"Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","Total","-1","72877" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","Total","-1","49710" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","100","100","227" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","100","100","455" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","102","102","239" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","102","102","246" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","104","104","286" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","104","104","348" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","106","106","220" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","106","106","331" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","108","108","222" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","108","108","378" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","110","110","218" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","110","110","463" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","112","112","26" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","112","112","33" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","113","113","150" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","113","113","158" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","120","120","284" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","120","120","435" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","130","130","226" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","130","130","421" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","147","147","264" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","147","147","233" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","150","150","150" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","150","150","213" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","153","153","229" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","153","153","179" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","160","160","195" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","160","160","254" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","170","170","196" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","170","170","286" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","175","175","206" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","175","175","201" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","180","180","233" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","180","180","222" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","190","190","310" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","190","190","360" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","200","200","216" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","200","200","402" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","220","220","203" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","220","220","231" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","225","225","403" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","225","225","412" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","240","240","425" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","240","240","325" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","245","245","373" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","245","245","281" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","250","250","341" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","250","250","353" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","255","255","312" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","255","255","259" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","257","257","290" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","257","257","292" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","290","290","306" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","290","290","273" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","294","294","211" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","294","294","174" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","296","296","223" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","296","296","192" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","298","298","218" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","298","298","149" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","325","325","273" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","325","325","177" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","327","327","396" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","327","327","236" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","330","330","340" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","330","330","257" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","335","335","253" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","335","335","210" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","337","337","286" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","337","337","259" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","338","338","328" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","338","338","245" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","340","340","304" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","340","340","280" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","350","350","271" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","350","350","219" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","360","360","322" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","360","360","294" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","370","370","233" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","370","370","205" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","390","390","356" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","390","390","325" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","395","395","81" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","395","395","116" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","400","400","167" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","400","400","171" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","410","410","372" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","410","410","345" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","415","415","231" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","415","415","212" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","420","420","297" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","420","420","288" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","423","423","247" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","423","423","201" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","424","424","385" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","424","424","281" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","425","425","270" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","425","425","180" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","426","426","428" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","426","426","345" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","430","430","230" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","430","430","186" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","432","432","261" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","432","432","189" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","434","434","259" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","434","434","184" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","435","435","261" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","435","435","177" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","436","436","192" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","436","436","142" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","440","440","353" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","440","440","261" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","441","441","355" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","441","441","239" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","444","444","407" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","444","444","369" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","445","445","445" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","445","445","303" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","446","446","376" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","446","446","200" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","447","447","462" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","447","447","296" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","448","448","418" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","448","448","337" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","449","449","440" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","449","449","356" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","450","450","427" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","450","450","316" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","451","451","330" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","451","451","264" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","452","452","304" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","452","452","254" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","453","453","296" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","453","453","261" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","455","455","275" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","455","455","159" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","456","456","471" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","456","456","349" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","460","460","459" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","460","460","356" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","470","470","406" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","470","470","380" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","480","480","492" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","480","480","342" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","483","483","496" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","483","483","355" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","485","485","315" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","485","485","151" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","487","487","198" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","487","487","105" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","490","490","318" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","490","490","161" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","491","491","33" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","491","491","20" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","500","500","438" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","500","500","247" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","502","502","339" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","502","502","214" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","503","503","304" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","503","503","156" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","505","505","476" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","505","505","251" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","510","510","306" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","510","510","134" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","511","511","23" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","511","511","13" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","515","515","487" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","515","515","227" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","520","520","223" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","520","520","132" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","521","521","8" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","521","521","6" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","522","522","153" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","522","522","79" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","523","523","18" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","523","523","2" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","524","524","51" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","524","524","26" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","525","525","283" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","525","525","137" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","527","527","378" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","527","527","152" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","528","528","442" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","528","528","170" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","530","530","193" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","530","530","85" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","535","535","577" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","535","535","211" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","536","536","258" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","536","536","114" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","537","537","176" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","537","537","70" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","538","538","247" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","538","538","71" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","540","540","502" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","540","540","204" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","543","543","456" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","543","543","174" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","545","545","297" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","545","545","139" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","550","550","488" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","550","550","266" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","553","553","330" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","553","553","236" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","555","555","422" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","555","555","290" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","560","560","400" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","560","560","221" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","563","563","406" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","563","563","233" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","565","565","297" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","565","565","196" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","566","566","252" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","566","566","148" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","570","570","417" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","570","570","192" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","571","571","363" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","571","571","199" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","572","572","504" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","572","572","247" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","573","573","490" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","573","573","251" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","574","574","16" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","574","574","13" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","575","575","136" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","575","575","47" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","576","576","5" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","576","576","3" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","577","577","594" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","577","577","200" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","578","578","35" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","578","578","24" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","579","579","11" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","579","579","13" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","580","580","273" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","580","580","148" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","581","581","196" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","581","581","95" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","582","582","325" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","582","582","136" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","583","583","346" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","583","583","135" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","584","584","376" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","584","584","151" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","585","585","501" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","585","585","210" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","586","586","333" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","586","586","159" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","587","587","335" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","587","587","156" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","588","588","236" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","588","588","114" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","590","590","540" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","590","590","264" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","591","591","569" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","591","591","273" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","592","592","508" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","592","592","269" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","593","593","460" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","593","593","212" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","594","594","15" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","594","594","6" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","595(*)","595","0" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","595(*)","595","0" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","596(*)","596","0" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","596(*)","596","0" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","597","597","59" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","597","597","16" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","598","598","12" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","598","598","8" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","600","600","249" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","600","600","66" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","603","603","311" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","603","603","91" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","605","605","484" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","605","605","123" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","606","606","88" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","606","606","32" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","610","610","580" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","610","610","264" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","613","613","214" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","613","613","81" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","615","615","200" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","615","615","92" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","617","617","421" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","617","617","175" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","618","618","469" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","618","618","222" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","620","620","487" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","620","620","210" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","624","624","94" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","624","624","42" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","625","625","464" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","625","625","174" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","626","626","336" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","626","626","204" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","627","627","356" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","627","627","202" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","628","628","365" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","628","628","224" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","629","629","342" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","629","629","181" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","630","630","283" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","630","630","170" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","631","631","327" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","631","631","337" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","632","632","193" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","632","632","122" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","633","633","283" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","633","633","224" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","634","634","313" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","634","634","198" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","635","635","268" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","635","635","168" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","636","636","310" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","636","636","177" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","638","638","302" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","638","638","195" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","639","639","281" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","639","639","227" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","640","640","339" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","640","640","221" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","641","641","131" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","641","641","107" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","642","642","173" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","642","642","95" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","643","643","311" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","643","643","209" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","644","644","348" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","644","644","298" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","645","645","411" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","645","645","321" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","646","646","168" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","646","646","108" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","647","647","254" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","647","647","177" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","648","648","278" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","648","648","216" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","649","649","323" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","649","649","179" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","650","650","275" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","650","650","288" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","651","651","242" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","651","651","175" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","652","652","269" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","652","652","253" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","653","653","257" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","653","653","211" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","654","654","236" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","654","654","165" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","655","655","283" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","655","655","227" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","656","656","198" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","656","656","114" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","658","658","335" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","658","658","198" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","659","659","359" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","659","659","224" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","660","660","303" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","660","660","292" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","662","662","358" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","662","662","251" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","663","663","210" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","663","663","196" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","664","664","347" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","664","664","245" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","667","667","271" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","667","667","194" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","668","668","345" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","668","668","299" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","669","669","385" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","669","669","197" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","670","670","323" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","670","670","315" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","672","672","285" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","672","672","205" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","673","673","355" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","673","673","309" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","674","674","275" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","674","674","246" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","675","675","251" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","675","675","173" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","677","677","381" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","677","677","246" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","678","678","257" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","678","678","200" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","679","679","227" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","679","679","163" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","680","680","278" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","680","680","227" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","681","681","268" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","681","681","196" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","682","682","294" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","682","682","224" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","683","683","304" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","683","683","240" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","685","685","89" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","685","685","71" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","686","686","255" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","686","686","183" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","687","687","323" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","687","687","197" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","688","688","299" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","688","688","207" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","689","689","372" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","689","689","228" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","690","690","355" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","690","690","299" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","691","691","351" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","691","691","207" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","692","692","393" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","692","692","222" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","693","693","202" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","693","693","131" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","694","694","109" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","694","694","106" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","695","695","376" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","695","695","255" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","696","696","398" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","696","696","311" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","697","697","435" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","697","697","302" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","698","698","400" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","698","698","176" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","699","699","357" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","699","699","189" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","700","700","68" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","700","700","37" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","710","710","143" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","710","710","115" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","720","720","296" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","720","720","163" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","900","900","347" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","900","900","216" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","903","903","342" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","903","903","238" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","905","905","398" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","905","905","222" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","910","910","335" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","910","910","207" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","912","912","281" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","912","912","215" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","913","913","445" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","913","913","246" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","914","914","391" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","914","914","211" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","917","917","247" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","917","917","154" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","920","920","326" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","920","920","188" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","925","925","364" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","925","925","159" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","930","930","413" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","930","930","217" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","935","935","419" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","935","935","206" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","940","940","362" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","940","940","202" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","947","947","307" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","947","947","190" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","950","950","316" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","950","950","227" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","951","951","246" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","951","951","286" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","953","953","134" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","953","953","123" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","957","957","100" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","957","957","34" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","958","958","59" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","958","958","43" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","959","959","25" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","959","959","9" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","960","960","438" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","960","960","273" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","961","961","66" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","961","961","42" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","962","962","335" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","962","962","143" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","963","963","267" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","963","963","200" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","964","964","392" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","964","964","241" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","965","965","385" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","965","965","226" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","966","966","304" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","966","966","105" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","967","967","248" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","967","967","129" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","968","968","292" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","968","968","221" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","969","969","198" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","969","969","157" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Jaime Herrera Beutler","985","985","262" "Congressional District 3 - U.S. Representative","Bob Dingethal","985","985","224" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","Total","-1","82054" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","100","100","453" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","102","102","329" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","104","104","418" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","106","106","374" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","108","108","396" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","110","110","440" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","112","112","40" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","113","113","229" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","120","120","489" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","130","130","423" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","147","147","332" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","150","150","261" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","153","153","283" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","160","160","328" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","170","170","327" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","175","175","314" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","180","180","338" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","190","190","429" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","200","200","452" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","220","220","314" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","225","225","556" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","240","240","493" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","245","245","424" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","250","250","494" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","255","255","415" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","257","257","412" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","290","290","400" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","294","294","264" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","296","296","295" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","298","298","258" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","325","325","308" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","327","327","426" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","330","330","418" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","335","335","329" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","337","337","351" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","338","338","387" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","340","340","413" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","350","350","327" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","360","360","410" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","370","370","282" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","390","390","479" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","395","395","118" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","400","400","239" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","410","410","484" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","415","415","308" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","420","420","400" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","423","423","324" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","424","424","464" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","425","425","304" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","426","426","541" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","430","430","294" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","432","432","304" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","434","434","282" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","435","435","278" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","436","436","241" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","440","440","399" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","441","441","399" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","444","444","518" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","445","445","517" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","446","446","388" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","447","447","490" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","448","448","515" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","449","449","540" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","450","450","486" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","451","451","413" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","452","452","361" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","453","453","383" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","455","455","298" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","456","456","556" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","460","460","588" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","470","470","537" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","480","480","553" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","483","483","570" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","485","485","254" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","487","487","200" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","490","490","277" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","491","491","30" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","500","500","419" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","502","502","352" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","503","503","296" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","505","505","457" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","510","510","270" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","511","511","24" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","515","515","469" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","520","520","216" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","521","521","10" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","522","522","138" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","523","523","8" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","524","524","41" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","525","525","249" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","527","527","313" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","528","528","363" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","530","530","156" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","535","535","492" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","536","536","241" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","537","537","161" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","538","538","195" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","540","540","417" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","543","543","378" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","545","545","283" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","550","550","472" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","553","553","390" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","555","555","466" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","560","560","416" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","563","563","451" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","565","565","345" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","566","566","276" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","570","570","385" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","571","571","400" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","572","572","527" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","573","573","494" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","574","574","16" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","575","575","120" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","576","576","3" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","577","577","495" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","578","578","35" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","579","579","16" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","580","580","274" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","581","581","195" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","582","582","309" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","583","583","317" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","584","584","366" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","585","585","479" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","586","586","337" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","587","587","324" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","588","588","229" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","590","590","511" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","591","591","504" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","592","592","469" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","593","593","394" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","594","594","13" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","595","595","218" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","596","596","0" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","597","597","42" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","598","598","12" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","600","600","198" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","603","603","216" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","605","605","362" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","606","606","75" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","610","610","538" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","613","613","170" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","615","615","191" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","617","617","395" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","618","618","421" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","620","620","439" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","624","624","102" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","625","625","401" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","626","626","386" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","627","627","396" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","628","628","448" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","629","629","358" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","630","630","332" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","631","631","473" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 1","Mary Yu","632","632","218" "Supreme Court - 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Johnson","690","690","336" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","691","691","135" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","691","691","312" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","692","692","150" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","692","692","362" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","693","693","97" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","693","693","176" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","694","694","45" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","694","694","134" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","695","695","160" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","695","695","345" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","696","696","136" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. 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Johnson","720","720","272" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","900","900","107" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","900","900","321" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","903","903","158" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","903","903","324" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","905","905","159" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","905","905","323" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","910","910","119" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","910","910","313" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","912","912","111" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","912","912","275" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","913","913","134" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","913","913","390" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","914","914","123" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","914","914","353" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","917","917","67" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","917","917","239" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","920","920","110" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","920","920","279" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","925","925","110" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","925","925","294" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","930","930","114" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","930","930","344" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","935","935","126" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","935","935","352" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","940","940","147" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","940","940","304" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","947","947","115" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","947","947","262" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","950","950","150" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","950","950","299" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","951","951","129" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","951","951","267" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","953","953","61" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","953","953","142" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","957","957","40" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","957","957","63" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","958","958","28" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","958","958","50" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","959","959","3" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","959","959","17" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","960","960","169" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","960","960","360" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","961","961","21" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","961","961","63" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","962","962","97" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","962","962","250" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","963","963","98" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","963","963","265" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","964","964","151" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","964","964","314" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","965","965","148" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","965","965","297" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","966","966","90" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","966","966","204" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","967","967","88" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","967","967","203" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","968","968","102" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","968","968","302" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","969","969","79" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","969","969","188" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Eddie Yoon","985","985","107" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 4","Charles W. Johnson","985","985","274" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. 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Stephens","110","110","380" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","110","110","138" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","112","112","32" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","112","112","11" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","113","113","180" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","113","113","74" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","120","120","421" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","120","120","131" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","130","130","377" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","130","130","136" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","147","147","302" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","147","147","104" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","150","150","200" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","150","150","97" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","153","153","224" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","153","153","90" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","160","160","250" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","160","160","116" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","170","170","270" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","170","170","125" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","175","175","249" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","175","175","88" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","180","180","265" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","180","180","112" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","190","190","388" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","190","190","112" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","200","200","380" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","200","200","126" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","220","220","269" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","220","220","93" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","225","225","546" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","225","225","99" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","240","240","483" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","240","240","109" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","245","245","394" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","245","245","106" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","250","250","407" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","250","250","143" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","255","255","366" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","255","255","105" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","257","257","376" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","257","257","110" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","290","290","358" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","290","290","101" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","294","294","257" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","294","294","61" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","296","296","262" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","296","296","70" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","298","298","240" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","298","298","56" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","325","325","280" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","325","325","81" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","327","327","405" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","327","327","96" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","330","330","374" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","330","330","108" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","335","335","302" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","335","335","82" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","337","337","310" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","337","337","112" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. 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Stephens","395","395","105" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","395","395","37" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","400","400","206" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","400","400","67" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","410","410","422" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","410","410","141" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","415","415","262" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","415","415","90" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","420","420","371" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","420","420","103" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","423","423","276" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","423","423","86" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","424","424","411" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","424","424","119" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","425","425","279" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","425","425","61" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","426","426","498" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","426","426","134" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","430","430","233" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","430","430","99" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","432","432","258" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","432","432","85" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","434","434","267" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","434","434","63" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","435","435","288" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","435","435","53" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","436","436","194" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","436","436","74" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","440","440","369" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","440","440","110" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","441","441","346" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","441","441","126" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","444","444","466" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","444","444","144" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","445","445","481" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","445","445","116" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. 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Stephens","500","500","375" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","500","500","134" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","502","502","337" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","502","502","84" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","503","503","267" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","503","503","86" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","505","505","422" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","505","505","137" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","510","510","244" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","510","510","91" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","511","511","18" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","511","511","9" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. 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Stephens","553","553","367" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","553","553","64" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","555","555","412" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","555","555","150" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","560","560","362" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","560","560","98" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","563","563","389" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","563","563","143" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","565","565","304" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","565","565","80" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","566","566","235" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","566","566","73" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","570","570","342" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","570","570","127" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","571","571","348" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","571","571","90" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","572","572","451" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","572","572","145" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","573","573","429" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","573","573","161" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","574","574","19" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","574","574","6" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","575","575","97" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","575","575","31" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. 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Stephens","582","582","247" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","582","582","122" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","583","583","270" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","583","583","111" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","584","584","319" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","584","584","88" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","585","585","424" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","585","585","134" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","586","586","291" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","586","586","105" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","587","587","286" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","587","587","112" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","588","588","200" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","588","588","75" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","590","590","479" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","590","590","140" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","591","591","462" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","591","591","184" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","592","592","413" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","592","592","167" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","593","593","359" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","593","593","131" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","594","594","10" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","594","594","6" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","595","595","205" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","595","595","79" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","596(*)","596","0" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","596(*)","596","0" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","597","597","42" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","597","597","13" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","598","598","4" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","598","598","8" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","600","600","174" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","600","600","78" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","603","603","197" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","603","603","91" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","605","605","313" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","605","605","134" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","606","606","73" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","606","606","29" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","610","610","477" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","610","610","175" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","613","613","174" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","613","613","51" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","615","615","172" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","615","615","49" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","617","617","351" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","617","617","106" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","618","618","402" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","618","618","102" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","620","620","391" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","620","620","133" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","624","624","77" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","624","624","34" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","625","625","349" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","625","625","144" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","626","626","322" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","626","626","130" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","627","627","350" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","627","627","109" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","628","628","385" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","628","628","121" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","629","629","311" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","629","629","117" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","630","630","284" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","630","630","102" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","631","631","437" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","631","631","105" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","632","632","184" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","632","632","68" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","633","633","297" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","633","633","132" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","634","634","289" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","634","634","108" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","635","635","267" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","635","635","94" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","636","636","286" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","636","636","108" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","638","638","326" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","638","638","99" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","639","639","293" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","639","639","122" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","640","640","338" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","640","640","124" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","641","641","140" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","641","641","49" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","642","642","180" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","642","642","32" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","643","643","315" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","643","643","128" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","644","644","382" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","644","644","104" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","645","645","447" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","645","645","115" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","646","646","180" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","646","646","49" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","647","647","265" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","647","647","57" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","648","648","290" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","648","648","85" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","649","649","298" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","649","649","107" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","650","650","356" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","650","650","115" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","651","651","260" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","651","651","83" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","652","652","313" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","652","652","120" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","653","653","299" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","653","653","95" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","654","654","227" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","654","654","97" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","655","655","336" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","655","655","93" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","656","656","192" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","656","656","56" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","658","658","330" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","658","658","87" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","659","659","378" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","659","659","116" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","660","660","371" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","660","660","113" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","662","662","378" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","662","662","108" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","663","663","244" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","663","663","91" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","664","664","377" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","664","664","115" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","667","667","307" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","667","667","53" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","668","668","424" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","668","668","82" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","669","669","339" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","669","669","77" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","670","670","370" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","670","670","133" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","672","672","272" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","672","672","122" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","673","673","377" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","673","673","142" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","674","674","342" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","674","674","65" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","675","675","274" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","675","675","57" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","677","677","362" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","677","677","99" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","678","678","277" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","678","678","87" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","679","679","238" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","679","679","74" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","680","680","309" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","680","680","79" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","681","681","287" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","681","681","94" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","682","682","336" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","682","682","77" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","683","683","310" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","683","683","99" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","685","685","93" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","685","685","40" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","686","686","266" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","686","686","77" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","687","687","298" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","687","687","142" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","688","688","283" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","688","688","96" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","689","689","359" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","689","689","126" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","690","690","395" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","690","690","102" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","691","691","339" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","691","691","113" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","692","692","384" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","692","692","132" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","693","693","197" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","693","693","81" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","694","694","150" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","694","694","29" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","695","695","393" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","695","695","103" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","696","696","423" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","696","696","120" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","697","697","435" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","697","697","157" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","698","698","367" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","698","698","70" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","699","699","328" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","699","699","96" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","700","700","64" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","700","700","14" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","710","710","160" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","710","710","52" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","720","720","293" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","720","720","75" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","900","900","315" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","900","900","123" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","903","903","329" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","903","903","160" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","905","905","382" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","905","905","103" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","910","910","302" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","910","910","135" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","912","912","298" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","912","912","89" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","913","913","386" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","913","913","144" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","914","914","363" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","914","914","118" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","917","917","220" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","917","917","89" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","920","920","268" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","920","920","115" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","925","925","308" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","925","925","98" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","930","930","341" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","930","930","118" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","935","935","360" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","935","935","124" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","940","940","322" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","940","940","123" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","947","947","281" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","947","947","103" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","950","950","339" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","950","950","103" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","951","951","287" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","951","951","113" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","953","953","168" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","953","953","44" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","957","957","84" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","957","957","17" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","958","958","57" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","958","958","16" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","959","959","17" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","959","959","3" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","960","960","444" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","960","960","102" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","961","961","70" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","961","961","17" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","962","962","274" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","962","962","76" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","963","963","300" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","963","963","64" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","964","964","404" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","964","964","72" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","965","965","360" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","965","965","84" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","966","966","253" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","966","966","44" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","967","967","234" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","967","967","58" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","968","968","335" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","968","968","78" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","969","969","201" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","969","969","68" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","Debra