIC 254","254","66" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","OLYMPIC 254","254","23" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","39" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","67" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","47" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","16" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","37" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","103" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","90" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","26" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","48" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","105" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","94" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","35" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","QUILEUTE 262","262","16" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","QUILEUTE 262","262","39" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","QUILEUTE 262","262","41" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","QUILEUTE 262","262","13" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","RIVERSIDE 265","265","58" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","RIVERSIDE 265","265","112" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","RIVERSIDE 265","265","105" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","RIVERSIDE 265","265","27" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","ROBIN HILL 266","266","31" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","ROBIN HILL 266","266","88" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","ROBIN HILL 266","266","74" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","ROBIN HILL 266","266","16" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","SUN 269","269","15" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","SUN 269","269","33" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","SUN 269","269","33" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","SUN 269","269","10" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","87" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","105" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","96" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","44" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","55" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","64" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","55" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","27" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","FORKS 301","301","27" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","FORKS 301","301","59" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","FORKS 301","301","41" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","FORKS 301","301","14" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","FORKS 302","302","35" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","FORKS 302","302","64" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","FORKS 302","302","88" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","FORKS 302","302","19" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","SEQUIM 401","401","37" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","SEQUIM 401","401","63" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","SEQUIM 401","401","43" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","SEQUIM 401","401","12" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","SEQUIM 402","402","23" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","SEQUIM 402","402","72" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","SEQUIM 402","402","54" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","SEQUIM 402","402","24" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","SEQUIM 403","403","55" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","SEQUIM 403","403","131" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","SEQUIM 403","403","93" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","SEQUIM 403","403","48" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","SEQUIM 404","404","75" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","SEQUIM 404","404","171" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","SEQUIM 404","404","116" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","SEQUIM 404","404","44" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","SEQUIM 405","405","50" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","SEQUIM 405","405","97" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","SEQUIM 405","405","64" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","SEQUIM 405","405","40" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Bruce Hilyer","SEQUIM 406","406","50" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Sheryl Gordon McCloud","SEQUIM 406","406","112" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","Richard B. Sanders","SEQUIM 406","406","64" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 9","John W. Ladenburg","SEQUIM 406","406","36" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","Total","-1","2360" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","Total","-1","4271" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","Total","-1","1137" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","Total","-1","2552" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","Total","-1","2122" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","Total","-1","2422" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","PORT ANGELES 101","101","37" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","PORT ANGELES 101","101","69" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","PORT ANGELES 101","101","18" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","PORT ANGELES 101","101","28" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","PORT ANGELES 101","101","24" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","PORT ANGELES 101","101","57" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","PORT ANGELES 102","102","41" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","PORT ANGELES 102","102","91" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","PORT ANGELES 102","102","39" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","PORT ANGELES 102","102","43" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","PORT ANGELES 102","102","52" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","PORT ANGELES 102","102","54" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","PORT ANGELES 103","103","64" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","PORT ANGELES 103","103","93" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","PORT ANGELES 103","103","18" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","PORT ANGELES 103","103","51" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","PORT ANGELES 103","103","44" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","PORT ANGELES 103","103","70" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","PORT ANGELES 104","104","42" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","PORT ANGELES 104","104","74" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","PORT ANGELES 104","104","24" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","PORT ANGELES 104","104","33" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","PORT ANGELES 104","104","42" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","PORT ANGELES 104","104","41" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","PORT ANGELES 105","105","52" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","PORT ANGELES 105","105","97" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","PORT ANGELES 105","105","24" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","PORT ANGELES 105","105","53" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","PORT ANGELES 105","105","52" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","PORT ANGELES 105","105","58" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","PORT ANGELES 106","106","47" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","PORT ANGELES 106","106","72" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","PORT ANGELES 106","106","19" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","PORT ANGELES 106","106","40" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","PORT ANGELES 106","106","37" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","PORT ANGELES 106","106","43" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","PORT ANGELES 107","107","59" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","PORT ANGELES 107","107","97" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","PORT ANGELES 107","107","32" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","PORT ANGELES 107","107","47" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","PORT ANGELES 107","107","41" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","PORT ANGELES 107","107","71" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","PORT ANGELES 108","108","32" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","PORT ANGELES 108","108","50" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","PORT ANGELES 108","108","20" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","PORT ANGELES 108","108","15" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","PORT ANGELES 108","108","29" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","PORT ANGELES 108","108","27" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","PORT ANGELES 109","109","54" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","PORT ANGELES 109","109","98" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","PORT ANGELES 109","109","35" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","PORT ANGELES 109","109","44" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","PORT ANGELES 109","109","54" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","PORT ANGELES 109","109","73" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","PORT ANGELES 110","110","9" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","PORT ANGELES 110","110","20" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","PORT ANGELES 110","110","7" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","PORT ANGELES 110","110","13" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","PORT ANGELES 110","110","12" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","PORT ANGELES 110","110","13" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","PORT ANGELES 111","111","47" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","PORT ANGELES 111","111","106" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","PORT ANGELES 111","111","18" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","PORT ANGELES 111","111","46" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","PORT ANGELES 111","111","61" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","PORT ANGELES 111","111","69" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","PORT ANGELES 112","112","37" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","PORT ANGELES 112","112","82" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","PORT ANGELES 112","112","15" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","PORT