Whatcom County Auditor, Election Division
Whatcom County Election Division | August 1, 2017 Primary

The "Estimated Ballots Left to Count" only includes ballots currently in our office. It does not estimate ballots that have not yet been received. Ballot signature cures and overseas ballots are not included and can be received up until the day before certification.

The "Next Ballot Count On" is an estimated time of when we will next release results.

A write-in candidate will not appear in election results if the total number of write-in votes is too small to affect the outcome of the election. (RCW 29A.60.021)

August 1, 2017 Primary

Last updated on 08/14/2017 5:10 PM

Fire Protection District 16 Proposition No. 2017-1 Regular Property Tax Levy
165 (*)**
166 200114
179 4127
182 (*)**

* Precincts were consolidated to protect voter privacy.

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