L. Stephens","985","985","260" "Supreme Court - Justice Position 7","John (Zamboni) Scannell","985","985","127" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","Total","-1","80682" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","100","100","427" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","102","102","331" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","104","104","401" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","106","106","347" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","108","108","370" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","110","110","406" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","112","112","39" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","113","113","221" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","120","120","467" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","130","130","408" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","147","147","321" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","150","150","253" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","153","153","281" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","160","160","323" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","170","170","308" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","175","175","298" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","180","180","336" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","190","190","418" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","200","200","430" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","220","220","306" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","225","225","555" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","240","240","470" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","245","245","435" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","250","250","493" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","255","255","413" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","257","257","415" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","290","290","394" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","294","294","257" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","296","296","289" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","298","298","250" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","325","325","303" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","327","327","417" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","330","330","407" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","335","335","315" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","337","337","335" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","338","338","380" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","340","340","390" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","350","350","331" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","360","360","387" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","370","370","283" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","390","390","465" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","395","395","113" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","400","400","239" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","410","410","466" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","415","415","311" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","420","420","387" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","423","423","313" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","424","424","469" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","425","425","298" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","426","426","539" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","430","430","296" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","432","432","309" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","434","434","282" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","435","435","275" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","436","436","236" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","440","440","390" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","441","441","397" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","444","444","493" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","445","445","494" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","446","446","373" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","447","447","482" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","448","448","494" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","449","449","521" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","450","450","474" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","451","451","386" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","452","452","357" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","453","453","372" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","455","455","296" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","456","456","541" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","460","460","588" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","470","470","531" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","480","480","541" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","483","483","556" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","485","485","263" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","487","487","196" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","490","490","279" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","491","491","32" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","500","500","405" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","502","502","356" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","503","503","291" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","505","505","466" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","510","510","264" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","511","511","25" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","515","515","454" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","520","520","212" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","521","521","7" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","522","522","139" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","523","523","6" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","524","524","39" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","525","525","247" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","527","527","320" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","528","528","338" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","530","530","160" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","535","535","485" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","536","536","244" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","537","537","167" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","538","538","203" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","540","540","421" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","543","543","375" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","545","545","279" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","550","550","451" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","553","553","390" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","555","555","477" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","560","560","397" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","563","563","452" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","565","565","326" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","566","566","273" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","570","570","392" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","571","571","381" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","572","572","529" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","573","573","502" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","574","574","17" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","575","575","121" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","576","576","3" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","577","577","507" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","578","578","34" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","579","579","17" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","580","580","258" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","581","581","192" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","582","582","312" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","583","583","309" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","584","584","377" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","585","585","471" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","586","586","345" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","587","587","327" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","588","588","232" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","590","590","513" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","591","591","490" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","592","592","461" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","593","593","406" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","594","594","13" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","595","595","221" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","596","596","0" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","597","597","38" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","598","598","11" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","600","600","198" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","603","603","209" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","605","605","373" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","606","606","71" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","610","610","540" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","613","613","165" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","615","615","179" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","617","617","400" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","618","618","436" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","620","620","457" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","624","624","101" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","625","625","406" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","626","626","390" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","627","627","400" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","628","628","448" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","629","629","356" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","630","630","324" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","631","631","461" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","632","632","220" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","633","633","374" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","634","634","354" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","635","635","316" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","636","636","329" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","638","638","354" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","639","639","362" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","640","640","403" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","641","641","157" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","642","642","177" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","643","643","386" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","644","644","410" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","645","645","481" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","646","646","200" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","647","647","266" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","648","648","335" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","649","649","346" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","650","650","403" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","651","651","277" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","652","652","364" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","653","653","343" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","654","654","281" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","655","655","384" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","656","656","190" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","658","658","340" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","659","659","408" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","660","660","424" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","662","662","412" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","663","663","287" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","664","664","408" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","667","667","328" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","668","668","386" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","669","669","354" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","670","670","427" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","672","672","342" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","673","673","436" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","674","674","346" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","675","675","257" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","677","677","381" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","678","678","299" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","679","679","276" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","680","680","325" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","681","681","332" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","682","682","362" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","683","683","357" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","685","685","104" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","686","686","300" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","687","687","377" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","688","688","332" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","689","689","420" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","690","690","394" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","691","691","390" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","692","692","422" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","693","693","238" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","694","694","161" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","695","695","430" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","696","696","459" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","697","697","518" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","698","698","353" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","699","699","345" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","700","700","66" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","710","710","188" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","720","720","306" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","900","900","356" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","903","903","392" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","905","905","413" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","910","910","381" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","912","912","333" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","913","913","431" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","914","914","406" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","917","917","275" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","920","920","316" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","925","925","345" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","930","930","368" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","935","935","375" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","940","940","339" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","947","947","320" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","950","950","387" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","951","951","331" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","953","953","181" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","957","957","76" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","958","958","69" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","959","959","17" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","960","960","448" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","961","961","76" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","962","962","293" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","963","963","307" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","964","964","405" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","965","965","355" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","966","966","248" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","967","967","231" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","968","968","341" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","969","969","218" "Court of Appeals, Division 2, District 3 - Judge Position 1","Rich Melnick","985","985","321" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","Total","-1","53026" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","Total","-1","40447" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","100","100","315" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","100","100","189" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","102","102","226" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","102","102","141" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","104","104","334" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","104","104","148" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","106","106","268" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","106","106","160" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","108","108","267" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","108","108","167" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","110","110","322" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","110","110","185" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","112","112","24" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","112","112","17" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","113","113","135" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","113","113","112" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","120","120","335" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","120","120","217" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","130","130","310" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","130","130","178" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","147","147","241" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","147","147","148" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","150","150","178" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","150","150","118" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","153","153","188" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","153","153","127" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","160","160","183" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","160","160","180" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","170","170","207" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","170","170","163" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","175","175","174" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","175","175","153" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","180","180","204" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","180","180","157" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","190","190","280" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","190","190","215" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","200","200","289" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","200","200","200" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","220","220","212" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","220","220","138" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","225","225","411" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","225","225","235" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","240","240","345" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","240","240","225" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","245","245","321" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","245","245","191" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","250","250","329" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","250","250","208" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","255","255","272" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","255","255","187" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","257","257","291" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","257","257","194" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","290","290","271" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","290","290","181" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","294","294","163" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","294","294","129" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","296","296","180" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","296","296","139" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","298","298","172" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","298","298","113" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","325","325","210" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","325","325","151" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","327","327","295" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","327","327","206" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","330","330","269" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","330","330","203" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","335","335","211" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","335","335","149" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","337","337","249" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","337","337","183" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","338","338","221" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","338","338","209" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","340","340","265" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","340","340","187" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","350","350","219" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","350","350","169" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","360","360","260" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","360","360","211" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","370","370","183" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","370","370","167" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","390","390","316" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","390","390","216" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","395","395","81" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","395","395","59" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","400","400","184" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","400","400","83" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","410","410","293" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","410","410","232" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","415","415","205" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","415","415","138" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","420","420","261" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","420","420","196" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","423","423","196" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","423","423","147" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","424","424","299" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","424","424","228" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","425","425","195" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","425","425","147" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","426","426","349" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","426","426","248" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","430","430","186" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","430","430","131" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","432","432","182" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","432","432","154" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","434","434","200" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","434","434","117" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","435","435","193" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","435","435","145" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","436","436","140" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","436","436","123" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","440","440","249" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","440","440","199" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","441","441","251" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","441","441","208" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","444","444","360" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","444","444","231" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","445","445","344" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","445","445","226" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","446","446","251" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","446","446","177" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","447","447","332" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","447","447","247" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","448","448","336" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","448","448","229" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","449","449","384" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","449","449","237" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","450","450","344" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","450","450","219" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","451","451","285" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","451","451","172" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","452","452","253" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","452","452","168" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","453","453","264" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","453","453","165" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","455","455","186" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","455","455","159" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","456","456","391" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","456","456","237" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","460","460","388" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","460","460","259" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","470","470","347" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","470","470","251" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","480","480","359" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","480","480","263" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","483","483","393" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","483","483","249" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","485","485","189" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","485","485","153" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","487","487","127" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","487","487","95" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","490","490","186" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","490","490","152" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","491","491","28" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","491","491","8" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","500","500","291" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","500","500","216" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","502","502","210" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","502","502","194" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","503","503","191" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","503","503","164" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","505","505","299" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","505","505","235" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","510","510","144" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","510","510","153" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","511","511","18" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","511","511","9" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","515","515","311" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","515","515","217" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","520","520","125" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","520","520","139" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","521","521","3" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","521","521","6" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","522","522","93" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","522","522","73" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","523","523","5" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","523","523","2" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","524","524","23" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","524","524","22" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","525","525","146" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","525","525","161" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","527","527","201" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","527","527","195" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","528","528","230" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","528","528","209" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","530","530","124" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","530","530","84" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","535","535","303" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","535","535","284" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","536","536","147" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","536","536","128" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","537","537","94" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","537","537","81" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","538","538","110" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","538","538","111" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","540","540","255" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","540","540","240" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","543","543","253" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","543","543","206" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","545","545","179" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","545","545","151" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","550","550","294" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","550","550","234" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","553","553","248" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","553","553","159" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","555","555","323" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","555","555","216" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","560","560","291" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","560","560","162" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","563","563","280" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","563","563","234" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","565","565","223" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","565","565","155" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","566","566","139" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","566","566","163" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","570","570","244" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","570","570","206" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","571","571","238" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","571","571","186" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","572","572","333" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","572","572","250" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","573","573","280" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","573","573","294" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","574","574","17" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","574","574","5" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","575(*)","575","0" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","575(*)","575","0" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","576(*)","576","0" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","576(*)","576","0" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","577","577","337" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","577","577","253" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","578","578","24" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","578","578","22" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","579","579","13" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","579","579","2" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","580","580","168" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","580","580","131" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","581","581","99" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","581","581","131" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","582","582","186" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","582","582","178" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","583","583","183" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","583","583","179" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","584","584","229" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","584","584","182" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","585","585","292" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","585","585","252" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","586","586","243" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","586","586","162" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","587","587","217" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","587","587","175" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","588","588","143" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","588","588","123" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","590","590","316" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","590","590","266" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","591","591","306" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","591","591","302" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","592","592","314" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","592","592","255" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","593","593","261" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","593","593","227" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","594","594","11" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","594","594","7" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","595","595","124" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","595","595","145" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","596(*)","596","0" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","596(*)","596","0" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","597","597","37" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","597","597","19" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","598","598","9" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","598","598","5" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","600","600","119" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","600","600","115" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","603","603","139" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","603","603","142" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","605","605","209" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","605","605","214" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","606","606","42" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","606","606","46" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","610","610","350" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","610","610","274" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","613","613","131" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","613","613","96" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","615","615","129" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","615","615","81" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","617","617","236" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","617","617","210" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","618","618","267" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","618","618","228" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","620","620","277" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","620","620","234" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","624","624","56" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","624","624","52" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","625","625","257" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","625","625","219" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","626","626","236" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","626","626","202" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","627","627","219" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","627","627","225" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","628","628","287" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","628","628","208" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","629","629","224" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","629","629","196" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","630","630","194" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","630","630","169" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","631","631","295" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","631","631","219" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","632","632","126" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","632","632","117" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","633","633","212" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","633","633","202" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","634","634","227" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","634","634","164" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","635","635","193" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","635","635","156" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","636","636","186" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","636","636","188" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","638","638","216" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","638","638","190" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","639","639","236" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","639","639","159" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","640","640","243" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","640","640","209" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","641","641","102" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","641","641","80" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","642","642","112" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","642","642","96" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","643","643","233" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","643","643","191" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","644","644","276" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","644","644","193" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","645","645","322" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","645","645","228" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","646","646","112" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","646","646","99" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","647","647","184" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","647","647","135" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","648","648","209" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","648","648","139" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","649","649","224" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","649","649","176" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","650","650","273" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","650","650","194" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","651","651","189" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","651","651","150" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","652","652","224" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","652","652","208" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","653","653","222" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","653","653","171" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","654","654","181" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","654","654","141" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","655","655","222" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","655","655","204" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","656","656","137" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","656","656","102" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","658","658","257" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","658","658","155" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","659","659","260" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","659","659","206" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","660","660","279" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","660","660","191" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","662","662","252" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","662","662","223" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","663","663","173" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","663","663","146" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","664","664","283" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","664","664","193" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","667","667","234" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","667","667","115" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","668","668","305" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","668","668","185" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","669","669","253" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","669","669","157" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","670","670","298" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","670","670","210" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","672","672","225" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","672","672","166" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","673","673","301" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","673","673","202" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","674","674","248" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","674","674","155" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","675","675","190" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","675","675","127" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","677","677","247" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","677","677","199" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","678","678","207" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","678","678","145" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","679","679","176" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","679","679","127" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","680","680","221" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","680","680","155" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","681","681","184" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","681","681","190" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","682","682","226" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","682","682","176" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","683","683","227" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","683","683","174" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","685","685","57" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","685","685","73" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","686","686","201" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","686","686","134" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","687","687","214" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","687","687","216" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","688","688","209" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","688","688","162" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","689","689","249" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","689","689","232" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","690","690","288" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","690","690","187" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","691","691","228" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","691","691","204" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","692","692","259" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","692","692","236" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","693","693","137" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","693","693","131" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","694","694","85" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","694","694","84" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","695","695","259" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","695","695","230" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","696","696","315" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","696","696","230" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","697","697","306" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","697","697","270" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","698","698","250" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","698","698","182" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","699","699","235" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","699","699","175" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","700","700","42" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","700","700","36" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","710","710","111" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","710","710","95" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","720","720","188" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","720","720","169" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","900","900","236" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","900","900","179" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","903","903","271" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","903","903","191" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","905","905","249" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","905","905","226" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","910","910","226" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","910","910","201" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","912","912","217" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","912","912","167" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","913","913","271" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","913","913","237" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","914","914","280" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","914","914","177" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","917","917","153" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","917","917","143" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","920","920","209" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","920","920","171" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","925","925","223" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","925","925","166" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","930","930","250" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","930","930","196" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","935","935","249" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","935","935","223" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","940","940","215" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","940","940","211" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","947","947","219" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","947","947","150" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","950","950","252" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","950","950","188" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","951","951","234" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","951","951","167" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","953","953","120" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","953","953","78" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","957","957","49" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","957","957","48" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","958","958","40" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","958","958","34" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","959","959","18" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","959","959","3" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","960","960","291" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","960","960","218" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","961","961","51" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","961","961","34" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","962","962","200" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","962","962","141" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","963","963","205" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","963","963","148" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","964","964","303" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","964","964","165" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","965","965","250" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","965","965","191" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","966","966","173" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","966","966","115" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","967","967","165" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","967","967","127" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","968","968","229" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","968","968","171" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","969","969","137" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","969","969","120" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Bernard F. Veljacic","985","985","225" "Clark Superior Court - Judge Position 5","Robert Vukanovich","985","985","157" "Legislative District 14 - State Representative Pos. 1","Norm Johnson","Total","-1","675" "Legislative District 14 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael S. Brumback","Total","-1","555" "Legislative District 14 - State Representative Pos. 1","Norm Johnson","606","606","56" "Legislative District 14 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael S. Brumback","606","606","62" "Legislative District 14 - State Representative Pos. 1","Norm Johnson","930","930","336" "Legislative District 14 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael S. Brumback","930","930","241" "Legislative District 14 - State Representative Pos. 1","Norm Johnson","940","940","283" "Legislative District 14 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael S. Brumback","940","940","252" "Legislative District 14 - State Representative Pos. 2","Gina R. McCabe","Total","-1","837" "Legislative District 14 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul George","Total","-1","412" "Legislative District 14 - State Representative Pos. 2","Gina R. McCabe","606","606","89" "Legislative District 14 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul George","606","606","29" "Legislative District 14 - State Representative Pos. 2","Gina R. McCabe","930","930","397" "Legislative District 14 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul George","930","930","197" "Legislative District 14 - State Representative Pos. 2","Gina R. McCabe","940","940","351" "Legislative District 14 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul George","940","940","186" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","Total","-1","18920" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","Total","-1","17747" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","434","434","236" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","434","434","203" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","436","436","167" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","436","436","169" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","441","441","302" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","441","441","287" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","483","483","439" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","483","483","408" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","487","487","171" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","487","487","125" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","543","543","405" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","543","543","222" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","550","550","435" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","550","550","324" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","553","553","298" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","553","553","267" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","555","555","377" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","555","555","337" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","560","560","343" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","560","560","273" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","563","563","347" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","563","563","291" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","570","570","348" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","570","570","259" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","571","571","310" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","571","571","257" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","572","572","437" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","572","572","309" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","573","573","445" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","573","573","298" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","574","574","14" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","574","574","16" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","575","575","128" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","575","575","54" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","576","576","5" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","576","576","2" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","577","577","553" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","577","577","244" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","578","578","35" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","578","578","25" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","579","579","9" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","579","579","15" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","615","615","180" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","615","615","108" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","617","617","370" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","617","617","235" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","624","624","82" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","624","624","53" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","626","626","289" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","626","626","251" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","627","627","294" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","627","627","270" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","628","628","303" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","628","628","291" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","629","629","276" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","629","629","249" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","630","630","217" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","630","630","237" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","632","632","155" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","632","632","162" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","633","633","234" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","633","633","274" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","634","634","264" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","634","634","244" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","635","635","223" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","635","635","213" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","636","636","262" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","636","636","220" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","638","638","251" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","638","638","245" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","640","640","278" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","640","640","282" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","641","641","121" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","641","641","120" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","643","643","256" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","643","643","268" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","646","646","141" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","646","646","141" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","649","649","258" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","649","649","240" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","652","652","231" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","652","652","295" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","653","653","205" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","653","653","268" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","654","654","208" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","654","654","193" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","655","655","220" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","655","655","286" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","656","656","145" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","656","656","172" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","658","658","253" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","658","658","278" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","659","659","276" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","659","659","313" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","662","662","297" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","662","662","321" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","664","664","272" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","664","664","324" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","667","667","234" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","667","667","230" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","668","668","311" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","668","668","327" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","669","669","349" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","669","669","228" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","672","672","233" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","672","672","255" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","674","674","225" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","674","674","298" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","677","677","293" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","677","677","327" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","678","678","211" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","678","678","248" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","679","679","162" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","679","679","227" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","680","680","238" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","680","680","271" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","681","681","236" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","681","681","232" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","682","682","226" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","682","682","293" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","683","683","244" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","683","683","306" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","685","685","78" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","685","685","82" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","686","686","202" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","686","686","233" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","687","687","272" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","687","687","251" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","688","688","231" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","688","688","268" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","689","689","305" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","689","689","298" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","691","691","282" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","691","691","285" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","692","692","329" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","692","692","287" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","693","693","164" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","693","693","169" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","694","694","89" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","694","694","125" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","695","695","309" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","695","695","321" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","697","697","366" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","697","697","371" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","698","698","330" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","698","698","254" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","699","699","282" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","699","699","266" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","710","710","116" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","710","710","137" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Lynda Wilson","720","720","238" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 1","Monica