ANGELES 112","112","32" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","PORT ANGELES 112","112","27" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","PORT ANGELES 112","112","38" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","PORT ANGELES 113","113","23" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","PORT ANGELES 113","113","37" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","PORT ANGELES 113","113","20" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","PORT ANGELES 113","113","32" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","PORT ANGELES 113","113","14" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","PORT ANGELES 113","113","46" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","AGNEW 201","201","34" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","AGNEW 201","201","62" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","AGNEW 201","201","22" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","AGNEW 201","201","41" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","AGNEW 201","201","20" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","AGNEW 201","201","30" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","BEAVER 204","204","24" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","BEAVER 204","204","47" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","BEAVER 204","204","16" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","BEAVER 204","204","29" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","BEAVER 204","204","14" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","BEAVER 204","204","47" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","BELLEVIEW 205","205","52" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","BELLEVIEW 205","205","74" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","BELLEVIEW 205","205","24" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","BELLEVIEW 205","205","43" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","BELLEVIEW 205","205","34" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","BELLEVIEW 205","205","54" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","BELL HILL 207","207","52" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","BELL HILL 207","207","96" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","BELL HILL 207","207","24" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","BELL HILL 207","207","76" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","BELL HILL 207","207","43" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","BELL HILL 207","207","11" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","23" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","50" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","10" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","29" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","23" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","28" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","43" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","76" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","19" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","62" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","38" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","40" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","BLUFFS 210","210","26" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","BLUFFS 210","210","39" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","BLUFFS 210","210","9" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","BLUFFS 210","210","31" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","BLUFFS 210","210","28" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","BLUFFS 210","210","27" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","BLYN 211","211","47" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","BLYN 211","211","60" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","BLYN 211","211","16" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","BLYN 211","211","41" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","BLYN 211","211","41" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","BLYN 211","211","34" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","BOGACHIEL 212","212","7" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","BOGACHIEL 212","212","14" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","BOGACHIEL 212","212","7" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","BOGACHIEL 212","212","9" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","BOGACHIEL 212","212","16" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","BOGACHIEL 212","212","20" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","CARLSBORG 214","214","29" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","CARLSBORG 214","214","65" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","CARLSBORG 214","214","14" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","CARLSBORG 214","214","36" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","CARLSBORG 214","214","27" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","CARLSBORG 214","214","35" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","28" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","38" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","6" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","28" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","21" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","31" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","CLARK 216","216","18" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","CLARK 216","216","37" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","CLARK 216","216","15" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","CLARK 216","216","20" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","CLARK 216","216","17" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","CLARK 216","216","23" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","CLINE 217","217","57" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","CLINE 217","217","91" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","CLINE 217","217","22" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","CLINE 217","217","47" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","CLINE 217","217","55" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","CLINE 217","217","33" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","COYOTE 218","218","52" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","COYOTE 218","218","91" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","COYOTE 218","218","19" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","COYOTE 218","218","57" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","COYOTE 218","218","43" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","COYOTE 218","218","39" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","DEER PARK 220","220","39" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","DEER PARK 220","220","85" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","DEER PARK 220","220","26" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","DEER PARK 220","220","39" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","DEER PARK 220","220","44" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","DEER PARK 220","220","52" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","54" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","88" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","15" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","75" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","49" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","39" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","62" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","91" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","19" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","56" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","60" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","27" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","18" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","39" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","12" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","30" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","23" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","15" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","DRY CREEK 224","224","30" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","DRY CREEK 224","224","59" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","DRY CREEK 224","224","16" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","DRY CREEK 224","224","29" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","DRY CREEK 224","224","22" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","DRY CREEK 224","224","36" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","EAGLE 226","226","34" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","EAGLE 226","226","61" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","EAGLE 226","226","13" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","EAGLE 226","226","45" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","EAGLE 226","226","30" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","EAGLE 226","226","39" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","ELK 229","229","8" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","ELK 229","229","18" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","ELK 229","229","3" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","ELK 229","229","8" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","ELK 229","229","12" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","ELK 229","229","6" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","ELWHA 230","230","22" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","ELWHA 230","230","11" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","ELWHA 230","230","6" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","ELWHA 230","230","14" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","ELWHA 230","230","13" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","ELWHA 230","230","5" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","FAIRVIEW 232","232","50" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","FAIRVIEW 232","232","88" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","FAIRVIEW 232","232","10" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","FAIRVIEW 232","232","43" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","FAIRVIEW 232","232","42" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","FAIRVIEW 232","232","35" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","55" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","86" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","23" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","60" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","45" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","49" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","26" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","47" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","15" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","32" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","16" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","23" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","JAMESTOWN 