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Grant County Auditor | Elections | November 3, 2020 General Election

November 3, 2020 General Election

The "Estimated Ballots Left to Count" does not include ballots that may continue to be received in the mail with a postmark on or before Election Day or ballots with signature issues that must be corrected before they can be counted.

Last updated on 11/24/2020 11:35 AM

Engrossed Senate Joint Resolution No. 8212
AIRPORT 1 001128402
Beverly 002847
Block 71 003239757
Cascade Fairgrnd 004122268
Coulee City 00579242
Coulee Cty Rur W 0064885
Electric City 007156387
Ephrata 5 008111317
Ephrata 2 009178354
Ephrata 3 010121288
Ephrata 4 011188490
Ephrata 7 012154379
Ephrata 9 013290713
Ephrata Rural W 014136249
George 0153458
George Rural 016233627
Gloyd 01793384
Grand Coulee 018135292
Hartline 0191987
Hartline Rural S 0201621
Lakeview Park 02191418
Longview 022200562
Mae 0233521079
Marlin 024819
Marlin Rural 0251350
Mattawa 026109105
Mattawa Rural 027278655
McConihe 1 02880229
Moses Lake 5 029167338
MOSES LAKE 3 030319660
Moses Lake 4 031218469
Moses Lake 6 032311778
Moses Lake 7 033331832
Moses Lake 8 034279782
Moses Lake 11 035336795
Moses Lake 12 036183491
North Banks Lake 0375886
O Sullivan Dam 1 038177498
Quincy 1 039270487
Quincy 4 040102181
Quincy 6 041310552
Quincy Rural N 04287191
Royal Camp 043214543
Royal City 04486138
Ruff 0451664
Smyrna 1 04654130
Soap Lake 1 047101235
Soap Lake Rur E 04833107
Stratford 0492233
Warden 050132305
Warden Rural 051119476
Soap Lake 2 05275249
Westslope 1 05346121
Wheeler 1 05488232
Wilson Creek 0553081
Wilson Crk Rural 056844
Airport 2 057148299
Cascade Valley 058306852
Westslope 2 0593389
Smyrna 2 0601322
East Wahluke 06148104
Coulee Cty Rur E 062423
McConihe 2 06387269
Quincy Rural S 064244683
Greenfield 0652471
Moses Lake 1 066144339
Moses Lake 2 067146392
Moses Lake 9 068279470
O Sullivan Dam 2 069379753
Wheeler 2 070298796
Soap Lake Rur W 071120413
Coulee Cty Rur N 0724998
Hartline Rural N 0731538
Ephrata Rural E 07494353

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