Stonier","720","720","220" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","Total","-1","22212" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","Total","-1","13840" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","434","434","264" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","434","434","170" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","436","436","192" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","436","436","137" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","441","441","346" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","441","441","228" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","483","483","521" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","483","483","305" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","487","487","189" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","487","487","101" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","543","543","446" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","543","543","170" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","550","550","484" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","550","550","260" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","553","553","350" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","553","553","213" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","555","555","432" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","555","555","272" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","560","560","405" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","560","560","203" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","563","563","404" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","563","563","225" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","570","570","397" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","570","570","196" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","571","571","357" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","571","571","190" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","572","572","495" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","572","572","238" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","573","573","481" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","573","573","249" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","574","574","16" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","574","574","14" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","575","575","134" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","575","575","43" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","576","576","5" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","576","576","3" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","577","577","584" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","577","577","202" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","578","578","37" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","578","578","22" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","579","579","11" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","579","579","13" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","615","615","205" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","615","615","80" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","617","617","411" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","617","617","183" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","624","624","95" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","624","624","40" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","626","626","333" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","626","626","199" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","627","627","345" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","627","627","208" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","628","628","347" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","628","628","237" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","629","629","327" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","629","629","185" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","630","630","263" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","630","630","185" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","632","632","176" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","632","632","134" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","633","633","272" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","633","633","230" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","634","634","308" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","634","634","198" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","635","635","255" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","635","635","175" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","636","636","302" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","636","636","171" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","638","638","288" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","638","638","200" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","640","640","321" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","640","640","240" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","641","641","136" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","641","641","99" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","643","643","311" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","643","643","201" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","646","646","170" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","646","646","106" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","649","649","309" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","649","649","181" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","652","652","265" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","652","652","249" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","653","653","242" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","653","653","226" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","654","654","244" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","654","654","153" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","655","655","284" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","655","655","222" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","656","656","191" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","656","656","118" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","658","658","317" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","658","658","209" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","659","659","360" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","659","659","220" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","662","662","366" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","662","662","245" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","664","664","335" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","664","664","241" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","667","667","270" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","667","667","179" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","668","668","370" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","668","668","260" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","669","669","401" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","669","669","170" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","672","672","265" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","672","672","217" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","674","674","290" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","674","674","225" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","677","677","374" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","677","677","233" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","678","678","263" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","678","678","189" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","679","679","215" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","679","679","171" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","680","680","302" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","680","680","199" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","681","681","257" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","681","681","203" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","682","682","277" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","682","682","231" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","683","683","309" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","683","683","230" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","685","685","92" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","685","685","66" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","686","686","250" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","686","686","179" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","687","687","307" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","687","687","207" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","688","688","277" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","688","688","215" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","689","689","371" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","689","689","228" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","691","691","338" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","691","691","211" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","692","692","389" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","692","692","222" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","693","693","191" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","693","693","131" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","694","694","102" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","694","694","108" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","695","695","371" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","695","695","246" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","697","697","427" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","697","697","303" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","698","698","407" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","698","698","163" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","699","699","346" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","699","699","189" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","710","710","127" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","710","710","125" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Paul Harris","720","720","296" "Legislative District 17 - State Representative Pos. 2","Richard McCluskey","720","720","151" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","Total","-1","16521" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","Total","-1","28221" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","440","440","272" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","440","440","337" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","444","444","365" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","444","444","395" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","445","445","283" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","445","445","443" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","446","446","187" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","446","446","372" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","447","447","285" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","447","447","468" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","448","448","297" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","448","448","433" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","449","449","333" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","449","449","445" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","450","450","303" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","450","450","421" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","451","451","268" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","451","451","310" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","452","452","236" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","452","452","309" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","455","455","163" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","455","455","265" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","456","456","337" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","456","456","469" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","480","480","320" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","480","480","495" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","485","485","141" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","485","485","318" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","490","490","167" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","490","490","306" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","491","491","15" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","491","491","38" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","500","500","233" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","500","500","437" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","502","502","214" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","502","502","322" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","503","503","145" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","503","503","311" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","505","505","237" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","505","505","481" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","515","515","238" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","515","515","456" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","521","521","7" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","521","521","7" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","522","522","80" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","522","522","145" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","523","523","2" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","523","523","19" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","524","524","27" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","524","524","49" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","527","527","157" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","527","527","360" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","538","538","66" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","538","538","247" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","540","540","205" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","540","540","501" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","545","545","140" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","545","545","293" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","580","580","139" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","580","580","273" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","581","581","94" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","581","581","193" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","582","582","132" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","582","582","324" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","583","583","137" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","583","583","339" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","584","584","159" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","584","584","366" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","585","585","219" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","585","585","484" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","586","586","161" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","586","586","321" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","587","587","149" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","587","587","330" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","588","588","117" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","588","588","221" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","590","590","255" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","590","590","530" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","591","591","262" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","591","591","568" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","592","592","270" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","592","592","489" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","593","593","202" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","593","593","457" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","594","594","6" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","594","594","14" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","595(*)","595","0" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","595(*)","595","0" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","596(*)","596","0" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","596(*)","596","0" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","597","597","11" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","597","597","65" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","598","598","6" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","598","598","14" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","600","600","84" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","600","600","228" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","603","603","86" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","603","603","313" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","605","605","131" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","605","605","465" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","610","610","261" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","610","610","564" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","613","613","75" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","613","613","223" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","618","618","218" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","618","618","457" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","620","620","219" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","620","620","473" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","625","625","204" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","625","625","434" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","631","631","329" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","631","631","315" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","644","644","294" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","644","644","337" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","645","645","325" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","645","645","390" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","647","647","149" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","647","647","269" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","648","648","223" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","648","648","259" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","690","690","290" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","690","690","333" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","696","696","296" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","696","696","391" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","700","700","34" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","700","700","70" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","900","900","222" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","900","900","334" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","903","903","265" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","903","903","307" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","905","905","227" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","905","905","390" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","910","910","235" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","910","910","303" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","912","912","222" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","912","912","264" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","913","913","253" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","913","913","429" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","914","914","206" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","914","914","383" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","917","917","142" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","917","917","243" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","920","920","191" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","920","920","313" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","925","925","174" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","925","925","341" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","935","935","210" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","935","935","395" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","947","947","178" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","947","947","309" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","950","950","249" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","950","950","290" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","951","951","289" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","951","951","231" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","953","953","135" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","953","953","121" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","957","957","31" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","957","957","99" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","958","958","37" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","958","958","64" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","959","959","10" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","959","959","23" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","960","960","263" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","960","960","435" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","961","961","40" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","961","961","66" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","962","962","143" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","962","962","326" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","963","963","204" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","963","963","246" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","964","964","219" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","964","964","400" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","965","965","210" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","965","965","387" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","966","966","100" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","966","966","306" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","967","967","141" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","967","967","230" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","968","968","203" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","968","968","294" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","969","969","158" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","969","969","191" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Mike Briggs","985","985","218" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 1","Brandon Vick","985","985","262" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","Total","-1","26619" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","Total","-1","18342" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","440","440","307" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","440","440","302" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","444","444","368" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","444","444","395" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","445","445","377" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","445","445","344" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","446","446","351" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","446","446","210" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","447","447","421" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","447","447","324" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","448","448","398" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","448","448","335" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","449","449","403" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","449","449","380" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","450","450","381" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","450","450","341" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","451","451","294" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","451","451","284" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","452","452","265" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","452","452","285" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","455","455","254" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","455","455","174" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","456","456","433" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","456","456","377" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","480","480","468" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","480","480","354" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","485","485","315" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","485","485","144" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","490","490","298" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","490","490","177" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","491","491","32" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","491","491","19" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","500","500","396" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","500","500","271" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","502","502","313" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","502","502","225" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","503","503","288" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","503","503","171" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","505","505","458" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","505","505","270" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","515","515","433" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","515","515","262" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","521","521","7" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","521","521","7" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","522","522","139" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","522","522","86" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","523","523","19" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","523","523","2" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","524","524","52" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","524","524","26" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","527","527","354" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","527","527","168" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","538","538","234" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","538","538","77" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","540","540","492" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","540","540","214" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","545","545","286" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","545","545","147" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","580","580","271" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","580","580","146" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","581","581","196" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","581","581","95" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","582","582","322" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","582","582","138" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","583","583","343" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","583","583","139" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","584","584","364" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","584","584","159" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","585","585","479" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","585","585","228" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","586","586","300" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","586","586","178" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","587","587","327" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","587","587","155" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","588","588","217" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","588","588","122" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","590","590","529" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","590","590","266" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","591","591","556" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","591","591","283" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","592","592","476" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","592","592","291" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","593","593","454" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","593","593","206" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","594","594","15" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","594","594","6" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","595(*)","595","0" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","595(*)","595","0" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","596(*)","596","0" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","596(*)","596","0" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","597","597","61" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","597","597","15" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","598","598","15" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","598","598","5" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","600","600","235" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","600","600","79" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","603","603","314" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","603","603","84" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","605","605","465" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","605","605","133" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","610","610","540" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","610","610","286" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","613","613","215" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","613","613","82" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","618","618","444" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","618","618","235" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","620","620","467" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","620","620","225" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","625","625","438" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","625","625","201" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","631","631","291" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","631","631","353" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","644","644","311" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","644","644","323" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","645","645","371" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","645","645","346" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","647","647","234" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","647","647","187" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","648","648","244" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","648","648","246" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","690","690","301" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","690","690","339" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","696","696","375" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","696","696","317" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","700","700","63" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","700","700","42" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","900","900","319" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","900","900","238" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","903","903","300" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","903","903","279" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","905","905","362" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","905","905","253" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","910","910","309" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","910","910","232" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","912","912","247" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","912","912","245" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","913","913","398" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","913","913","294" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","914","914","365" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","914","914","231" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","917","917","227" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","917","917","169" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","920","920","286" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","920","920","221" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","925","925","306" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","925","925","205" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","935","935","369" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","935","935","239" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","947","947","280" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","947","947","214" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","950","950","276" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","950","950","269" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","951","951","204" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","951","951","326" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","953","953","106" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","953","953","151" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","957","957","92" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","957","957","39" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","958","958","53" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","958","958","49" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","959","959","23" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","959","959","10" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","960","960","390" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","960","960","311" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","961","961","61" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","961","961","45" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","962","962","297" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","962","962","180" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","963","963","225" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","963","963","226" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","964","964","345" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","964","964","281" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","965","965","333" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","965","965","267" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","966","966","269" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","966","966","129" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","967","967","202" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","967","967","167" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","968","968","233" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","968","968","269" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","969","969","170" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","969","969","182" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Liz Pike","985","985","237" "Legislative District 18 - State Representative Pos. 2","Maureen Winningham","985","985","244" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 1","Richard DeBolt","Total","-1","2097" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Savoca","Total","-1","1215" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 1","Richard DeBolt","510","510","271" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Savoca","510","510","125" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 1","Richard DeBolt","511","511","19" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Savoca","511","511","12" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 1","Richard DeBolt","520","520","201" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Savoca","520","520","132" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 1","Richard DeBolt","525","525","230" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Savoca","525","525","158" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 1","Richard DeBolt","528","528","365" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Savoca","528","528","207" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 1","Richard DeBolt","530","530","169" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Savoca","530","530","98" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 1","Richard DeBolt","535","535","494" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Savoca","535","535","254" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 1","Richard DeBolt","536","536","218" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Savoca","536","536","132" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 1","Richard DeBolt","537","537","130" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 1","Michael Savoca","537","537","97" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 2","Ed Orcutt","Total","-1","2386" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 2","John Morgan","Total","-1","722" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 2","Ed Orcutt","510","510","293" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 2","John Morgan","510","510","87" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 2","Ed Orcutt","511","511","21" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 2","John Morgan","511","511","9" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 2","Ed Orcutt","520","520","237" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 2","John Morgan","520","520","71" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 2","Ed Orcutt","525","525","279" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 2","John Morgan","525","525","80" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 2","Ed Orcutt","528","528","392" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 2","John Morgan","528","528","130" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 2","Ed Orcutt","530","530","177" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 2","John Morgan","530","530","71" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 2","Ed Orcutt","535","535","580" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 2","John Morgan","535","535","135" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 2","Ed Orcutt","536","536","252" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 2","John Morgan","536","536","78" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 2","Ed Orcutt","537","537","155" "Legislative District 20 - State Representative Pos. 2","John Morgan","537","537","61" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","Total","-1","19610" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","Total","-1","15288" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","100","100","488" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","100","100","187" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","102","102","297" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","102","102","179" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","104","104","399" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","104","104","235" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","106","106","365" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","106","106","176" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","108","108","417" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","108","108","172" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","110","110","469" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","110","110","205" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","112","112","33" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","112","112","25" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","113","113","172" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","113","113","128" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","120","120","476" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","120","120","222" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","130","130","442" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","130","130","191" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","147","147","258" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","147","147","230" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","150","150","229" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","150","150","132" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","153","153","203" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","153","153","190" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","160","160","276" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","160","160","167" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","170","170","329" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","170","170","156" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","175","175","226" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","175","175","172" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","180","180","282" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","180","180","169" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","190","190","397" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","190","190","263" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","200","200","411" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","200","200","198" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","220","220","258" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","220","220","167" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","225","225","483" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","225","225","311" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","240","240","379" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","240","240","364" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","245","245","341" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","245","245","300" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","250","250","420" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","250","250","264" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","255","255","306" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","255","255","256" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","257","257","343" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","257","257","234" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","290","290","315" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","290","290","256" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","294","294","186" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","294","294","192" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","296","296","220" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","296","296","189" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","298","298","185" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","298","298","178" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","325","325","220" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","325","325","222" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","327","327","280" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","327","327","347" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","330","330","298" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","330","330","283" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","335","335","232" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","335","335","225" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","337","337","276" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","337","337","255" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","338","338","253" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","338","338","311" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","340","340","300" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","340","340","275" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","350","350","264" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","350","350","218" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","360","360","317" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","360","360","293" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","370","370","229" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","370","370","197" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","390","390","374" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","390","390","304" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","395","395","117" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","395","395","72" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","400","400","199" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","400","400","137" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","410","410","399" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","410","410","305" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","415","415","239" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","415","415","198" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","420","420","316" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","420","420","260" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","423","423","222" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","423","423","216" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","424","424","345" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","424","424","307" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","425","425","223" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","425","425","222" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","426","426","389" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","426","426","371" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","430","430","210" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","430","430","202" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","432","432","217" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","432","432","220" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","435","435","190" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","435","435","239" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","453","453","304" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","453","453","251" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","460","460","420" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","460","460","379" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","470","470","453" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","470","470","315" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","565","565","216" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","565","565","262" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","566","566","173" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","566","566","223" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","639","639","253" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","639","639","246" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","642","642","106" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","642","642","156" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","650","650","327" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","650","650","233" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","651","651","204" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","651","651","207" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","660","660","313" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","660","660","263" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","663","663","216" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","663","663","183" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","670","670","364" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","670","670","268" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","673","673","348" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","673","673","305" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Sharon Wylie","675","675","199" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 1","Anson Service","675","675","210" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","Total","-1","19239" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","Total","-1","15694" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","100","100","488" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","100","100","181" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","102","102","277" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","102","102","204" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","104","104","389" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","104","104","241" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","106","106","351" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","106","106","185" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","108","108","403" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","108","108","192" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","110","110","478" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","110","110","194" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","112","112","33" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","112","112","24" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","113","113","165" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","113","113","134" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","120","120","465" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","120","120","234" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","130","130","442" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","130","130","192" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","147","147","251" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","147","147","238" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","150","150","228" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","150","150","137" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","153","153","200" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","153","153","197" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","160","160","276" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","160","160","166" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","170","170","332" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","170","170","155" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","175","175","223" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","175","175","173" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","180","180","263" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","180","180","190" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","190","190","387" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","190","190","277" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","200","200","410" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","200","200","197" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","220","220","256" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","220","220","175" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","225","225","472" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","225","225","330" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","240","240","367" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","240","240","377" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","245","245","340" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","245","245","305" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","250","250","405" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","250","250","276" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","255","255","312" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","255","255","254" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","257","257","322" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","257","257","259" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","290","290","292" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","290","290","277" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","294","294","177" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","294","294","200" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","296","296","216" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","296","296","192" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","298","298","180" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","298","298","185" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","325","325","220" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","325","325","221" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","327","327","273" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","327","327","356" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","330","330","283" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","330","330","301" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","335","335","228" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","335","335","226" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","337","337","277" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","337","337","253" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","338","338","246" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","338","338","317" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","340","340","315" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","340","340","262" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","350","350","240" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","350","350","246" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","360","360","316" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","360","360","293" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","370","370","234" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","370","370","196" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","390","390","360" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","390","390","308" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","395","395","123" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","395","395","68" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","400","400","201" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","400","400","136" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","410","410","398" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","410","410","310" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","415","415","234" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","415","415","206" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","420","420","301" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","420","420","279" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","423","423","223" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","423","423","211" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","424","424","331" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","424","424","321" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","425","425","205" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","425","425","239" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","426","426","387" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","426","426","368" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","430","430","206" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","430","430","205" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","432","432","226" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","432","432","215" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","435","435","200" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","435","435","231" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","453","453","278" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","453","453","272" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","460","460","414" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","460","460","395" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","470","470","443" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","470","470","333" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","565","565","211" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","565","565","270" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","566","566","172" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","566","566","224" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","639","639","253" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","639","639","245" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","642","642","106" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","642","642","160" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","650","650","317" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","650","650","234" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","651","651","197" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","651","651","211" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","660","660","318" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","660","660","254" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","663","663","211" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","663","663","184" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","670","670","344" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","670","670","285" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","673","673","344" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","673","673","310" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Jim Moeller","675","675","204" "Legislative District 49 - State Representative Pos. 2","Lisa Ross","675","675","208" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","Total","-1","69260" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","Total","-1","44261" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","100","100","279" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","100","100","316" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","102","102","262" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","102","102","184" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","104","104","319" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","104","104","247" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","106","106","255" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","106","106","242" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","108","108","281" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","108","108","257" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","110","110","261" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","110","110","327" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","112","112","31" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","112","112","23" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","113","113","142" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","113","113","148" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","120","120","288" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","120","120","348" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","130","130","275" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","130","130","300" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","147","147","258" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","147","147","199" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","150","150","154" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","150","150","169" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","153","153","216" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","153","153","162" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","160","160","194" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","160","160","229" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","170","170","194" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","170","170","232" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","175","175","191" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","175","175","181" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","180","180","188" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","180","180","226" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","190","190","327" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","190","190","272" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","200","200","254" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","200","200","305" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","220","220","189" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","220","220","219" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","225","225","464" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","225","225","281" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","240","240","462" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","240","240","236" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","245","245","417" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","245","245","190" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","250","250","352" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","250","250","273" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","255","255","301" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","255","255","224" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","257","257","270" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","257","257","267" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","290","290","331" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","290","290","201" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","294","294","221" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","294","294","137" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","296","296","208" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","296","296","179" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","298","298","204" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","298","298","131" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","325","325","247" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","325","325","169" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","327","327","380" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","327","327","210" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","330","330","314" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","330","330","240" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","335","335","225" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","335","335","195" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","337","337","270" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. 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Wertz","540","540","210" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","543","543","409" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","543","543","187" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","545","545","280" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","545","545","143" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","550","550","466" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","550","550","237" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","553","553","351" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","553","553","163" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","555","555","431" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","555","555","245" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","560","560","405" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","560","560","161" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","563","563","378" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","563","563","219" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","565","565","282" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","565","565","178" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","566","566","219" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","566","566","147" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","570","570","363" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","570","570","205" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","571","571","354" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","571","571","164" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","572","572","491" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","572","572","214" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","573","573","478" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. Wertz","573","573","220" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Peter Van Nortwick","574","574","13" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR","Darren S. 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Weber","581","581","190" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","581","581","90" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","582","582","321" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","582","582","125" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","583","583","311" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","583","583","154" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","584","584","350" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","584","584","151" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","585","585","462" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","585","585","211" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","586","586","303" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","586","586","170" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","587","587","330" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","587","587","149" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. 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Weber","625","625","418" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","625","625","194" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","626","626","308" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","626","626","212" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","627","627","321" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","627","627","219" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","628","628","317" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","628","628","256" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","629","629","301" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","629","629","201" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","630","630","238" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","630","630","204" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","631","631","323" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","631","631","304" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","632","632","176" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","632","632","125" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","633","633","254" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","633","633","242" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","634","634","269" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","634","634","215" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","635","635","240" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","635","635","179" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","636","636","281" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","636","636","185" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","638","638","272" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","638","638","207" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","639","639","270" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","639","639","215" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","640","640","298" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","640","640","250" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","641","641","124" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","641","641","103" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","642","642","168" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","642","642","86" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","643","643","277" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","643","643","229" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","644","644","326" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","644","644","277" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","645","645","381" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","645","645","297" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","646","646","160" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","646","646","110" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","647","647","234" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","647","647","166" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","648","648","255" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","648","648","216" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","649","649","289" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","649","649","187" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","650","650","260" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","650","650","267" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","651","651","224" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","651","651","179" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","652","652","240" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","652","652","263" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","653","653","227" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","653","653","231" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","654","654","228" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","654","654","150" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","655","655","251" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","655","655","244" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","656","656","176" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","656","656","122" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","658","658","290" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","658","658","226" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","659","659","313" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","659","659","249" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","660","660","285" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","660","660","283" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","662","662","353" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","662","662","235" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","663","663","191" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","663","663","198" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","664","664","312" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","664","664","253" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","667","667","261" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","667","667","181" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","668","668","329" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","668","668","276" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","669","669","370" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","669","669","176" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","670","670","291" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","670","670","320" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","672","672","250" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","672","672","221" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","673","673","328" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","673","673","296" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","674","674","254" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","674","674","243" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","675","675","224" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","675","675","179" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","677","677","332" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","677","677","253" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","678","678","233" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","678","678","201" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","679","679","189" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","679","679","187" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","680","680","267" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","680","680","212" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","681","681","232" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","681","681","218" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","682","682","250" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","682","682","238" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","683","683","271" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","683","683","253" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","685","685","85" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","685","685","67" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","686","686","222" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","686","686","192" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","687","687","281" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","687","687","218" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","688","688","244" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","688","688","239" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","689","689","323" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","689","689","252" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","690","690","317" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","690","690","287" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","691","691","316" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","691","691","220" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","692","692","354" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","692","692","241" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","693","693","182" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","693","693","142" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","694","694","88" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","694","694","120" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","695","695","363" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","695","695","246" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. 