240","240","37" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","JAMESTOWN 240","240","56" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","JAMESTOWN 240","240","11" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","JAMESTOWN 240","240","22" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","JAMESTOWN 240","240","25" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","JAMESTOWN 240","240","40" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","JOYCE 241","241","52" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","JOYCE 241","241","71" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","JOYCE 241","241","31" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","JOYCE 241","241","46" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","JOYCE 241","241","44" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","JOYCE 241","241","60" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","25" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","53" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","12" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","27" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","22" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","23" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","36" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","34" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","9" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","23" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","42" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","17" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","MACLEAY 247","247","44" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","MACLEAY 247","247","66" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","MACLEAY 247","247","18" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","MACLEAY 247","247","65" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","MACLEAY 247","247","31" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","MACLEAY 247","247","43" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","MADISON CREEK 248","248","11" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","MADISON CREEK 248","248","18" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","MADISON CREEK 248","248","6" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","MADISON CREEK 248","248","12" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","MADISON CREEK 248","248","13" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","MADISON CREEK 248","248","14" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","MONTERRA 249","249","40" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","MONTERRA 249","249","100" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","MONTERRA 249","249","19" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","MONTERRA 249","249","57" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","MONTERRA 249","249","41" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","MONTERRA 249","249","28" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","27" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","43" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","7" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","28" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","31" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","24" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","26" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","70" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","27" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","38" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","36" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","36" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","NEAH BAY 252","252","11" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","NEAH BAY 252","252","42" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","NEAH BAY 252","252","4" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","NEAH BAY 252","252","6" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","NEAH BAY 252","252","12" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","NEAH BAY 252","252","25" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","OBRIEN 253","253","24" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","OBRIEN 253","253","58" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","OBRIEN 253","253","17" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","OBRIEN 253","253","47" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","OBRIEN 253","253","29" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","OBRIEN 253","253","29" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","OLYMPIC 254","254","36" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","OLYMPIC 254","254","72" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","OLYMPIC 254","254","13" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","OLYMPIC 254","254","28" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","OLYMPIC 254","254","33" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","OLYMPIC 254","254","32" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","29" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","56" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","14" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","23" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","14" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","23" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","40" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","75" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","22" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","52" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","20" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","34" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","42" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","62" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","26" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","57" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","24" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","55" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","QUILEUTE 262","262","9" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","QUILEUTE 262","262","31" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","QUILEUTE 262","262","13" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","QUILEUTE 262","262","15" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","QUILEUTE 262","262","21" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","QUILEUTE 262","262","13" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","RIVERSIDE 265","265","42" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","RIVERSIDE 265","265","90" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","RIVERSIDE 265","265","25" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","RIVERSIDE 265","265","48" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","RIVERSIDE 265","265","50" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","RIVERSIDE 265","265","38" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","ROBIN HILL 266","266","33" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","ROBIN HILL 266","266","63" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","ROBIN HILL 266","266","17" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","ROBIN HILL 266","266","33" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","ROBIN HILL 266","266","24" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","ROBIN HILL 266","266","33" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","SUN 269","269","9" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","SUN 269","269","26" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","SUN 269","269","6" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","SUN 269","269","14" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","SUN 269","269","15" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","SUN 269","269","21" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","59" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","78" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","20" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","68" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","47" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","38" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","28" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","57" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","17" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","34" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","33" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","26" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","FORKS 301","301","28" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","FORKS 301","301","32" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","FORKS 301","301","9" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","FORKS 301","301","18" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","FORKS 301","301","19" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","FORKS 301","301","34" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","FORKS 302","302","26" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","FORKS 302","302","44" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","FORKS 302","302","11" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","FORKS 302","302","46" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","FORKS 302","302","29" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","FORKS 302","302","54" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","SEQUIM 401","401","20" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","SEQUIM 401","401","48" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","SEQUIM 401","401","13" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","SEQUIM 401","401","24" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","SEQUIM 401","401","15" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","SEQUIM 401","401","27" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","SEQUIM 402","402","19" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","SEQUIM 402","402","55" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","SEQUIM 402","402","16" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","SEQUIM 402","402","25" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","SEQUIM 402","402","29" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","SEQUIM 402","402","25" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","SEQUIM 403","403","51" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","SEQUIM 403","403","95" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","SEQUIM 403","403","32" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","SEQUIM 403","403","61" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","SEQUIM 403","403","31" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","SEQUIM 403","403","56" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","SEQUIM 