November 04, 2008 General Election Results
U.S. Congressional Representative Districts
Click on a district to view the results.

Washington state has nine Congressional Districts. District boundaries are outlined in white. If you are not sure which Congressional District you live in, click on the district representing your approximate geographical location in the state. The shaded area of the map contains additional districts and may be enlarged by clicking on it. Districts colored gray are not part of this election. Entering the name of a candidate in the search box will show you results for that candidate.
This map is not drawn to scale.
- U.S. Congressional District 5 - Representative
- U.S. Congressional District 3 - Representative
- U.S. Congressional District 1 - Representative
- U.S. Congressional District 4 - Representative
- U.S. Congressional District 2 - Representative
- U.S. Congressional District 6 - Representative
- U.S. Congressional District 9 - Representative
- U.S. Congressional District 7 - Representative
- U.S. Congressional District 8 - Representative