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Weber","900","900","327" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","900","900","211" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","903","903","302" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","903","903","251" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","905","905","372" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","905","905","230" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","910","910","291" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","910","910","225" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","912","912","247" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","912","912","220" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","913","913","410" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","913","913","240" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","914","914","381" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","914","914","196" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","917","917","215" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","917","917","158" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","920","920","306" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","920","920","176" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","925","925","334" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","925","925","168" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","930","930","378" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","930","930","208" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","935","935","398" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","935","935","197" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","940","940","319" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","940","940","213" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","947","947","289" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","947","947","170" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. 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Weber","961","961","64" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","961","961","37" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","962","962","308" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","962","962","144" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","963","963","233" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","963","963","195" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","964","964","367" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","964","964","230" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","965","965","356" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","965","965","200" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","966","966","284" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","966","966","99" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","967","967","228" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","967","967","124" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","968","968","260" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","968","968","215" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","969","969","195" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","969","969","137" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Scott G. Weber","985","985","230" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK","Deanna Pauli-Hammond","985","985","237" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","Total","-1","59226" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","Total","-1","60131" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","100","100","483" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","100","100","183" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","102","102","295" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","102","102","182" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","104","104","414" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","104","104","211" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","106","106","370" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","106","106","173" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","108","108","414" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","108","108","172" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","110","110","469" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","110","110","194" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","112","112","36" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","112","112","21" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","113","113","182" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","113","113","121" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","120","120","469" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","120","120","225" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","130","130","448" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","130","130","188" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","147","147","268" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","147","147","223" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","150","150","227" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","150","150","131" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","153","153","211" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","153","153","192" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","160","160","276" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","160","160","164" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","170","170","314" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","170","170","162" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","175","175","222" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","175","175","170" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","180","180","266" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","180","180","178" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","190","190","396" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","190","190","257" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","200","200","431" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","200","200","175" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","220","220","252" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","220","220","171" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","225","225","502" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","225","225","296" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","240","240","388" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","240","240","350" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","245","245","343" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","245","245","302" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","250","250","408" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","250","250","272" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","255","255","329" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","255","255","232" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","257","257","322" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","257","257","253" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","290","290","316" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","290","290","247" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","294","294","190" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","294","294","191" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","296","296","218" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","296","296","186" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","298","298","186" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","298","298","174" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","325","325","219" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","325","325","220" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","327","327","293" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","327","327","330" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","330","330","310" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","330","330","276" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","335","335","244" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","335","335","208" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","337","337","298" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","337","337","242" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","338","338","267" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","338","338","292" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","340","340","321" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","340","340","260" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","350","350","257" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","350","350","222" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","360","360","326" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","360","360","288" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","370","370","226" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","370","370","196" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","390","390","364" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","390","390","298" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","395","395","125" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","395","395","62" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","400","400","209" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","400","400","128" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","410","410","403" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","410","410","296" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","415","415","240" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","415","415","199" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","420","420","335" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","420","420","237" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","423","423","254" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","423","423","174" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","424","424","334" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","424","424","311" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","425","425","225" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","425","425","214" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","426","426","407" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","426","426","346" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","430","430","213" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","430","430","195" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","432","432","238" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","432","432","192" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","434","434","226" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","434","434","201" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","435","435","203" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","435","435","221" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","436","436","172" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","436","436","158" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","440","440","340" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","440","440","259" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","441","441","280" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","441","441","295" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","444","444","432" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","444","444","321" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","445","445","369" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","445","445","343" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","446","446","245" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","446","446","312" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","447","447","385" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","447","447","356" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","448","448","407" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","448","448","311" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","449","449","442" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","449","449","335" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","450","450","392" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","450","450","325" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","451","451","315" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","451","451","254" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","452","452","315" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","452","452","221" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","453","453","293" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","453","453","252" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","455","455","222" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","455","455","204" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","456","456","425" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","456","456","381" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","460","460","442" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","460","460","360" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","470","470","471" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","470","470","294" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","480","480","402" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","480","480","419" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","483","483","416" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","483","483","421" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","485","485","179" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","485","485","278" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","487","487","123" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","487","487","167" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","490","490","218" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","490","490","251" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","491","491","23" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","491","491","29" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","500","500","286" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","500","500","368" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","502","502","259" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","502","502","276" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","503","503","171" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","503","503","278" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","505","505","317" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","505","505","395" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","510","510","167" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","510","510","251" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","511","511","14" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","511","511","18" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","515","515","300" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","515","515","384" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","520","520","160" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","520","520","193" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","521","521","8" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","521","521","6" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","522","522","86" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","522","522","139" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","523","523","2" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","523","523","19" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","524","524","27" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","524","524","46" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","525","525","171" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","525","525","235" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","527","527","208" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","527","527","313" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","528","528","199" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","528","528","380" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","530","530","105" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","530","530","165" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","535","535","270" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","535","535","505" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","536","536","145" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","536","536","219" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","537","537","79" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","537","537","157" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","538","538","83" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","538","538","219" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","540","540","252" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","540","540","442" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","543","543","227" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","543","543","391" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","545","545","167" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","545","545","263" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","550","550","325" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","550","550","409" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","553","553","287" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","553","553","262" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","555","555","339" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","555","555","360" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","560","560","278" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","560","560","322" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","563","563","270" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","563","563","352" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","565","565","232" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","565","565","241" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","566","566","177" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","566","566","215" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","570","570","269" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","570","570","319" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","571","571","237" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","571","571","304" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","572","572","315" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","572","572","416" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","573","573","318" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","573","573","418" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","574","574","17" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","574","574","11" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","575","575","52" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","575","575","127" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","576","576","3" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","576","576","4" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","577","577","246" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","577","577","528" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","578","578","23" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","578","578","35" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","579","579","15" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","579","579","8" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","580","580","170" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","580","580","243" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","581","581","101" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","581","581","179" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","582","582","154" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","582","582","299" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","583","583","160" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","583","583","308" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","584","584","205" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","584","584","312" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","585","585","254" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","585","585","436" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","586","586","205" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","586","586","272" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","587","587","174" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","587","587","308" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","588","588","139" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","588","588","186" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","590","590","325" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","590","590","458" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","591","591","327" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","591","591","493" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","592","592","331" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","592","592","426" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","593","593","252" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","593","593","403" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","594","594","6" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","594","594","14" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","595(*)","595","0" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","595(*)","595","0" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","596(*)","596","0" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","596(*)","596","0" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","597","597","25" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","597","597","50" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","598","598","9" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","598","598","10" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","600","600","91" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","600","600","224" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","603","603","106" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","603","603","287" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","605","605","162" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","605","605","424" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","606","606","40" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","606","606","78" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","610","610","341" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","610","610","473" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","613","613","101" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","613","613","196" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","615","615","107" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","615","615","170" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","617","617","220" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","617","617","361" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","618","618","289" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","618","618","378" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","620","620","272" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","620","620","406" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","624","624","51" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","624","624","80" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","625","625","269" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","625","625","361" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","626","626","250" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","626","626","274" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","627","627","245" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","627","627","293" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","628","628","274" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","628","628","306" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","629","629","223" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","629","629","276" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","630","630","209" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","630","630","234" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","631","631","366" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","631","631","276" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","632","632","151" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","632","632","155" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","633","633","262" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","633","633","231" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","634","634","224" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","634","634","269" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","635","635","201" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","635","635","229" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","636","636","221" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","636","636","256" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","638","638","251" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","638","638","232" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","639","639","264" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","639","639","229" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","640","640","269" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","640","640","284" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","641","641","121" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","641","641","111" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","642","642","118" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","642","642","143" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","643","643","244" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","643","643","268" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","644","644","340" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","644","644","284" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","645","645","367" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","645","645","329" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","646","646","125" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","646","646","146" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","647","647","220" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","647","647","196" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","648","648","257" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","648","648","224" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","649","649","219" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","649","649","267" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","650","650","334" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","650","650","215" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","651","651","205" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","651","651","203" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","652","652","267" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","652","652","241" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","653","653","239" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","653","653","221" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","654","654","176" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","654","654","215" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","655","655","262" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","655","655","234" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","656","656","158" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","656","656","146" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","658","658","261" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","658","658","259" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","659","659","274" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","659","659","303" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","660","660","334" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","660","660","250" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","662","662","278" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","662","662","322" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","663","663","224" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","663","663","173" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","664","664","296" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","664","664","283" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","667","667","252" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","667","667","208" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","668","668","351" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","668","668","276" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","669","669","246" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","669","669","315" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","670","670","361" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","670","670","261" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","672","672","251" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","672","672","233" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","673","673","358" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","673","673","290" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","674","674","295" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","674","674","216" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","675","675","221" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","675","675","193" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","677","677","329" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","677","677","282" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","678","678","247" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","678","678","197" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","679","679","205" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","679","679","174" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","680","680","276" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","680","680","222" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","681","681","225" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","681","681","234" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","682","682","261" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","682","682","246" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","683","683","280" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","683","683","257" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","685","685","80" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","685","685","75" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","686","686","225" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","686","686","202" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","687","687","225" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","687","687","285" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","688","688","253" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","688","688","229" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","689","689","259" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","689","689","325" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","690","690","341" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","690","690","277" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","691","691","233" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","691","691","318" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","692","692","262" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","692","692","337" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","693","693","161" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","693","693","163" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","694","694","120" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","694","694","90" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","695","695","307" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","695","695","308" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","696","696","350" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","696","696","333" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","697","697","361" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","697","697","370" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","698","698","232" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","698","698","315" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","699","699","253" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","699","699","272" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","700","700","42" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","700","700","63" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","710","710","138" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","710","710","113" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","720","720","206" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","720","720","238" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","900","900","255" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","900","900","287" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","903","903","284" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","903","903","289" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","905","905","256" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","905","905","353" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","910","910","253" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","910","910","268" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","912","912","269" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","912","912","208" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","913","913","295" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","913","913","368" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","914","914","239" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","914","914","347" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","917","917","197" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","917","917","196" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","920","920","233" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","920","920","263" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","925","925","221" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","925","925","287" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","930","930","272" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","930","930","339" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","935","935","254" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","935","935","349" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","940","940","241" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","940","940","305" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","947","947","227" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","947","947","245" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","950","950","277" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","950","950","263" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","951","951","312" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","951","951","208" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","953","953","144" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","953","953","108" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","957","957","44" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","957","957","79" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","958","958","47" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","958","958","53" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","959","959","10" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","959","959","23" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","960","960","334" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","960","960","344" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","961","961","48" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","961","961","59" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","962","962","172" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","962","962","284" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","963","963","256" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","963","963","187" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","964","964","285" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","964","964","324" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","965","965","282" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","965","965","294" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","966","966","154" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","966","966","246" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","967","967","156" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","967","967","204" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","968","968","280" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","968","968","212" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","969","969","171" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","969","969","172" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Craig Pridemore","985","985","233" "CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jeanne E. Stewart","985","985","246" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","Total","-1","63955" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","Total","-1","53705" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","100","100","509" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","100","100","141" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","102","102","307" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","102","102","152" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","104","104","434" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","104","104","179" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","106","106","387" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","106","106","148" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","108","108","451" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","108","108","134" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","110","110","465" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","110","110","176" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","112","112","35" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","112","112","21" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","113","113","184" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","113","113","108" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","120","120","485" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","120","120","200" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","130","130","455" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","130","130","168" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","147","147","276" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","147","147","208" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","150","150","240" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","150","150","109" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","153","153","243" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","153","153","147" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","160","160","284" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","160","160","151" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","170","170","327" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","170","170","138" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","175","175","235" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","175","175","153" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","180","180","272" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","180","180","167" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","190","190","410" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","190","190","222" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","200","200","419" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","200","200","178" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","220","220","265" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","220","220","149" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","225","225","522" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","225","225","267" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","240","240","419" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","240","240","300" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","245","245","388" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","245","245","241" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","250","250","427" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","250","250","239" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","255","255","345" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","255","255","209" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","257","257","341" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","257","257","230" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","290","290","326" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","290","290","233" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","294","294","194" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","294","294","181" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","296","296","235" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","296","296","166" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","298","298","203" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","298","298","156" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","325","325","232" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","325","325","203" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","327","327","324" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","327","327","294" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","330","330","337" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","330","330","246" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","335","335","258" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","335","335","189" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","337","337","305" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","337","337","219" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","338","338","284" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","338","338","267" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","340","340","345" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","340","340","224" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","350","350","272" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","350","350","202" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","360","360","346" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","360","360","256" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","370","370","237" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","370","370","185" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","390","390","402" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","390","390","254" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","395","395","128" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","395","395","57" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","400","400","218" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","400","400","104" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","410","410","416" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","410","410","272" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","415","415","248" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","415","415","181" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","420","420","328" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","420","420","231" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","423","423","262" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","423","423","168" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","424","424","369" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","424","424","264" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","425","425","240" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","425","425","187" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","426","426","434" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie Townsend","426","426","310" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Tony Golik","430","430","222" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY","Josie 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Lasher","962","962","173" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY TREASURER","Lauren Colas","962","962","277" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY TREASURER","Doug Lasher","963","963","251" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY TREASURER","Lauren Colas","963","963","185" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY TREASURER","Doug Lasher","964","964","281" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY TREASURER","Lauren Colas","964","964","328" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY TREASURER","Doug Lasher","965","965","258" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY TREASURER","Lauren Colas","965","965","309" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY TREASURER","Doug Lasher","966","966","144" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY TREASURER","Lauren Colas","966","966","250" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY TREASURER","Doug Lasher","967","967","158" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY TREASURER","Lauren Colas","967","967","204" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY TREASURER","Doug Lasher","968","968","279" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY TREASURER","Lauren Colas","968","968","207" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY TREASURER","Doug Lasher","969","969","172" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY TREASURER","Lauren Colas","969","969","165" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY TREASURER","Doug Lasher","985","985","250" "CLARK COUNTY COUNTY TREASURER","Lauren Colas","985","985","221" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","Total","-1","79723" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","100","100","419" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","102","102","323" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","104","104","397" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","106","106","344" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","108","108","379" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","110","110","396" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","112","112","36" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","113","113","219" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","120","120","463" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","130","130","391" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","147","147","316" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","150","150","250" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","153","153","281" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","160","160","322" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","170","170","315" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","175","175","292" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","180","180","336" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","190","190","408" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","200","200","419" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","220","220","301" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","225","225","541" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","240","240","459" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","245","245","428" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","250","250","495" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","255","255","419" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","257","257","415" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","290","290","394" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","294","294","256" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","296","296","284" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","298","298","244" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","325","325","304" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","327","327","418" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","330","330","406" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","335","335","318" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","337","337","347" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","338","338","385" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","340","340","400" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","350","350","337" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","360","360","385" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","370","370","291" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","390","390","472" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","395","395","109" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","400","400","230" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","410","410","453" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","415","415","305" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","420","420","389" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","423","423","315" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","424","424","460" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","425","425","300" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","426","426","526" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","430","430","289" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","432","432","295" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","434","434","275" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","435","435","267" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","436","436","240" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","440","440","387" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","441","441","391" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","444","444","485" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","445","445","494" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","446","446","369" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","447","447","473" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","448","448","478" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","449","449","513" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","450","450","469" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","451","451","386" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","452","452","350" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","453","453","367" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","455","455","290" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","456","456","534" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","460","460","581" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","470","470","521" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","480","480","532" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","483","483","545" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","485","485","254" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","487","487","198" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","490","490","274" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","491","491","26" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","500","500","407" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","502","502","346" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","503","503","290" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","505","505","452" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","510","510","260" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","511","511","23" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","515","515","457" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","520","520","212" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","521","521","7" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","522","522","135" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","523","523","5" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","524","524","37" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","525","525","242" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","527","527","317" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","528","528","331" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","530","530","163" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","535","535","489" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","536","536","243" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","537","537","158" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","538","538","194" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","540","540","403" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","543","543","368" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","545","545","287" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","550","550","439" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","553","553","377" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","555","555","474" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","560","560","389" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","563","563","450" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","565","565","325" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","566","566","267" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","570","570","374" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","571","571","383" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","572","572","514" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","573","573","486" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","574","574","16" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","575","575","118" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","576","576","4" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","577","577","504" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","578","578","36" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","579","579","16" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","580","580","263" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","581","581","197" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","582","582","313" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","583","583","306" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","584","584","366" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","585","585","454" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","586","586","342" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","587","587","319" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","588","588","235" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","590","590","511" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","591","591","488" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","592","592","465" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","593","593","397" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","594","594","13" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","595","595","213" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","596","596","0" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","597","597","37" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","598","598","11" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","600","600","207" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","603","603","210" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","605","605","357" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","606","606","67" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","610","610","509" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","613","613","168" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","615","615","173" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","617","617","397" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","618","618","409" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","620","620","434" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","624","624","99" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","625","625","399" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","626","626","387" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","627","627","388" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","628","628","442" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","629","629","358" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","630","630","321" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","631","631","455" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","632","632","212" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","633","633","376" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","634","634","346" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","635","635","315" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","636","636","330" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","638","638","352" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","639","639","354" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","640","640","409" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","641","641","153" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","642","642","180" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","643","643","389" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","644","644","410" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","645","645","479" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","646","646","194" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","647","647","260" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","648","648","329" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","649","649","336" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","650","650","396" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","651","651","274" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","652","652","366" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","653","653","350" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","654","654","275" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","655","655","384" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","656","656","193" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","658","658","348" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","659","659","395" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","660","660","427" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","662","662","409" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","663","663","282" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","664","664","402" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","667","667","309" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","668","668","384" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","669","669","341" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","670","670","416" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","672","672","341" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","673","673","438" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","674","674","348" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","675","675","251" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","677","677","377" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","678","678","298" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","679","679","276" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","680","680","309" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","681","681","330" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","682","682","357" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","683","683","355" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","685","685","103" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","686","686","296" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","687","687","376" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","688","688","326" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","689","689","412" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","690","690","392" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","691","691","387" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","692","692","424" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","693","693","243" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","694","694","157" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","695","695","416" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","696","696","448" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","697","697","504" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","698","698","351" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","699","699","330" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","700","700","65" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","710","710","188" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","720","720","299" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","900","900","350" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","903","903","398" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","905","905","407" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","910","910","380" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","912","912","335" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","913","913","423" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","914","914","409" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","917","917","269" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","920","920","319" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","925","925","340" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","930","930","357" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","935","935","388" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","940","940","338" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","947","947","313" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","950","950","382" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","951","951","324" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","953","953","180" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","957","957","73" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","958","958","70" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","959","959","18" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","960","960","437" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","961","961","75" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","962","962","280" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","963","963","304" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","964","964","397" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","965","965","351" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","966","966","241" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","967","967","223" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","968","968","340" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","969","969","225" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 1","Vernon