404","404","49" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","SEQUIM 404","404","130" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","SEQUIM 404","404","26" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","SEQUIM 404","404","83" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","SEQUIM 404","404","51" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","SEQUIM 404","404","50" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","SEQUIM 405","405","30" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","SEQUIM 405","405","69" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","SEQUIM 405","405","16" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","SEQUIM 405","405","45" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","SEQUIM 405","405","32" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","SEQUIM 405","405","47" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas Bjorgen","SEQUIM 406","406","43" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Pamela (Pam) Loginsky","SEQUIM 406","406","78" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Thomas (Tom) E. Weaver, Jr.","SEQUIM 406","406","10" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Michael Lynch","SEQUIM 406","406","50" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Brendan Williams","SEQUIM 406","406","44" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 2 - Judge Position 2","Jim Foley","SEQUIM 406","406","39" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","Total","-1","3763" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","Total","-1","4192" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","Total","-1","6445" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","Total","-1","3325" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","PORT ANGELES 101","101","48" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","PORT ANGELES 101","101","72" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","PORT ANGELES 101","101","77" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","PORT ANGELES 101","101","79" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","PORT ANGELES 102","102","72" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","PORT ANGELES 102","102","110" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","PORT ANGELES 102","102","109" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","PORT ANGELES 102","102","125" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","PORT ANGELES 103","103","73" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","PORT ANGELES 103","103","131" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","PORT ANGELES 103","103","144" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","PORT ANGELES 103","103","123" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","PORT ANGELES 104","104","55" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","PORT ANGELES 104","104","82" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","PORT ANGELES 104","104","94" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","PORT ANGELES 104","104","85" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","PORT ANGELES 105","105","50" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","PORT ANGELES 105","105","138" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","PORT ANGELES 105","105","133" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","PORT ANGELES 105","105","124" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","PORT ANGELES 106","106","43" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","PORT ANGELES 106","106","134" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","PORT ANGELES 106","106","85" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","PORT ANGELES 106","106","88" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","PORT ANGELES 107","107","55" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","PORT ANGELES 107","107","148" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","PORT ANGELES 107","107","114" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","PORT ANGELES 107","107","114" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","PORT ANGELES 108","108","32" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","PORT ANGELES 108","108","53" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","PORT ANGELES 108","108","54" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","PORT ANGELES 108","108","67" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","PORT ANGELES 109","109","59" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","PORT ANGELES 109","109","127" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","PORT ANGELES 109","109","120" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","PORT ANGELES 109","109","119" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","PORT ANGELES 110","110","22" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","PORT ANGELES 110","110","24" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","PORT ANGELES 110","110","23" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","PORT ANGELES 110","110","25" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","PORT ANGELES 111","111","52" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","PORT ANGELES 111","111","134" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","PORT ANGELES 111","111","122" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","PORT ANGELES 111","111","135" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","PORT ANGELES 112","112","49" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","PORT ANGELES 112","112","76" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","PORT ANGELES 112","112","87" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","PORT ANGELES 112","112","93" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","PORT ANGELES 113","113","43" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","PORT ANGELES 113","113","59" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","PORT ANGELES 113","113","63" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","PORT ANGELES 113","113","71" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","AGNEW 201","201","56" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","AGNEW 201","201","65" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","AGNEW 201","201","84" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","AGNEW 201","201","34" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","BEAVER 204","204","34" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","BEAVER 204","204","21" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","BEAVER 204","204","183" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","BEAVER 204","204","31" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","BELLEVIEW 205","205","47" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","BELLEVIEW 205","205","83" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","BELLEVIEW 205","205","105" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","BELLEVIEW 205","205","93" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","BELL HILL 207","207","95" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","BELL HILL 207","207","53" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","BELL HILL 207","207","158" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","BELL HILL 207","207","33" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","33" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","73" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","63" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","51" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","74" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","70" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","109" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","58" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","BLUFFS 210","210","41" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","BLUFFS 210","210","44" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","BLUFFS 210","210","69" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","BLUFFS 210","210","29" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","BLYN 211","211","64" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","BLYN 211","211","65" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","BLYN 211","211","84" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","BLYN 211","211","43" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","BOGACHIEL 212","212","12" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","BOGACHIEL 212","212","6" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","BOGACHIEL 212","212","75" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","BOGACHIEL 212","212","15" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","CARLSBORG 214","214","61" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","CARLSBORG 214","214","48" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","CARLSBORG 214","214","88" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","CARLSBORG 214","214","31" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","40" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","20" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","93" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","21" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","CLARK 216","216","34" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","CLARK 216","216","34" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","CLARK 216","216","52" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","CLARK 216","216","35" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","CLINE 217","217","74" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","CLINE 217","217","70" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","CLINE 217","217","149" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","CLINE 217","217","38" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","COYOTE 218","218","96" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","COYOTE 218","218","92" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","COYOTE 218","218","127" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","COYOTE 218","218","36" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","DEER PARK 220","220","82" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","DEER PARK 220","220","87" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","DEER PARK 220","220","104" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","DEER PARK 220","220","68" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","90" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","58" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","133" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","47" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","99" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","74" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","191" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","40" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","27" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","41" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","74" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","18" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","DRY CREEK 224","224","23" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","DRY CREEK 224","224","65" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","DRY CREEK 224","224","71" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","DRY CREEK 224","224","83" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","EAGLE 226","226","68" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","EAGLE 226","226","54" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","EAGLE 226","226","96" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","EAGLE 226","226","29" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","ELK 229","229","18" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","ELK 229","229","11" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","ELK 229","229","17" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","ELK 229","229","8" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","ELWHA 230","230","11" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","ELWHA 230","230","24" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","ELWHA 230","230","35" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","ELWHA 230","230","27" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","FAIRVIEW 232","232","71" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","FAIRVIEW 232","232","83" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","FAIRVIEW 232","232","97" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","FAIRVIEW 232","232","95" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","80" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","88" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","149" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","68" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","60" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","38" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","56" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","17" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","JAMESTOWN 240","240","49" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","JAMESTOWN 240","240","60" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","JAMESTOWN 240","240","76" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","JAMESTOWN 240","240","20" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","JOYCE 241","241","73" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","JOYCE 241","241","80" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","JOYCE 241","241","109" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","JOYCE 241","241","91" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","52" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","51" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","59" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","25" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","44" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","35" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","74" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","18" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","MACLEAY 247","247","77" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","MACLEAY 247","247","58" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","MACLEAY 247","247","132" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","MACLEAY 247","247","43" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","MADISON CREEK 248","248","18" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","MADISON CREEK 248","248","33" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","MADISON CREEK 248","248","34" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","MADISON CREEK 248","248","29" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","MONTERRA 249","249","73" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","MONTERRA 249","249","79" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","MONTERRA 249","249","129" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","MONTERRA 249","249","47" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","31" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","77" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","55" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","54" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","67" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","87" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","88" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","59" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","NEAH BAY 252","252","27" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","NEAH BAY 252","252","21" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","NEAH BAY 252","252","44" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","NEAH BAY 252","252","13" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","OBRIEN 253","253","73" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","OBRIEN 253","253","69" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","OBRIEN 253","253","59" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","OBRIEN 253","253","51" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","OLYMPIC 254","254","59" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","OLYMPIC 254","254","59" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","OLYMPIC 254","254","87" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","OLYMPIC 254","254","30" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","41" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","33" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","65" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","21" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","93" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","45" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","103" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","40" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","90" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","72" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","91" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","47" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","QUILEUTE 262","262","16" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","QUILEUTE 262","262","8" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","QUILEUTE 262","262","90" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","QUILEUTE 262","262","11" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","RIVERSIDE 265","265","93" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","RIVERSIDE 265","265","82" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","RIVERSIDE 265","265","112" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","RIVERSIDE 265","265","33" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","ROBIN HILL 266","266","76" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","ROBIN HILL 266","266","42" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","ROBIN HILL 266","266","75" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. Johnson","ROBIN HILL 266","266","44" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","William Payne","SUN 269","269","11" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Christopher Melly","SUN 269","269","8" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Erik Rohrer","SUN 269","269","81" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 1","Curtis G. 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Wood","ELK 229","229","51" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","ELWHA 230","230","62" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","FAIRVIEW 232","232","274" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","324" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","140" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","JAMESTOWN 240","240","149" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","JOYCE 241","241","282" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","131" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","119" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","MACLEAY 247","247","235" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","MADISON CREEK 248","248","91" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","MONTERRA 249","249","258" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","169" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","246" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","NEAH BAY 252","252","96" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","OBRIEN 253","253","203" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","OLYMPIC 254","254","176" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","129" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","202" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","268" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","QUILEUTE 262","262","96" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","RIVERSIDE 265","265","284" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","ROBIN HILL 266","266","177" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","SUN 269","269","79" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","288" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","171" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","FORKS 301","301","139" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","FORKS 302","302","185" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","SEQUIM 401","401","152" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","SEQUIM 402","402","159" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","SEQUIM 403","403","280" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","SEQUIM 404","404","318" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","SEQUIM 405","405","217" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 2","George L. Wood","SEQUIM 406","406","231" "Legislative District 24 - State Senator","Larry Carter","Total","-1","7258" "Legislative District 24 - State Senator","Jim Hargrove","Total","-1","11816" "Legislative District 24 - State Senator","Larry Carter","PORT ANGELES 101","101","96" "Legislative District 24 - State Senator","Jim Hargrove","PORT ANGELES 101","101","198" "Legislative District 24 - State Senator","Larry Carter","PORT ANGELES 102","102","156" "Legislative District 24 - State Senator","Jim Hargrove","PORT ANGELES 102","102","286" "Legislative District 24 - State Senator","Larry Carter","PORT ANGELES 103","103","150" "Legislative District 24 - State Senator","Jim Hargrove","PORT ANGELES 103","103","324" "Legislative District 24 - State Senator","Larry Carter","PORT ANGELES 104","104","104" "Legislative District 24 - State Senator","Jim Hargrove","PORT ANGELES 104","104","220" "Legislative District 24 - State Senator","Larry Carter","PORT ANGELES 105","105","117" "Legislative District 24 - 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State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","PORT ANGELES 106","106","270" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","PORT ANGELES 107","107","320" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","PORT ANGELES 108","108","166" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","PORT ANGELES 109","109","351" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","PORT