L. Schreiber","985","985","322" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","Total","-1","78909" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","100","100","410" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","102","102","311" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","104","104","388" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","106","106","348" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","108","108","375" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","110","110","389" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","112","112","36" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","113","113","221" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","120","120","455" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","130","130","382" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","147","147","308" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","150","150","249" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","153","153","270" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","160","160","311" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","170","170","307" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","175","175","286" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","180","180","334" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","190","190","395" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","200","200","412" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","220","220","298" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","225","225","529" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","240","240","455" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","245","245","429" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","250","250","485" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","255","255","408" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","257","257","413" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","290","290","387" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","294","294","251" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","296","296","285" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","298","298","242" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","325","325","301" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","327","327","410" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","330","330","402" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","335","335","312" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","337","337","344" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","338","338","376" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","340","340","402" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","350","350","328" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","360","360","380" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","370","370","292" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","390","390","467" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","395","395","110" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","400","400","231" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","410","410","453" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","415","415","301" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","420","420","395" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","423","423","322" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","424","424","461" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","425","425","295" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","426","426","531" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","430","430","283" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","432","432","297" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","434","434","268" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","435","435","267" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","436","436","224" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","440","440","384" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","441","441","397" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","444","444","483" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","445","445","491" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","446","446","370" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","447","447","473" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","448","448","482" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","449","449","508" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","450","450","466" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","451","451","387" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","452","452","351" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","453","453","371" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","455","455","291" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","456","456","528" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","460","460","571" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","470","470","517" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","480","480","525" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","483","483","536" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","485","485","251" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","487","487","195" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","490","490","276" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","491","491","27" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","500","500","409" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","502","502","346" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","503","503","288" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","505","505","451" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","510","510","265" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","511","511","24" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","515","515","451" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","520","520","210" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","521","521","7" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","522","522","135" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","523","523","5" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","524","524","38" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","525","525","238" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","527","527","310" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","528","528","330" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","530","530","160" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","535","535","478" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","536","536","241" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","537","537","156" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","538","538","191" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","540","540","399" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","543","543","361" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","545","545","279" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","550","550","426" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","553","553","371" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","555","555","457" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","560","560","396" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","563","563","449" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","565","565","324" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","566","566","274" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","570","570","375" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","571","571","381" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","572","572","500" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","573","573","485" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","574","574","16" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","575","575","117" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","576","576","4" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","577","577","495" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","578","578","34" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","579","579","15" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","580","580","256" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","581","581","190" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","582","582","313" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","583","583","304" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","584","584","358" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","585","585","455" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","586","586","347" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","587","587","312" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","588","588","233" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","590","590","505" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","591","591","478" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","592","592","459" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","593","593","391" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","594","594","13" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","595","595","210" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","596","596","0" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","597","597","36" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","598","598","11" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","600","600","201" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","603","603","208" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","605","605","352" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","606","606","67" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","610","610","506" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","613","613","165" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","615","615","170" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","617","617","391" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","618","618","399" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","620","620","420" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","624","624","96" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","625","625","397" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","626","626","382" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","627","627","388" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","628","628","443" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","629","629","356" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","630","630","319" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","631","631","452" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","632","632","205" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","633","633","375" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","634","634","351" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","635","635","310" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","636","636","328" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","638","638","354" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","639","639","352" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","640","640","406" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","641","641","153" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","642","642","177" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","643","643","378" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","644","644","397" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","645","645","474" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","646","646","193" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","647","647","255" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","648","648","323" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","649","649","338" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","650","650","391" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","651","651","267" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","652","652","362" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","653","653","343" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","654","654","279" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","655","655","385" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","656","656","194" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","658","658","340" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","659","659","386" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","660","660","418" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","662","662","404" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","663","663","279" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","664","664","399" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","667","667","306" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","668","668","373" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","669","669","340" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","670","670","403" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","672","672","335" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","673","673","433" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","674","674","344" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","675","675","244" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","677","677","375" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","678","678","292" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","679","679","272" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","680","680","308" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","681","681","325" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","682","682","352" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","683","683","349" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","685","685","102" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","686","686","294" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","687","687","376" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","688","688","326" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","689","689","413" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","690","690","385" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","691","691","391" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","692","692","417" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","693","693","243" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","694","694","154" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","695","695","416" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","696","696","442" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","697","697","501" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","698","698","348" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","699","699","335" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","700","700","70" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","710","710","186" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","720","720","299" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","900","900","349" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","903","903","393" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","905","905","402" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","910","910","371" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","912","912","335" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","913","913","422" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","914","914","405" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","917","917","268" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","920","920","314" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","925","925","336" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","930","930","355" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","935","935","381" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","940","940","335" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","947","947","310" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","950","950","377" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","951","951","317" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","953","953","177" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","957","957","75" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","958","958","69" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","959","959","17" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","960","960","438" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","961","961","74" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","962","962","276" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","963","963","309" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","964","964","401" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","965","965","338" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","966","966","233" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","967","967","222" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","968","968","336" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","969","969","220" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 2","James P. Swanger","985","985","314" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","Total","-1","79714" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","100","100","408" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","102","102","326" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","104","104","391" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","106","106","340" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","108","108","372" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","110","110","388" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","112","112","37" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","113","113","219" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","120","120","467" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","130","130","390" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","147","147","316" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","150","150","251" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","153","153","278" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","160","160","320" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","170","170","312" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","175","175","287" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","180","180","344" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","190","190","405" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","200","200","406" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","220","220","291" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","225","225","534" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","240","240","451" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","245","245","440" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","250","250","485" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","255","255","410" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","257","257","415" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","290","290","388" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","294","294","257" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","296","296","289" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","298","298","241" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","325","325","301" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","327","327","420" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","330","330","410" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","335","335","320" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","337","337","355" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","338","338","384" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","340","340","404" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","350","350","326" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","360","360","385" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","370","370","289" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","390","390","470" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","395","395","110" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","400","400","234" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","410","410","465" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","415","415","313" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","420","420","395" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","423","423","321" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","424","424","453" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","425","425","301" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","426","426","523" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","430","430","293" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","432","432","298" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","434","434","273" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","435","435","270" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","436","436","225" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","440","440","388" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","441","441","402" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","444","444","488" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","445","445","490" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","446","446","365" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","447","447","479" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","448","448","474" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","449","449","507" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","450","450","467" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","451","451","383" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","452","452","348" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","453","453","369" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","455","455","295" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","456","456","533" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","460","460","570" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","470","470","503" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","480","480","538" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","483","483","545" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","485","485","257" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","487","487","199" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","490","490","278" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","491","491","27" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","500","500","413" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","502","502","350" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","503","503","290" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","505","505","459" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","510","510","265" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","511","511","24" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","515","515","459" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","520","520","213" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","521","521","9" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","522","522","135" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","523","523","5" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","524","524","37" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","525","525","237" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","527","527","313" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","528","528","330" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","530","530","160" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","535","535","489" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","536","536","240" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","537","537","158" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","538","538","199" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","540","540","403" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","543","543","360" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","545","545","288" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","550","550","447" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","553","553","370" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","555","555","467" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","560","560","400" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","563","563","445" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","565","565","329" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","566","566","266" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","570","570","376" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","571","571","379" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","572","572","506" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","573","573","498" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","574","574","16" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","575","575","125" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","576","576","4" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","577","577","502" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","578","578","35" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","579","579","17" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","580","580","264" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","581","581","195" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","582","582","312" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","583","583","314" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","584","584","364" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","585","585","463" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","586","586","342" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","587","587","323" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","588","588","234" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","590","590","505" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","591","591","492" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","592","592","464" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","593","593","394" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","594","594","15" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","595","595","222" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","596","596","0" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","597","597","35" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","598","598","12" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","600","600","201" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","603","603","214" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","605","605","356" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","606","606","68" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","610","610","522" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","613","613","172" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","615","615","169" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","617","617","392" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","618","618","412" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","620","620","431" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","624","624","101" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","625","625","400" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","626","626","378" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","627","627","397" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","628","628","443" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","629","629","356" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","630","630","321" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","631","631","455" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","632","632","207" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","633","633","381" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","634","634","346" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","635","635","312" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","636","636","332" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","638","638","353" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","639","639","352" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","640","640","406" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","641","641","153" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","642","642","186" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","643","643","387" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","644","644","405" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","645","645","478" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","646","646","197" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","647","647","254" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","648","648","328" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","649","649","330" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","650","650","388" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","651","651","275" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","652","652","367" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","653","653","344" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","654","654","273" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","655","655","383" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","656","656","198" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","658","658","339" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","659","659","399" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","660","660","423" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","662","662","417" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","663","663","287" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","664","664","406" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","667","667","309" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","668","668","386" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","669","669","338" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","670","670","414" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","672","672","343" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","673","673","440" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","674","674","342" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","675","675","249" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","677","677","376" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","678","678","299" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","679","679","278" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","680","680","313" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","681","681","330" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","682","682","366" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","683","683","357" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","685","685","99" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","686","686","296" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","687","687","380" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","688","688","335" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","689","689","416" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","690","690","395" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","691","691","393" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","692","692","415" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","693","693","241" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","694","694","161" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","695","695","419" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","696","696","445" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","697","697","499" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","698","698","354" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","699","699","343" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","700","700","66" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","710","710","186" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","720","720","302" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","900","900","351" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","903","903","395" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","905","905","409" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","910","910","376" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","912","912","335" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","913","913","431" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","914","914","405" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","917","917","270" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","920","920","314" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","925","925","343" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","930","930","364" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","935","935","382" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","940","940","334" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","947","947","314" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","950","950","382" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","951","951","325" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","953","953","175" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","957","957","74" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","958","958","70" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","959","959","16" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","960","960","446" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","961","961","76" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","962","962","282" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","963","963","303" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","964","964","398" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","965","965","342" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","966","966","239" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","967","967","226" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","968","968","346" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","969","969","225" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 3","Darvin J. Zimmerman","985","985","318" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","Total","-1","79633" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","100","100","417" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","102","102","318" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","104","104","393" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","106","106","351" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","108","108","378" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","110","110","397" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","112","112","36" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","113","113","225" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","120","120","471" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","130","130","391" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","147","147","312" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","150","150","250" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","153","153","279" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","160","160","319" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","170","170","314" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","175","175","284" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","180","180","340" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","190","190","404" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","200","200","410" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","220","220","298" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","225","225","528" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","240","240","455" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","245","245","435" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","250","250","487" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","255","255","405" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","257","257","414" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","290","290","391" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","294","294","260" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","296","296","288" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","298","298","245" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","325","325","304" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","327","327","423" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","330","330","414" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","335","335","321" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","337","337","355" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","338","338","381" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","340","340","406" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","350","350","327" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","360","360","386" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","370","370","289" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","390","390","478" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","395","395","113" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","400","400","230" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","410","410","454" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","415","415","300" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","420","420","389" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","423","423","322" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","424","424","457" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","425","425","296" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","426","426","530" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","430","430","285" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","432","432","302" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","434","434","272" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","435","435","267" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","436","436","230" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","440","440","393" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","441","441","392" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","444","444","488" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","445","445","492" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","446","446","376" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","447","447","469" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","448","448","489" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","449","449","511" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","450","450","469" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","451","451","389" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","452","452","352" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","453","453","372" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","455","455","294" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","456","456","524" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","460","460","575" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","470","470","506" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","480","480","526" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","483","483","540" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","485","485","253" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","487","487","200" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","490","490","273" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","491","491","27" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","500","500","414" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","502","502","346" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","503","503","286" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","505","505","444" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","510","510","264" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","511","511","24" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","515","515","453" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","520","520","211" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","521","521","9" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","522","522","135" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","523","523","5" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","524","524","38" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","525","525","243" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","527","527","311" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","528","528","335" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","530","530","157" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","535","535","482" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","536","536","237" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","537","537","157" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","538","538","196" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","540","540","398" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","543","543","365" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","545","545","278" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","550","550","431" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","553","553","373" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","555","555","464" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","560","560","393" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","563","563","450" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","565","565","328" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","566","566","268" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","570","570","378" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","571","571","386" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","572","572","505" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","573","573","487" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","574","574","16" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","575","575","118" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","576","576","4" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","577","577","501" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","578","578","34" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","579","579","16" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","580","580","263" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","581","581","192" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","582","582","312" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","583","583","313" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","584","584","361" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","585","585","458" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","586","586","342" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","587","587","323" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","588","588","237" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","590","590","504" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","591","591","493" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","592","592","459" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","593","593","396" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","594","594","13" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","595","595","210" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","596","596","0" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","597","597","37" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","598","598","12" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","600","600","206" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","603","603","210" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","605","605","351" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","606","606","67" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","610","610","514" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","613","613","164" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","615","615","168" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","617","617","396" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","618","618","401" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","620","620","430" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","624","624","99" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","625","625","395" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","626","626","386" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","627","627","392" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","628","628","446" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","629","629","359" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","630","630","326" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","631","631","453" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","632","632","209" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","633","633","375" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","634","634","355" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","635","635","314" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","636","636","322" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","638","638","353" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","639","639","358" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","640","640","406" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","641","641","155" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","642","642","179" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","643","643","386" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","644","644","406" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","645","645","474" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","646","646","199" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","647","647","255" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","648","648","324" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","649","649","338" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","650","650","395" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","651","651","270" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","652","652","368" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","653","653","351" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","654","654","276" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","655","655","390" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","656","656","195" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","658","658","345" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","659","659","395" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","660","660","428" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","662","662","416" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","663","663","283" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","664","664","409" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","667","667","321" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","668","668","386" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","669","669","337" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","670","670","409" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","672","672","348" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","673","673","440" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","674","674","348" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","675","675","256" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","677","677","382" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","678","678","295" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","679","679","277" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","680","680","314" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","681","681","329" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","682","682","360" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","683","683","352" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","685","685","101" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","686","686","293" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","687","687","381" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","688","688","332" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","689","689","414" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","690","690","390" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","691","691","394" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","692","692","425" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","693","693","246" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","694","694","161" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","695","695","423" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","696","696","444" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","697","697","505" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","698","698","352" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","699","699","338" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","700","700","66" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","710","710","185" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","720","720","301" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","900","900","347" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","903","903","394" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","905","905","408" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","910","910","376" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","912","912","338" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","913","913","423" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","914","914","410" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","917","917","271" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","920","920","312" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","925","925","336" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","930","930","353" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","935","935","378" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","940","940","332" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","947","947","316" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","950","950","378" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","951","951","328" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","953","953","176" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","957","957","76" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","958","958","71" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","959","959","17" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","960","960","440" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","961","961","75" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","962","962","273" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","963","963","304" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","964","964","404" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","965","965","348" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","966","966","233" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","967","967","229" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","968","968","346" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","969","969","225" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 4","Sonya Langsdorf","985","985","318" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","Total","-1","78477" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","100","100","404" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","102","102","320" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","104","104","389" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","106","106","346" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","108","108","371" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","110","110","390" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","112","112","37" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","113","113","223" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","120","120","458" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","130","130","386" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","147","147","315" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","150","150","248" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","153","153","272" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","160","160","317" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","170","170","305" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","175","175","286" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","180","180","333" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","190","190","399" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","200","200","411" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","220","220","295" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","225","225","516" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","240","240","446" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","245","245","419" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","250","250","473" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","255","255","404" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","257","257","414" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","290","290","384" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","294","294","254" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","296","296","287" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","298","298","237" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","325","325","296" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","327","327","415" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","330","330","402" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","335","335","316" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","337","337","345" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","338","338","381" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","340","340","393" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","350","350","326" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","360","360","378" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","370","370","283" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","390","390","467" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","395","395","109" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","400","400","231" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","410","410","439" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","415","415","294" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","420","420","386" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","423","423","322" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","424","424","456" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","425","425","293" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","426","426","528" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","430","430","287" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","432","432","295" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","434","434","264" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","435","435","267" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","436","436","226" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","440","440","387" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","441","441","387" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","444","444","487" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","445","445","489" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","446","446","375" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","447","447","465" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","448","448","481" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","449","449","511" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","450","450","469" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","451","451","378" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","452","452","344" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","453","453","362" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","455","455","287" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","456","456","530" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","460","460","566" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","470","470","504" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","480","480","516" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","483","483","538" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","485","485","243" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","487","487","191" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","490","490","266" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","491","491","26" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","500","500","408" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","502","502","337" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","503","503","286" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","505","505","441" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","510","510","263" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","511","511","24" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","515","515","444" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","520","520","211" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","521","521","6" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","522","522","140" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","523","523","4" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","524","524","39" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","525","525","242" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","527","527","310" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","528","528","329" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","530","530","157" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","535","535","478" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","536","536","233" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","537","537","157" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","538","538","190" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","540","540","402" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","543","543","353" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","545","545","272" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","550","550","434" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","553","553","367" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","555","555","451" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","560","560","387" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","563","563","440" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","565","565","320" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","566","566","266" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","570","570","380" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","571","571","367" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","572","572","496" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","573","573","489" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","574","574","16" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","575","575","118" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","576","576","3" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","577","577","491" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","578","578","32" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","579","579","15" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","580","580","256" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","581","581","189" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","582","582","309" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","583","583","300" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","584","584","363" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","585","585","458" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","586","586","341" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","587","587","316" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","588","588","229" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","590","590","499" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","591","591","480" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","592","592","453" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","593","593","385" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","594","594","13" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","595","595","205" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","596","596","0" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","597","597","40" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","598","598","10" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","600","600","204" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","603","603","200" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","605","605","349" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","606","606","66" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","610","610","506" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","613","613","163" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","615","615","165" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","617","617","392" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","618","618","398" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","620","620","418" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","624","624","100" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","625","625","386" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","626","626","380" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","627","627","398" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","628","628","440" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","629","629","349" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","630","630","318" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","631","631","441" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","632","632","208" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","633","633","370" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","634","634","347" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","635","635","302" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","636","636","321" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","638","638","351" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","639","639","356" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","640","640","405" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","641","641","152" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","642","642","173" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","643","643","383" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","644","644","400" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","645","645","468" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","646","646","200" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","647","647","254" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","648","648","324" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","649","649","329" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","650","650","393" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","651","651","267" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","652","652","359" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","653","653","342" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","654","654","277" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","655","655","377" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","656","656","199" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","658","658","334" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","659","659","391" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","660","660","415" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","662","662","402" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","663","663","276" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","664","664","403" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","667","667","307" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","668","668","374" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","669","669","330" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","670","670","410" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","672","672","336" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","673","673","423" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","674","674","338" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","675","675","248" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","677","677","365" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","678","678","293" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","679","679","272" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","680","680","305" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","681","681","322" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","682","682","356" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","683","683","349" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","685","685","102" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","686","686","294" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","687","687","375" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","688","688","327" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","689","689","412" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","690","690","381" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","691","691","389" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","692","692","418" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","693","693","241" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","694","694","157" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","695","695","420" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","696","696","442" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","697","697","502" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","698","698","343" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","699","699","338" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","700","700","63" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","710","710","185" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","720","720","294" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","900","900","346" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","903","903","387" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","905","905","397" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","910","910","371" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","912","912","335" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","913","913","418" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","914","914","400" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","917","917","269" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","920","920","311" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","925","925","336" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","930","930","355" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","935","935","373" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","940","940","331" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","947","947","314" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","950","950","380" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","951","951","327" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","953","953","176" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","957","957","74" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","958","958","70" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","959","959","17" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","960","960","434" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","961","961","76" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","962","962","271" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","963","963","299" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","964","964","394" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","965","965","343" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","966","966","232" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","967","967","220" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","968","968","337" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","969","969","223" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 5","Kelli