ANGELES 110","110","71" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","PORT ANGELES 111","111","347" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","PORT ANGELES 112","112","211" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","PORT ANGELES 113","113","133" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","AGNEW 201","201","163" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","BEAVER 204","204","139" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","BELLEVIEW 205","205","250" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","BELL HILL 207","207","224" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","143" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","224" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","BLUFFS 210","210","121" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","BLYN 211","211","198" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","BOGACHIEL 212","212","58" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","CARLSBORG 214","214","158" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","129" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","CLARK 216","216","113" "Legislative District 24 - 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State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","143" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","197" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","NEAH BAY 252","252","108" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","OBRIEN 253","253","156" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","OLYMPIC 254","254","177" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","138" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","193" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","213" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","QUILEUTE 262","262","84" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","RIVERSIDE 265","265","253" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","ROBIN HILL 266","266","187" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","SUN 269","269","66" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","272" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","142" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","FORKS 301","301","134" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","FORKS 302","302","154" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","SEQUIM 401","401","134" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","SEQUIM 402","402","136" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","SEQUIM 403","403","266" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 1","Kevin Van De Wege","SEQUIM 404","404","318" "Legislative District 24 - 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State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","191" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","BLUFFS 210","210","109" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","BLUFFS 210","210","100" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","BLYN 211","211","159" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","BLYN 211","211","160" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","BOGACHIEL 212","212","66" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","BOGACHIEL 212","212","42" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","CARLSBORG 214","214","149" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","CARLSBORG 214","214","108" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","81" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","109" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","CLARK 216","216","78" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","CLARK 216","216","89" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","CLINE 217","217","177" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","CLINE 217","217","221" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","COYOTE 218","218","181" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","COYOTE 218","218","232" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","DEER PARK 220","220","167" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","DEER PARK 220","220","208" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","210" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","191" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","243" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","229" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","89" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","100" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","DRY CREEK 224","224","120" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","DRY CREEK 224","224","145" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","EAGLE 226","226","164" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","EAGLE 226","226","123" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","ELK 229","229","32" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","ELK 229","229","40" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","ELWHA 230","230","62" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","ELWHA 230","230","44" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","FAIRVIEW 232","232","176" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","FAIRVIEW 232","232","216" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","226" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","227" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","115" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","89" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","JAMESTOWN 240","240","109" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","JAMESTOWN 240","240","134" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","JOYCE 241","241","214" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","JOYCE 241","241","198" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","108" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","102" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","77" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","124" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","MACLEAY 247","247","224" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","MACLEAY 247","247","156" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","MADISON CREEK 248","248","67" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","MADISON CREEK 248","248","56" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","MONTERRA 249","249","190" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","MONTERRA 249","249","208" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","100" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","129" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","161" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","168" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","NEAH BAY 252","252","14" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","NEAH BAY 252","252","100" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","OBRIEN 253","253","167" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","OBRIEN 253","253","123" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","OLYMPIC 254","254","142" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","OLYMPIC 254","254","138" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","94" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","110" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","178" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","163" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","177" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","166" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","QUILEUTE 262","262","60" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","QUILEUTE 262","262","68" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","RIVERSIDE 265","265","169" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","RIVERSIDE 265","265","211" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","ROBIN HILL 266","266","134" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","ROBIN HILL 266","266","147" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","SUN 269","269","70" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","SUN 269","269","45" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","247" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","210" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","139" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","115" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","FORKS 301","301","87" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","FORKS 301","301","105" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","FORKS 302","302","150" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","FORKS 302","302","114" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","SEQUIM 401","401","81" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","SEQUIM 401","401","108" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","SEQUIM 402","402","93" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","SEQUIM 402","402","108" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","SEQUIM 403","403","177" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","SEQUIM 403","403","220" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","SEQUIM 404","404","248" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","SEQUIM 404","404","263" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","SEQUIM 405","405","160" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","SEQUIM 405","405","171" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Gale","SEQUIM 406","406","155" "Legislative District 24 - State Representative Pos. 2","Steve Tharinger","SEQUIM 406","406","192" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","Total","-1","13601" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","PORT ANGELES 101","101","238" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","PORT ANGELES 102","102","334" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","PORT ANGELES 103","103","365" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","PORT ANGELES 104","104","254" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","PORT ANGELES 105","105","347" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","PORT ANGELES 106","106","272" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","PORT ANGELES 107","107","341" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","PORT ANGELES 108","108","167" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","PORT ANGELES 109","109","350" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","PORT ANGELES 110","110","83" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","PORT ANGELES 111","111","362" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","PORT ANGELES 112","112","244" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","PORT ANGELES 113","113","169" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","AGNEW 201","201","169" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","BEAVER 204","204","165" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","BELLEVIEW 205","205","279" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","BELL