E. Osler","985","985","315" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","Total","-1","78909" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","100","100","404" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","102","102","319" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","104","104","386" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","106","106","342" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","108","108","369" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","110","110","381" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","112","112","36" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","113","113","221" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","120","120","451" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","130","130","380" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","147","147","312" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","150","150","245" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","153","153","275" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","160","160","317" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","170","170","303" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","175","175","280" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","180","180","331" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","190","190","402" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","200","200","413" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","220","220","299" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","225","225","526" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","240","240","452" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","245","245","428" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","250","250","481" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","255","255","405" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","257","257","415" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","290","290","392" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","294","294","254" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","296","296","284" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","298","298","241" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","325","325","300" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","327","327","407" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","330","330","405" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","335","335","314" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","337","337","342" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","338","338","386" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","340","340","393" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","350","350","321" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","360","360","385" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","370","370","280" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","390","390","470" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","395","395","111" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","400","400","230" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","410","410","448" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","415","415","297" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","420","420","385" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","423","423","314" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","424","424","454" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","425","425","291" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","426","426","529" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","430","430","280" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","432","432","297" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","434","434","271" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","435","435","268" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","436","436","220" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","440","440","383" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","441","441","386" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","444","444","486" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","445","445","480" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","446","446","375" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","447","447","464" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","448","448","481" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","449","449","506" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","450","450","465" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","451","451","375" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","452","452","347" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","453","453","359" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","455","455","285" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","456","456","530" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","460","460","565" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","470","470","507" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","480","480","523" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","483","483","535" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","485","485","250" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","487","487","193" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","490","490","265" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","491","491","25" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","500","500","399" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","502","502","339" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","503","503","288" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","505","505","446" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","510","510","259" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","511","511","24" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","515","515","449" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","520","520","211" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","521","521","6" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","522","522","137" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","523","523","4" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","524","524","38" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","525","525","237" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","527","527","306" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","528","528","326" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","530","530","158" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","535","535","477" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","536","536","234" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","537","537","159" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","538","538","200" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","540","540","403" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","543","543","353" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","545","545","268" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","550","550","447" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","553","553","367" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","555","555","453" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","560","560","395" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","563","563","439" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","565","565","313" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","566","566","266" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","570","570","383" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","571","571","369" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","572","572","496" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","573","573","488" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","574","574","16" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","575","575","118" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","576","576","3" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","577","577","494" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","578","578","32" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","579","579","15" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","580","580","262" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","581","581","190" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","582","582","314" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","583","583","301" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","584","584","361" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","585","585","456" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","586","586","345" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","587","587","312" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","588","588","231" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","590","590","505" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","591","591","477" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","592","592","449" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","593","593","389" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","594","594","13" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","595","595","213" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","596","596","0" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","597","597","37" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","598","598","10" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","600","600","200" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","603","603","204" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","605","605","354" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","606","606","67" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","610","610","513" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","613","613","161" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","615","615","168" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","617","617","385" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","618","618","401" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","620","620","418" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","624","624","96" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","625","625","391" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","626","626","380" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","627","627","387" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","628","628","436" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","629","629","349" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","630","630","316" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","631","631","447" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","632","632","210" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","633","633","376" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","634","634","345" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","635","635","304" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","636","636","324" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","638","638","351" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","639","639","354" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","640","640","405" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","641","641","150" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","642","642","175" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","643","643","384" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","644","644","395" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","645","645","473" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","646","646","196" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","647","647","256" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","648","648","326" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","649","649","325" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","650","650","392" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","651","651","270" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","652","652","361" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","653","653","341" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","654","654","271" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","655","655","378" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","656","656","191" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","658","658","332" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","659","659","392" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","660","660","414" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","662","662","403" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","663","663","277" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","664","664","401" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","667","667","305" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","668","668","382" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","669","669","335" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","670","670","409" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","672","672","341" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","673","673","427" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","674","674","341" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","675","675","246" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","677","677","370" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","678","678","295" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","679","679","272" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","680","680","310" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","681","681","321" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","682","682","355" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","683","683","347" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","685","685","100" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","686","686","293" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","687","687","375" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","688","688","328" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","689","689","405" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","690","690","380" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","691","691","385" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","692","692","417" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","693","693","236" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","694","694","155" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","695","695","426" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","696","696","445" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","697","697","498" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","698","698","346" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","699","699","338" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","700","700","67" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","710","710","187" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","720","720","296" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","900","900","369" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","903","903","409" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","905","905","402" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","910","910","392" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","912","912","346" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","913","913","431" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","914","914","409" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","917","917","294" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","920","920","337" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","925","925","364" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","930","930","374" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","935","935","397" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","940","940","345" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","947","947","324" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","950","950","385" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","951","951","353" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","953","953","184" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","957","957","73" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","958","958","70" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","959","959","15" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","960","960","436" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","961","961","77" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","962","962","291" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","963","963","322" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","964","964","404" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","965","965","355" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","966","966","235" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","967","967","227" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","968","968","345" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","969","969","228" "DISTRICT COURT JUDGES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DEPARTMENT NO. 6","John P. Hagensen","985","985","331" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","Total","-1","52050" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","Total","-1","46606" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","100","100","325" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","100","100","215" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","102","102","192" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","102","102","206" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","104","104","280" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","104","104","238" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","106","106","245" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","106","106","187" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","108","108","284" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","108","108","196" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","110","110","330" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","110","110","184" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","112","112","25" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","112","112","16" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","113","113","166" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","113","113","95" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","120","120","341" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","120","120","240" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","130","130","320" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","130","130","193" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","147","147","219" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","147","147","195" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","150","150","195" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","150","150","111" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","153","153","168" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","153","153","160" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","160","160","242" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","160","160","142" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","170","170","229" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","170","170","159" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","175","175","210" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","175","175","123" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","180","180","255" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","180","180","142" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","190","190","300" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","190","190","244" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","200","200","328" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","200","200","178" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","220","220","216" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","220","220","154" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","225","225","321" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","225","225","379" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","240","240","306" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","240","240","333" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","245","245","248" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","245","245","308" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","250","250","315" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","250","250","261" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","255","255","241" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","255","255","250" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","257","257","285" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","257","257","204" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","290","290","251" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","290","290","220" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","294","294","179" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","294","294","141" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","296","296","205" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","296","296","138" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","298","298","148" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","298","298","147" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","325","325","179" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","325","325","190" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","327","327","271" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","327","327","261" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","330","330","279" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","330","330","218" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","335","335","218" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","335","335","159" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","337","337","212" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","337","337","231" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","338","338","266" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","338","338","194" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","340","340","297" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","340","340","193" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","350","350","216" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","350","350","208" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","360","360","291" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","360","360","226" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","370","370","210" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","370","370","148" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","390","390","310" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","390","390","262" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","395","395","98" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","395","395","49" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","400","400","159" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","400","400","130" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","410","410","329" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","410","410","251" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","415","415","188" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","415","415","171" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","420","420","242" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","420","420","239" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","423","423","204" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","423","423","154" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","424","424","295" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","424","424","246" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","425","425","186" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","425","425","172" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","426","426","334" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","426","426","314" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","430","430","193" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","430","430","146" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","432","432","185" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","432","432","163" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","434","434","191" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","434","434","148" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","435","435","168" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","435","435","190" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","436","436","150" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","436","436","116" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","440","440","266" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","440","440","228" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","441","441","241" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","441","441","234" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","444","444","340" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","444","444","291" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","445","445","344" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","445","445","255" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","446","446","212" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","446","446","245" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","447","447","286" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","447","447","305" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","448","448","325" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","448","448","284" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","449","449","338" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","449","449","301" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","450","450","330" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","450","450","259" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","451","451","271" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","451","451","201" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","452","452","214" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","452","452","226" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","453","453","241" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","453","453","218" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","455","455","200" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","455","455","163" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","456","456","342" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","456","456","317" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","460","460","379" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","460","460","322" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","470","470","373" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","470","470","289" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","480","480","330" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","480","480","337" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","483","483","329" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","483","483","353" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","485","485","140" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","485","485","217" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","487","487","103" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","487","487","125" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","490","490","162" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","490","490","205" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","491","491","24" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","491","491","14" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","500","500","256" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","500","500","274" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","502","502","206" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","502","502","219" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","503","503","180" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","503","503","186" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","505","505","290" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","505","505","308" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","510","510","154" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","510","510","182" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","511","511","15" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","511","511","14" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","515","515","306" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","515","515","248" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","520","520","142" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","520","520","129" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","521","521","5" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","521","521","6" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","522","522","89" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","522","522","93" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","523","523","3" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","523","523","6" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","524","524","36" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","524","524","25" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","525","525","151" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","525","525","180" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","527","527","195" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","527","527","225" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","528","528","194" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","528","528","255" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","530","530","94" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","530","530","129" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","535","535","274" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","535","535","360" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","536","536","164" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","536","536","141" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","537","537","108" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","537","537","84" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","538","538","99" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","538","538","147" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","540","540","253" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","540","540","291" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","543","543","232" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","543","543","249" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","545","545","173" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","545","545","167" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","550","550","300" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","550","550","292" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","553","553","206" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","553","553","238" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","555","555","325" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","555","555","276" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","560","560","266" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","560","560","223" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","563","563","311" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","563","563","222" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","565","565","203" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","565","565","178" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","566","566","185" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","566","566","144" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","570","570","241" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","570","570","257" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","571","571","231" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","571","571","212" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","572","572","305" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","572","572","301" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","573","573","295" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","573","573","314" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","574","574","16" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","574","574","7" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","575(*)","575","0" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","575(*)","575","0" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","576(*)","576","0" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","576(*)","576","0" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","577","577","315" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","577","577","304" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","578","578","28" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","578","578","19" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","579","579","11" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","579","579","6" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","580","580","168" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","580","580","150" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","581","581","125" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","581","581","105" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","582","582","187" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","582","582","183" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","583","583","208" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","583","583","187" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","584","584","226" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","584","584","220" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","585","585","283" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","585","585","270" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","586","586","218" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","586","586","191" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","587","587","193" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","587","587","205" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","588","588","141" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","588","588","131" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","590","590","306" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","590","590","335" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","591","591","296" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","591","591","368" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","592","592","316" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","592","592","314" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","593","593","229" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","593","593","295" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","594","594","11" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","594","594","7" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","595","595","123" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","595","595","170" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","596(*)","596","0" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","596(*)","596","0" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","597","597","23" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","597","597","34" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","598","598","10" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","598","598","5" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","600","600","133" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","600","600","130" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","603","603","111" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","603","603","194" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","605","605","176" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","605","605","292" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","606","606","49" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","606","606","36" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","610","610","306" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","610","610","346" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","613","613","92" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","613","613","147" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","615","615","103" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","615","615","110" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","617","617","219" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","617","617","260" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","618","618","265" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","618","618","256" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","620","620","241" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","620","620","301" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","624","624","63" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","624","624","46" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","625","625","267" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","625","625","239" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","626","626","283" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","626","626","173" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","627","627","247" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","627","627","216" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","628","628","310" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","628","628","204" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","629","629","237" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","629","629","185" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","630","630","226" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","630","630","160" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","631","631","294" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","631","631","229" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","632","632","133" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","632","632","120" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","633","633","253" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","633","633","179" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","634","634","253" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","634","634","148" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","635","635","220" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","635","635","144" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","636","636","198" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","636","636","187" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","638","638","217" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","638","638","217" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","639","639","219" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","639","639","198" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","640","640","272" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","640","640","205" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","641","641","114" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","641","641","64" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","642","642","115" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","642","642","110" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","643","643","253" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","643","643","197" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","644","644","255" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","644","644","232" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","645","645","320" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","645","645","248" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","646","646","124" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","646","646","111" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","647","647","180" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","647","647","148" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","648","648","184" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","648","648","185" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","649","649","213" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","649","649","188" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","650","650","265" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","650","650","213" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","651","651","187" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","651","651","162" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","652","652","245" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","652","652","189" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","653","653","255" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","653","653","146" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","654","654","184" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","654","654","152" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","655","655","240" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","655","655","190" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","656","656","142" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","656","656","103" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","658","658","190" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","658","658","239" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","659","659","254" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","659","659","225" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","660","660","263" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","660","660","237" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","662","662","264" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","662","662","226" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","663","663","190" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","663","663","146" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","664","664","256" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","664","664","243" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","667","667","191" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","667","667","176" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","668","668","307" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","668","668","225" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","669","669","194" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","669","669","235" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","670","670","287" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","670","670","230" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","672","672","221" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","672","672","181" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","673","673","273" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","673","673","270" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","674","674","199" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","674","674","220" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","675","675","194" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","675","675","164" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","677","677","221" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","677","677","261" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","678","678","192" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","678","678","175" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","679","679","198" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","679","679","131" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","680","680","238" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","680","680","159" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","681","681","232" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","681","681","163" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","682","682","233" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","682","682","191" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","683","683","242" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","683","683","183" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","685","685","72" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","685","685","57" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","686","686","176" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","686","686","182" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","687","687","236" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","687","687","201" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","688","688","214" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","688","688","168" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","689","689","279" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","689","689","222" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","690","690","273" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","690","690","217" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","691","691","265" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","691","691","193" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","692","692","265" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","692","692","246" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","693","693","167" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","693","693","114" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","694","694","121" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","694","694","54" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","695","695","258" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","695","695","257" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","696","696","276" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","696","696","297" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","697","697","306" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","697","697","284" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","698","698","217" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","698","698","218" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","699","699","227" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","699","699","199" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","700","700","35" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","700","700","46" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","710","710","117" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","710","710","95" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","720","720","218" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","720","720","155" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","900","900","255" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","900","900","197" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","903","903","269" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","903","903","221" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","905","905","255" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","905","905","232" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","910","910","259" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","910","910","191" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","912","912","213" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","912","912","196" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","913","913","282" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","913","913","248" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","914","914","257" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","914","914","222" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","917","917","167" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","917","917","159" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","920","920","207" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","920","920","191" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","925","925","204" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","925","925","225" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","930","930","246" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","930","930","227" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","935","935","227" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","935","935","255" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","940","940","246" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","940","940","207" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","947","947","211" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","947","947","175" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","950","950","258" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","950","950","200" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","951","951","250" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","951","951","187" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","953","953","127" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","953","953","84" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","957","957","50" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","957","957","54" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","958","958","43" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","958","958","30" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","959","959","11" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","959","959","10" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","960","960","263" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","960","960","263" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","961","961","42" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","961","961","41" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","962","962","173" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","962","962","195" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","963","963","184" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","963","963","182" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","964","964","249" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","964","964","222" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","965","965","221" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","965","965","218" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","966","966","142" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","966","966","156" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","967","967","149" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","967","967","146" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","968","968","188" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","968","968","222" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","969","969","130" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","969","969","145" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Jane Van Dyke","985","985","225" "CLARK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 3","Byron Hanke","985","985","175" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","Total","-1","72045" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","Total","-1","51861" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","100","100","525" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","100","100","166" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","102","102","320" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","102","102","162" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","104","104","447" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","104","104","195" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","106","106","398" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","106","106","151" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","108","108","428" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","108","108","167" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","110","110","484" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","110","110","208" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","112","112","37" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","112","112","22" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","113","113","182" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","113","113","131" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","120","120","543" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","120","120","180" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","130","130","472" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","130","130","182" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","147","147","314" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","147","147","185" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","150","150","250" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","150","150","127" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","153","153","220" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","153","153","199" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","160","160","289" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","160","160","164" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","170","170","328" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","170","170","163" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","175","175","284" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","175","175","130" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","180","180","322" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","180","180","150" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","190","190","492" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","190","190","177" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","200","200","452" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","200","200","168" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","220","220","280" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","220","220","158" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","225","225","573" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","225","225","239" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","240","240","534" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","240","240","213" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","245","245","442" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","245","245","215" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","250","250","464" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","250","250","239" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","255","255","386" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","255","255","192" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","257","257","379" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","257","257","215" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","290","290","393" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","290","290","197" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","294","294","244" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","294","294","138" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","296","296","293" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","296","296","119" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","298","298","249" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","298","298","113" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","325","325","297" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","325","325","154" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","327","327","361" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","327","327","278" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","330","330","359" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","330","330","239" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","335","335","290" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","335","335","180" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","337","337","334" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","337","337","212" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","338","338","342" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","338","338","234" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","340","340","366" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","340","340","226" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","350","350","293" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","350","350","205" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","360","360","381" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","360","360","241" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","370","370","269" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","370","370","173" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","390","390","434" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","390","390","258" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","395","395","129" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","395","395","68" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","400","400","212" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","400","400","127" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","410","410","443" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","410","410","277" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","415","415","307" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","415","415","136" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","420","420","357" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","420","420","230" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","423","423","283" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","423","423","161" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","424","424","446" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","424","424","224" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","425","425","274" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","425","425","171" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","426","426","458" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","426","426","311" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","430","430","246" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","430","430","179" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","432","432","291" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","432","432","171" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","434","434","279" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","434","434","171" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","435","435","288" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","435","435","152" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","436","436","225" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","436","436","114" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","440","440","397" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","440","440","224" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","441","441","335" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","441","441","268" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","444","444","501" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","444","444","276" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","445","445","461" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","445","445","309" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","446","446","358" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","446","446","239" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","447","447","489" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","447","447","286" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","448","448","513" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","448","448","252" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","449","449","531" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","449","449","272" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","450","450","488" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","450","450","252" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","451","451","385" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","451","451","209" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","452","452","340" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","452","452","224" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","453","453","349" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","453","453","211" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","455","455","240" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","455","455","205" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","456","456","498" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","456","456","325" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","460","460","537" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","460","460","288" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","470","470","535" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","470","470","262" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","480","480","453" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","480","480","391" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","483","483","524" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","483","483","325" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","485","485","217" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","485","485","250" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","487","487","141" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","487","487","158" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","490","490","256" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","490","490","241" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","491","491","25" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","491","491","26" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","500","500","409" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","500","500","282" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","502","502","315" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","502","502","244" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","503","503","235" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","503","503","230" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","505","505","353" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","505","505","381" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","510","510","163" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","510","510","283" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","511","511","18" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","511","511","17" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","515","515","404" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","515","515","317" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","520","520","169" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","520","520","190" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","521","521","6" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","521","521","8" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","522","522","103" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","522","522","137" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","523","523","4" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","523","523","17" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","524","524","42" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","524","524","38" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","525","525","167" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","525","525","259" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","527","527","187" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","527","527","357" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","528","528","222" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","528","528","402" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","530","530","84" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","530","530","202" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","535","535","287" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","535","535","528" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","536","536","136" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","536","536","243" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","537","537","89" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","537","537","160" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","538","538","118" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","538","538","204" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","540","540","284" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","540","540","435" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","543","543","316" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","543","543","318" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","545","545","180" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","545","545","262" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","550","550","405" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","550","550","356" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","553","553","366" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","553","553","205" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","555","555","360" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","555","555","364" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","560","560","349" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","560","560","268" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","563","563","357" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","563","563","295" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","565","565","282" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","565","565","221" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","566","566","209" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","566","566","195" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","570","570","294" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","570","570","315" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","571","571","319" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","571","571","250" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","572","572","420" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","572","572","341" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","573","573","380" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","573","573","371" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","574","574","17" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","574","574","13" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","575","575","81" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","575","575","102" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","576","576","4" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","576","576","4" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","577","577","354" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","577","577","457" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","578","578","40" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","578","578","21" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","579","579","14" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","579","579","9" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","580","580","183" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","580","580","231" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","581","581","129" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","581","581","170" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","582","582","204" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","582","582","271" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","583","583","225" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","583","583","269" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","584","584","233" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","584","584","295" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","585","585","347" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","585","585","371" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","586","586","241" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","586","586","258" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","587","587","216" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","587","587","278" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","588","588","156" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","588","588","193" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","590","590","365" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","590","590","447" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","591","591","361" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","591","591","487" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","592","592","359" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","592","592","432" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","593","593","288" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","593","593","384" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","594","594","10" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","594","594","12" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","595(*)","595","0" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","595(*)","595","0" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","596(*)","596","0" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","596(*)","596","0" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","597","597","29" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","597","597","47" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","598","598","9" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","598","598","10" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","600","600","96" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","600","600","228" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","603","603","99" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","603","603","305" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","605","605","193" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","605","605","406" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","606","606","35" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","606","606","87" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","610","610","389" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","610","610","452" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","613","613","125" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","613","613","173" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","615","615","142" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","615","615","154" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","617","617","276" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","617","617","331" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","618","618","356" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","618","618","345" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","620","620","318" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","620","620","386" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","624","624","66" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","624","624","69" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","625","625","264" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","625","625","381" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","626","626","298" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","626","626","247" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","627","627","309" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","627","627","260" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","628","628","323" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","628","628","277" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","629","629","286" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","629","629","242" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","630","630","257" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","630","630","212" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","631","631","484" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","631","631","185" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","632","632","195" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","632","632","121" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","633","633","295" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","633","633","223" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","634","634","288" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","634","634","228" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","635","635","245" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","635","635","191" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","636","636","288" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","636","636","210" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","638","638","267" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","638","638","240" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","639","639","346" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","639","639","170" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","640","640","310" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","640","640","255" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","641","641","167" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","641","641","78" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","642","642","163" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","642","642","108" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","643","643","281" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","643","643","246" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","644","644","451" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","644","644","203" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","645","645","487" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","645","645","251" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","646","646","183" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","646","646","101" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","647","647","304" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","647","647","138" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","648","648","340" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","648","648","153" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","649","649","279" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","649","649","223" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","650","650","385" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","650","650","178" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","651","651","225" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","651","651","191" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","652","652","321" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","652","652","206" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","653","653","313" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","653","653","166" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","654","654","220" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","654","654","189" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","655","655","335" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","655","655","179" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","656","656","178" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","656","656","139" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","658","658","336" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","658","658","203" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","659","659","324" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","659","659","268" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","660","660","382" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","660","660","216" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","662","662","347" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","662","662","273" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","663","663","258" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","663","663","153" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","664","664","365" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","664","664","239" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","667","667","363" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","667","667","93" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","668","668","507" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","668","668","145" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","669","669","371" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","669","669","211" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","670","670","390" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","670","670","246" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","672","672","313" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","672","672","179" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","673","673","464" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","673","673","208" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","674","674","353" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","674","674","173" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","675","675","267" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","675","675","158" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","677","677","397" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","677","677","233" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","678","678","291" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","678","678","174" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","679","679","271" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","679","679","124" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","680","680","348" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","680","680","159" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","681","681","296" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","681","681","175" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","682","682","327" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","682","682","190" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","683","683","332" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","683","683","214" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","685","685","93" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","685","685","67" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","686","686","274" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","686","686","173" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","687","687","273" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","687","687","251" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","688","688","302" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","688","688","205" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","689","689","352" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","689","689","254" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","690","690","480" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","690","690","182" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","691","691","320" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","691","691","252" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","692","692","344" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","692","692","268" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","693","693","204" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","693","693","139" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","694","694","149" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","694","694","67" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","695","695","418" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","695","695","220" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","696","696","495" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","696","696","217" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","697","697","475" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","697","697","276" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","698","698","349" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","698","698","239" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","699","699","321" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","699","699","224" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","700","700","53" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","700","700","54" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","710","710","187" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","710","710","76" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","720","720","282" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","720","720","181" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","900","900","300" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","900","900","274" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","903","903","316" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","903","903","273" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","905","905","393" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","905","905","245" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","910","910","269" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","910","910","279" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","912","912","297" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","912","912","204" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","913","913","426" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","913","913","294" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","914","914","360" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","914","914","240" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","917","917","202" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","917","917","202" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","920","920","257" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","920","920","265" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","925","925","246" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","925","925","284" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","930","930","325" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","930","930","313" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","935","935","307" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","935","935","327" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","940","940","246" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","940","940","329" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","947","947","260" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","947","947","248" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","950","950","339" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales 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and transfers","Yes","959","959","13" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","959","959","22" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","960","960","472" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","960","960","254" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","961","961","85" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","961","961","25" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","962","962","288" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","962","962","188" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","963","963","310" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","963","963","162" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","964","964","417" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","964","964","225" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","965","965","414" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","965","965","199" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","966","966","258" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","966","966","153" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","Yes","967","967","256" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm sales and transfers","No","967","967","128" "Initiative Measure No. 594 Concerns background checks for firearm 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firearms","No","627","627","255" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","628","628","360" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","628","628","238" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","629","629","296" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","629","629","234" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","630","630","277" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","630","630","192" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","631","631","268" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","631","631","398" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","632","632","188" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","632","632","126" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","633","633","311" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","633","633","203" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","634","634","278" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","634","634","240" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","635","635","258" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","635","635","182" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","636","636","285" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","636","636","212" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","638","638","256" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","638","638","250" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","639","639","238" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","639","639","273" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","640","640","345" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","640","640","217" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","641","641","100" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","641","641","144" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","642","642","150" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","642","642","118" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","643","643","326" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","643","643","195" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","644","644","236" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","644","644","416" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","645","645","320" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","645","645","411" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","646","646","131" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","646","646","152" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","647","647","163" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","647","647","272" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","648","648","202" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","648","648","292" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","649","649","310" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","649","649","189" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","650","650","255" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","650","650","306" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","651","651","216" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","651","651","198" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","652","652","288" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","652","652","240" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","653","653","244" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","653","653","232" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","654","654","224" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","654","654","183" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","655","655","260" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","655","655","254" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","656","656","170" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","656","656","143" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","658","658","262" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","658","658","273" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","659","659","318" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","659","659","273" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","660","660","286" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","660","660","312" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","662","662","305" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","662","662","312" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","663","663","199" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","663","663","209" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","664","664","318" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","664","664","284" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","667","667","159" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","667","667","294" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","668","668","238" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","668","668","404" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","669","669","267" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","669","669","313" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","670","670","298" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","670","670","340" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","672","672","251" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","672","672","239" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","673","673","284" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","673","673","380" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","674","674","220" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","674","674","303" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","675","675","180" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","675","675","242" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","677","677","295" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","677","677","331" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","678","678","204" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","678","678","254" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","679","679","183" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","679","679","209" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","680","680","192" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","680","680","311" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","681","681","238" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","681","681","232" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","682","682","265" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","682","682","247" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","683","683","287" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","683","683","257" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","685","685","86" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","685","685","76" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","686","686","237" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","686","686","210" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","687","687","292" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","687","687","232" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","688","688","279" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","688","688","231" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","689","689","332" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","689","689","272" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","690","690","225" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","690","690","440" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","691","691","333" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","691","691","229" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","692","692","342" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","692","692","271" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","693","693","175" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","693","693","162" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","694","694","104" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","694","694","110" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","695","695","274" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","695","695","361" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","696","696","309" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","696","696","400" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","697","697","360" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","697","697","381" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","698","698","283" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","698","698","297" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","699","699","253" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","699","699","292" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","700","700","61" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","700","700","44" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","710","710","117" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","710","710","142" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","720","720","226" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","720","720","238" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","900","900","352" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","900","900","223" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","903","903","324" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","903","903","261" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","905","905","302" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","905","905","333" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","910","910","340" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","910","910","201" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","912","912","248" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","912","912","249" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","913","913","366" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","913","913","348" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","914","914","321" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","914","914","276" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","917","917","232" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","917","917","177" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","920","920","283" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","920","920","237" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","925","925","317" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","925","925","214" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","930","930","364" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","930","930","275" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","935","935","378" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","935","935","253" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","940","940","334" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","940","940","239" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","947","947","274" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","947","947","232" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","950","950","254" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","950","950","290" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","951","951","232" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","951","951","305" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","953","953","99" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","953","953","160" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","957","957","67" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","957","957","71" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","958","958","46" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","958","958","54" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","959","959","17" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","959","959","18" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","960","960","323" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","960","960","404" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","961","961","53" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","961","961","59" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","962","962","232" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","962","962","246" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","963","963","196" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","963","963","273" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","964","964","269" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","964","964","370" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","965","965","267" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","965","965","343" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","966","966","194" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","966","966","214" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","967","967","156" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","967","967","224" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","968","968","191" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","968","968","319" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","969","969","167" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","969","969","195" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","Yes","985","985","274" "Initiative Measure No. 591 Concerns firearms","No","985","985","213" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","Total","-1","56700" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","Total","-1","58668" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","100","100","254" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","100","100","370" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","102","102","189" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","102","102","255" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","104","104","246" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","104","104","334" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","106","106","218" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","106","106","285" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","108","108","240" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","108","108","299" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","110","110","247" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","110","110","382" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","112","112","28" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","112","112","23" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","113","113","182" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","113","113","114" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","120","120","287" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","120","120","363" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","130","130","248" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","130","130","346" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","147","147","242" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","147","147","228" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","150","150","179" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","150","150","162" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","153","153","186" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","153","153","201" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","160","160","193" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","160","160","220" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","170","170","231" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","170","170","240" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","175","175","204" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","175","175","189" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","180","180","243" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","180","180","196" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","190","190","267" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","190","190","342" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","200","200","262" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","200","200","315" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","220","220","218" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","220","220","200" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","225","225","318" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","225","225","434" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","240","240","309" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","240","240","383" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","245","245","268" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","245","245","330" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","250","250","334" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","250","250","313" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","255","255","261" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","255","255","263" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","257","257","269" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","257","257","291" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","290","290","282" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","290","290","266" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","294","294","191" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","294","294","162" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","296","296","214" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","296","296","176" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","298","298","166" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","298","298","170" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","325","325","217" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","325","325","207" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","327","327","304" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","327","327","294" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","330","330","275" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","330","330","279" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","335","335","215" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","335","335","219" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","337","337","248" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","337","337","269" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","338","338","277" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","338","338","275" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","340","340","261" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","340","340","282" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","350","350","234" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","350","350","231" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","360","360","271" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","360","360","305" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","370","370","199" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","370","370","209" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","390","390","336" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","390","390","319" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","395","395","96" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","395","395","87" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","400","400","161" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","400","400","159" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","410","410","317" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","410","410","345" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","415","415","217" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","415","415","180" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","420","420","250" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","420","420","303" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","423","423","204" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","423","423","212" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","424","424","293" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","424","424","334" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","425","425","171" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","425","425","253" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","426","426","323" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","426","426","395" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","430","430","203" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","430","430","203" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","432","432","181" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","432","432","233" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","434","434","189" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","434","434","224" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","435","435","204" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","435","435","207" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","436","436","155" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","436","436","170" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","440","440","294" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","440","440","284" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","441","441","250" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","441","441","307" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","444","444","352" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","444","444","360" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","445","445","334" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","445","445","372" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","446","446","234" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","446","446","326" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","447","447","275" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","447","447","443" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","448","448","295" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","448","448","410" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","449","449","352" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","449","449","389" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","450","450","276" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","450","450","398" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","451","451","263" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","451","451","285" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","452","452","230" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","452","452","285" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","453","453","228" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","453","453","294" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","455","455","215" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","455","455","192" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","456","456","350" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","456","456","403" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","460","460","363" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","460","460","404" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","470","470","332" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","470","470","406" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","480","480","360" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","480","480","422" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","483","483","385" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","483","483","390" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","485","485","215" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","485","485","215" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","487","487","141" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","487","487","135" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","490","490","212" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","490","490","247" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","491","491","14" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","491","491","32" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","500","500","326" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","500","500","308" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","502","502","268" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","502","502","257" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","503","503","189" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","503","503","235" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","505","505","358" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","505","505","339" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","510","510","218" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","510","510","205" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","511","511","18" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","511","511","15" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","515","515","336" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","515","515","342" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","520","520","179" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","520","520","161" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","521","521","10" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","521","521","4" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","522","522","123" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","522","522","99" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","523","523","10" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","523","523","10" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","524","524","47" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","524","524","33" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","525","525","202" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","525","525","197" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","527","527","253" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","527","527","260" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","528","528","320" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","528","528","262" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","530","530","147" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","530","530","122" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","535","535","433" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","535","535","326" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","536","536","192" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","536","536","154" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","537","537","124" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","537","537","113" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","538","538","149" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","538","538","143" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","540","540","342" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","540","540","328" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","543","543","299" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","543","543","289" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","545","545","201" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","545","545","217" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","550","550","371" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","550","550","347" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","553","553","244" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","553","553","292" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","555","555","333" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","555","555","330" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","560","560","278" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","560","560","290" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","563","563","312" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","563","563","306" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","565","565","214" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","565","565","250" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","566","566","203" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","566","566","169" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","570","570","307" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","570","570","272" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","571","571","281" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","571","571","254" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","572","572","337" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","572","572","360" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","573","573","324" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","573","573","370" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","574","574","12" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","574","574","15" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","575","575","87" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","575","575","84" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","576","576","4" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","576","576","2" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","577","577","389" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","577","577","360" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","578","578","30" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","578","578","30" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","579","579","11" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","579","579","13" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","580","580","203" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","580","580","194" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","581","581","151" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","581","581","131" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","582","582","204" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","582","582","238" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","583","583","231" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","583","583","234" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","584","584","279" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","584","584","212" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","585","585","308" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","585","585","365" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","586","586","257" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","586","586","211" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","587","587","237" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","587","587","243" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","588","588","178" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","588","588","145" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","590","590","393" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","590","590","363" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","591","591","364" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","591","591","409" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","592","592","354" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","592","592","371" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","593","593","341" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","593","593","291" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","594","594","11" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","594","594","11" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","595(*)","595","0" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","595(*)","595","0" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","596(*)","596","0" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","596(*)","596","0" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","597","597","43" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","597","597","28" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","598","598","6" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","598","598","12" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","600","600","174" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","600","600","135" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","603","603","211" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","603","603","171" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","605","605","286" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","605","605","277" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","606","606","65" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","606","606","45" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","610","610","363" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","610","610","408" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","613","613","128" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","613","613","158" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","615","615","129" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","615","615","150" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","617","617","315" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","617","617","249" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","618","618","264" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","618","618","384" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","620","620","337" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","620","620","318" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","624","624","67" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","624","624","69" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","625","625","352" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","625","625","255" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","626","626","263" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","626","626","249" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","627","627","289" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","627","627","240" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","628","628","325" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","628","628","245" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","629","629","279" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","629","629","229" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","630","630","241" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","630","630","207" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","631","631","271" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","631","631","357" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","632","632","167" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","632","632","134" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","633","633","285" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","633","633","208" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","634","634","258" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","634","634","228" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","635","635","231" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","635","635","188" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","636","636","249" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","636","636","219" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","638","638","273" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","638","638","210" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","639","639","239" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","639","639","247" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","640","640","294" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","640","640","249" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","641","641","113" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","641","641","111" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","642","642","131" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","642","642","122" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","643","643","277" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","643","643","219" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","644","644","274" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","644","644","327" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","645","645","306" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","645","645","381" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","646","646","135" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","646","646","135" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","647","647","162" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","647","647","253" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","648","648","213" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","648","648","250" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","649","649","230" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","649","649","241" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","650","650","268" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","650","650","265" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","651","651","196" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","651","651","191" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","652","652","295" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","652","652","212" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","653","653","259" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","653","653","204" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","654","654","213" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","654","654","166" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","655","655","283" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","655","655","206" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","656","656","161" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","656","656","128" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","658","658","238" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","658","658","257" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","659","659","251" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","659","659","302" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","660","660","288" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","660","660","281" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","662","662","291" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","662","662","288" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","663","663","190" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","663","663","196" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","664","664","308" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","664","664","259" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","667","667","187" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","667","667","220" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","668","668","329" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","668","668","270" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","669","669","262" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","669","669","283" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","670","670","298" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","670","670","292" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","672","672","267" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","672","672","198" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","673","673","269" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","673","673","356" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","674","674","235" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","674","674","251" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","675","675","171" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","675","675","226" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","677","677","252" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","677","677","310" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","678","678","217" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","678","678","213" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","679","679","198" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","679","679","167" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","680","680","201" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","680","680","270" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","681","681","227" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","681","681","223" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","682","682","251" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","682","682","242" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","683","683","238" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","683","683","283" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","685","685","84" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","685","685","66" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","686","686","208" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","686","686","198" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","687","687","247" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","687","687","251" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","688","688","242" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","688","688","229" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","689","689","307" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","689","689","273" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","690","690","248" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","690","690","348" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","691","691","296" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","691","691","238" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","692","692","299" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","692","692","274" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","693","693","178" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","693","693","144" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","694","694","108" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","694","694","102" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","695","695","280" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","695","695","318" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","696","696","311" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","696","696","352" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","697","697","319" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","697","697","381" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","698","698","234" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","698","698","306" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","699","699","205" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","699","699","311" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","700","700","51" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","700","700","47" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","710","710","123" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","710","710","120" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","720","720","199" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","720","720","231" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","900","900","294" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","900","900","223" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","903","903","329" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","903","903","226" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","905","905","302" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","905","905","301" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","910","910","303" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","910","910","219" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","912","912","226" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","912","912","249" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","913","913","319" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","913","913","351" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","914","914","287" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","914","914","268" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","917","917","225" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","917","917","154" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","920","920","220" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","920","920","275" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","925","925","258" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","925","925","247" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","930","930","307" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","930","930","283" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","935","935","295" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","935","935","289" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","940","940","286" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","940","940","250" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","947","947","234" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","947","947","234" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","950","950","256" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","950","950","249" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","951","951","238" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","951","951","251" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","953","953","91" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","953","953","148" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","957","957","47" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","957","957","75" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","958","958","46" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","958","958","52" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","959","959","18" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","959","959","11" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","960","960","287" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","960","960","390" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","961","961","57" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","961","961","50" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","962","962","198" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","962","962","253" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","963","963","199" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","963","963","240" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","964","964","243" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","964","964","341" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","965","965","245" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","965","965","330" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","966","966","161" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","966","966","218" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","967","967","154" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","967","967","198" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","968","968","203" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","968","968","278" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","969","969","172" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","969","969","156" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Repealed","985","985","246" "Advisory Vote No. 8 (Senate Bill 6505) Concerns marijuana excise tax","Maintained","985","985","223" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","Total","-1","56520" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","Total","-1","55668" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","100","100","258" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","100","100","328" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","102","102","190" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","102","102","243" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","104","104","238" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","104","104","320" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","106","106","187" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","106","106","307" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","108","108","238" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","108","108","291" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","110","110","265" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","110","110","327" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","112","112","23" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","112","112","28" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","113","113","170" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","113","113","119" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","120","120","306" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","120","120","335" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","130","130","248" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","130","130","322" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","147","147","242" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","147","147","219" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","150","150","193" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","150","150","141" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","153","153","206" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","153","153","171" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","160","160","216" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","160","160","193" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","170","170","251" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","170","170","208" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","175","175","220" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","175","175","169" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","180","180","260" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","180","180","166" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","190","190","254" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","190","190","342" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","200","200","256" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","200","200","307" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","220","220","234" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","220","220","174" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","225","225","311" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","225","225","431" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","240","240","289" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","240","240","379" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","245","245","262" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","245","245","332" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","250","250","317" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","250","250","319" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","255","255","274" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","255","255","232" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","257","257","306" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","257","257","244" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","290","290","278" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","290","290","260" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","294","294","181" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","294","294","157" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","296","296","228" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","296","296","158" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","298","298","172" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","298","298","161" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","325","325","214" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","325","325","202" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","327","327","313" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","327","327","274" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","330","330","270" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","330","330","278" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","335","335","220" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","335","335","201" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","337","337","245" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","337","337","263" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","338","338","275" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","338","338","256" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","340","340","260" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","340","340","271" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","350","350","241" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","350","350","213" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","360","360","309" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","360","360","262" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","370","370","209" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","370","370","188" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","390","390","327" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","390","390","308" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","395","395","85" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","395","395","89" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","400","400","168" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","400","400","142" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","410","410","324" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","410","410","317" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","415","415","221" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","415","415","166" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","420","420","278" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","420","420","263" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","423","423","214" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","423","423","191" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","424","424","289" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","424","424","325" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","425","425","170" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","425","425","247" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","426","426","313" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","426","426","387" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","430","430","210" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","430","430","177" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","432","432","183" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","432","432","216" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","434","434","179" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","434","434","217" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","435","435","183" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","435","435","211" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","436","436","163" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","436","436","150" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","440","440","279" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","440","440","282" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","441","441","277" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","441","441","267" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","444","444","303" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","444","444","389" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","445","445","317" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","445","445","365" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","446","446","247" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","446","446","292" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","447","447","249" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","447","447","450" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","448","448","276" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","448","448","400" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","449","449","333" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","449","449","390" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","450","450","268" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","450","450","386" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","451","451","234" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","451","451","294" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","452","452","213" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","452","452","287" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","453","453","225" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","453","453","281" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","455","455","204" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","455","455","186" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","456","456","335" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","456","456","401" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","460","460","344" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","460","460","404" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","470","470","307" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","470","470","401" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","480","480","364" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","480","480","398" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","483","483","358" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","483","483","400" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","485","485","212" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","485","485","204" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","487","487","142" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","487","487","124" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","490","490","195" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","490","490","251" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","491","491","17" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","491","491","28" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","500","500","299" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","500","500","310" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","502","502","217" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","502","502","293" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","503","503","200" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","503","503","206" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","505","505","287" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","505","505","379" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","510","510","228" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","510","510","189" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","511","511","24" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","511","511","11" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","515","515","311" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","515","515","356" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","520","520","178" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","520","520","151" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","521","521","9" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","521","521","3" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","522","522","108" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","522","522","111" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","523","523","10" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","523","523","10" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","524","524","34" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","524","524","43" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","525","525","184" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","525","525","206" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","527","527","248" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","527","527","256" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","528","528","300" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","528","528","278" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","530","530","151" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","530","530","108" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","535","535","418" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","535","535","331" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","536","536","206" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","536","536","128" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","537","537","126" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","537","537","104" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","538","538","158" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","538","538","120" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","540","540","333" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","540","540","320" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","543","543","287" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","543","543","290" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","545","545","217" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","545","545","191" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","550","550","331" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","550","550","366" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","553","553","210" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","553","553","312" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","555","555","337" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","555","555","319" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","560","560","255" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","560","560","296" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","563","563","309" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","563","563","289" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","565","565","226" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","565","565","227" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","566","566","207" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","566","566","156" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","570","570","284" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","570","570","281" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","571","571","273" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","571","571","243" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","572","572","333" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","572","572","351" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","573","573","340" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","573","573","344" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","574","574","9" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","574","574","16" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","575(*)","575","0" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","575(*)","575","0" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","576(*)","576","0" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","576(*)","576","0" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","577","577","395" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","577","577","335" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","578","578","31" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","578","578","25" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","579","579","14" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","579","579","9" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","580","580","187" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","580","580","196" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","581","581","159" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","581","581","113" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","582","582","244" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","582","582","189" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","583","583","246" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","583","583","197" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","584","584","276" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","584","584","206" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","585","585","313" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","585","585","343" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","586","586","265" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","586","586","190" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","587","587","273" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","587","587","195" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","588","588","183" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","588","588","131" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","590","590","401" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","590","