HILL 207","207","246" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","BLACK DIAMOND 208","208","172" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","236" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","BLUFFS 210","210","139" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","BLYN 211","211","192" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","BOGACHIEL 212","212","71" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","CARLSBORG 214","214","188" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","CLALLAM BAY 215","215","129" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","CLARK 216","216","128" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","CLINE 217","217","244" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","COYOTE 218","218","267" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","DEER PARK 220","220","260" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","DIAMOND POINT 221","221","259" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","266" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","DUNGENESS WEST 223","223","109" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","DRY CREEK 224","224","194" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","EAGLE 226","226","186" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","ELK 229","229","45" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","ELWHA 230","230","60" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","FAIRVIEW 232","232","287" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","FRESHWATER BAY 233","233","311" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","HAPPY VALLEY 237","237","132" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","JAMESTOWN 240","240","141" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","JOYCE 241","241","279" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","LOST MOUNTAIN 245","245","124" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","MILLER PENINSULA 246","246","117" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","MACLEAY 247","247","223" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","MADISON CREEK 248","248","83" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","MONTERRA 249","249","246" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","168" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","239" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","NEAH BAY 252","252","96" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","OBRIEN 253","253","193" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","OLYMPIC 254","254","168" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","PORT WILLIAMS 258","258","123" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","PRAIRIE NORTH 259","259","192" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","PRAIRIE SOUTH 260","260","250" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","QUILEUTE 262","262","96" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","RIVERSIDE 265","265","273" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","ROBIN HILL 266","266","172" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","SUN 269","269","80" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","SUNLAND NORTH 270","270","285" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","SUNLAND SOUTH 271","271","170" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","FORKS 301","301","134" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","FORKS 302","302","184" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","SEQUIM 401","401","149" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","SEQUIM 402","402","151" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","SEQUIM 403","403","264" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","SEQUIM 404","404","305" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","SEQUIM 405","405","211" "Clallam Superior Court - Judge Position 3","S. Brooke Taylor","SEQUIM 406","406","225" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Maggie Roth","Total","-1","1772" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Sandra (Sandy) Long","Total","-1","451" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Mike Chapman","Total","-1","2592" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Dale Holiday","Total","-1","1097" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Patti Morris","Total","-1","770" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Maggie Roth","PORT ANGELES 101","101","60" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Sandra (Sandy) Long","PORT ANGELES 101","101","18" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Mike Chapman","PORT ANGELES 101","101","139" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Dale Holiday","PORT ANGELES 101","101","48" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Patti Morris","PORT ANGELES 101","101","37" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Maggie Roth","PORT ANGELES 102","102","101" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Sandra (Sandy) Long","PORT ANGELES 102","102","26" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Mike Chapman","PORT ANGELES 102","102","182" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Dale Holiday","PORT ANGELES 102","102","101" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Patti Morris","PORT ANGELES 102","102","55" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Maggie Roth","PORT ANGELES 103","103","111" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Sandra (Sandy) Long","PORT ANGELES 103","103","42" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Mike Chapman","PORT ANGELES 103","103","225" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Dale Holiday","PORT ANGELES 103","103","96" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Patti Morris","PORT ANGELES 103","103","49" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Maggie Roth","PORT ANGELES 104","104","71" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Sandra (Sandy) Long","PORT ANGELES 104","104","27" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Mike Chapman","PORT ANGELES 104","104","125" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Dale Holiday","PORT ANGELES 104","104","83" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Patti Morris","PORT ANGELES 104","104","40" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Maggie Roth","PORT ANGELES 105","105","98" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Sandra (Sandy) Long","PORT ANGELES 105","105","35" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Mike Chapman","PORT ANGELES 105","105","184" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Dale Holiday","PORT ANGELES 105","105","98" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Patti Morris","PORT ANGELES 105","105","56" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Maggie Roth","PORT ANGELES 106","106","79" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Sandra (Sandy) Long","PORT ANGELES 106","106","20" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Mike Chapman","PORT ANGELES 106","106","175" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Dale Holiday","PORT ANGELES 106","106","70" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Patti Morris","PORT ANGELES 106","106","30" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Maggie Roth","PORT ANGELES 107","107","108" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Sandra (Sandy) Long","PORT ANGELES 107","107","33" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Mike Chapman","PORT ANGELES 107","107","202" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Dale Holiday","PORT ANGELES 107","107","78" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Patti Morris","PORT ANGELES 107","107","58" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Maggie Roth","AGNEW 201","201","96" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Sandra (Sandy) Long","AGNEW 201","201","12" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Mike Chapman","AGNEW 201","201","93" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Dale Holiday","AGNEW 201","201","44" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Patti Morris","AGNEW 201","201","25" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Maggie Roth","BELLEVIEW 205","205","88" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Sandra (Sandy) Long","BELLEVIEW 205","205","24" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Mike Chapman","BELLEVIEW 205","205","159" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Dale Holiday","BELLEVIEW 205","205","51" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Patti Morris","BELLEVIEW 205","205","42" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Maggie Roth","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","126" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Sandra (Sandy) Long","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","13" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Mike Chapman","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","122" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Dale Holiday","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","52" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Patti Morris","BLUE MOUNTAIN 209","209","60" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Maggie Roth","BLUFFS 210","210","65" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Sandra (Sandy) Long","BLUFFS 210","210","13" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Mike Chapman","BLUFFS 210","210","65" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Dale Holiday","BLUFFS 210","210","37" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Patti Morris","BLUFFS 210","210","32" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Maggie Roth","CLARK 216","216","49" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Sandra (Sandy) Long","CLARK 216","216","13" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Mike Chapman","CLARK 216","216","58" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Dale Holiday","CLARK 216","216","26" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Patti Morris","CLARK 216","216","24" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Maggie Roth","DEER PARK 220","220","98" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Sandra (Sandy) Long","DEER PARK 220","220","38" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Mike Chapman","DEER PARK 220","220","145" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Dale Holiday","DEER PARK 220","220","62" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Patti Morris","DEER PARK 220","220","45" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Maggie Roth","FAIRVIEW 232","232","110" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Sandra (Sandy) Long","FAIRVIEW 232","232","48" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Mike Chapman","FAIRVIEW 232","232","154" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Dale Holiday","FAIRVIEW 232","232","53" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Patti Morris","FAIRVIEW 232","232","42" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Maggie Roth","MONTERRA 249","249","142" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Sandra (Sandy) Long","MONTERRA 