590","330" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","591","591","377" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","591","591","375" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","592","592","340" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","592","592","372" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","593","593","332" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","593","593","284" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","594","594","9" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","594","594","13" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","595","595","176" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","595","595","156" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","596(*)","596","0" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","596(*)","596","0" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","597","597","43" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","597","597","27" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","598","598","7" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","598","598","9" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","600","600","172" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","600","600","127" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","603","603","217" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","603","603","162" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","605","605","286" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","605","605","251" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","606","606","78" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","606","606","34" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","610","610","365" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","610","610","382" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","613","613","141" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","613","613","135" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","615","615","125" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","615","615","144" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","617","617","305" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","617","617","233" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","618","618","264" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","618","618","367" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","620","620","326" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","620","620","297" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","624","624","72" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","624","624","62" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","625","625","340" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","625","625","253" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","626","626","258" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","626","626","243" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","627","627","294" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","627","627","226" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","628","628","301" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","628","628","254" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","629","629","277" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","629","629","220" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","630","630","269" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","630","630","168" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","631","631","304" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","631","631","306" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","632","632","160" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","632","632","125" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","633","633","286" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","633","633","198" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","634","634","300" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","634","634","174" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","635","635","226" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","635","635","190" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","636","636","245" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","636","636","207" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","638","638","267" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","638","638","210" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","639","639","264" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","639","639","211" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","640","640","335" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","640","640","196" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","641","641","120" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","641","641","99" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","642","642","121" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","642","642","120" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","643","643","275" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","643","643","205" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","644","644","273" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","644","644","308" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","645","645","290" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","645","645","368" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","646","646","132" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","646","646","136" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","647","647","159" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","647","647","241" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","648","648","253" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","648","648","190" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","649","649","238" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","649","649","221" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","650","650","244" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","650","650","271" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","651","651","209" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","651","651","169" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","652","652","263" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","652","652","234" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","653","653","268" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","653","653","185" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","654","654","213" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","654","654","157" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","655","655","286" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","655","655","196" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","656","656","165" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","656","656","118" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","658","658","213" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","658","658","264" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","659","659","297" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","659","659","234" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","660","660","280" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","660","660","277" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","662","662","287" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","662","662","281" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","663","663","194" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","663","663","177" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","664","664","323" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","664","664","234" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","667","667","171" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","667","667","228" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","668","668","275" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","668","668","310" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","669","669","248" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","669","669","277" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","670","670","291" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","670","670","279" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","672","672","248" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","672","672","196" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","673","673","278" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","673","673","320" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","674","674","228" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","674","674","241" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","675","675","179" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","675","675","210" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","677","677","257" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","677","677","289" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","678","678","197" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","678","678","221" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","679","679","208" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","679","679","148" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","680","680","193" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","680","680","263" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","681","681","238" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","681","681","201" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","682","682","258" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","682","682","229" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","683","683","243" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","683","683","262" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","685","685","92" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","685","685","56" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","686","686","230" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","686","686","174" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","687","687","260" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","687","687","227" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","688","688","230" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","688","688","216" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","689","689","304" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","689","689","263" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","690","690","251" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","690","690","335" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","691","691","283" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","691","691","243" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","692","692","323" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","692","692","243" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","693","693","179" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","693","693","136" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","694","694","117" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","694","694","85" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","695","695","292" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","695","695","292" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","696","696","300" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","696","696","346" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","697","697","312" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","697","697","371" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","698","698","244" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","698","698","275" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","699","699","214" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","699","699","289" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","700","700","50" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","700","700","48" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","710","710","127" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","710","710","114" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","720","720","208" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","720","720","209" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","900","900","286" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","900","900","215" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","903","903","325" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","903","903","213" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","905","905","289" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","905","905","296" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","910","910","313" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","910","910","194" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","912","912","238" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","912","912","228" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","913","913","314" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","913","913","333" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","914","914","304" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","914","914","248" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","917","917","210" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","917","917","158" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","920","920","233" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","920","920","246" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","925","925","263" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","925","925","235" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","930","930","297" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","930","930","275" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","935","935","315" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","935","935","251" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","940","940","284" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","940","940","235" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","947","947","251" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","947","947","204" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","950","950","268" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","950","950","226" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","951","951","231" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","951","951","239" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","953","953","98" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","953","953","130" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","957","957","48" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","957","957","72" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","958","958","37" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","958","958","58" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","959","959","19" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","959","959","9" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","960","960","274" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","960","960","385" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","961","961","64" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","961","961","38" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","962","962","206" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","962","962","223" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","963","963","178" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","963","963","243" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","964","964","245" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","964","964","317" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","965","965","250" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","965","965","288" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","966","966","155" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","966","966","204" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","967","967","154" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","967","967","180" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","968","968","196" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","968","968","276" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","969","969","177" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","969","969","137" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Repealed","985","985","250" "Advisory Vote No. 9 (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1287) Concerns leasehold excise tax on tribal property","Maintained","985","985","196" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","Total","-1","58219" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","Total","-1","64701" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","100","100","411" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","100","100","270" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","102","102","241" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","102","102","242" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","104","104","327" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","104","104","309" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","106","106","306" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","106","106","231" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","108","108","368" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","108","108","228" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","110","110","457" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","110","110","233" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","112","112","28" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","112","112","28" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","113","113","184" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","113","113","123" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","120","120","435" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","120","120","282" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","130","130","399" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","130","130","245" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","147","147","243" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","147","147","257" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","150","150","233" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","150","150","132" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","153","153","183" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","153","153","229" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","160","160","294" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","160","160","157" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","170","170","288" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","170","170","201" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","175","175","276" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","175","175","131" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","180","180","296" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","180","180","172" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","190","190","396" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","190","190","265" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","200","200","388" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","200","200","225" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","220","220","283" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","220","220","153" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","225","225","380" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","225","225","430" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","240","240","334" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","240","240","405" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","245","245","299" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","245","245","353" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","250","250","400" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","250","250","297" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","255","255","287" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","255","255","288" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","257","257","316" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","257","257","275" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","290","290","335" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","290","290","246" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","294","294","208" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","294","294","175" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","296","296","240" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","296","296","172" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","298","298","175" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","298","298","187" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","325","325","229" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","325","325","227" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","327","327","278" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","327","327","345" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","330","330","324" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","330","330","274" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","335","335","265" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","335","335","197" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","337","337","302" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","337","337","240" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","338","338","314" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","338","338","259" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","340","340","293" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","340","340","297" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","350","350","250" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","350","350","246" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","360","360","320" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","360","360","301" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","370","370","213" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","370","370","225" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","390","390","363" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","390","390","326" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","395","395","119" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","395","395","77" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","400","400","186" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","400","400","157" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","410","410","367" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","410","410","341" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","415","415","258" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","415","415","188" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","420","420","288" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","420","420","298" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","423","423","228" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","423","423","208" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","424","424","322" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","424","424","343" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","425","425","217" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","425","425","225" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","426","426","361" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","426","426","403" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","430","430","239" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","430","430","179" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","432","432","247" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","432","432","211" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","434","434","205" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","434","434","247" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","435","435","190" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","435","435","245" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","436","436","184" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","436","436","150" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","440","440","302" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","440","440","313" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","441","441","297" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","441","441","298" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","444","444","398" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","444","444","376" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","445","445","384" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","445","445","377" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","446","446","258" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","446","446","333" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","447","447","328" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","447","447","443" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","448","448","355" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","448","448","408" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","449","449","387" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","449","449","415" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","450","450","382" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","450","450","360" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","451","451","277" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","451","451","313" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","452","452","256" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","452","452","299" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","453","453","272" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","453","453","285" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","455","455","205" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","455","455","237" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","456","456","357" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","456","456","459" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","460","460","390" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","460","460","433" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","470","470","369" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","470","470","426" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","480","480","373" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","480","480","464" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","483","483","334" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","483","483","502" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","485","485","158" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","485","485","298" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","487","487","126" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","487","487","167" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","490","490","193" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","490","490","293" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","491","491","23" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","491","491","29" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","500","500","298" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","500","500","387" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","502","502","231" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","502","502","320" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","503","503","206" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","503","503","256" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","505","505","313" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","505","505","424" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","510","510","165" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","510","510","276" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","511","511","12" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","511","511","24" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","515","515","282" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","515","515","431" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","520","520","129" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","520","520","225" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","521","521","7" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","521","521","7" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","522","522","106" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","522","522","121" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","523","523","3" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","523","523","17" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","524","524","30" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","524","524","51" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","525","525","146" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","525","525","279" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","527","527","206" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","527","527","330" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","528","528","191" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","528","528","419" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","530","530","82" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","530","530","199" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","535","535","272" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","535","535","524" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","536","536","118" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","536","536","255" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","537","537","94" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","537","537","154" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","538","538","114" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","538","538","204" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","540","540","222" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","540","540","496" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","543","543","224" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","543","543","401" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","545","545","157" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","545","545","280" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","550","550","316" "Initiative 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"Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","570","570","261" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","570","570","347" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","571","571","261" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","571","571","308" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","572","572","330" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","572","572","419" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","573","573","319" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","573","573","419" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","574","574","10" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","574","574","20" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","575","575","66" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","575","575","117" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 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Concerns K-12 education","Yes","590","590","300" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","590","590","503" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","591","591","311" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","591","591","535" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","592","592","308" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","592","592","462" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","593","593","240" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","593","593","431" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","594","594","9" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","594","594","13" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","595(*)","595","0" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","595(*)","595","0" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","596(*)","596","0" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","596(*)","596","0" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","597","597","22" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","597","597","52" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","598","598","5" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","598","598","15" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","600","600","148" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","600","600","173" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","603","603","120" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","603","603","281" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","605","605","200" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","605","605","402" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","606","606","36" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","606","606","83" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","610","610","312" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","610","610","520" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","613","613","111" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","613","613","193" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","615","615","94" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","615","615","200" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","617","617","260" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","617","617","339" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","618","618","268" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","618","618","433" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","620","620","257" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","620","620","449" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","624","624","63" "Initiative 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"Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","631","631","373" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","631","631","285" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","632","632","158" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","632","632","154" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","633","633","289" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","633","633","228" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","634","634","245" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","634","634","266" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","635","635","212" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","635","635","226" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","636","636","202" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","636","636","294" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 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Concerns K-12 education","No","644","644","327" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","645","645","389" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","645","645","352" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","646","646","143" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","646","646","138" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","647","647","183" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","647","647","255" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","648","648","261" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","648","648","230" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","649","649","245" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","649","649","256" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","650","650","271" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","650","650","293" "Initiative Measure 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"Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","668","668","312" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","668","668","329" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","669","669","210" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","669","669","362" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","670","670","354" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","670","670","284" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","672","672","248" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","672","672","239" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","673","673","353" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","673","673","310" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","674","674","247" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","674","674","269" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 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Concerns K-12 education","No","682","682","250" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","683","683","272" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","683","683","267" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","685","685","77" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","685","685","82" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","686","686","237" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","686","686","203" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","687","687","257" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","687","687","261" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","688","688","252" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","688","688","248" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","689","689","305" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","689","689","292" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","690","690","331" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","690","690","330" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","691","691","277" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","691","691","287" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","692","692","295" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","692","692","322" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","693","693","184" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","693","693","153" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","694","694","138" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","694","694","66" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","695","695","321" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","695","695","314" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","696","696","312" "Initiative 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"Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","900","900","283" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","900","900","282" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","903","903","311" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","903","903","270" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","905","905","270" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","905","905","352" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","910","910","278" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","910","910","264" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","912","912","233" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","912","912","261" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","Yes","913","913","326" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 education","No","913","913","390" "Initiative Measure No. 1351 Concerns K-12 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Services","Yes","903","903","329" "CITY OF WASHOUGAL City of Washougal Proposition No. 5 Replacement Levy for Fire and Emergency Medical Services","No","903","903","251" "CITY OF WASHOUGAL City of Washougal Proposition No. 5 Replacement Levy for Fire and Emergency Medical Services","Yes","905","905","366" "CITY OF WASHOUGAL City of Washougal Proposition No. 5 Replacement Levy for Fire and Emergency Medical Services","No","905","905","267" "CITY OF WASHOUGAL City of Washougal Proposition No. 5 Replacement Levy for Fire and Emergency Medical Services","Yes","910","910","305" "CITY OF WASHOUGAL City of Washougal Proposition No. 5 Replacement Levy for Fire and Emergency Medical Services","No","910","910","237" "CITY OF WASHOUGAL City of Washougal Proposition No. 5 Replacement Levy for Fire and Emergency Medical Services","Yes","912","912","291" "CITY OF WASHOUGAL City of Washougal Proposition No. 5 Replacement Levy for Fire and Emergency Medical Services","No","912","912","197" "CITY OF WASHOUGAL City of Washougal Proposition No. 5 Replacement Levy for Fire and Emergency Medical Services","Yes","913","913","414" "CITY OF WASHOUGAL City of Washougal Proposition No. 5 Replacement Levy for Fire and Emergency Medical Services","No","913","913","286" "CITY OF WASHOUGAL City of Washougal Proposition No. 5 Replacement Levy for Fire and Emergency Medical Services","Yes","914","914","388" "CITY OF WASHOUGAL City of Washougal Proposition No. 5 Replacement Levy for Fire and Emergency Medical Services","No","914","914","207" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","Total","-1","63731" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","Total","-1","55726" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","100","100","474" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","100","100","202" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","102","102","341" "CLARK COUNTY Clark 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Charter","Yes","113","113","184" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","113","113","124" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","120","120","500" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","120","120","196" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","130","130","422" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","130","130","200" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","147","147","281" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","147","147","215" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","150","150","192" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","150","150","166" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","153","153","217" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","153","153","186" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","160","160","268" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","160","160","176" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","170","170","308" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","170","170","167" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","175","175","224" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","175","175","174" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","180","180","250" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","180","180","200" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","190","190","395" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","190","190","240" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","200","200","380" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","200","200","211" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","220","220","243" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","220","220","185" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","225","225","529" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","225","225","276" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","240","240","460" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","240","240","255" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","245","245","372" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","245","245","260" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","250","250","370" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","250","250","298" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","255","255","338" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","255","255","219" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","257","257","325" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","257","257","250" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","290","290","344" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","290","290","232" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","294","294","213" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","294","294","149" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","296","296","225" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","296","296","173" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","298","298","206" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","298","298","153" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","325","325","244" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","325","325","185" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","327","327","331" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","327","327","288" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","330","330","311" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","330","330","275" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","335","335","248" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","335","335","208" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","337","337","309" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","337","337","224" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","338","338","277" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","338","338","282" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","340","340","330" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","340","340","243" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","350","350","272" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","350","350","210" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","360","360","341" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","360","360","253" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","370","370","238" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","370","370","181" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","390","390","364" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","390","390","298" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule 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Home Rule Charter","No","434","434","174" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","435","435","255" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","435","435","172" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","436","436","199" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","436","436","127" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","440","440","345" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","440","440","252" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","441","441","304" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","441","441","276" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","444","444","452" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","444","444","297" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","445","445","408" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","445","445","316" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","446","446","320" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","446","446","254" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","447","447","431" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","447","447","309" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","448","448","468" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","448","448","268" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","449","449","466" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","449","449","309" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","450","450","421" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","450","450","290" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","451","451","367" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","451","451","202" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","452","452","329" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","452","452","210" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","453","453","317" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","453","453","226" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","455","455","233" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","455","455","196" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","456","456","469" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","456","456","320" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","460","460","478" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County 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"CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","530","530","174" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","535","535","258" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","535","535","528" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","536","536","148" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","536","536","225" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","537","537","68" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","537","537","174" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","538","538","81" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","538","538","232" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","540","540","270" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","540","540","441" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","543","543","256" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","543","543","355" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","545","545","185" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","545","545","244" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","550","550","358" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","550","550","374" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","553","553","322" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","553","553","237" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","555","555","320" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","555","555","374" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","560","560","313" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule 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"CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","572","572","367" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","573","573","346" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","573","573","380" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","574","574","12" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","574","574","15" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","575","575","63" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","575","575","115" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","576","576","5" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","576","576","2" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","577","577","270" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","577","577","514" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 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"CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","584","584","217" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","584","584","304" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","585","585","299" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","585","585","394" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","586","586","189" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","586","586","296" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","587","587","195" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","587","587","293" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","588","588","144" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","588","588","196" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","590","590","320" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County 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Charter","Yes","628","628","288" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","628","628","289" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","629","629","251" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","629","629","263" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","630","630","253" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","630","630","194" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","631","631","397" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","631","631","246" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","632","632","165" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","632","632","139" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","633","633","264" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","633","633","232" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","634","634","242" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","634","634","243" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","635","635","229" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","635","635","198" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","636","636","243" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","636","636","230" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","638","638","257" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","638","638","239" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","639","639","265" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","639","639","235" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","640","640","277" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","640","640","267" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","641","641","112" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","641","641","112" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","642","642","140" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","642","642","125" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","643","643","259" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","643","643","247" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","644","644","354" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","644","644","267" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","645","645","399" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","645","645","304" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","646","646","156" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","646","646","120" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","647","647","237" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","647","647","178" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","648","648","288" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","648","648","185" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","649","649","236" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","649","649","248" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","650","650","336" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","650","650","206" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","651","651","192" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","651","651","208" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","652","652","279" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","652","652","224" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","653","653","262" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","653","653","196" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","654","654","212" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","654","654","178" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","655","655","266" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","655","655","225" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","656","656","165" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","656","656","135" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","658","658","282" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","658","658","224" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","659","659","296" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","659","659","268" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","660","660","326" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","660","660","262" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","662","662","315" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","662","662","280" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","663","663","210" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","663","663","184" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","664","664","307" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","664","664","276" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","667","667","308" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","667","667","144" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","668","668","420" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","668","668","217" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","669","669","307" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","669","669","245" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","670","670","380" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","670","670","232" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","672","672","270" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","672","672","195" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","673","673","366" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","673","673","280" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","674","674","309" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","674","674","191" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","675","675","244" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","675","675","166" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","677","677","361" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","677","677","236" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","678","678","258" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","678","678","190" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","679","679","230" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","679","679","150" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","680","680","295" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","680","680","192" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","681","681","236" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","681","681","215" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","682","682","301" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","682","682","199" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","683","683","300" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","683","683","233" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","685","685","86" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","685","685","68" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","686","686","245" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","686","686","175" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","687","687","241" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","687","687","263" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","688","688","264" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","688","688","214" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","689","689","294" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","689","689","295" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","690","690","404" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","690","690","232" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","691","691","271" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","691","691","280" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","692","692","309" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","692","692","293" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","693","693","172" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","693","693","154" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","694","694","128" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","694","694","74" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","695","695","348" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","695","695","271" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","696","696","377" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","696","696","289" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","697","697","417" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","697","697","311" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","698","698","287" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","698","698","277" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","699","699","294" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","699","699","231" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","700","700","50" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","700","700","55" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","710","710","152" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","710","710","92" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","720","720","241" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","720","720","203" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","900","900","259" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","900","900","278" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","903","903","290" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","903","903","285" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","905","905","333" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","905","905","272" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","910","910","266" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","910","910","264" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","912","912","272" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","912","912","207" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","913","913","378" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","913","913","310" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","914","914","295" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","914","914","287" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","917","917","193" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","917","917","209" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","920","920","262" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","920","920","246" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","925","925","250" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","925","925","273" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","930","930","307" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","930","930","308" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","935","935","305" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","935","935","300" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","940","940","287" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","940","940","266" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","947","947","274" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","947","947","215" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","950","950","278" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","950","950","249" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","951","951","312" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","951","951","210" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","953","953","146" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","953","953","99" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","957","957","64" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","957","957","59" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","958","958","51" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","958","958","48" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","959","959","17" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","959","959","13" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","960","960","388" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","960","960","307" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","961","961","60" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","961","961","47" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","962","962","243" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","962","962","214" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","963","963","264" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","963","963","181" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","964","964","380" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","964","964","242" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","965","965","326" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","965","965","255" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","966","966","211" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","966","966","173" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","967","967","217" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","967","967","148" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","968","968","309" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","968","968","190" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","969","969","185" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","969","969","165" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","Yes","985","985","263" "CLARK COUNTY Clark County Proposition No. 1 Home Rule Charter","No","985","985","217" "CITY OF WASHOUGAL City of Washougal Proposition No. 6 Levy for Public Safety Services","Yes","Total","-1","1976" "CITY OF WASHOUGAL City of Washougal Proposition No. 6 Levy for Public Safety Services","No","Total","-1","2113" "CITY OF WASHOUGAL City of Washougal Proposition No. 6 Levy for Public Safety Services","Yes","900","900","263" "CITY OF WASHOUGAL City of Washougal Proposition No. 6 Levy for Public Safety Services","No","900","900","295" "CITY OF WASHOUGAL City of Washougal Proposition No. 6 Levy for Public Safety Services","Yes","903","903","258" "CITY OF WASHOUGAL City of Washougal Proposition No. 6 Levy for Public Safety Services","No","903","903","323" "CITY OF WASHOUGAL City of Washougal Proposition No. 6 Levy for Public Safety Services","Yes","905","905","308" "CITY OF WASHOUGAL City of Washougal Proposition No. 6 Levy for Public Safety Services","No","905","905","323" "CITY OF WASHOUGAL City of Washougal Proposition No. 6 Levy for Public Safety Services","Yes","910","910","228" "CITY OF WASHOUGAL City of Washougal Proposition No. 6 Levy for Public Safety Services","No","910","910","308" "CITY OF WASHOUGAL City of Washougal Proposition No. 6 Levy for Public Safety Services","Yes","912","912","239" "CITY OF WASHOUGAL City of Washougal Proposition No. 6 Levy for Public Safety Services","No","912","912","253" "CITY OF WASHOUGAL City of Washougal Proposition No. 6 Levy for Public Safety Services","Yes","913","913","362" "CITY OF WASHOUGAL City of Washougal Proposition No. 6 Levy for Public Safety Services","No","913","913","338" "CITY OF WASHOUGAL City of Washougal Proposition No. 6 Levy for Public Safety Services","Yes","914","914","318" "CITY OF WASHOUGAL City of Washougal Proposition No. 6 Levy for Public Safety Services","No","914","914","273" "EAST COUNTY FIRE & RESCUE East County Fire & Rescue Proposition No. 1 East County Fire & Rescue Proposition Authorizing Continuing EMS Levy","Yes","Total","-1","2651" "EAST COUNTY FIRE & RESCUE East County Fire & Rescue Proposition No. 1 East County Fire & Rescue Proposition Authorizing Continuing EMS Levy","No","Total","-1","1007" "EAST COUNTY FIRE & RESCUE East County Fire & Rescue Proposition No. 1 East County Fire & Rescue Proposition Authorizing Continuing EMS Levy","Yes","625","625","8" "EAST COUNTY FIRE & RESCUE East County Fire & Rescue Proposition No. 1 East County Fire & Rescue Proposition Authorizing Continuing EMS Levy","No","625","625","5" "EAST COUNTY FIRE & RESCUE East County Fire & Rescue Proposition No. 1 East County Fire & Rescue Proposition Authorizing Continuing EMS Levy","Yes","917","917","293" "EAST COUNTY FIRE & RESCUE East County Fire & Rescue Proposition No. 1 East County Fire & Rescue Proposition Authorizing Continuing EMS Levy","No","917","917","109" "EAST COUNTY FIRE & RESCUE East County Fire & Rescue Proposition No. 1 East County Fire & Rescue Proposition Authorizing Continuing EMS Levy","Yes","920","920","378" "EAST COUNTY FIRE & RESCUE East County Fire & Rescue Proposition No. 1 East County Fire & Rescue Proposition Authorizing Continuing EMS Levy","No","920","920","136" "EAST COUNTY FIRE & RESCUE East County Fire & Rescue Proposition No. 1 East County Fire & Rescue Proposition Authorizing Continuing EMS Levy","Yes","925","925","346" "EAST COUNTY FIRE & RESCUE East County Fire & Rescue Proposition No. 1 East County Fire & Rescue Proposition Authorizing Continuing EMS Levy","No","925","925","125" "EAST COUNTY FIRE & RESCUE East County Fire & Rescue Proposition No. 1 East County Fire & Rescue Proposition Authorizing Continuing EMS Levy","Yes","930","930","440" "EAST COUNTY FIRE & RESCUE East County Fire & Rescue Proposition No. 1 East County Fire & Rescue Proposition Authorizing Continuing EMS Levy","No","930","930","181" "EAST COUNTY FIRE & RESCUE East County Fire & Rescue Proposition No. 1 East County Fire & Rescue Proposition Authorizing Continuing EMS Levy","Yes","935","935","426" "EAST COUNTY FIRE & RESCUE East County Fire & Rescue Proposition No. 1 East County Fire & Rescue Proposition Authorizing Continuing EMS Levy","No","935","935","177" "EAST COUNTY FIRE & RESCUE East County Fire & Rescue Proposition No. 1 East County Fire & Rescue Proposition Authorizing Continuing EMS Levy","Yes","940","940","374" "EAST COUNTY FIRE & RESCUE East County Fire & Rescue Proposition No. 1 East County Fire & Rescue Proposition Authorizing Continuing EMS Levy","No","940","940","171" "EAST COUNTY FIRE & RESCUE East County Fire & Rescue Proposition No. 1 East County Fire & Rescue Proposition Authorizing Continuing EMS Levy","Yes","947","947","386" "EAST COUNTY FIRE & RESCUE East County Fire & Rescue Proposition No. 1 East County Fire & Rescue Proposition Authorizing Continuing EMS Levy","No","947","947","103" "MT PLEASANT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 029-93 Mount Pleasant School District No. 29-93 Proposition 1 Maintenance and Operations Levy","LEVY, Yes","Total","-1","3" "MT PLEASANT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 029-93 Mount Pleasant School District No. 29-93 Proposition 1 Maintenance and Operations Levy","LEVY, No","Total","-1","0" "MT PLEASANT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 029-93 Mount Pleasant School District No. 29-93 Proposition 1 Maintenance and Operations Levy","LEVY, Yes","947","947","3" "MT PLEASANT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 029-93 Mount Pleasant School District No. 29-93 Proposition 1 Maintenance and Operations Levy","LEVY, No","947","947","0"