249","249","19" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Mike Chapman","MONTERRA 249","249","125" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Dale Holiday","MONTERRA 249","249","56" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Patti Morris","MONTERRA 249","249","57" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Maggie Roth","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","71" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Sandra (Sandy) Long","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","17" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Mike Chapman","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","96" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Dale Holiday","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","30" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Patti Morris","MOUNT ANGELES 250","250","23" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Maggie Roth","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","95" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Sandra (Sandy) Long","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","28" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Mike Chapman","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","137" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Dale Holiday","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","37" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Patti Morris","MOUNT PLEASANT 251","251","34" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Maggie Roth","OBRIEN 253","253","112" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Sandra (Sandy) Long","OBRIEN 253","253","15" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Mike Chapman","OBRIEN 253","253","108" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Dale Holiday","OBRIEN 253","253","28" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Patti Morris","OBRIEN 253","253","25" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Maggie Roth","ROBIN HILL 266","266","92" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Sandra (Sandy) Long","ROBIN HILL 266","266","10" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Mike Chapman","ROBIN HILL 266","266","98" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Dale Holiday","ROBIN HILL 266","266","47" "COMMISSIONER 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 2","Patti Morris","ROBIN HILL 266","266","36" "PORT ANGELES 102 Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","Glenn Wiggins","Total","-1","169" "PORT ANGELES 102 Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","David Fuchser","Total","-1","33" "PORT ANGELES 102 Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","Glenn Wiggins","PORT ANGELES 102","102","169" "PORT ANGELES 102 Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","David Fuchser","PORT ANGELES 102","102","33" "PORT ANGELES 105 Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","Laddie Lawings","Total","-1","58" "PORT ANGELES 105 Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","Claudia Cookson","Total","-1","75" "PORT ANGELES 105 Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","Laddie Lawings","PORT ANGELES 105","105","58" "PORT ANGELES 105 Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","Claudia Cookson","PORT ANGELES 105","105","75" "BELLEVIEW 205 Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","Don Roberts","Total","-1","94" "BELLEVIEW 205 Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","Jason R. Baar","Total","-1","37" "BELLEVIEW 205 Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","Don Roberts","BELLEVIEW 205","205","94" "BELLEVIEW 205 Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","Jason R. Baar","BELLEVIEW 205","205","37" "DUNGENESS EAST 222 Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","Jim McEntire","Total","-1","183" "DUNGENESS EAST 222 Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","John A. Bennett","Total","-1","49" "DUNGENESS EAST 222 Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","Jim McEntire","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","183" "DUNGENESS EAST 222 Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","John A. Bennett","DUNGENESS EAST 222","222","49" "MONTERRA 249 Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","Lyn M. Lawson-Wheeler","Total","-1","87" "MONTERRA 249 Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","Yvette Sabin","Total","-1","65" "MONTERRA 249 Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","Lyn M. Lawson-Wheeler","MONTERRA 249","249","87" "MONTERRA 249 Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","Yvette Sabin","MONTERRA 249","249","65" "OBRIEN 253 Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","Francis Stromski","Total","-1","74" "OBRIEN 253 Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","Teri Schwiethale","Total","-1","61" "OBRIEN 253 Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","Francis Stromski","OBRIEN 253","253","74" "OBRIEN 253 Precinct Committee Officer - Republican","Teri Schwiethale","OBRIEN 253","253","61" "CITY OF SEQUIM CITY OF SEQUIM - Public Safety Sales Tax Public Safety Sales Tax","Yes","Total","-1","1257" "CITY OF SEQUIM CITY OF SEQUIM - Public Safety Sales Tax Public Safety Sales Tax","No","Total","-1","834" "CITY OF SEQUIM CITY OF SEQUIM - Public Safety Sales Tax Public Safety Sales Tax","Yes","SEQUIM 401","401","111" "CITY OF SEQUIM CITY OF SEQUIM - Public Safety Sales Tax Public Safety Sales Tax","No","SEQUIM 401","401","92" "CITY OF SEQUIM CITY OF SEQUIM - Public Safety Sales Tax Public Safety Sales Tax","Yes","SEQUIM 402","402","111" "CITY OF SEQUIM CITY OF SEQUIM - Public Safety Sales Tax Public Safety Sales Tax","No","SEQUIM 402","402","94" "CITY OF SEQUIM CITY OF SEQUIM - Public Safety Sales Tax Public Safety Sales Tax","Yes","SEQUIM 403","403","283" "CITY OF SEQUIM CITY OF SEQUIM - Public Safety Sales Tax Public Safety Sales Tax","No","SEQUIM 403","403","139" "CITY OF SEQUIM CITY OF SEQUIM - Public Safety Sales Tax Public Safety Sales Tax","Yes","SEQUIM 404","404","329" "CITY OF SEQUIM CITY OF SEQUIM - Public Safety Sales Tax Public Safety Sales Tax","No","SEQUIM 404","404","224" "CITY OF SEQUIM CITY OF SEQUIM - Public Safety Sales Tax Public Safety Sales Tax","Yes","SEQUIM 405","405","187" "CITY OF SEQUIM CITY OF SEQUIM - Public Safety Sales Tax Public Safety Sales Tax","No","SEQUIM 405","405","166" "CITY OF SEQUIM CITY OF SEQUIM - Public Safety Sales Tax Public Safety Sales Tax","Yes","SEQUIM 406","406","236" "CITY OF SEQUIM CITY OF SEQUIM - Public Safety Sales Tax Public Safety Sales Tax","No","SEQUIM 406","406","119" "CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES - General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond","APPROVED","Total","-1","2790" "CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES - General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond","REJECTED","Total","-1","2116" "CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES - General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond","APPROVED","PORT ANGELES 101","101","178" "CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES - General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond","REJECTED","PORT ANGELES 101","101","126" "CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES - General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond","APPROVED","PORT ANGELES 102","102","277" "CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES - General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond","REJECTED","PORT ANGELES 102","102","193" "CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES - General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond","APPROVED","PORT ANGELES 103","103","286" "CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES - General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond","REJECTED","PORT ANGELES 103","103","235" "CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES - General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond","APPROVED","PORT ANGELES 104","104","180" "CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES - General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond","REJECTED","PORT ANGELES 104","104","164" "CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES - General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond","APPROVED","PORT ANGELES 105","105","283" "CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES - General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond","REJECTED","PORT ANGELES 105","105","194" "CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES - General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond","APPROVED","PORT ANGELES 106","106","232" "CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES - General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond","REJECTED","PORT ANGELES 106","106","153" "CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES - General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond","APPROVED","PORT ANGELES 107","107","304" "CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES - General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond","REJECTED","PORT ANGELES 107","107","180" "CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES - General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond","APPROVED","PORT ANGELES 108","108","139" "CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES - General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond","REJECTED","PORT ANGELES 108","108","95" "CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES - General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond","APPROVED","PORT ANGELES 109","109","237" "CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES - General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond","REJECTED","PORT ANGELES 109","109","238" "CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES - General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond","APPROVED","PORT ANGELES 110","110","49" "CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES - General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond","REJECTED","PORT ANGELES 110","110","51" "CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES - General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond","APPROVED","PORT ANGELES 111","111","319" "CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES - General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond","REJECTED","PORT ANGELES 111","111","201" "CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES - General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond","APPROVED","PORT ANGELES 112","112","173" "CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES - General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond","REJECTED","PORT ANGELES 112","112","153" "CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES - General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond","APPROVED","PORT ANGELES 113","113","133" "CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES - General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond General Obligation Civic Field Improvement Bond","REJECTED","PORT ANGELES 113","113","133"